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/lit/ - Literature

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10611768 No.10611768 [Reply] [Original]

Most are shitty pseuds, but there are some actually good ones

>> No.10611774

Women can write too: the author.

>> No.10611795

And she was actually good and talented at it. A shame her assumptions ended up being wrong, considering how shit the average female author is.

Also, in answer to OP:
Mary Shelly and Daphne Du Maurier are both solid.

>> No.10611811

I read Rebecca in high school years ago and I still have dreams about the book.

>> No.10611837

George Eliot

>> No.10611843

Carson McCullers is pretty good
Silvia Plath also

>> No.10611848

Whoever wrote The Old Child was female and kinda good.

>> No.10611852

>Tfw no surviving works of Sappho.
I think about it everyday.

>> No.10611877

If it was worth preserving it would have been

>> No.10611892


>> No.10611893

Wasn't The Lodger written by a wamens? I like that story.

In general, I think female writers are perfectly fine as long as they don't self-indulgingly write about femaleness and the female condition (of being female). It's the same with writers of color. It's just a shame that the zeitgeist often encourages exactly that.

>> No.10611909
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>female authors are so bad women have to try and retcon males into females to cope

>> No.10611913

Shakespeare was black, btw.

>> No.10613204
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Extremely patrician

>> No.10613363

Surely not Plath and Woolf.
In Mrs Dalloway Woolf makes fun of the persons that say having a baby before marriage is bad.
Plath has a poem Virgin In A Tree in which she implies that virginity is bad.
Let all women fuck like whores since 10 then, get pregnant and do abortion so when finally do get married they can't get pregnant or miscarry because of previous abortion.
Also, promiscuity is not in any case relevant to STD, right?
Are these two smart writers with a talent? -Yes. Are they good? -No, they're satanically evil.

I've also read Frankenstein, it was patrician and there's no pro-roastie propaganda there.

>> No.10613367

terrible logic

>> No.10613371

lol but all your favorite books are about maleness and the male condition
>people different from me aren't allowed to tell their own narrative

>> No.10613374

retards can post too: the anon

>> No.10613403

lmao spotted the virgin dicklet

>> No.10613426

Proud to see fellow frogposter in here. Keep redpilling these women lovers. We know the truth

>> No.10613430

>lol but all your favorite books are about maleness and the male condition
lol but that is so not an accurate description of realolty

>people different from me aren't allowed to tell their own narrative
1. I described self-indulgence and this moronic (and self-aggrandizing) assumption of one's own experience being somehow representative of a perfectly homogeneous identity group (this is *the* black condition; this is *the* female condition, etc.). I didn't describe "telling one's own narrative".

2. I didn't, nor would I ever suggest disallowing the writing of self-indulgent gender or ethnically identitarian garbage. It's just self-indulgent identitarian garbage then, and I might call you a shit author, but you don't have to care.

Can you not care?

>> No.10613444

Edith Wharton

>> No.10613452

only the white male perspective matters, retard soy

>> No.10613455

>(this is *the* black condition; this is *the* female condition, etc.)

>> No.10613474

>And she was actually good and talented at it

>> No.10614007

hmm I love these beautiful female authors almost as much as I love soy

>> No.10614020

this, if you like women writers your simply inferior and have too much estrogen. all women suck

>> No.10614058


>> No.10614212


>> No.10614337

"read girls"
"no fuck you"

>> No.10614359


>> No.10614368

There are a decent amount of good ones, but George Eliot, Marianne Moore, Emily Dickinson and perhaps H.D. are the only truly great ones I can think of right now.

>> No.10614378

tell that to the other books of the trojan saga

>> No.10614380

why eliot but not woolf?

>> No.10614405

i always wonder why you moralists blame the women for all this premarital sex, like the men just get a pass because obviously sex is in men's nature. do women oppress you by withholding sex, is that why you hate em?

>> No.10614416

elizabeth bishop

>> No.10614506
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Complaining about frogposting is the surest way of spotting a Redditfag. Pepe’s just a funny reaction image template that you only hate because Reddit told you to.

>> No.10614558

Hey, fellow Redditors! I was just eating some Soy Flakes with soy milk for breakfast, and, after that, while I was munching on some Soy Crisps and Soy Cookies and injecting estrogen into myself with an IV, I was thinking about all the good woman authors I love and that I need more woman authors in my shelf. What a coincidence that I just saw this thread at this time! Thanks a lot, OP! My bookshelf is completely filled with books by women and people of color (I refuse to buy any books by white males because I don't want to uphold the patriarchy).

