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File: 121 KB, 533x800, nb_pinacoteca_crivelli_carlo_the_demidov_altarpiece_detail_thomas_aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10602707 No.10602707 [Reply] [Original]

Aristotle was Roman Catholic

>> No.10602709

Catholics actually think this

>> No.10602778
File: 225 KB, 960x1200, Simone-Weil-round-glasses-not-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socrates was Jesus

>> No.10603062

I have this same haircut.

>> No.10603367

how come hes holding a tiny church building?

>> No.10603376

are you a girl

>> No.10603378

It ain't a normal Aquinas holding a tiny church, it's a huge Aquinas holding a huge bible and normal church.

>> No.10603380


>> No.10603389

The building is regular size but he is very big and so is the book

>> No.10603395

you know what they say about guys with huge books (and regular size churches) ;)

>> No.10603402

why was he so fat, lads? did he just filter the manna through his gills?

>> No.10603434

Is it true when he died he was too fat to fit through the door of his cell

>> No.10603560

Jesus was Aristotelian

>> No.10603563

o ok thx for clarifying

>> No.10603566

It's not just him, many priests are fat fuck tubs of lard, wobbling towards the alter.

>> No.10603570

All truth emanates from the same source.

>> No.10603571

Jesus was a Thomist

>> No.10603577

Thomas was a Christian

>> No.10603603

Christ was a Jew

>> No.10603604
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>mfw this thread

>> No.10603609

Judah was an Israelite

>> No.10603612

never seen this at the orthodox church but at every catholic mass ive attended... yeah.

>> No.10603616

>he's never seen a fat orthopriest
how many ortho churches you been to?

>> No.10603630

>Thomas Merton was Buddhist

>> No.10603655

Jews are Platonists

>> No.10603660

Plato was a crypto-pythogorean

>> No.10603663

pythagoras was an orphic

>> No.10603677
File: 96 KB, 334x400, thomasa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is Aquinas always painted looking to the si-- oh

>> No.10603701

Pope Francis is a crypto-Heraclitian

>> No.10603702


>> No.10603717

Israelites were Egyptian mercs

>> No.10603721

Both speak in fragments :^)

>> No.10603726

kekkled like a protesting frog

>> No.10603728

Plato was a Jew

>> No.10603732

that book is two city blocks. aquinas was a huge orson welles

>> No.10603745

>Greeks were Aryan
>Plato was Greek and Jewish
>Jews are Aryans
>Hitler was a Jew
Via the the Socratic method, of course.

>> No.10603749


>> No.10603832

Is Hitler the highest form of Jew?

>> No.10603851

Are Jews the highest form of Hitlerism?

>> No.10603856
File: 25 KB, 220x300, 220px-Antonio_Rodríguez_-_Saint_Augustine_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plato ripped off the Bible

>> No.10603861

That would be Heidegger

>> No.10603884

Socrates was actually Elijah and Plato Elisha.
John the Baptist was a later invention by Peter because he couldn't accept Elijah returning as a goy.

>> No.10603900

>Aristotle ripped off Dianetics

>> No.10603905

The dianetics ripped off The Book of the Dead

>> No.10603909

>The Book of the Dead ripped off My Twisted World

>> No.10603916

My twisted world bit Death Note

>> No.10603922
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>> No.10603927
File: 24 KB, 342x316, D19FA12C-6765-44BF-8476-0FD76BB457FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to go to confession, lads.

>> No.10603952

what's that like? seems like it would be pretty awkward. jew anon asking

>> No.10604000

the most awkward bit is if you forget the rote prayers you need to say at the start, or don't have anything to confess and have to make some shit up. it's probably like if one of you forgot your shawl or hat

>> No.10604025
File: 186 KB, 505x701, Thomas-Aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy feast day, Saint Thomas Aquinas!

>> No.10604047

>don't have anything to confess

>> No.10604074

You just go in and tell the priest what you did wrong. The most awkward part is telling him you've masturbated and watched porn. I don't want to jerk off just so I don't have to go confess that.

>> No.10604104

There's a very persistent meme that the Summa is what you should read from Thomas, but the real discovery is that many lf his shorter, non-theological works are great philosophy and very worthwhile. His opus is huge though so I'd probably say read De ente et essentia and then pick up some kind of Selected Works. I attended a college course where we specifically analysed his philosophical writings and it just reinforced my belief that he was a genius desu.

