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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 1024x576, _92274782_jordanpeterson-still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10600627 No.10600627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>promotes freedom of speech
>shills patrician-tier authors such as Nietzsche, Eliade, Jung, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn
>dumbs down from their superior level to the average intellect of the american
>makes astonishing psychological analyses of novels of said authors, of biblical stories, existentialist works and even simple tales such as pinocchio which hide a deep psychological baggage packed inside of them
>overcomes the great plague of our times: nihilism and atheism through MEANING, GOD, AND OBJECTIVE MORALITY
>is a great motivational speaker, superb in debates with the SJWs, skillful rhetorician etc.
>master of logic: understands that logic>emotion and isn't afraid of stating this in arguments with SJWs
>fights against the degradation of the culture and its foremost threats, namely marxism, postmodernism and islamism
So why is /lit/ hating on him after all? Is this place full of liberals, postmodern marxists, SJWs, neoatheists or what?

>> No.10600637


Peterson has an anti-elitist bend that doesn't fit right with /lit/.

>> No.10600638

Fuck off leaf

>master of logic
>skillful rhetoritician

obviously you didn't see his showdown with David Benatar

>> No.10600656


He is a skillfull rethorician, makes good (not astonishing) psychological analysis, and most of all he's trying to say systems of meaning are possible against relativism.

That said, he has no idea what postmodernism is, his take on marxism is symplistic, and I have never heard him say bad stuff about islam - which is coherent with him quoting from Eliade.

I think he's an overall interesting figure, but his fanboys are insufferable, especially given that they corrupt those three of four meaningful things he may say into "muh SJWs are evil, I cleaned my room, where's my gf?"

Please leave this board at once and never come back.
/lit/ is exclusively for Joyce fart jokes.

>> No.10600661

Directing of marketing at /lit/ enterpriseTM,

/lit/ prefers that all academics remain bitterly depressed losers stuck in a dead end job addicted on adderall and crack-cocaine with a career total of 3 citations

>> No.10600662

There are a lot of 19 year old marxists here but he has a lot a fans here as well.

>> No.10600677

Good idea, let's flood Peterson threads with Joyce fart letters

Tired of lying under a man one night you tore off your chemise violently and got on top of me to ride me naked. You stuck my prick into your cunt and began to ride me up and down. Perhaps the horn I had was not big enough for you for I remember that you bent down to me face and murmured tenderly "Fuck up, love! Fuck up, love!"

Nora dear, I am dying all day to ask you one or two questions. Let me, dear, for I have told you everything I ever did and so I can ask you in turn. When that person (Vincent Cosgrave) whose heart I long to stop with the click of a revolver put his hand or hands under your skirts did he only tickle you outside or did he put his finger or fingers up into you? If he did, did they go up far enough to touch that little cock at the end of your cunt? Did he touch you behind? Was he a long time tickling you and did you come? Did he ask you to touch him and did you do so? If you did not touch him did he come against you and did you feel it?

>> No.10600679

>>makes astonishing psychological analyses
what he wrote about Heidegger in his latest cashgrab would barely suffice for C- in a philosophy class

>> No.10600688

because this is an accelerationist board

>> No.10600709

If you really believe the things he write in his newest book, I'm convinced you'd turn into a unabomber-sort-of-guy.

>> No.10600713

so what you're saying is, we're all lobsters?

>> No.10600720

I'm saying he wrote cuckold erotica involving lobsters, yes.

>> No.10600730

>his take on marxism is symplistic
How else would you take something accurately descriptible in one short sentence?

>> No.10600736

>he's master of saying nothing with as many words as humanly possible

you forgot that one op

>> No.10600742
File: 9 KB, 165x250, eliade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a huge jung and eliade fan, way before peterson found his way on the internet. The only reason I don't give a fuck about peterson is simply because I READ BOOKS instead of WATCHING YOUTUBE VIDEOS. And I'm not a weak willed politicized child.

also >>10600688

>> No.10600752

Maybe because this is a literature board and not a phylosophical board?

>> No.10600753

>patrician-tier authors such as Nietzsche... Solzhenitsyn
I think this is the bit where I type "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

>> No.10600756

Do you have any practical tips for integrating the shadow? Peterson talks about observing your dark fantasies and speaking out when you feel opressed by someone/something, but i think it should be way deeper than that.

>> No.10600758

>be Jordan Memerson
>want to make a lot of $$$ and gain notoriety quickly
>perform the brave, heroic act of refusing to use someone's gender pronouns
>get worshiped as a hero by autists on the internet for whining about a letter he received from the school's faculty
>never receive any actual death threats, never have his life threatened, never actually get censored, never get imprisoned, never even get fired from his job
>simply whining about gender pronouns and being a professor of psychology is enough to be labelled a martyr for free speech by gullible anti-SJWs on the internet who desperately want an authority figure to affirm their whining
>whine about postmodernism and the cultural marxist boogeyman, even though postmodernism is a massive, broad subject never cite any actual literature or works or books by postmodernist authors or the Frankfurts, just say "they're all dumb guys trust me" like a true academic while occasionally namedropping Foucault or Derrida without actually addressing any of their arguments
>give the anti-SJWs you conned an imaginary enemy to blame all their problems on, while posing yourself as a hero when you've done jack shit and ironically whine about virtue signalling in academia while proposing no actual solutions to the postmodernist boogeyman
>fearmonger about a Canadian bill that you didn't even bother reading that was just a slight modification of a previous human rights bill that has already been in effect for decades, only it added "gender identity" to the list of criteria that you can't discriminate someone for and doesn't even affect universities because it only has federal jurisdiction
>virtue signal about how you would go on a hunger strike if you were arrested because of this bill, even though to this day no one has been arrested because of it and there isn't a single shred of evidence in the legislation or court records suggesting that would happen
>claim that a disgruntled twitter employee deleting trump's account is treason, then delete your tweet when everyone calls you out
>make 65k US dollars a month on Patreon from gullible morons who think you're brilliant for making glorified vlogs that spout Jungian purple prose, whine about children's movies being feminist propaganda and make vague, whiny criticisms of postmodernism that isn't backed by any actual evidence
Ah yes we have a true """intellectual""" on our hands.

>> No.10600759

read the sticky or even dare to browse the catalog a little, newfig

>> No.10600760
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>> No.10600796

this guy misunderstands peterson

>> No.10600801
File: 8 KB, 162x266, mircea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the shadow obsession among new jung readers. My interests lie in the more 'boring' parts of Jung. My practical tip is don't get meme'd into pop terminology because it sounds edgy. Write down your dreams and be honest with yourself. Don't obsess with individuation, shadow etc..

Oh and, stop WATCHING videos and READ books instead, if you want to be more than a mindless pawn in someone else's plan.

>> No.10600806

he's an icon for dudes who want to suck their father's penis

>> No.10600812

He is the father we never had. All our fathers are gamma losers and all our mothers are cunty whores.
Society will pay a heavy toll if they keep antagonizing us.

>> No.10600817

I think you dont know the answer. But you were a huge jung fan?

>> No.10600827

This. My father was pure shit. He never talked about women with me at all, never took into account the extreme abuse my whore mother subjected me to, then i developed those strange sexual fetishes, just because i was alone in my formative years. To have the youtube man come and fix you is very sad, but at least hes getting shit done where no one cared before.

>> No.10600841

He would be hailed as a god on lit if he had a snarky lisp and stayed in his ivory tower dismissing plebs while writing in an obscure complex language. Instead he is an optimist and goes out and talks to plebs, thats what lit cant stand. Nobody really cares about his ideas per-se.

>> No.10600862

There are no answers. Analytical psychology isn't some one size fits all. It's the opposite. I can't tell you how to integrate your shadow as far as I don't know you, I'm not a jungian analyst, you haven't written down any of your dreams. Hell, the shadow stems from collective attitude most of the time. Von Franz, Jung's spiritual successor, discarded jungian terminology for a more instinctual approach to analysis. I'm pretty sure she 'knew the answer' anyways. Your hostile reply is exactly why peterson fans and generally people who watch youtube videos won't fare anywhere as they require immediate answers to life long problems. I'm not trying to be aggresive on purpose here, I'm sure Peterson brings insightful pieces of information, and since most people don't read anymore, at least it allows great ideas to get some exposure. Read some more Jung, start with the introductory works. Then move on to Von Franz.

