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/lit/ - Literature

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10605984 No.10605984 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here giving up on their dreams of writing literature for another artistic medium? I've always been hyperlexic and a voracious reader since a young age, my favorite authors being Proust, Musil, and Dickens. But in my struggle to create art, as well as reading contemporary literature, I've realized that literature can't capture the consciousness of the contemporary world, nor is there an audience for it anymore, people have been steadily reading more and more only online and it's pretty clear that the novel is going to become a dead art form like the epic poem. Anyway, I was watching an anime movie called 'In This Corner of the World' last night and realized that there's actually a huge amount of untapped artistic potential in the medium of animation and that critics and academics that dismiss it are simply afraid of change and want to retain their status and position upon the cultural hegemony. Not to mention that there's a gigantic audience for this stuff that is only growing larger by the day, for an artist that is interested in working on a large scale and wants to capture the mass imagination of today's consumers this seems like the perfect medium. Don't forget that Shakespeare was once regarded as a lowbrow playwright who attracted large audiences of plebs. In conclusion, I've decided to give up on writing literature and focus my efforts on creating anime.

>> No.10606103

Make incest porn with tentacles - a huge suckcess.

>> No.10606315
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The root of ill, in your case, might be laid at creating art-for-art's-sake; I have grappled with the sickness of 'should art be rooted from conscious or unwittingly. I also share your urge to shift -frontwards or sideways- to mixed-art or VVagners Gesamtkunstwerk, my own thought being a mix of poetry, painting/drawing (like comics but more expressive) so I sympathize somewhat to your wish to make anime; however, be careful on the binds your put yourself in "Anime" -rather than animation- has a particular form and expression that may not fit your world-sight. And lastly Animation has made significant strides in the latter-tide of history, how would you see yourself going about offering something new?

Anyway; beware the trap of restrictions, never make art for art's sake.

>> No.10606318 [DELETED] 

Anime is just the Japanese word for animation which I'm using, obviously it has certain connotations in the west

>> No.10606322

If you don't love the process then do something else. Stop wasting time with this faithless shit.

T. Guy who tried to convince himself several times writing wasnt his thing, but learned it was since I became bitter and empty without it

>> No.10606323

What's made not for art's sake is not art.

>> No.10606332

You don't have to love the process to create great art, that seems like one of those canards that's thrown around but doesnt have any connection to many historical examples. Obviously you have to be able to tolerate it though or be motivated enough not for it to discourage you.

>> No.10606342

I want to make art for my own sake. I'm just reasonably sure that the kind of art I want to make will appeal to many people, I'm tired of academic and intellectual that is only appreciated by a niche. I admire those artists who are able to work on a large commercial scale and still able to leave their personal creative print on it like the auteurs of old Hollywood, it seems like they are working on the grandest and most important of stages, creating the entertainment that millions of people will see and be influenced by.

>> No.10606347

No, you have to love it, that's why you'd even consider dedicating your life to it.

"Loving the process" dosen't mean you're some airy fairy faggot just dabbling around looking for giggles. It means you care so deeply for your craft that you will go through utter hell, if neccesary, to be the best craftsman you can be. Whatever sucesses or failures you encounter are just more opportunites to learn. Every single great artist in history has this quality, and the vast majority of them were only recongized after they died.

>> No.10606356

I don't consider that the same as 'loving' though. You don't have to particularly care for the fact of creation itself, it can be painful, you just have to be motivated and disciplined enough to do it. I basically agree with what you're saying though.
>the vast majority of them were only recongized after they died.
Do you have a figure for that? That may or may not be true, I can think of many of what are regarded as the greatest artists of all time and they were all recognized during their lives.

>> No.10606364

So just do that if that's what you want. Why do you feel the need to justify your stance?

Movies and animation have their place in the artistic sphere just like novels, poetry and music. But I will say you're incredibly naive to think literature can't influence culture on a mass scale, even in this more visually oriented society. More people are reading than ever before in history, btw.

>> No.10606365
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Must have been a while since I have read something so heartless and empty; you have my pity.

>> No.10606403
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I can love the path to health you wish for, by solving your existential nervousness by making art; are you ready for short-comings by your work going unloved from the mob in -atleast- your own life time? Is the pursuit of art for your own sake enough to sustain you? I hope it is so, I would wish the best in it. I also hope the moneyside of your work will not hate your thoughts; but it happens to the best of us, maybe you will succeed in overcoming your life's dragon.

>> No.10607093

No literature can't influence society in the slightest anymore and more people are literate but they are not reading literature.

>> No.10607210
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>> No.10608167

Not him, but in my case, it really is man. I get a feeling of elevation when writing that nothing else even comes close to (except, of course, genuine religious experience, of which writing itself is merely a shadow). You said it yourself... the people we are so unlucky to be born our times with are always a mob, especially with regards to the most important things...

Also your KKG impression could use some work..

>> No.10608220

I'm actually picking up writing since there's no way I'll succeed with music or art

>> No.10608263

>voracious reader
stopped there

>> No.10608293

also you for sure weren't hyperlexic you're just retarded

>> No.10609114

>tfw you slowly come to realization that you only wanted to become an artist because you want to be fawned upon, due to the lack of social recognition in your childhood and teens

>> No.10609127

Why does everything written here sound like it's from a 19 year old?

>> No.10609909

It absolutely can't you're the retarded one if you think otherwise. I literally can't express how ignorant you must be if you think literature has any effect or influence on society anymore. I can just imagine you drooling in your chair as you post that retard wojak so proud of yourself

No I was reading adult novels at the age of 4 or 5 so I definitely was hyperlexic. Anyway my OP is mostly satirical I wrote it in 30 seconds but I actually am giving up literature in favor of film/animation

Not a teenager but sorry that not everyone is jaded and stuck in their work routine without any dreams anymore old man.

>> No.10609956
File: 225 KB, 1009x801, Screenshot_20171121-030438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think literature is just some vestige of a bygone era with no influence on contemporary culture you're laughably ignorant and aren't worth arguing with. Do some fucking research or better yet actually read. No wonder you're a failed writer

>> No.10609971

Shit taste

>> No.10609981

Alright buddy

>> No.10609982

I wish there was anyone on this site besides me that could come up with decent bait.

>> No.10610231

How does it feel to be so distanced from reality? How old are you 60, maybe 70? Curiosities like you are highly interesting, like flat earthers or something. Keep it up actually, I don't want you to change, just don't take it too hard when reality doesn't match up with your expectations.

>> No.10610249
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think literature is just some vestige of a bygone era with no influence on contemporary culture you're laughably ignorant and aren't worth arguing with.

This is god-tier bait, you should start a thread like this you'd gets tons of (you)s

>> No.10610530

Sometimes you have to let mediums go. I wanted to be a musician so badly, but I just sucked so much at it. However, I'm a much better writer so I've recently switched my artistic medium to writing. Good luck man

>> No.10610576

What’s the least fucked creative art form to throw yourself into at this point? Painting and literature seem exhausted at this point.

Is it filmmaking?