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/lit/ - Literature

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10607360 No.10607360 [Reply] [Original]

>bookish kid
>wanted to be an author
>coasted by in high school with test scores and essays
>got into dream college
>majored in philosophy
>started with the greeks
>also got into psychedelic culture by way of Hunter S. Thompson and Aldous Huxley
>by senior year taking classes on The Phenomenology of Spirit and getting bibles of LSD mailed in from dead family in Cali
>after eating twenty-one hits one weekend, psyche cracks
>probably didn't help that I was reading Capitalism and Schizophrenia at the time
>decide I've discovered the cure to schizophrenia
>announce this to my philosophy grad student friend at a bar
>a schizophrenic 9/10 qt overhears
>tells me she's found the cure too and pulls out Flinstones vitamins
>take one with her and explain my theory
>she explains many theories of her own
>by the following morning I've caught the schizobug
>I can perceive in 4-dimensions for the first time in my life
>I realize Plato was right, all there is is gnosis and theoria and the schizophronetic vision of the forms themselves
>try to reconcile this reality with my own limited and finite life
>come to the conclusion that I must be manipulated by an evil demon à la Descartes
>try to escape the clutches of the demon
>end up in psych ward pumped full of drugs and permanently labeled schizophrenic

Where did I go wrong, /lit/?

>> No.10607372

>where did I go wrong
When you began taking philosophy classes.

>> No.10607375

There is still time OP, read taoism

>> No.10607380

You got the message long ago, but never hung up the phone. Eventually your roaming charges got so out of control that Thorazine had to cancel your contract.

>> No.10607383

write your book now

>> No.10607388

I'm seeing your messages all over the board today. You write like someone you'd find in the comments section of a newspaper's website.

>> No.10607413

Not OP here. This all happened to me. Did you copypasta my old post?

>> No.10607416

Right around when you dropped 21 hits of acid. Pretty idiotic thing to do

>> No.10607418

Lol really?

>> No.10607435

well, you're either the spectacle or the audience

>> No.10607439
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Looking forward to following your steps, OP! I enrolled in philosophy and I start my classes soon, and I'm also quite the psychonaut myself if you may, gonna buy some shrooms today in a few hours! :)
Yeah 21 is a little too much, it becomes a waste of money at that point

>> No.10607443

Thats what happens when you try to brute force insight. This isn't a game.

>> No.10607524


>Where did I go wrong, /lit/?
when you thought you actually knew anything

>> No.10607534

True, but if you brute force it and can handle the rough waters for a bit, you'll make it.

>> No.10607540

Ya. Flinstones vitamins and all. Happened years ago. Finishing my undergrad now.

>> No.10607543

Hows your psychosis now? You have a wrap over it?

Do you still explore as "fantasy"?

>> No.10607544

At Hegel

>> No.10607560

Whats the deal with flinstone vitamins

>> No.10607573

Get in touch with Scientology, they'll help you get away from these disgusting psychs

>> No.10607580

Had some issues at first. Doctors said it might be drug induced psychosis so I tried no meds and sobriety but kept having similar experiences with similar results. Ended up on a newer generation drugs with minimal side effects so that's nice.

Definitely still explore the memories. Not everything was pure fantasy, had some real insights as well. Been kicking around a memoir in my head, have written a lot in my journals. Part fact, part fiction. Some details are embarassingand altered.

>> No.10607588


>> No.10607615

She was schizo. Told me about her spiritual relationship and her encounters with ghosts. I think the flinstones medicine was like an ice-breaker / flirtation move because she was interested in my conversation.

>> No.10607627

Was she fat?

>> No.10607641

She was a cute skinny blonde. We didn't fuck tho. My buddy cockblocked me. We did stay up doing coke and drinking whiskey for several hours after the bar however.

>> No.10607964

Never stick yo dick in crazy bruh

>> No.10607993

>senior year taking classes on the phenomenonolgy of spirit
Lmao signs of going to a shit school
That’s a Junior-level course

>> No.10608855

only stick ya dick in crazy brah, if you gotta crazy dick ya gotta stick it in crazy na meen

>> No.10608895

>where did I go wrong?
The beginning. What kind of bookish person are you if you hadn't read HST or Huxley until after you started studying philosophy in college?

>> No.10609251

When you started taking acid, lol.

>> No.10609272
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Nah, you're good. Name me one good writer who wasn't fucked in the head. I'll wait.

>> No.10609326
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You should read Farina's book. I was going to give you a link but I can't find it :(

>> No.10609339

>go to bar
>order drinks
>try to pay in doubloons
>bartender says thats not good
>yell shit and walk away
what gives?

>> No.10609370

So what was your cure for schizophrenia?

>> No.10609396

This is good extension of the original analogy. Well done.

>> No.10609644


How does one get into psychedelic culture outside of going to to raves?