>> No.10600875

I just served a 20 year sentence because of bill C-16 what the fuck???

>> No.10600878
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>> No.10600882
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or, you know, If he had something interesting to say

>> No.10600897


Knowing Canada I bet they don't even have sentences that long

>> No.10601113

He wiped the floor with Benatar.

>> No.10601131

Totally. He's just too intelligent to have any rival

>> No.10601134
File: 122 KB, 756x157, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, thanks dad!

>> No.10601143

>>shills patrician-tier authors such as
misinterprets more like

>> No.10601144

I'm not going to bother justifying my neutrality since you seem to have low intelligence and high resentment. I'll just end by going so far as to say that frankly I thought Benatar even embarrassed himself a bit.

>> No.10601147

>The far right have gone from edgy to cringe
What's the new ideology for meme culture

>Inb4 communist
They literally haven't invented a single meme, just made their own version from /pol/

>> No.10601157
File: 12 KB, 329x237, dafs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((social science)))

>> No.10601163

IM DELETING YOU, DADDY! ██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete..... ████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete.... ███████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete.... ███████████] 99% complete..... ERROR! True Daddies are irreplaceable I could never delete you Daddy! Send this to ten other Daddies who give you cummies Or never get called squishy again If you get 0 Back: no cummies for you 3 back: you're squishy 5 back: you're daddy's kitten 10+ back: Daddy

>> No.10601164

in what universe did benatar win?He struck me as a complete idiot

>> No.10601174

sugi pula coe

>> No.10601180

t. didn’t read Nietzsche

>> No.10601186

True daddies never die, they just fade away

>> No.10601193

If he stopped being popular he would stop doing all of this "good".

>> No.10601199

he's a pseud and he reveals this whenever he tries to talk about postmodernism

also his idol neechee is the original postmodern degenerate

>> No.10601201

I dunno man have you even read Will to Power? It's pretty good.

>> No.10601228

What do I read to learn about accelerationism

>> No.10601239


>> No.10601240

>and I have never heard him say bad stuff about islam
And this matters why? Gee, I wonder what's REALLY behind this anon's post...

>> No.10601247

What's Petersons message boiled down to one sentence that isn't "clean your room" "sort yourself out" or something similar? Like what is his deal? I've never heard one of his lectures and have no idea what he's trying to do?

And please don't insult me with something like"he's trying to save western culture" or "fight the neo marxists."

Help me see past the memes and pretese into what's really real.

>> No.10601250

you have no idea what postmodernism or marxism is either
you clearly haven't read nitezeche if you think so
stop misrepresenting peterson, he's a knight of free speech against the biggest menaces of our culture. so what if he's doing money out of that?
t.neomarxist neoatheist postmodernist scum
i am a heidegger scholar and professor and i never saw such an good analysis of his philosophy as in his latest book
proof that peterson is a scientist. period. every other attempt to dismiss his work is antiintellectualism
these are the only good answers in the thread. fucking /lit/ playing the sour grapes card as always

>> No.10601254

ironic shitposting is just shitposting

>> No.10601265


>> No.10601266

suuure, if it hurts my subjectivity and feelings by hitting them with logic and reasoning it has to be called bait
this is why you will never be at peterson's level

>> No.10601272
File: 14 KB, 600x105, jlkjio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's crabby haha

>> No.10601276

>neechee is the original postmodern degenerate
Postmodernism has nothing to do with Nietzsche.

>> No.10601328

You can start by reading Peterson's critique of accelerationism.

>> No.10601353

If you dedicate any amount of time to thinking about how to "combat SJW's" you're either a.) not very smart or b.) an incredibly boring finicky person with which I have no desire to ever interact with.

>> No.10601367
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>his take on marxism is symplistic

I don't think he actually knows what marxism is. It's just what he calls things he doesn't like.

>> No.10601404

I agree. Staying active and sweating off minor diseases is usually better for recovery and your immune system.

>> No.10601409

Gee, I wonder why a bunch of turbo-autist pseud NEETs would hate Peterson?
Could it be because he talks about the beta loser situation?
Because he tells women that what they really want is a strong man?

>> No.10601416

> turbo-autist pseud NEETs

These are exactly the people that love Peterson though. Back to /r/the_donald you go.

>> No.10601419

Oh, so the OP I've written was taken seriously but this one is just ironic shitposting? How so?

>> No.10601425
File: 106 KB, 960x728, posadism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the new ideology for meme culture


>> No.10601436

>you clearly haven't read nitezeche if you think so
>i am a heidegger scholar and professor
Yeah my lad, you, a professor on the founding figure of postmodernism, who was very influenced by Nietzsche, can't see how Nietzsche predates postmodernism. I see.

>> No.10601466

>i am a heidegger scholar and professor and i never saw such an good analysis of his philosophy as in his latest book

You gave up the game right here, anon. I could see how someone could've thought you were sincere right up until this point. Not bad trolling before that.

Also, how exactly does one "do money"? Is English your first language?

>> No.10601475

Predating postmodernism doesn't mean Nietzsche was a postmodernist or has anything to do with them. He "predates" them in the sense that he came first, and then the postmodernists read him, misunderstood him, and bastardized him, in an attempt to sound more important than they really were.

>> No.10601492

>and then the postmodernists read him, misunderstood him, and bastardized him, in an attempt to sound more important than they really were

This sounds a lot like Jordan Peterson.

>> No.10601497

isn't that just about unironically nuking the earth to destroy capitalism and waiting for aliens to save us?

>> No.10601508
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>> No.10601518

If he's said that, well, he's not wrong then. This idea doesn't start with him.

>> No.10601534

>overcomes atheism
Yea, because god starts to exist if you just want it badly enough. Atheism is not a decision, it's nothing you can influence. God exists whether or not you like it.

>> No.10601535
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>> No.10601550

Not sure what your point is. Does Peterson think Hitler was a better representation of Nietzsche? Because that's what I actually think, while the postmodernists are just pussyfooting around the real issues Nietzsche addressed and reducing him to a bundle of linguistic parlor tricks and shallow libertarian power struggles.

>> No.10601680
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>> No.10601702

You again? I guess I'll post the same thing I did the last time.
>>promotes freedom of speech
Only libertarians have a religious reverence towards freeze peaches. Sure its nice but supporting it doesn't make him a god.
>>shills patrician-tier authors such as Nietzsche, Eliade, Jung, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn
So he knows the names of very famous authors, maybe has read some of their works, and recommends them. Isn't that what everyone on /lit/ does?
>>dumbs down from their superior level to the average intellect of the american
This is not a good thing. Who wants dumbass burgers walking around espousing misinterpretations of great works of literature? Basically "Nietzsche was a nihilist who wanted me to clean my room" ad infinitum.
>>makes astonishing psychological analyses of novels of said authors, of biblical stories, existentialist works and even simple tales such as pinocchio which hide a deep psychological baggage packed inside of them
...and uses his misinterpretations to loosely justify his self help bs.
>>overcomes the great plague of our times: nihilism and atheism through MEANING, GOD, AND OBJECTIVE MORALITY
Yeah, I too read Nietzsche, you don't see my trying to make a career off of it. He didn't overcome nihilism alone through his own philosophy, if that's what you're implying.
>>is a great motivational speaker, superb in debates with the SJWs, skillful rhetorician etc.
This is not a good thing. Do you really want to share a figurehead with people who watch "Top Ten Feminist Triggered Rekt Compilations"? Being skeptical about the modern American left is fine if you can justify yourself, which to his credit I'm sure he can, but creaming your pants every time Kermit says "trannies r dumb lol like u have a peenis!!" is pretty childish.
>>master of logic: understands that logic>emotion and isn't afraid of stating this in arguments with SJWs
Again, muh SJWs, and again, he's not special for reflecting on things rationally.
>>fights against the degradation of the culture and its foremost threats, namely marxism and postmodernism
If by "fights against" you mean "vaguely alludes to a boogeyman to scare people into buying his books," then sure.
>>oh and islamism too, i forgot about that
Low hanging fruit.
>So why is /lit/ hating on him after all? Is this place full of liberals, postmodern marxists, SJWs, neoatheists or what?
The fact that someone disagrees with your idol worship and you immediately rack your brain about which of the boogeymen they must be should tell you something about why /lit/ hates him, or moreso hates his followers, so much.

