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10605597 No.10605597 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Describe Pictures with your best prose

>> No.10605617

It would be cool if people ever made these threads with a picture of something other than a pretty girl

>> No.10605627


>> No.10605629

Op isn't pretty

>> No.10605631

/lit/ is 85% gay men

>> No.10605632

Makes for boring writing and boring reading

>> No.10605633

Sounds like your not smart enough to write about drying paint

>> No.10605636

I want her rimel mixed tears to drip into my cock while I skull fuck her.

>> No.10605638

What if these threads were always made with a photo of Jordan Peterson? You'd be pretty bored

>> No.10605639

Jez. Has my Vote.
A... new dawn for Britannia...
Be yourself... haters can take this

>> No.10605645

Also because this sort of thing is the standard response >>10605636

>> No.10605648

I gave that boring standard response because it's easier to discourage people with that than trying to make an argument.

>> No.10605650

I love peterson, he is a very multi dimensial philosopher.

What's wrong that? Why are you being so judgemental, remember its to practice

>> No.10605653

Fair enough, carry on

>> No.10605652

Your two eyes Big and brown, just like the eye I like to go to town, like a long log, here it comes, blasting away, we hop on the subway.

>> No.10605658
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>I love peterson, he is a very multi dimensial philosopher.
Even if you're trolling, this is going too far.

>> No.10605660

What about you? You going to post here still? I heard the chief is still mad at you... really gonna leave champ? You were just a rookie... remember the good old days? Just you and me and old franky down in georgies on the peer...
Anyways... i better get going.. good to see you..

>> No.10605672

Hey hot shot.. its me again. Look i know i said i wouldnt come to say anything but ive just been thinking alot you know and i never see you anymore im just worried bucko thats all.. we miss her to we really do but you gotta come out and live.. sorry probably wasnt the right thing to say.. anyways come out with us one night, for old time sake

>> No.10605675

>Ligeia’s eyes, have I felt approaching the full knowledge of their expression — felt it approaching — yet not quite be mine — and so at length entirely depart! And (strange, oh strangest mystery of all!) I found, in the commonest objects of the universe, a circle of analogies to that expression. I mean to say that, subsequently to the period when Ligeia’s beauty passed into my spirit, there dwelling as in a shrine, I derived, from many existences in the material world, a sentiment such as I felt always around [[aroused]], within me by her large and luminous orbs. Yet not the more could I define that sentiment, or analyze, or even steadily view it. I recognized it, let me repeat, sometimes in the survey of a rapidly-growing vine — in the contemplation of a moth, a butterfly, a chrysalis, a stream of running water. I have felt it in the ocean; in the falling of a meteor. I have felt it in the glances of unusually aged people. And there are one or two stars in heaven — (one especially, a star of the sixth magnitude, double and changeable, to be found near the large star in Lyra) in a telescopic scrutiny of which I have been made aware of the feeling. I have been filled with it by certain sounds from stringed instruments, and not unfrequently by passages from books

>> No.10605683

Hey ligei here.. thanks for the comment... i appreciate it i really do, but sometimes im just shy and post bait threads like this one.. look lil guy i know i probably was your first love note, but its okay we are adults we can get over it right, haha yeah we will stay friends.. anyways maybe you should talk to me less.... sigh idk

>> No.10605695

Ahh.. your my mind again pumpkin and this time i feel the spice.. its getting me really hot... i had to strip a little bit to cool of ya know, hey ever do that as a kid Skinny dip i never did.. but man... just thinking about and how you see my eyes... i just want you anon, I want you to find me, and make me beg for your dick... please tease me daddy

>> No.10605698

lemme just take a moment to suck Poe's long dead, ethereal, ever-present cock

>> No.10605700

Yes daddy

>> No.10605819


>> No.10605823
File: 167 KB, 1420x1497, 1516750319459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describe this.

>> No.10605831
File: 1011 KB, 450x365, tumblr_o0x4anfUf11ry1rm7o4_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in your best prose,capture this

>> No.10606165
