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File: 466 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-Plato_Silanion_Musei_Capitolini_MC1377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10610009 No.10610009 [Reply] [Original]

>LOL if something annoys you just walk away, bro

>> No.10610011

where does he say that

>> No.10610028

>LOL what if we just took every child away from it’s parents, surely that’s just?
>Yes, I can’t see how you’d think otherwise

>> No.10610058

Is this the first recorded case of someone saying go back 2 reddit

>> No.10610059

>You own your kids for some reason the same way as property
>This makes sense because genes or somehing

>> No.10610115 [DELETED] 

It’s the only thing someone can own that they can claim they made themselves, any other right to own anything else can be robbed of them by hack rhetoricians like yourself. Your hacks rhetoric is even worse than Plato’s bra, he’d never say anything that stupid.

>> No.10610134

It’s the only thing someone can own that they can claim they made themselves, any other right to own anything else can be robbed of them by hack rhetoricians like yourself. Your hacky rhetoric is even worse than Plato’s though even he’d never say anything that stupid.

>> No.10610147

>interrogates person with leading questions
>they passively agree with everything he says

>> No.10610209

literally pace and lead. Plato knew his philosophy depended on gullible retards. if someone reads Republic and can’t discern a few logical fallacies and glaring hypocrisies they should throw in the towel.

>> No.10610221

Is OP a faggot?
>Not necessarily
Does OP suck cock?
>I see no reason why not
And all things that are cocksucking are homosexual?
Although we can say that women who are cocksuckers are not homosexual - such is their function
>Very well
Then a cocksucker who is also a man must be a homosexual?
>I find no reason to disagree, but what does this have to do with our discussion?
A moment, Adeimantus. Now, are there women on the internet?
>There are not
Then OP must be a man
>He must
Then OP is both a man and a cocksucker, so according to our discussion previous, surely it follows that he is a homosexual?
And is a faggot not merely a homosexual by another name?
>It is
Then is not OP a faggot?
>ADEIMANTUS laughs: very well, Socrates, you have bested me on this point. Carry on, then - how does this relate to justice?

>> No.10610265

has to be pasta

>> No.10610297

It's very well made, whether OC or not.

>> No.10610328

no google results, looks like OC boys

>> No.10610579

>>LOL what if we just took every child away from it’s parents
how long do kids spend away from home throughout the week...how much time to kids spend with their parents from years 7-18... how much do they want to? how much time is spent watching the indoctrination tube?

>> No.10610587

>>LOL what if we just took every child away from it’s parents, surely that’s just?
how popular are boarding schools with successful parents and children?

>> No.10610595
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>> No.10610608

Include me in the screencap reddit

>> No.10610611

Is not a doctor's job to provide health?
>I see no reason why not.
Then are we not to conclude that the word is completely transitory and that nothing has coherence without appelation to the Form of the Good, the highest Good? Also fucking boys is okay.

>> No.10610668

Ultimately how much time they spend away from their parents is determined by the parents. They always have the option to home school their children. How much time they spend in front of the TV or on the internet is determined by the parents. As it should be. The parents are the guardians of their children. Nature agrees. The human infant spends more time with it’s mother than any other animal. A father’s brain discharges oxytocin when around his natural born child. A substitute will not suffice. A woman can never be coaxed out of their child. And how could this lie be maintained? A child learns of the truth of Santa Clause from his peers. If every child is an orphan, there will surely be mother’s to rat out the whole system the moment her child provokes them. The child that has been shown the truth of the world will reveal the truth to the others in a matter of time. Everything about the “Noble Lie” section of The Republic is downright retarded.

>> No.10610685

Many of the dialogues end with either Socrates walking away from the conversation or his interlocutor wanting to leave. Conversely, there are many points where Socrates is asked something along the lines of 'Must we argue in this manner?'

>> No.10610693

s s s saaamefaag

>> No.10610694

Plato is not arguing for parents to have the choice of putting their children through boarding school. Plato says that justice is making sure every man fulfills his potential. He believes the parents of the child are unlikely to determine that, so he gives that power to the rulers of the city, who are thought wisest.

>> No.10610703

I was going to say this. Absolute Reddit-tier cancerposting.

>> No.10610707

I’m the first guy but #2 and #3 fit the bill.

>> No.10610723
File: 60 KB, 550x366, lordy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would God make the Good so hard to attain? Why do most people fail? 2000 years on and our society is still struggling against the same problems that Plato found solutions to? Is Plato wrong?

>> No.10610737

3rd guy here, sorry you're so mad

>> No.10610745

But do you not deny being the secomd guy?

>> No.10610751

I do deny it, actually
probably reading his post influenced my own choice of words/style but we are two different low-effort posters

>> No.10611026

>He believes the parents of the child are unlikely to determine that, so he gives that power to the rulers of the city, who are thought wisest.
public school, or private

>> No.10612074

i'm a brainlet and was blown away when socrates just plain states, "you should not care what other people think". That is one of the corner stones of success and hapiness in my experience and it's sitting in this stupid little 2400 year old story from an ancient civilization. nothing changes man. people are weak and do not want to see through the veil. we can argue about what's on the other side of knowledge, but most never even take the first step.

>> No.10612336


>> No.10612653

>Nearly every ancient philosopher: Have mastery over your emotions
>Contemporary shitposted: LOL KEKS HAHAHA

>> No.10612658

>This makes sense because genes or somehing

Why do you hate being white so much?

>> No.10612685

most of plato is people brushing him off lel

>> No.10612728


>> No.10612763
File: 103 KB, 624x434, 1485765845666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato basically invented samefagging
>structuring an essay as a discourse between allegedly different characters)
>using the character of socrates as a tool to validate his own points

so in the context of this thread, it's perfectly fine.

>> No.10612769

thanks for saying this dood.
i've been blown away every time I've read something from one of these ancient texts and come across some pithy observation, the truth of which observation it may have taken me years of struggle to realize for myself

fuckin impressive maaaan

>> No.10612777


>> No.10612778

Yes, now I see what you mean indeed!
If only other posters had the same awareness of history as people like you do, 4chan would be a better place.

>> No.10614261

>implying shitposters feel anything at all
why do you think I exaggerate my emotions so heavily over the internet?

>> No.10614345


>> No.10614429
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>> No.10614473


>> No.10614484
File: 35 KB, 525x384, 1493776455155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a "college freshman thinks that Plato is dumb" thread

>> No.10614500

But why does Socrates have to dominate everyone he argues with?? Like doesn't he know that everyone has a valid opinion? You know cause truth is subjective

>> No.10614511

You'll never get rid of that Gordian Buttplug, OP.

>> No.10614516


>> No.10614552


Read the Timaeus. Plato's God is not omnipotent, but he's trying his best.

>> No.10614567


>> No.10614634

Because literally no one could top him, not even the sophists.

>> No.10614864
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