>> No.10601745

to be fair you do need to have a rather high IQ to "get" Jordan Patterson

>> No.10601753

This has got to be a bot

>> No.10601776

Not an argument. Address Peterson's points directly instead of making fun of his retarded fans. That's like dismissing The Selfish Gene because of fedora atheists online.

>> No.10601795

I've already cleaned my room though

>> No.10601823

I'd like some raw data and I'd like it analysed. I believe that room cleanliness can be quantified and I expect you to prove just how clean your room is before you decide to become a member of our CLEAN LOBSTER ROOM club

>> No.10601833

/lit/ hates all the Peterson spam and shilling being posted to this board by people like you. How many times have we had a "Why does /lit/ hate Peterson" thread in the past weeks or so? Why do you idiots keep shitting up our board?

Mods, please stop this Peterson spam.

>> No.10601835

Yea anon, hit us with facts, not feels!

>> No.10601848




>You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

>> No.10601852

Well, i guess that first we would need to come to a common understanding of what we actually mean when we say "clean" i suppose.

>> No.10601865
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The Sadboi has spoken

>> No.10601866


>> No.10601887

there are many variables at play here

>> No.10601890
File: 57 KB, 1260x560, 1511383336192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you look at the whole series of events around peterson and that it validates Rene Girard's theory of the scapegoating mechanism (qua "postmodernism" and the reaction to peterson)

>> No.10601905


>you have no idea what postmodernism or marxism is either

And here's a specimen of "mind reading anon"

>> No.10601922

>So why is /lit/ hating on him after all?
>dumbs down from their superior level to the average intellect of the american

>> No.10601932
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You little punk, why don't you read the whole 3 volumes of Capital plus his manuscripts and say that to my face

>> No.10601957

>OP posts same thing twice
>"yeah dude, Jordan rulez!"
>someone else posts same thing twice
You're censoring my freeze peach, Jordan would definitely put you in timeout

>> No.10601993

aliens probably wouldn't let it happen considering they've visited and scanned nuclear silos/storage depositories multiple times


>> No.10602026

He should stick to his field. If he did that /lit/ wouldn't hate him so much, but he thinks he has the answers to everything while he is just talented at articulating common sense.
He went too far and became a charlatan, fuck him.

>> No.10602034


>> No.10602056


Here to help with your noble mission:

>"Side by side and inside this spiritual love I have for you there is also a wild beast-like craving for every inch of your body, for every secret and shameful part of it, for every odour and act of it. My love for you allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes or to fling you down under me on that soft belly of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in the open shame of your upturned dress and white girlish drawers and in the confusion of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair. It allows me to burst into tears of pity and love at some slight word, to tremble with love for you at the sounding of some chord or cadence of music or to lie heads and tails with you feeling your fingers fondling and tickling my ballocks or stuck up in me behind and your hot lips sucking off my cock while my head is wedged in between your fat thighs, my hands clutching the round cushions of your bum and my tongue licking ravenously up your rank red cunt."

>> No.10602121

I need it to "combat" it because it makes it hard to study. In my country unis go on strikes because of those lunatics ffs. Can't I dream about a world where academia is not that bad?

>> No.10602156

>Patrician authors

>> No.10602285

Common sense is such a weird term. Everyone has a different definition of it and everyone who uses the term thinks that many people don't have common sense...but it's still a common sense?

>> No.10602314

>overcomes the great plague of our times: nihilism and atheism through MEANING, GOD, AND OBJECTIVE MORALITY
>is a great motivational speaker, superb in debates with the SJWs, skillful rhetorician etc.
>master of logic: understands that logic>emotion and isn't afraid of stating this in arguments with SJWs
Imagine being this insufferable as to uphold this as if it was something praiseworthy. If you're fighting SJWs you're playing their game of identity politics. (As in 'I am a believer, an anti-postmodernist and a logical thinker)
The way you praise Peterson for 'understanding that logic>emotion' shows how you participate in the simplistic, highly emotional game of 'us vs them'. You're no better than SJWs, you're simply the other side of the coin.


I think he was referring to Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.10602347

Nick Land

>> No.10602403

"SJWs" don't go on strikes, workers do, and they usually have their reasons to do so, you retarded brazilian.

>> No.10602412

how is this video not ironic

>> No.10602425


>implying he has to lose to look like an emotionally driven idiot who literally compares his opponent to a nazi in the middle of a formal debate

I'll admit Benatar is an idiot but so is Peterson. I could easily handle him in an antinatalist debate myself because I would cosistently pull him up like the root vegetable he is.

Besides no one can refute this.

The following undeniable proof that procreation is immoral.

Premise 1: Privations are not qualities in themselves
Premise 2: appetites are privations
Premise 3: It is necessary for there to be appetites (in the form of wants needs and impulses) for there to be personal being

-Harm is the privation of Benefit just as Bad is the privation of Good
-A Being can be benefitted or harmed on the basis of its personal wants, needs and impulses (whatever those may be) being either fulfilled or exacerbated respectively
-A maximization of benefit would be to have the entire record of wants needs and impulses nullified
-A being without appetites fails to be a personal being (premise 3)
-The maximization of benefit engenders a condition already satisfied in the non-existence of a personal being
-therefore to come into existence is also to be harmed

>> No.10602429

>>I'll admit Benatar is an idiot but so is Peterson.
>everyone is retarded but me

>> No.10602432
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Now you're getting it

>> No.10602450

Diogenes is a great litmus test to see if someone is a retarded smug asshole who thinks his opinions is above everyone elses'. Alexander would probably just give you a sandal to the face.

>> No.10602469


Guess what? Alexander is dead

>> No.10602477

So is your hero, diogenes.

>> No.10602490

No, I'm more or less trying to be as obnoxious as possible here.

>> No.10602597

Because /lit/ is filled with fatherless sissies and he's an affront to their pseudo-intellectual pride.

>> No.10602628

the BIGGEST problem with peterson is that cultural marxism bullshit is just fuel for the far right. I don't give a fuck about him telling retards to clean their rooms, save pinnochio from the belly of adam's asshole or crying to Ayn Rand's quotes on individualism. It's the "postmodern neomarxist" bullshit that's retarded and I still don't know if he's doing it on purpose with the pretense of academia or if he's actually completely ignorant about it. How the fuck does he get from "5 trannies want to be called xer" to talking about 100 million deaths of communism? How is that even REMOTELY relevant? That's what gives him a bad rep here, and I think he knows what he's doing and he's doing it on purpose, but actually going out and saying the stuff he truly believes in could end his career and even life so he won't do it

>> No.10602642
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>How the fuck does he get from "5 trannies want to be called xer" to talking about 100 million deaths of communism?
Do you really not understand how big of a problem SJWism is? People who bash him because of this are either naive or willfully ignorant.

>> No.10602646

>tfw my bait thread has more than 100 replies
>tfw every thread of mine where I tried to discuss other book than Ulysses or IJ had <20 replies
The absolute state of this board

>> No.10602651

That's 4chan for you.

