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File: 491 KB, 2048x1416, Pictures-Barack-Obama-Reading-His-Children-Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10612831 No.10612831 [Reply] [Original]

Judge the literary taste of some famous people:




>> No.10612851

is Zooey /ourgirl/?
honestly i kinda miss the retarded hipster days

>> No.10612884

Hillary is /lit/

>> No.10612892


>Barack Obama
>Favourite book: Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

Good taste

>George Clooney
>Favourite book: War & Peace by Leo Tolstoy

Based Clooney

>Will Smith
>Favourite book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

I knew he was dumb, but not that dumb

>Jose Mourinho
>Favourite book: The Bible

Why the Portuguese people are so retarded?

>Donald Trump
>Favourite book: The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vicent Peale

hahahaha. And Americans elected this moron as President

>Robert Green
>Favourite book: The Iliad by Homer

Dont know who this footbal player is, but he has good taste

>Wayne Rooney
>Favourite book: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K. Rowling

lol, he is so innocent it is actually cute

>> No.10612898

Anna Kendrick has such a retarded face it pisses me off sometimes.

>> No.10612913

Anybody who thinks Obama is an "intellectual" is retarded. Obama was an affirmative action nig. You might think I am just a right winger who's pissed off, but he really was a lazy nigger; he didn't get shit done in 8 years. Goldman Sachs picked his transition team and he did nothing to stop the banks from fucking us over again. Meanwhile his "stimulus" package doubled the debt and his eponymous healthcare legislation has been gutted barely a year after he left office. The economy sucked dick for 8 years, home ownership was at it's lowest since the 50s, unemployment at a 30 year peak, 1 trillion in student loan debt, 1 trillion in credit card debt, and 20 trillion on the entire country. So don't you fucking post his "deep" or "philosophical" letters that he exchanged with the choom gang you utter pseuds!


>> No.10612915

how about you read a book instead of discussing tabloid tier celebrity crap?

>> No.10612931


I'm at work and with a sort of headache. I’m relaxing a little bit. Finished Watership Down this Sunday and am currently thinking in what I will read next. Maybe Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.

I’m also reading books that concern my next literary project, books that are not that pleasurable to read but that are necessary for acquiring knowledge about the topics and themes I will need to handle.

>> No.10612940

Oh look, exactly what I talked about, sucking Obama's tranny nig dick! He's got "good taste" does he? Fucking prove he's anything beyond a glorified neoliberal hack. There are rumors that he sits around his D.C. home smoking dope and playing video games curating the aura of a "cool" guy. He's the "cool" ex prez we'd all like to get stoned with. A real nigga, so to speak, staying calm while the world he helped create burns to the ground. Well at least he's still keeping up appearances, with his Million dollar book deal to insulate him from any consequences. He's got 24/7 protection on the tax payer's dime, and a pension to match. I hope you feel grateful that he took the time to bless you with his "good taste" you wretched homosexual piece of shit!

>> No.10612960


Calm down, friendo. I’m judging the book he mentioned, not the guy himself and his period in office (I’m not even American, so I was not directly exposed to his plans and projects).

He might be all those things you said for all I know; I really do not care.

>he's anything beyond a glorified neoliberal hack.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t he tried to implement more social programs in the U.S? Isn’t that opposed to all the neoliberal assholes that are becoming trendy in the world today? I’m talking about Obamacare, for example.

But I don’t know, like I said I’m not even American.

>> No.10612981

No, Obamacare is a glorified subsidy for insurance companies. The brunt is paid for by the people. You don't even have to be American to hate him. I spent the majority of his presidency in Germany and his bumbling of Iraq, Syria, and Lybia has brought ruinous demographic change to the continent. For all his rhetoric there was no follow through. I apologize for insulting you, but it must be understood that his sloth is puerile and malignant in the "leader" of the "free" world.

>> No.10612987

>Le Black science man
>Reddit tier books like the prince and sun tzu

That follows.

