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10610824 No.10610824 [Reply] [Original]

Are most people destined to be slaves?

>> No.10610825

Yah, zero risk, zero passion. I'm a slave meself tho

>> No.10610830

yeah and also we basically live in a brave new world with some elements of orwellianism

>> No.10610841
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How do you break free? Can it be done without hurting others?

>> No.10610845

By being the unique individual you are destined to be

>> No.10610847

we are all slaves of our own ego my brother.

>> No.10610848

I wasn't being serious lol

>> No.10610853

who is that hottie

>> No.10610858

take 3 tokes of pure DMT and you'll understand true freedom.

>> No.10610859

What you both said is equally wrong so I'm glad to hear it :D

>> No.10610868

If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master (money, sex, work, etc.) then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world.

>> No.10610873

I'll let you know senpai

>> No.10610890

You can't break free. That's the biggest illusion. You'll forever be a slave to ideology. It's not as bad as it sounds tho. You should embrace it. Embracing it and being aware of it will make it easier to rebel. When you rebel you'll get yourself a new master and a new ideology, but that's about it. Read Zizek if you want to know more.

Ah, a true Ayn Rand type of dream...

>> No.10610924

I posted this. Forgot to mention that it's easier and more entertaining just to watch Zizek sniff on YouTube.

This guy has the right idea.

>> No.10610930

cried at that point in the movie

>> No.10610939

Nah Ive literally broken free

>> No.10610945

To whom or what?

>> No.10610951

What movie

>> No.10610977

The Master (2012), where the quote's from.

>> No.10611182

You've committed suicide? Nice

>> No.10611640

shut up, Hegel

>> No.10611760

You're only truly ever a slave to yourself. You can either embrace it or succumb to it, and thats the essence of free will.

>> No.10611904

A master is someone that forces his will upon you.

If I feel the desire to fuck someone and I proceed to do it, I'm only appeasing myself - the source of the drive - not any master. You can't be a slave to yourself, that's self-contradictory

>> No.10611912

Every man may choose his destiny, but most will choose to be slaves.

>> No.10611914

>How do you break free?
Be humble and understand your place in this reality we have. think about how little you matter in the grand scheme of things, but then consider the amount of change you can bring about when you put your mind to achieving goals or living with integrity. Slavery has always been a mix of mind and matter, you can literally be in a wheelchair like Steven Hawkins and still do so much for your environment. Or you can be an average member of the public, constantly swayed by trends and whatever the news is pushing.
Yes most people are destined to be slaves, but who's responsible for it and who can change that?

>> No.10612075

Work towards a mutation and consumption model that eventually devours and expands the universe. Don't give existence any room to budge. Inflate like a balloon inside a balloon until the outer balloon pops and you're all that's left to call a universe.

>mfw becoming the breath and the clown's hands tying all existence into a puppy

>> No.10612087

A slave obeys. In this case you obey to your sex drive and animal impulses.

>> No.10612127

There's no slave without a master, and your very own drives cannot be considered a master to you (an outsider exerting influence over your true self). That's some dumb dualism

>> No.10612133

Everyone obeys impulses. Reason is a tool to navigate the satisfaction of desires, it does not dictate them.

>> No.10612246

Everyone is destined to be slaves of the bourgeoisie unless they work together to do something about it.

>> No.10612264

that's why you should take the neet pill

workers don't rise up but sit down


>> No.10612284
File: 109 KB, 800x600, Protestos-Spray-Pimenta[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not on my watch, pinko

>> No.10612338

>tfw the most anti-commie people in america are military and police people who effectively live in a socialist state within a state

top irony