>> No.10602656

please explain because i don't

>> No.10602681

I thought individuation was the whole point/end goal for Jung

>> No.10602700

it's way more fun to talk about real world issues such as politics than some YA fiction, that's why every board is /pol/ now

>> No.10602754

I need to do some shit for college, but I'll try. How do you go from trannies inventing pronouns to gulags? Well, you don't, but that's a strawman in the first place. Peterson calls these people "neo-marxists" because he has correctly identified that their rhetoric mirrors that of the bolsheviks, but instead of class, it's about race, gender and sexuality. They replaced the bourgeoisie with "straight, white, male, able bodied, cis etc" and the proletariat with "blacks, minorities, women, homosexuals, LGBTBBQWHATEVER and so on". These people believe that no matter how poor you are as a white person that you will always have it better than a black middle or upper-class person, because of "muh institutionalized racism". My original resentment against these people came from the fact that I used to be an old school leftist and then I suddenly saw how people who were much better off then myself unironically suggesting that I should check my white privilege. Someone who goes to fucking yale has no right to tell me how """privileged"" I am. The truth is that these people only want power, because to them nothing else exists. There is no objective truth, beauty or morality. If you deconstruct their shitty arguments they will just point out how logic itself is part of "whiteness" or "white western supremacy". The current zeitgeist is progressive as fuck and these people are using that fact to gain power via legislation that is cleverly disguised as "protecting minorities". That's an excellent move, because it puts anyone attacking such a power grab into a defensive position as accusations of "racism, sexism and xenophobia" are hurled against them. Therefore people are scared about speaking out, because they don't want to be a social outcast. Peterson took notice of the proposed bill C-16 and noticed that it would basically make social constructivism legal doctrine in Ontario. People accused him of being an alarmist, but even speaking out against such a proposal was already considered taboo by the university guidelines which pretty much proved him right. Even without the power of the law, these people have already taken control of parts of society, especially in silicon valley. We live in an era of neo-mcarthyism and if you fall on the bad side of these people, maybe because you made a bad joke or you challenged their authority, they will brand you as a racist sexist neo nazi and absolutely destroy your life. These people maintain blacklists of people they consider to be undesirable. This shit has been happening at least since 2011 and has finally reached its boiling point during the election and its only going to get worse. Have you never asked yourself why so many young people are driving to the right and radical right? This is simply a reaction to these cultural developments. That's why Peterson is so popular. Because he as articulated an ever escalating polarization that many of us have been observing for years now.

>> No.10602862

the thing is that
1) i firmly believe there's not that many of those people, the internet just blows it out of proportion
2) it's not a part of a plot to destroy western civilization
3) it's a product of liberalism which he supports and offers no alternatives other than "let's go back to the 60s", which indicates he's fine with other people having less rights than him because it doesn't benefit him personally
4) just because there's marxist thought in that, doesn't make it equal to communism. capitalism isn't going anywhere any time soon. so him saying "trannies want more rights = less rights for white men = communism" is silly

I should note that I'm from a homogeneous society so I guess I can't relate fully to this equality and diversity stuff, I just have a hard time believing everything I read on the internet, and especially 4chan and /pol/, so I'm just very skeptical

>> No.10602912

>Do you really not understand how big of a problem SJWism is?

It's only a problem in the mind of mentally unhinged retards.

Here in reality, almost nobody takes the extremist SJWs seriously, no politicians are even remotely close to enacting their preferred policies, and they basically don't even exist outside of college/university campuses which have always had edgy extremists. Most of them will grow out of their extremist positions in a few years just like every single generation before them. The Internet makes these issues seem far more common than they actually are.

>> No.10602927

>he's a knight of free speech
>biggest menaces of our culture
>t.neomarxist neoatheist postmodernist scum
>i am a heidegger scholar and professor and i never saw such an good analysis of his philosophy as in his latest book
>attempt to dismiss his work is antiintellectualism

The absolute state of Peterson fans.

>> No.10602936

>1) i firmly believe there's not that many of those people, the internet just blows it out of proportion
That's what I also thought before I had the misfortune of interacting with these people IRL. Yes, it's mostly just the universities and the tech industry, but they college students of today are the people who run society tomorrow, and that should greatly worry you.

>2) it's not a part of a plot to destroy western civilization
It's not a ploy, but rather an insane attempt at self sabotage driving by nothing but cynicism and resentment.

>3) it's a product of liberalism which he supports and offers no alternatives other than "let's go back to the 60s"
Except he never said that. He is not a reactionary, but a centrist traditionalist.

>he's fine with other people having less rights than him because it doesn't benefit him personally
>but muh rights
Everyone should be equal under the law. We already have that. Nobody is suggesting to degrade trannies to second class citizens. Denying them special treatment is not taking away their rights.

>just because there's marxist thought in that, doesn't make it equal to communism.
It could be just ad murderous when taken to its logical conclusion. It's resentment against people who you perceive to be better off than you, based on class, or rather sex and race guilt. How is that not dangerous?

>. so him saying "trannies want more rights = less rights for white men = communism" is silly
Again, that's a strawman.

>I should note that I'm from a homogeneous society so I guess I can't relate fully to this equality and diversity stuff, I just have a hard time believing everything I read on the internet, and especially 4chan and /pol/, so I'm just very skeptical
So you're either not a westerner or you have no real life experience with these people? They explains you smug dismissal of Peterson quite well. I used to be the same and they awaking was harsh and brutal once I realized that almost everything I had seen on the internet was indeed real.

>"of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: /pol/ was right again"
There is more to that silly meme quote than you think. Sadly.

>campuses which have always had edgy extremists
There were no edgy extremists in college in 1900. This is the result of 1960s counter culture. But the counter culture of yesteryear has morphed into to dogma of today.

>Most of them will grow out of their extremist positions in a few years just like every single generation before them
That's a risk I'm not willing to take. Sorry. Also they have already leaked out of the university and into the tech sector. Just look at silicon valley.

>> No.10602953

>Just look at silicon valley.

I live in Mountain View and for the most part it's fine. The extremists are very rare. Stop living on the Internet and go outside.

>> No.10602969
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>There were no edgy extremists in college in 1900.


>> No.10602989

>t.neomarxist neoatheist postmodernist scum

I am surely none of these things. I even think the concept of ethnostates is credible

>> No.10603002

>Stop living on the Internet and go outside.
I don't live in America. You don't realize how bad it is because you're probably a progressive and therefore within their overton window. I thought they are just a meme, too. Then I got into college and joined the students union. Just because you take no interest in politics doesn't mean that politics will take no interest in you. It happened to me, it will happen to you.

Peterson original kerfuffle with Bill-C 16. The yale costume incident. The bret weinstein indecent. The Lindsey Sheppard affair. Do you really think these are isolated cases and not indicative of a larger trend? How hard does the shit have to hit the fan before you realize that the internet and the real world are pretty much the same thing? There is no distinction anymore. This isn't the 2000s. How long can you bury your head in the sand before reality finally catches up with you and you will have to admit that you were wrong? It happened to me.

Also explain the Damore thing. Are you implying that he is a liar who is lust looking for attention?


>> No.10603005

Outside of fraternities? Pretty much yes.

>> No.10603081

> Peterson original kerfuffle with Bill-C 16

Peterson grossly misinterpreted the bill and almost every respectable Canadian lawyer has said as much.

> Do you really think these are isolated cases and not indicative of a larger trend?

Even if I accepted those examples as valid, which I don't, you've given nothing more than a tiny number of arguable cases in a country with over 350 million people. No, that definitely does not indicate a massive problem or a trend.

> Also explain the Damore thing.

Damore was hired as a software engineer and wouldn't shut the fuck about anti-SJW/diversity shit on internal company mailing lists. He was warned twice and then decided to write an essay and send it to almost everyone at Google and then it also went public. He's a complete imbecile and deserved to be fired.

Nobody at Google gave a fuck about his opinions on these matters, he wasn't hired for anything even remotely related to them, and it was annoying his coworkers. He was hired to write software, not write political screeds and email them to everyone in Mountain View.

>> No.10603125

Nigger what do you think the Young Hegelians were?

>> No.10603134

>So why is /lit/ hating on him after all? Is this place full of liberals, postmodern marxists, SJWs, neoatheists or what?
Because he's spammed/shilled like crazy here and discussion about him almost always end up being about SJWs and therefore fit better over at /pol/.

>> No.10603150

Thinking this is something new that only the last few generations have dealt with is pure vanity.

>> No.10603161

>Peterson grossly misinterpreted the bill and almost every respectable Canadian lawyer has said as much.
You fell for the propaganda my friend.

>Even if I accepted those examples as valid, which I don't, you've given nothing more than a tiny number of arguable cases in a country with over 350 million people.
That's the shittiest argument of the decade. So you should just ignore a problem just because it isn't encompassing at least 30% of society? Great, now you can ignore the rise of the new right wing as well, since they are only a tiny portion of the population. Fucking idiot.