>> No.10613066

>The Brothers Karamazov as formative experience for young Hilldawg
>Seamus Heaney
>Yeats and Eliot
Damn, how can one so well-read be so heartless?

>> No.10613082

based kate winslet

>> No.10613113
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>Favourite book: Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

>> No.10613136

>and his bumbling of Iraq, Syria, and Lybia has brought ruinous demographic change to the continent.

Not saying Obama’s foreign policy wasn’t bad, but the problems with Afghanistan and Iraq started with Bush.

I was reading about Afghanistan’s history and the recent wars (from 1970 on), as well as the Taliban period. From what I read most of the problems with the American policy towards Afghanistan and Iraq began with the Bush government.

For example, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and in a few weeks got rid of the Taliban, yet failed to analyze the recent history of the land. It turns out the Taliban, for all their extremism and religious views, had done a great service for the country by defeating several warlord factions that were terrorizing the population with rapes, robberies and all sorts of abuses (those warlords were armed by the U.S. during the Soviet invasion, and, after the Russians left the country, started to fight among themselves for power).

However, when the Taliban left, the U.S. helped those defeated warlords in coming to power again. Also, whenever those warlords needed to get rid of enemies they informed the U.S. military that they would give information about “Taliban members”, and used the invading army as a secret-police, a Gestapo that would clean their “problems”. These policies made the population - who was happy to see the Americans come to the country to free them from the extremely conservative Taliban codes – become frustrated and angry toward the new military potency, and actually fueled the anger of new generations. You see, the Taliban was bad, but the Warlords that the Taliban defeated were perhaps even worse, and now they got the Americans to help them.

Also, after the invasion, instead of trying to rebuild the country, Bush hastily initiated the operation against Iraq and left Afghanistan. The Taliban was much more of a group of peasant fighters back then, but after their defeat and retreat to Pakistan they were influenced by other fanatic-Islamic groups, and changed their former codes of honor. They didn’t employed suicide-bombers before, but started to do so after the U.S. invasion (9/11 was made by the Al Quaeda, an organization the Taliba itself view with suspicion; the Taliban had no interest in attacking other countries and starting a global-jihad; what they did was to refuse to offer Bin Laden to the U.S., but not because they liked the guy: they simply couldn’t betray their hospitality – according to their tribal-code-rules -, even if they hated their guest). New recruits were found among those people who were once again being oppressed by the warlords of the past.

>> No.10613154


>Literary critic Harold Bloom, writing in 2000, called Song of Solomon Morrison's "most permanent achievement" to date. Wikipedia

>> No.10613180

Lady Gaga reads Letters to a Young Poet every day lol. BASED

>> No.10613209

>One of my favorite characters – and I love Lord of the Rings; don’t make it sound like I’m bashing Tolkien here, ‘cause it’s like my favorite book of all time – but my favorite Tolkien character in Lord of the Rings is Boromir, because he’s the grayest of the characters, and he’s the one who really struggles with the ring and ultimately succumbs to it, but then dies heroically. You see, he has both good and evil in him.

>> No.10613229

"The Bible [to learn that it's easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself]; The System of the World (Newton) [to learn that the universe is a knowable place]; On the Origin of Species (Darwin) [to learn of our kinship with all other life on Earth]; Gulliver's Travels (Swift) [to learn, among other satirical lessons, that most of the time humans are yahoos]; The Age of Reason (Paine) [to learn how the power of rational thought is the primary source of freedom in the world]; The Wealth of Nations (Smith) [to learn that capitalism is an economy of greed, a force of nature unto itself]; The Art of War (Sun Tsu) [to learn that the act of killing fellow humans can be raised to an art]; The Prince (Machiavelli) [to learn that people not in power will do all they can to acquire it, and people in power will do all they can to keep it]. If you read all of the above works you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world."