>> No.10604211

I confessed that today actually. Priest told me to stop escaping reality like a bitch. Stern but fair.

>> No.10604310

Nietzsche was Orthodox

>> No.10604336

Anon pls https://youtube.com/watch?v=U3yKxvW9yNA

>> No.10604343

>says to stop escaping reality
>is a priest

>> No.10604389

whatever happened to constantine? i miss her posts

>> No.10604438

It's because they don't have sex or masturbate. Not releasing semen causes the body to increase fat retention.

>> No.10604502
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holy fuck, this was awful man

>> No.10604516

>I'm smarter than Thomas Aquinas and I can prove it!
He missed the step where he gave historical evidence that Tommy A also poured hot oil on his micropenis and shoved a banana up his ass

>> No.10604538
File: 50 KB, 599x563, 1517021319492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you're a priest who transcends reality and you have access to unlimited kinky orgies

>> No.10604548

>not having sex or masturbating
>people believe this

>> No.10604559

>the human mind can't understand the concept of infiinity
Stopped watching there.

Yeah the Aquinas' proof is a classic. You can't really get past the fact that the motions all of our atoms have, must have a direction as well. Not only that there are laws for the universe rather, but that it must be DIRECTED in ways, otherwise if the laws are what we perceive them to be, we would all be reduced to a chaotic mess of matter. From this it is derived there is an INTELLIGENT creator who interacts with our world on a daily, hourly, no minute-ly, no infinitesimally small magnitude of time-ly basis.

Yeah TJ sucks, I used to listen to him and smirk snidely at the atheists, but if you think about the problem for more than two seconds, you realize how stupid atheism actually is.

>> No.10604595

>You can't really get past the fact that the motions all of our atoms have, must have a direction as well. Not only that there are laws for the universe rather, but that it must be DIRECTED in ways, otherwise if the laws are what we perceive them to be, we would all be reduced to a chaotic mess of matter. From this it is derived there is an INTELLIGENT creator who interacts with our world on a daily, hourly, no minute-ly, no infinitesimally small magnitude of time-ly basis.
Anon, please take your meds.

>> No.10604597

you have regret it. that's why people say shit like swearing when everyone likes swearing

>> No.10604640
File: 628 KB, 960x1280, saint-francis-de-sales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After encountering medieval theology as an undergrad, I always took some pleasure in contemplating that our continued existence depended on the active will of God, and that, if he ever decided to no longer support our universe's existence, it would utterly cease to be.

I realize it might sound creepy when put in those terms, but for me, it was a sign of his incredible love.

>> No.10604668

Exactly correct. There can be no other option. It doesn't sound creepy it sounds like you have faith. The sad part is, is that people like this (>>10604595) exist in reality who have no idea how to refute these ideas so they posit them as crazy. Scientific dogma really is getting too much.

But no, that line of reasoning is not Medieval theology in any way. It was brought forward by many thinkers down unto our time. I was just reading Rousseau and that is the exact argument he uses to justify his faith: that the universe had a force, and has a force concurrently, and that this force is benevolent because it directs the actions of humans as well.

>> No.10605345

Jesus was a Hellenized Jewish cynic

>> No.10605362

The Apostle Paul was the most influential Greek philosopher in history.

>> No.10605383

>what's that like?
The irony is that confession was founded as part of the Inquisitions that were conducted to root you and the Muslims out of our society.

>> No.10605397

Did he actually phrase it in that manner? Pretty based if he did, or maybe he's tired of being inundated with that type of confession and has slacked his restraint. Either way.

How does it go if you recognize your sin and try to correct yourself, let's say indefinitely: do you still have to "confess" for your past like that, even if you've made personal repentance already?

>> No.10605408

You have to confess every sin that you remember having committed, even if you've resolved to change your ways.

>> No.10605410

If Jesus were not Jesus would he want to be Diogenes?

>> No.10605436

>would he want to be Diogenes?
Why would he? Diogenes sure didn't.

>> No.10605444

>Not getting the reference
C'mon man

>> No.10605473