>Damore was hired as a software engineer and wouldn't shut the fuck about anti-SJW/diversity shit on internal company mailing lists. He was warned twice and then decided to write an essay and send it to almost everyone at Google and then it also went public. He's a complete imbecile and deserved to be fired.
That's not what happened. Did you even read his fucking memo? Do you even know how the memo came to be? No, you fucking don't. You literally fell for ALL of the dis-info. You didn't look into any of those cases. You just ate what the media fed you. READ. THE. FUCKING. MEMO.

You are either an SJW or a useful idiot to them. Jesus fucking Christ. Here is a little life lesson: Just because you read something in an article on a so called "respectable news site" doesn't mean that you're informed. Please please please, take a closer look into these things and don't be so dismissive of claims that go against your own bias. Literally no one who is familiar with those cases could come to your conclusion. You are being lied to.

>> No.10603225

> You fell for the propaganda my friend.

Wrong. Peterson has already had to backtrack and admit that the bill doesn't effect people outside the workplace.

>So you should just ignore a problem just because it isn't encompassing at least 30% of society?

No it can largely be ignored because it isn't encompassing even 0.00000001% of society.

> Did you even read his fucking memo? Do you even know how the memo came to be?

Yes, I read the memo. I live in Mountain View and know the details of this far more intimately than you do. The content of the memo is practically irrelevant. Despite his rambling, he was never asked to write the memo and he had already been warned twice to stop talking about his politics on the mailing lists and the issue tracker. He decided to ignore the warnings and got what he deserved. Most people stop with the political shit and focus on writing software after the first warning.

I'm done here though since you're a typical reactionary chud.

>> No.10603252

>Peterson: People are using 80% of post modern theory to revise society as a power struggle between infinitely divisible groups and interpret its founding philosophy through this lens too

>Critics: B-but he doesn't understand the full 100% of post-modernism! Therefore he is IRRELEVANT! H-here is an article about the Bible being a patriarchal cookbook

>> No.10603262

>outside the workplace.
So unless I call my co-worker xir if xir insists being called such I get fired for committing a hate crime? K den. Nothing to worry about.

>No it can largely be ignored because it isn't encompassing even 0.00000001% of society.
So we can ignore the rise of neo nazis as well then? Charlottesville never happened?

> I live in Mountain View and know the details of this far more intimately than you do.
I don't believe you and I do not trust you. Again, you are either complacent or ignorant of these issues. Do you support black listing people from working in silicon valley if they are deemed undesirable? Because that's what's happening. The only reason this shit doesn't affect you is because you sympathize with their agenda. Have you read the damore lawsuit? How google escorted a conservative who was visiting his friend for a lunch off campus because his presence was considered "dangerous" to "minorities"? Do you deny that happened? Multiple people are using google, not just damore.

>> No.10603267

Also AN. Just wanted to say kudos for coming up with this. Completely fixes the problems with asymmetry.

>> No.10603272

I enjoy peterson but as others have said the fanbase surrounding him is type-reddit cancer

>> No.10603284

You don't care about academia

>> No.10603291

>master of logic

Yes he is good at talking down to retards, I'll give him that

>> No.10603293

>The only reason this shit doesn't affect you is because you sympathize with their agenda.

No, the main reason this doesn't affect me is because I don't repeatedly insist on talking about politics when I'm supposed to be developing software. It really is as simple as not emailing everyone in the company random political diatribes.

> google escorted a conservative who was visiting his friend for a lunch off campus because his presence was considered "dangerous"

He made several "jokes" about minorities which included violence. Maybe he should have been allowed to stay but he's an idiot either way. Google has over 70,000 employees most of which are in Mountain View so some issues are bound to happen.

> Multiple people are suing google, not just damore.

They're going to get crushed in court and Damore knows it.

>> No.10603296

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the string of shit leading up to the question
>the holodomor was based on jewish hatred toward white christians

>> No.10603298

>He made several "jokes" about minorities which included violence
Source, you fucking faggot.

>> No.10603303

>far right

>> No.10603308

>I don't repeatedly insist on talking about politics when I'm supposed to be developing software
>"Just sit down and shut up."
Fuck you.

If you're truly not one of them you will regret this, eventually they'll get you too.

>> No.10603311
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>master of logic

>> No.10603312

>Damore's memo
dude it's fucking nothing. he said women are "on average more neurotic than men" which implied that google should "on average" hire less women than men, instead of on an individual basis. it's nonsense clearly clouded by his autistic inability to see society outside of studies and numbers (he's actually autistic)

>> No.10603329

And how do you object to this statement?

>> No.10603330

You can ask any Googler or wait until the court date. You honestly think he was escorted out by security just because he was a conservative? There are hundreds of guests at the Googleplex every single day. Do you think every identifiable conservative is just escorted out? Schmidt loves Henry Kissinger and Consoleeza Rice ffs and they've both been on campus multiple times without issue.

>> No.10603336

Do you even have a job lmao?

>> No.10603357

It's illogical

Incompleteness doesn't prove God exists

>> No.10603390

Why are SJWs allowed to talk about politics on the internal messaging services but damore isn't?

>e said women are "on average more neurotic than men" which implied that google should "on average" hire less women than men,
>it's nonsense clearly clouded by his autistic inability to see society outside of studies and numbers
You really really don't know jack shit, do you? Neuroticism is a big five personality trait and as such not even a negative judgement itself. Women score higher in it then men on average, but Damore never fucking suggested hiring less women only that bell curve distribution differences between men and women could explain why there are more men in STEM and at google then women and that this fact is not due to some gender discrimination. He further suggested that instead of having diversity hires the workplace could be transformed into something that favors female traits as much as it does male traits if google was truly interested in hiring more women that are actually competent and not just because they're women. You are a liar and a propagandist shill. Fuck me man, you are the most conformist idiot I have ever seen.

Yes, I'm an undergrad in CS who moonlights as a software developer for 12 bucks an hour. Pretty comfy.

Neither me nor you know the details of this incident, so why don't you get this massive cooperate cock out of your mouth? Google is insane and power hungry and should be broken up. What happened to anti-trust laws?

But it does disprove materialist positivism, which is the go to argument for fedora tippers to prove that god doesn't real. Shit, Peterson doesn't even believe in god. His "metaphysics" (if you could even call it that) resolve around Jungian archetypes.

Fuck me. Is everyone on /lit/ who doesn't spam Evola threads a fucking leftist?

>> No.10603407

>Shit, Peterson doesn't even believe in god.
keep hoping, bucko

>> No.10603408

Got his new book in front of me, about to start reading it. What can I expect?

>> No.10603413

He never claimed to say God exists. LOL! He meant that humans should believe in the possibility of omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience etc. in order to rationally justify proof, morality, etc. .... really, this is how little effort you put into interpreting what he writes?

>> No.10603419

A shittier version of Maps of Meaning. Go read that one instead.

>> No.10603422

Got his old book in front of me, about to start reading it. What can I expect?

>> No.10603423

see >>10603413

>> No.10603425

A better version of 12 Rules for Life, which is actually good instead of being a self help book for normies.

>> No.10603427

>Why are SJWs allowed to talk about politics on the internal messaging services but damore isn't?

They're usually told to shut the fuck up too. The only exceptions are the ones that have been hired specifically for HR purposes and they have their own mailing lists specifically for this shit.

>Neither me nor you know the details of this incident

I know the details. You don't because you're some maladjusted retard that doesn't live in SV and you instantly believe the retards that got fired/escorted out because it fits in with your persecution complex.

>> No.10603431

Got his both of his books in front of me, about to start reading them. What can I expect?

>> No.10603441

> The only exceptions are the ones that have been hired specifically for HR purposes and they have their own mailing lists specifically for this shit.
So you admit that the HR department has an SJW bias?

>persecution complex.
Nigger, I didn't even consider myself to be a conservative until like a year ago. I wonder how that could have happened. Also it's not paranoia if they're actually out to get you.

>> No.10603447

>How the fuck does he get from "5 trannies want to be called xer" to talking about 100 million deaths of communism?
See pictures like >>10601367, done 100% seriously in the minds of these lunatics.
I thought it was bullshit too, until pretty much every feminist et al started thinking their opposition consisted of literal nazis and KKK members.

>> No.10603449

>So you admit that the HR department has an SJW bias?

Certain portions of it that have been hired for specific initiatives probably do. So what?