- Black Science Man

>> No.10613232


>implying he did that because he was lazy and not because that's exactly what he wanted to do


>> No.10613248

is this the same person? why are people from pol shitposting on lit?

>> No.10613285

Alec Baldwin
Favourite book: To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

>> No.10613296
File: 44 KB, 496x600, 1515805977221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This dude getting absolutely shitter shattered at the mere mention of Obama
Imagine having an IQ this low

>> No.10613304
File: 17 KB, 262x174, OB-VR619_xijinp_D_20121214061057[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oprah lit, fellow affirmative action 115ers, Junot Diaz, NPR-core
>self-help classics, business books on the NYT best seller list, "the Bible"
Xi Jinping
>the entire Western canon (completed when he was in his teens), obscure geometric works by Descartes, suicidal counterrevolutionary Chinese dissidents, ancient Eastern philosophers

>> No.10613330

All this because he said he had good taste. Just fucking look at yourself.

>> No.10613341

He became president and you didn't. So I'd say he already achieved more than you ever could.

>> No.10613346
File: 2.94 MB, 512x288, tips science.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The Age of Reason (Paine) [to learn how the power of rational thought is the primary source of freedom in the world]; The Wealth of Nations (Smith) [to learn that capitalism is an economy of greed, a force of nature unto itself]; The Art of War (Sun Tsu) [to learn that the act of killing fellow humans can be raised to an art]

>> No.10613388

what the fuck does that mean?

>> No.10613395

Obama's stuff is great, nothing like most modern politician's books. Probably the best writing President since Teddy, maybe Grant.

>> No.10613398

I'm not sure it's fair to consider Obama's success a personal achievement. It's not something he himself did so much as he had thrust upon him thanks to his immense grievance privileges. Every step of the way he was ushered along by system apparatchiks that were smarter and more familiar with the way things worked than he was, former undergrounders, sullen jews, and lapsed socialists who recognized the political weapon he could represent. You're a lazy pothead? No problem, your parents are CIA and wealthy so take a break from traveling the world and enjoy your time at the most prestigious and expensive prep school in the state. Shitty grades? Not a problem, welcome to Columbia. Mediocre grades again? Welcome to Harvard Law. Would you like to become editor of the most famous prestigious law review in the world despite having never published an article? Teach at Chicago? Publish a book? Take a shot at controling the planet? etc

>> No.10613404

>when lit is now yahoo comments

>> No.10613663

Where can I read more about this?

>> No.10613676

I would honestly not know how to answer what my favourite book is.

>> No.10613685
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 1508357710347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were a young woman born in the 40s and wanted to make it big in politics, well, I think it'd be tough if you were ruthless and impossible if you weren't

>> No.10613710
File: 31 KB, 259x350, zkm8_edge3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm CIA too, nobody else can see this post, you need to stop talking about Obama or we'll come for you next

>> No.10613717

>Muh cocaine is an objectivity.

>> No.10613738
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She's cute, shut up

>> No.10613749
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>Airport by Arthur Hailey
I had no idea John Travolta was a man of such refined and intellectual literary tastes.

>> No.10613755

just say Gravitys Rainbow, Infinite Jest, and Finnigans Wake and you'll look real high IQ

>> No.10613807

Donald Glover is a huge fan of 'tism core apparently.

>> No.10613816


>> No.10613870

Jinping is a little try hard imo. An America just has to say Emerson and Thoreau and they're golden.

>> No.10613881

Barack's fav book was also Michelle's fav book. He's either a wimp and just conforms to her opinion, or they decided that was their favorite book together for appearance reasons.

>> No.10613938

Some of the best books I read in my research:

>Taliban, by Ahmed Rashid
>Afghanistan: a cultural and political history, by Thomas Barfield
>No good men among the living, by Anand Gopal

Is funny that the media tends to portray the Taliban as a bunch of rapists and killers, who abused and explored the population. In fact they leader, Mullah Omar, got sick of all the exploitation committed by the warlords that were fighting for the country like dogs for a piece of carrion. One time villagers told him that a local warlord had kidnapped two girls and was raping them, dividing them with their men. Omar took his students, some 20 guys, with even fewer guns, and attacked the warlord by surprise. They freed the girls and hanged the guy. Some time later they did the same for a boy who was being disputed by two military commanders.