George Eliot, Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Carson McCullers, Daphne du Maurier, Mary Shelley, Edith Warton, H.D. Doolittle, Homer, Sappho, Jane Austen, Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison, the Bronte sisters, JK Rowling, Zadie Smith, Alice Munro, Ursula K. Le Guin, Maya Angelou, Shirley Jackson, Harper Lee, the list goes on and on! Women can be just as good writers as men!

In case anyone else wants some particularly good woman author suggestion, "What Happened" by Hillary Clinton is also a great book to read --- alas, it may make you sad, however, because of its subject matter and how it always makes you think of what might have been --- alas, if only Trump had lost, and Hillary won!

Anyway, good thread guys. I'm gonna go castrate myself now.

>> No.10614790

Being a stay-at-home dad gets lonely and boring sometimes, especially since my wife is spending more and more time hanging out with her boyfriend recently ... well, depressed about this, I asked my rabbi for advice, and he said, "Oy vey! As those filthy goyim Christians say, idle hands are the devil's playground! Stay idle long enough, and you'll start becoming a goyim! I recommend reading some more female authors! That will be 50 shekels please," and so I'm glad to see this thread with so many great suggestions.

>> No.10615554

I won't have sex before marriage. Yes, I'm still a virgin, but I wouldn't have sex even if I had the chance. It'll break my love for her anyway.
In the past marriage before sex was bad for women, but now it should be bad for both genders, not good for both genders...
Of course, marry whomever you choose.

>> No.10615583

It's perfectly ok if women write about their femaleness or if the members of the african diaspora write about their niggerness, as long as they don't expect nor demand every other group to care about their stuff.

>> No.10615613

>as long as they don't self-indulgingly

yeah when is lit ever indulgent

> the female condition (of being female)

yeah when is lit ever about the human condition, of which being female is at least 50%

do you even like reading anon or is it just to seem smarter to people on the internet?

>> No.10615747

i dunno how you put so much and yet so little effort into this post

>> No.10615781
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Stand aside, plebs.

>> No.10615861

Marguerite Yourcenar

>> No.10615894

Jane Austen looked like THAT?

>> No.10615899
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>not even mentioning the GOAT

>> No.10616338
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>> No.10616793

Woolf is a terrible author but great writer

>> No.10616960
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I really like Ingeborg Bachmann and Djuna Barnes
The Tale of Genji is one of the greatest literary works ever written.
I'm beginning to think that Ono no Komachi wrote really good poetry, but it's hard to get into as a foreigner
/pol9k/ fags have to leave

>> No.10617684

Good post, 100% agree. Write what you want, but it's not my job to give two shits about whatever oppressed group you're trying to represent.

>> No.10617697

Hi shareblue

>> No.10617760

no one's asking you to idiot
you people are so fucking delusional

>> No.10619146
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You can't have a legitimate opinion on Woolf without reading pic related.

>Best ending to any book I've ever read
>tfw meme dalloway gets more recognition than this masterpiece because of muh feminism

>> No.10619166

Speaks more to your ignorance than to anything true about Woolf

HD is very good. I think women have a bit of a natural propensity for poetry.

>> No.10619183

Dude you're pathetic
What kind of use of your time is this
This made me genuinely sad
What kind of person actually has some weird 4chan identity anyways

>> No.10619207

Yeah I agree, I don't understand how people think it's some sort of valid criticism. You could say "hey it's not my job to give a shit about [subject matter]" about literally any work of art.

>> No.10619222

annie dillard's pilgrim at tinker creek is absolute literary kino

>> No.10619226

Agree with this post

>> No.10619522

No Angela Carter? Christ.

>> No.10620636
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>> No.10620655

Wow brother, this post really made me reconsider my life. I think I'm gonna start eating healthy, going to the gym now, apply for a job, read some Jordan Peterson, put up some profiles on some online dating websites and go out to bars and just talk to chicks and turn my life around man :^). I might also look into SSRIs, cognitive-behavioral therapy, meditation, yoga, and Christianity. This post TRULY redpilled me, and it's these kicks in the ass that inspire me to come to 4chan.

Posts like these that are hard. Gritty. Tough. Honest. No bullshit. Down to earth. Manly. Gritty. Real.

This post truly enlightened me, it's posts like these that inspire me to keep coming to 4chan, and, in fact, this post inspired me so much to change my life that I'm going to stop coming to 4chan because it's a time sink.

>> No.10620665

Can Mary Shelly be counted if she was a psychopath? (read her bio)

>> No.10620726


>> No.10620786
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Edith Wharton
Rupi Kaur

>> No.10620838

Counts double

>> No.10620858

but theyll never suck you