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/lit/ - Literature

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1061199 No.1061199 [Reply] [Original]

Ban Stagolee. Seriously.
Enforce /lit/'s Rule #4.
Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
Give philosophy its own board too
Delete writefag threads

>> No.1061206


>> No.1061209

>implying mods pay any attention at all to lit

>> No.1061212

It will be a glorious future full of House of Leaves threads! House of Leaves threads as far as the eye can see!

Fuck all that other shit. Don't get rid of fantasy/sci fi, because then this board will be nothing but arguments about the definition of literature. Don't get rid of philosophy because then if I want to talk about it I will have to go to the only place more insufferably self-important than here. Reasonable (to the extent that such a thing is possible) discussion of Ayn Rand should be permissible as long as it doesn't take up more than half of the god-damned front page.
Seriously, though, ban Stagolee.

>> No.1061211

i think you'd be happier if you left 4chan

>> No.1061214

>Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
>Give philosophy its own board too
I am OK with this.

>> No.1061215

House of Leaves is old now, no one gives a shit anymore

>> No.1061217

Haters gonna hate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J07UDPLLbU

>> No.1061219


>> No.1061220
File: 30 KB, 633x480, krusty - what the hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
>implying that Science Fiction & Fantasy, or what is given those terms for lack of a better name, is not and can never be literature

Science Fiction & Fantasy has come an awful long way since the pulp fiction magazines lining newspaper stands in the 1930s, but you wouldn't know it from the sheep-like bleating of the literary snobs.

>> No.1061221


>> No.1061226

>>1061212 here. SEE?! DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN?!

>> No.1061241

whats wrong with writers using lit?

>> No.1061242

they should be at deviant art

>> No.1061243

/lit/'s too small and moot took 5 years to even consider it. Tough luck.
>eternal sauce

>> No.1061255

>This quote from the New York Times obituary of J.G. Ballard: "His fabulistic style led people to review his work as science fiction.... But that's like calling 'Brave New World' science fiction, or '1984'."
they're so determined they're making up words!
>But that's like calling 'Brave New World' science fiction, or '1984'.
Anyway, Ballard was published in New Worlds and other science fiction literature magazines for god sake

>> No.1061297

/lit/ without philosophy, fantasy, sci/fi and writefag threads:

>Have you read this book?
>Yeah it was cool...

>> No.1061298

What the fuck man, no fucking way!

I'm watching SG-1 right now!

Season 4 Ep. 13!

>> No.1061310

Stargate is abysmal 'scifi'
Also notice that the production was aided by the USAF

>> No.1061313

But amateur writers can produce decent literature too!!!!!


>> No.1061317


I like it.

But then again, I have the capacity to enjoy things that aren't accepted under the Universal Code of Pretentious Media.

>> No.1061370

>Sci fi

>> No.1061424

it is scifi in the derisive way the term is used, read the tropes link

>> No.1061473



Still at least we can agree on one improvement: No Stagolee

>> No.1061747

I remember an argument similar to this being presented when they first made /jp/, since it "took away" most of the stuff /a/ talked about before the split. Of course most of it sneaks onto /a/ anyway, so it's really kind of a moot point.

If you think there's enough discussion to warrant a /scifi/ and /phil/ board you obviously haven't been around enough, or haven't stopped to wonder why we don't have a history board yet.

>> No.1061756

Yup ban Stagolee, everything else would just make this board even more interminably slow. Also what is rule 4. I'm a newfag (on /lit/ as least).

>> No.1061763

Considering the very small amount of traffic this board receives, giving sci fi/fantasy and philosophy their own boards would be just ridiculous. What exactly do you want to discuss?

>> No.1061778

Wouldn't a history board just turn into a shit ton of WWII and Nazi stuff?

>> No.1061785
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>> No.1061787
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>> No.1061788

I don't mind stagolee anymore, he's become less obnoxious. OTOH I'm in favour of banning deepandedgy and fascist goldfish.

>> No.1061790

Yeah pretty much.

Also, why shouldn't sci-fi and fantasy be here OP? This board doesn't just cater to your tastes.

>> No.1061791


>> No.1061793

and also the stagolee thing, just don't fuck with scifi or fantasy

>> No.1061794

Writefag threads are good. We just need to start ignoring the 'hey I had this idea for a book about a struggling writer in space' threads. The good ones are good.

>> No.1061798


Apparently not.

>> No.1061799

When you're Apophis, everything caters to your tastes.

>> No.1061977


>> No.1061980

You're supposed to have read and acknowledged the rules BEFORE posting. You should be banned

>> No.1061981

>Ban Stagolee. Seriously.
>Enforce /lit/'s Rule #4.
lol rules
>Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
>Give philosophy its own board too
>Delete writefag threads

oh, also
>implying mods

>> No.1062002
File: 16 KB, 289x313, artist_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
>Give philosophy its own board too
>Delete writefag threads
Because genre writing, Philosophy writing, and just plain writing shouldn't be allowed on a board about writing. Man, It's tards like yourself who really make this board the piece of shit it is today. Best be trollan

However, Stag should have gotten a temp ban. Rule #4 should be treated as spam.

>> No.1062474

Things would be more claerer

>> No.1062476

I think they should ban all tripfags, not just stagolee.

The rest of your post is crap though.

>> No.1062485



>> No.1062511
File: 51 KB, 335x400, crowley triangle hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd agree with banning stag, but fuck losing sci-fi/fantasy and philosophy, its better having everyone here, I like anything as long as its about books. The writefag threads are fine as well, though I wouldn't mind seeing a bit less of them.

>> No.1062534

This fella, displays certain fascist charecteristics, being that he wants to enforce his idea of ideal standards on us all. Stag is a big part of /lit/, No one reads the rules, I personally don't read or like fantasy but that does not mean its not relevant or that its not literature, it is easy to just ignore those threads, Philosophy belongs here on /lit/ the only people who dont like seeing it here are plebs that cant understand any of it, there really aren't enough writers for that to even be considered a problem.

>> No.1062542

itt jellies

>> No.1062546

>Ban Stagolee. Seriously.
I'd be okay with this.

>Enforce /lit/'s Rule #4.
This too.

>Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
>Give philosophy its own board too
Labeling Fantasy/Sci-Fi as literature is obviously debatable. Philosophy isn't exactly literature either. However, these things have certainly inspired a great deal of literature, so I'd say that if there's a reason for that stuff staying on this board, then that's it.

>Delete writefag threads
No. These threads are hilarious. I love the high school kids who think their dark/edgy stories about drug-users are brilliant and unique.

>> No.1062557

eat shit stagolee's ok


>> No.1062565

>Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
Enjoy losing Dante, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Kafka, Borges, etc.

>> No.1062569

you got it ed hardy

>> No.1062588

Ban Stagolee.

And until we have a massive genre debate in /lit/ as to why fantasy and sci-fi aren't literature, and everyone is convinced unremitantly, then fucking sci fi and fantasy stay where they are.

>> No.1062614

Please ban stagolee. Worse than being offensive, he's boring.

>> No.1062622

>Give Fantasy/Sci fi its own board
it has one already. it's called /tg/

>> No.1062642

I disagree with every one of OP's ideas. The first one would be ineffective. The rest would turn /lit/ into a wasteland.

BTW: This thread is the best way to encourage an attention-whoring tripfag. Well done. Maybe you can whip up a thread for me, while you're at it?

>> No.1062645

Is there any way we can mentally abuse Stagolee enough that he will become a complete psychological cripple and leave 4Chan altogether?

>> No.1063319

ask /b/

>> No.1063357

fascist goldfish really needs to be banded too.

>> No.1063363




>> No.1063377