They were obsessed with a golden age of Islam where everyone was pure and not corrupted by civilization, and certainly they had some extremely backward world views, but they were the main force that cleaned the country from the military abuses of the warlords. In a twisted away a man like Mullah Omar was more strict about his morals than most world leaders. For example, he had promised Osama Bin Ladin shelter in Afghanistan, and after he saw what the guy had done he really repent the move of giving a place for Al Quaeda to live. However, since he had given his word he would not kick Osama out he could not bring himself to offer him to the US, even when he knew that he would most likely get killed. He proposed to the US to offer Bin Laden to a neutral third country with Islamic jurisdiction, but Bush denied such agreement.

In the days before the US invasion those close to Omar said he was often on the verge of tears and extremely nervous. He said Bin Laden was a chicken bone stuck in his throat he could neither swallow nor spit. His followers begged him to handle Osama to the Americans, but he kept saying that he could not do that.

Eventually the US attacked. If I am not mistaken it was on October 13. The first missils hit Omar’s home and killed his sun. He took the boy to the hospital but doctors could not save him. Then, extremely angry and cursing, he took his family to a village where he had relatives, took all those that could flee with them, abandoned their car minutes before another missile blowed it to pieces and disappeared on the desert night. It was the last time he was seen in public.

A few months latter some of the warlords whose troops have raped and killed civilians where integrating the new council that would promulgate the Afghan Constitution. No Talibans were invited or allowed to be part of the reconstruction of the country despite he fact that they have saved several people from the claws of warlordism.

The problem is: the Taliban was composed by people who had an extremely limited education, who had grown up in refugee camps with little contact with women

>> No.10613967

Man Afghanistan really is stuck between a rock and a hard place isn't it?

>> No.10613970

If he's so intelligent why is he a filthy commie?

>> No.10614002

Also, the Taliban leaders had grown up hearing stories of an Afghanistan that, before the war that began on the 70s, was an Islamic paradise of virtue and Arcadian peace, that it was like Mohamed’s Arabia. They knew nothing of story, or sociology, or even about the costumes and traditions of Afghanistan. They could hardly even understand the Quran and had no idea about other interpretations of Islamic law and culture other than the one they aquired on the poor and primitive Islamic schools they frequented as young boys in the refugee camps. It’s like a bunch of Amish kids and teenagers trying to improve the degenerated world that was “created” by the war.

So in the begging they helped the people and killed the abusers, only to build then their own government that, even if did not robbed, kidnapped and raped, still was willing to limitate the freedom of the population to “save” them from decadence.

People said that the Taliban brought peace to Afghanistan, but with a high cost. In the end nothing is as simple as one may conclude from watching the news.

>> No.10614013

Yes, it's weird how there are so many commies and Asians who are smarter than us red-pilled white men who live with their mothers. Some sort of simulation error, I imagine

>> No.10614017

Yes. They are really screwed. If one reads the history of the country one sees that it hardly had a period of continuous peace. Also, the culture of the people on the cities is immensely different from that of the people who live in the villages (both sides don’t trust each other that much).

>> No.10614030

At least it was Morrison's best.

>> No.10614770


>> No.10614777
File: 56 KB, 590x440, Osama-bin-Laden-CIA-files-release-download-computer-al-qaeda-journal-documents-1116707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judge the literary taste of some famous people:
>No one mentions based Osama

>> No.10614803

>It's literally nothing but a bunch of jahdist stuff, letters and a book on the German economy
Why bother posting this anon

>> No.10614818

there's a bunch of sections, look through them

>> No.10614873

pffffffft where all the Hentai? You know he had some.