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10613178 No.10613178 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10613396

It really does.

>> No.10613408

that's it, i'm a frogman now

praise kek

>> No.10613423

We don't want you.

>> No.10613433

woman here, sorry, could you sum it up in a couple of lines, my brain can't handle such long paragraphs

>> No.10613436

but we can redpill the normies on the jewish white genocide together

deus vult! praise kek

>> No.10613486


>> No.10613494

I still don't know about them but I'll have you.

>> No.10613724

Back to Ribbit, bud

>> No.10613746

born in le wrong generation
>An Assyrian clay tablet dating to about 2800 BCE is said to bear the words “Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common. Children no longer obey their parents.”

>> No.10613778

>born in le wrong generation

DUDE, criticising aspects of modern culture means you want to be a caveman, LMAO

Take your Neo-Liberal talking point back to Ribbit

>> No.10613780

that's deep desu senpai


>> No.10613794

Fake Quote


>> No.10613805

that’s not what a cope is you fucking idiot, the frog’s image macro is a cope

>> No.10614108

>”Wittgenstein added [in a letter to G. E. Moore] that if one were to add a negation sign before the whole of [Otto Weininger’s] Sex and Character, one would have expressed an important truth; that is, he did not disagree with Weininger point by point but as a whole.”

>> No.10614125

wemen are simpli inferior to us as white men

>> No.10614162

at the end of the day u are who support identity politics (in fact power relations that enable such necessity).

>> No.10614203

>This thinker who impressed strindberg and wittgenstein is just le ebil frog boogeyman! I'm not owned!
cope harder

>> No.10614249

Wittgenstein wasn't disagreeing with Weininger on the Jew stuff (which comprised only a chapter). He disagreed with him on other matters.

Nice try though, Jew.

>> No.10614254

You realize this is a compliment, right? He's saying that Weininger has a lot of profound things to say but that he disagrees with him in a big picture way.

>> No.10614663

why are all smart people right-wing and anti-semitic? feels good to be on the winning team i guess.

>> No.10614678


>> No.10614693

not all, but certainly most. i think at a certain iq you start to notice the puppeteers in our society.

>> No.10614710


b-b-b-b-be quiet g-g-goyim! Have mixed children and do c-c-c-common core!

>> No.10614716

>implying human societies haven’t been in decline since the hunter gatherer era

>> No.10614772

you can always count on our /leftypol/ frens to deliver some quality satire heh

>> No.10614778

jewposter is not funny either

>> No.10615114


the only based Jew, Im sure he will be reincarnated as an Aryan.

>> No.10615126

you’re just sort of sperging tho and its really only viable because other midwit pseuds agree with you and this is a /pol/ occupied site. walk into a physics department at a top 40 uni and most people there are apolitical or some kind of liberal and wouldn’t really be anti-semites at all. I don’t know how you posted this without feeling like you were lying

>> No.10615448


>> No.10615453

>implying that the fall isn't an event of eternal consequence in both senses of the word

>> No.10615873

Wittgenstein was pretty based too

>> No.10615954

i can smell the doritos from across the internet

>> No.10616065


>> No.10616077

Boring drivel except maybe the bit on sex

>> No.10618246

>everything, has become nothing but economics and technology
It was already always like that. Grasping for anything else is grasping for a fiction that never was. Delusion. In the present-day you have a lot of freedom (due to economics and technology) to basically just fuck around and play fantasy for your whole life. Given this, you can create your fiction.

>> No.10619601

t. Neo-liberal

>> No.10620877

none of which are as smart as Carl Schmitt or Martin Heidegger

lol u mad?

>> No.10620896

what a queer thing to claim in rebuttal to what i said you digit hunting faggot

>> No.10620916

your claim: smart people are liberal and not anitsemites

fact: the greatest philosopher of the 20th century and the greatest political theorist of the 20th century were both unrepentant Nazis

lol @ you

>> No.10620960
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>> No.10620965

Ludwig was not only the much better philosopher and thinker, but more influential as well.

>> No.10620983

I'm thinking:
>why do people always post the same things about weininger?

There's never a discussion about any of the subjects he wrote about in On Last Things, his interpretations of other works, his interpretation of Christianity, his metaphysics, his discussion of science and culture, his dichotomies, etc.

>> No.10620989

Please post about them.

>> No.10621004

Clearly no one in this thread has actually read him.

>> No.10621016

I have read some chapters of Sex and Character.

>> No.10621057

good lord

>> No.10621063

top meme

>> No.10621094

He's been discussed by everyone from Strindberg to Zizek. Half this board is brainlets and the other half is leftist brainlets, so there you go.

Have you read Sex and Character or his Aphorisms?

>> No.10621762

Both, as well as On Last Things which is a compendium of various essays he wrote after S&C which includes his aphorisms.