>> No.10603453

His take on Marxism sounds simplistic because he doesn't buy the utopian end goal over the realism he found within Solzhenitsyn etc. Not only that but there are (to him at least) very clear psychological issues present in Marxists and what he considers a pretty despicable history from Marxist intellectuals so what reason does he have to take it seriously at all beyond the odd nod to important observations of society? Can you really expect anyone in his position to give it any further consideration than he already has?

>> No.10603455

>So what?
>So what?
>So what?
>So what?

So you really are one of them. You really believe that it's okay for HR to have a political bias? Am I getting that right?

>> No.10603458

>Here in reality
Where do you live? I used to think the same as you, that they were just a fringe, irrelevant group, and that they would go away if we ignored them (maybe that was true back then). But they're reaching a lot of countries and influencing policies.

>> No.10603466

Everybody has biases. Furthermore, I don't think that a small portion of the HR department that were hired for very specific initiatives having an obvious SJW bias is a huge problem. Competent asian or white males still have absolutely no problem getting hired at Google.

>> No.10603471

Damore's views and opinions were completely based on meme psychology such as personality tests and big 5 traits. It doesn't mean LITERALLY anything, it's complete pseudoscience. That's why no one actually took it seriously, and you'll probably see that mentioned in court. I can already see Peterson screeching about postmodern neomarxists destroying science by not taking personality tests into real consideration.

>> No.10603480

>I thought it was bullshit too, until pretty much every feminist et al started thinking their opposition consisted of literal nazis and KKK members.

>I used to think the same as you, that they were just a fringe, irrelevant group, and that they would go away if we ignored them

You and me both. Anyone who hasn't realized how utterly fucked things are is beyond any help. Don't let these leftist faggots gaslight you. They are probably arguing in bad faith. How anyone can be ignorant to this shit post 2016 is a fucking mystery to me.

How is big five pseudoscience? Let me guess, everything is just a social construct and muh tabula rasa?

>> No.10603482

>I wonder how that could have happened.

Being a dumb reactionary probably had a lot to do with it.

>> No.10603489

Did you miss forget about google? hate speech laws? "anti bullying programs"
They have immense fucking power at this point.

>> No.10603493

>They have immense fucking power at this point.

Not really.

>> No.10603494

I became a reactionary, yes. But you don't even know what that means. Go lick a toilet seat, antifa scum. There is nothing wrong with being a reactionary in a world gone mad. Fuck you and your "history is progress" bullshit. Foucault was alt least right about that one.

>> No.10603498

Nigger, I'm /g/ as fuck. I am in CS. Google has more power than the fucking US government when it comes to communication. They could literally shape society and culture according to their whim and they are already doing that to some extend. They control fucking everything. Are you fucking retarded? Do you not know how fucking massive google is?

>> No.10603500

>How is big five pseudoscience?
because it's based on questions and answers lol. It's not based on actual analysis of the brain or anything like that. Peterson himself once said that "psychology is still a caveman science", I wish I could find the source but I can't

>> No.10603503

According to your logic everything that's not a hard science is pseudoscience.

>> No.10603505

well... isn't it?

>> No.10603511

I was more talking about hate speech laws and anti-bullying programs.

In the context of this thread, Google pays a tiny amount of lip service to SJW shit. They don't really care in the slightest and Brin and Page openly look up to people like Henry Kissinger. There are plenty of reasons to be afraid of Google but none of them have anything to do with SJWs.

>> No.10603514

Getting the hardcover of his new book has reminded me how much i fucking hate dust jackets

Should I just throw it away? I hate them with a passion

>> No.10603521

No, you fucking nigger. Astrology is a fucking pseudo science. Economics, Psychology, Sociology are all soft sciences. Not as reliable as STEM, but not a complete dumpster fire either. It's not a black and white binary. (Unlike gender, hrhrhrhr)

>> No.10603522

>bruh a friend of a friend told me, trust me bro.

>> No.10603524

>Brin and Page
Man, what's it like living in the 2000s? They run the greater alphabet conglomerate, not google itself. Brin and Page are not leftist SJWs, but their time has long passed.

This, to be honest.

>> No.10603526
File: 88 KB, 320x216, 1514545065685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm /g/ as fuck

/g/ is trash.

>> No.10603533

>They run the greater alphabet conglomerate

They both work at the Googleplex on Google issues 99.9% of the time.

>> No.10603534

He is not wrong about Frozen and I liked that movie for the most part. And no /g/ is not trash. Consumer electronics and OS war threads are not /g/.

>> No.10603535


Hurr I can play with vague philosophical """"PREMISES"""""""" until the logic wrestles itself into something literally no one agrees with! This makes me very smart!

Jesus, have a little bit of self-awareness. Just because you desperately want to put yourself on an intellectual pedestal, that doesn't justify your autistic machinations.

>> No.10603536
File: 230 KB, 475x644, Sundar_Pichai_(cropped)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why is this guy the CEO of google? You are stuck in the past.

>> No.10603537

The programming threads on /g/ are just as trash as the consumer electronic and OS war threads.

>> No.10603543

The open source hardware and temple os threads are pretty nice. /g/ has taught me a lot as a teenager in the early 2010s.

>> No.10603544

I would prefer the mods set up a Peterson rolling sticky at this rate. These autists can't stick to one thread about him and make new threads clinging to every one of his words, so why not contain it?

>> No.10603549

Alphabet was created primarily for PR and tax evasion.

>> No.10603553

fine, i shouldn't have said that. doesn't change the fact that big 5 is complete trash, and basing your social and political views on it is extremely juvenile. the guy knows nothing about politics, society or actual science, and he shouldn't have said anything, period.

>> No.10603559

So what does this guy do all day? Polish Page's shoes?

>doesn't change the fact that big 5 is complete trash
You still haven't shown me how or why, though.

>> No.10603564

>and he shouldn't have said anything, period.
You're a coward. Always speak up for your believes.

>> No.10603588

you can start here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits#Critique

not when you're pretending to be scientific yet your beliefs are based in pseudoscience

>> No.10603589

>shills Nietzsche
>overcomes nihilism through OBJECTIVE MORALITY

ghggungh lool gets me every time. fucking posers

>> No.10603590

because this board is filled with contrarian assholes who'll shit all over something just because its popular

>> No.10603597

but...but......the GORILLION DEAD RUSSIANS bucko. it's like, okay, but....and so...

>> No.10603598


He herds the Pajeets that are working on Android.

>> No.10603607

Say it in your own words. Don't just adopt other peoples views so easily. What are your issues with the big 5? Pointing to a critique section of a wikipedia page is not a fucking argument.

That's this website in general.

So because he takes inspiration from Nietzsche he needs to agree with him 100%? The absolute state of /lit/.

>> No.10603625

>Say it in your own words
why when people way more qualified and educated on the matter have expressed it?

>Don't just adopt other peoples views so easily
and yet you accepted everything Damore and Peterson said without questioning it.

>> No.10603634

>A maximization of benefit would be to have the entire record of wants needs and impulses nullified
I don't understand this point. Are you saying that benefit is non-temporal rather than dependent on one's current state? Also, why would wants, needs, and impulses have to be nullified if they themselves do not bring harm, but the non-fulfillment of which does?

>The maximization of benefit engenders a condition already satisfied in the non-existence of a personal being
I don't see how this follows. If the above point is false, then this is too. Also, how could a non-being posses any maximization of benefit if he or she does not exist?

>> No.10603636

no just don’t advertise yourself as a Nietzschean or try to associate yourself with bigger personalities to boost your own mediocrity

>> No.10603638

I don't work in programming and I mostly barely even talk to my peers about stuff outside of work. My country lacks laws regarding pronouns and such, even hate speech laws were barred, but the truth is, if someone wants their pronouns to be zxr and I fail to follow them and raise a ruckus at work because of it, I'll be the one in the wrong.
You might hate trans people as much as you want, but truth is, if you act like a complete dick, you're in the wrong always. I doubt this is different anywhere else, if the person in question does their work as assigned and is a good employee, there's no reason whatsoever for you to ignore their wishes when it comes to something so minor. My life won't change a bit calling George Stephany, so why would yours?

>> No.10603650

>why when people way more qualified and educated on the matter have expressed it?
That's so fucking lazy. This means I win the argument. Good job.

>> No.10603656

>and yet you accepted everything Damore and Peterson said without questioning it.
But I did question it. It took me months before I finally decided that Peterson was trustworthy.

>> No.10603661

>It took me months before I finally decided that Peterson was trustworthy.

i had some doubts when i first encountered it, but after 2 hours of checking what did he said, it was enough. why did it took you so long

>> No.10603666

heh ok. if you think that a group of psychologists are less valuable than a meme youtube man telling you to clean your room and some autistic google guy, i guess you can be proud of your victory.

by the way, what's your personality type? Mine is INFP, I think we can be best friends :)

>> No.10603693

the big 5 is a pretty decent model. needs to be researched further, but i wouldnt say its "trash".

>> No.10603694

>You might hate trans people as much as you want,
I don't hate trannies, I just think many of them aren't really born in the wrong body and are just confused but that's neither here nor there and has nothing to do with memerson. I actually have a soon to me MtF tranny friend, so there is that.

>, if someone wants their pronouns to be zxr and I fail to follow them and raise a ruckus at work because of it, I'll be the one in the wrong.
I'll settle for he or she, but that's it. These people have no right to make me speak their made up words. Shit, do you even realize that most trannies are not supportive of this SJW shit?

Because I was a dumb and smug "critical thinker" who was very careful and excepted some sort of sinister agenda behind everything. Much like the brainlets ITT who seriously think that SJWism is not a problem. There seems to be an almost 1:1 correlation between people who don't think SJWs are a problem and people who hate Peterson (outside of /pol/ neo-nazis that is). Really makes me think.

INTP. But Myer Briggs is an actual meme. Everything that's shady about big five applies to that shit 10 fold. Also Peterson is a PhD psychologist. Why is your appeal at authority more valid than mine? There are some psychologists who like big five and some that don't. How is that proving anything? And if you think that Peterson can be summed up with "clean your room", you are just as uninformed as his mindless reddit tier fans.

>> No.10603700

I doubt he has even read the bill that he's talking about. Even in the workplace the person can't ask to be called whatever they want. All they can ask is to stop being intentionally misgendered (restricted to male or female pronouns). The person making the complaint also has to prove repeated intentional harassment. If you really insist on being a jackass you can just call them by their name.

Basically all the bill does is include trans people in the list of protected minority groups. It hasn't caused a significant problem when it was applied to other minority groups over a decade ago and it won't cause a significant problem now.

>> No.10603705

Imagine being this bluepilled. I bet you also believe Assad gassed idlib and that Saddam had WMDs.

>> No.10603708

Wrong on both counts.

>> No.10603710
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>> No.10603714

>So because he takes inspiration from Nietzsche he needs to agree with him 100%?
Of course not. Nietzsche doesn't hardly agree with Nietzsche half time, thus making it impossible to agree with Nietzsche on everything that Nietzsche says, and that is a deliberate tactic of his, as is well known.

But the entirety of Nietzsche's oeuvre is an experimental enterprise in living without any "objective" or absolute morality. To miss that and yet to hawk him as one's inspiration is to completely miss the most central fucking point that Nietzsche intended to establish, and so to prove one's self an unconscionable pseud.

I'd be wholly willing to bet .3btc that Peterson hasn't even read Morgenröte.

>> No.10603716

I haven't read it either and probably won't, but jfc what the fuck will it change in your life calling someone a he / she instead of she / he. I've dealt personally with 2 trans people in my life and I couldn't care less about whatever gender they identify with, what's the problem with just being a nice person and calling the person in question whatever they want. No one's asking you to be friends and invite them into your houses and so on, just fucking treat them like they want to be treated and don't sperg out, it's not that difficult.

>> No.10603718

So why do you believe the lies about C16? It's not just the bill itself, but the surrounding legislation and the already existing Ontario humans rights code. Context matters. Did you completely miss the Lindsey Shepard thing? The university claimed that even playing a Peterson video was illegal according to the new law. Not Peterson said that, but the diversity inquisition itself. Deflect all you want, I'm onto you.


>> No.10603723

>on /lit/ with this brainlet perspective

>> No.10603731

>but jfc what the fuck will it change in your life calling someone a he / she instead of she / he
You don't even understand what this is about, do you? This is not about trans pronouns but about compelled speech. Jesus Christ, why are you such a fucking shill? I'm willing to call a tranny by either he or she according to their own choosing, but that's it. And that doesn't mean that doing not so should be actionable by law. You have shown that you know NOTHING about this debate outside of the media spin and that's pretty fucking funny. Hang yourself, m8.

>> No.10603742

nigger you barely even know what elitism is, don't even talk to me until you make someone go away from a party for wrongly citing Fernando Pessoa.
>compelled speech
Nigger if you call someone at your job "cuntface" for 3 times without getting fired, I'll stand by your side. Until then, I see no difference between being called he or she and being called your birthname. People's denominations are inherently arbitrary, I see no problem with someone taking a position in how they want to be called. You can be fired for calling someone a offensive nickname, for example. There's no difference here.

>> No.10603746

Well, it's obvious that Peterson disagrees with the whole "dude make up your own values, übermensch" stuff, but that does not make him a Pseud. He can still build on Nietzsche despite disagreeing with his conclusion. I'm not familiar enough with Nietzsche, but didn't he die without ever reaching that goal?

>> No.10603760

> So why do you believe the lies about C16? It's not just the bill itself, but the surrounding legislation and the already existing Ontario humans rights code. Context matters.

I've read the bill and all of the surrounding legislation. Peterson is intentionally misrepresenting most of it and every single respectable lawyer in the country agrees.

> The university claimed that even playing a Peterson video was illegal according to the new law

The university was wrong and Wilfrid Laurier University does not represent the government. Lindsey hasn't been charged and plenty of legal council, including those from UoT and Ryerson came to her support. What the private university "claimed" doesn't necessarily reflect reality you brainlet.

>> No.10603766

Are you in favour of eliminating protected minority groups?

>> No.10603774

/g/ is total garbage and was one of the first boards to go

>> No.10603786

So calling someone he or she instead of xir or she instead of he is the same as saying cuntface? Christ. Why are you even on 4chan?

> People's denominations are inherently arbitrary
And that's why Peterson calls you postmodernists. No, it's not fucking arbitrary, Jesus Christ.

>You can be fired for calling someone a offensive nickname, for example. There's no difference here.
Again this is not about the workplace. Lindsey Shepard. What about her case? It's not the law itself that is the problem and Peterson has said as much.

>every single respectable lawyer in the country agrees.
Like who? Also appeal to authority.

And yet they did cite the law as an excuse to sanction Lindsey. Really makes me think.

>>What the private university "claimed" doesn't necessarily reflect reality you brainlet.
>Things that happened in reality don't reflect reality
Do you even listen to what you are saying?

As a matter of fact, yes. Equal justice under law. Don't discriminate based on ethnicity or gender, but that applies to everyone and not just """"protected groups"""". Don't even get me started on affirmative action.

>> No.10603797

Econ is STEM, brainlet

>> No.10603798

>>promotes freedom of speech

denied Faith Goldy a platform for being too disconnected from a mainstream narrative

>>>shills patrician-tier authors such as Nietzsche, Eliade, Jung, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn

never quotes them in context, if even at all, misinterprets them, leaves out Dostoyevsky, Jung, Solzhenitsyn's edgier views

>>makes astonishing psychological analyses of novels of said authors, of biblical stories, existentialist works and even simple tales such as pinocchio which hide a deep psychological baggage packed inside of them

if Disney movies have a connection to our psyche we are FUCKED

>>overcomes the great plague of our times: nihilism and atheism through MEANING, GOD, AND OBJECTIVE MORALITY

his audience is not that big, most of them were already Christian or looking for spirituality, degeneracy reigns still

>> No.10603805

But Macroeconomics is a total sham.

>> No.10603813

I support free speech, but that does not entitle richard spencer a place on my platform.

>> No.10603826

>As a matter of fact, yes

Thanks. I had a feeling you were a one dimensional simplistic brainlet.

>> No.10603830

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
economics doesn't match either of these

>> No.10603831

>I support free speech, but that does not entitle Jordan Peterson a place at my University

see how that sounds when it applies to you too?

>> No.10603839

Why should some people have more rights than others?

>leftists in charge of justice and equality

That's a different issue. He is not entitled to be invited, but if the college republicans invite him he does. Idiot.

>> No.10603848

he's a believer, bucko, you're following a christcuck

>> No.10603849

>And yet they did cite the law as an excuse to sanction Lindsey.

Proves nothing other than someone at the university made a mistake. Lindsey hasn't been charged, won't be charged, and most legal experts have spoken out on her behalf.

>> No.10603852
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it's literally a science based in part on math

>> No.10603855

>but if the college republicans invite him he does

has nothing to do with whether or no he is entitled to, by your argument Faith Goldy /was one of the first original invitees to speak at that talk/

you're denouncing muh feelz whenever it works against you and using muh feelz whenever it works for you

>> No.10603859

Because she leaked the audio. This shit is not just an isolated case.

Modern economics looks more like this:

It's Peterson's talk, he can invite and dis-invite whoever the fuck he wants.

>> No.10603863

>This shit is not just an isolated case.

Prove that there are a significant number of cases.

>> No.10603871

Prove that there aren't.

>inb4 muh burden

>> No.10603876
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haha southpark

>> No.10603879

>muh burden


>> No.10603882

It's not a coincidence he doesn't invite anyone that actually challenges his narrative, just like the liberal university he complains about. Not only that, but whenever he explained Faith Goldy he first admitted that he decided she was too much of a "hot property" to bring on, but then shrugged the responsibility onto some of his invitees, claiming it was "collective decision". Give me a fucking break. He's achieved enough of a level of controversy to get internet famous but doesn't want to go the extra mile because it'll hit his wallet.

>> No.10603888

No, this is not how this works. I have a concrete case and indicative of a larger trend and you just stick your head in the sand and you say "la la la isolated case".

>> No.10603894

>it's literally a science based in part on math
dumbshit, using some math doesn't make it a science
if it did then sociology would be STEM as well since they use statistics

>> No.10603903

>and indicative of a larger trend

You don't have anything even remotely close to this. You have a single case of a private entity misinterpreting the law and getting called out on it.

>> No.10603918

Seriously, did Peterson ever talk to someone who he doesn't agree with beforehand? He either talks to people who agree with him, or to people who he wants to teach on what is correct with his rhetoric. As much as I hate that Millennial Woes faglord, he offered Peterson $200 to have a discussion about the alt-right and he didn't even respond. What a coward

>> No.10603942

>So calling someone he or she instead of xir or she instead of he is the same as saying cuntface?
Yes. If a dude called Joseph feels offended by being called Joe and tells you so, by most accounts you shouldn't call him Joe. This is basic social tact, not some jew conspiracy to subvert the white man.

>> No.10603943

>he offered Peterson $200

I wouldn't sit down and talk to some Youtube faggot named "Millenial Woes" for $200 either. I hate Peterson but he probably made more than $200 an hour a decade ago.

>> No.10603948

Badiou confirmed for theoretical mathematics boys, continental phil won.

>> No.10603956

You're avoiding the issue, which is Peterson avoiding anyone more spicy than barely center-right/center-left

>> No.10603957

But should it be the law? Stop muddying the waters.

>> No.10603958

> it's obvious that Peterson disagrees with the whole "dude make up your own values, übermensch" stuff
Yeah, and that wasn't really Nietzsche point either. He was attempting to impel us to live by a new morality that would be synchronous with life- but life is always changing ("evolving") and so any fixed or absolute ethical standard will always be by definition inadequate, at least eventually- and to someone who values truth above all else, even pragmatic survival, such eventualities simply will not do. Variability and adaptability in morality are the Heraclitian keys to overcoming nihilism, not any petty reversion to a reified "objectivity", no matter how preferable such cruthes may seem in the face of abject moral relativity such as that liberalism which so sorely plagues us today.

>didn't he die without ever reaching that goal?
Well yeah, sort of. The unpublished notes for his magnum opus (posthumously published under the title "Der Wille Zur Macht") are something of an accomplishment in this direction (imo), but he was afflicted with something of a congenital cranial condition ("softening of the brain" in the medical lingo of the day), and so had his project interrupted. (Don't listen to anyone who says that he went insane from the impossibility of his central project itself. That's rubbish. He had multiple legitimate medical conditions and serious personal setbacks that impeded his work, but which he tirelessly overcame for many years before finally succumbing to something of a tumor.)

*sigh* I really wish someone like Peterson truly understood Nietzsche. I know he means well and he is probably a very productive clinician but he is definitely a pseud as a philosopher.

>> No.10603968

Well, no one discriminates a lad named Joseph who doesn't want to be called Joe when it comes to employing or renting him a room for instance, so it really shouldn't be as is the case with trans people.
This is what confuses me, if people against trannies hate them so much they should just ignore them and treat them with a modicum of respect so their demands would prove themselves useless.

>> No.10603970

Well actually, according to MW, Peterson on his Patreon page had a goal which stated that, if you donated $200, he would do a 45 minute one-to-one Skype discussion with you. But apparently he removed that later.

>> No.10603971

Where should I start with Nietzsche. Since I'm German I guess I'm obligated to read it.

>> No.10603973

Ecce Homo
Geneology of Morals
The Antichrist
Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.10603979

>give someone what they want and you win

>> No.10603980

You're such a leftist moron, it hurts my brain. People who are against this pronoun bullshit don't hate trannies. They are even trannies that are against this pronoun bullshit. Why the fuck do you keep arguing against this strawman? Do you have brain damage? Also sticks and stones. Again this is about LAW.

>> No.10603988

i think he was just baiting all along

>> No.10603989

Thanks. I had to read some texts by Nietzsche back in highschool and didn't understand shit, but that was quite a while ago. Maybe I'm less retarded now.

>> No.10603993

>Again this is about LAW.

Which you're purposely misinterpreting because you hate trannies. Do you hate niggers and fags too?

>> No.10603994

oh and also, he did talk to Sargon and some other meme youtubers, so yeah he's just a coward

>> No.10604001

>he did talk to Sargon

Peterson really is a brainlet lmao

>> No.10604002

No. 4chan has been colonized by these people. Just look at /lgbt/.

I think homosexuality is counterproductive, but if you want to be a fag I'm not stopping you. I have no strong feelings towards niggers whatsoever. Shit, maybe you ARE bating.

>> No.10604005

No. Do not fucking point people towards Land before having them thoroughly understand Deleuze before. Jesus fuck.

>> No.10604008

>guilt by association

>> No.10604009

to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand liberalistism

>> No.10604011

You haven't lost anything either.
A law which as far as I've gathered has harmed literally 0 people. Do you want to have a discussion about the philosophy and theory of law? Becase I'm an amateur but I'm willing to, considering your arguing the state and society have any bearing on the individual notions of gender.

>> No.10604015
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As opposed to your reading of TSZ, which is completely accurate and factual.

>> No.10604020

>A law which as far as I've gathered has harmed literally 0 people
It was used as an excuse to harm Lindsey. Whether or not this was actually based on the law itself is not really relevant.

>> No.10604027

>Whether or not this was actually based on the law itself is not really relevant.

It's actually incredibly relevant.

>> No.10604035

>You haven't lost anything either.
Except for your societal values and norms.

>> No.10604037

It really is relevant if your whole argument relies on said law resulting in the state curbing the individual free spech. I don't even know who Lindsey is or what he or she did, but I doubt is something that happened exclusively because of said law, considering no judiciary agency was involved (by your own account)

>> No.10604042

Your values and norms have absolutely nothing to do with other people's lives.

>> No.10604044

No, because it is pushed by those exact same people.

>considering no judiciary agency was involved (by your own account)
No, but a social justice kangaroo court was. C-16 and the surrounding legislation of the Ontario human rights code enables such tribunals.

>I don't even know who Lindsey is or what he or she did

I can't tell them how to live and they can't tell me how to speak. Hang yourself.

>> No.10604051

That's understandable, he would be swamped with requests now that he's popular

>> No.10604055

>they can't tell me how to speak.

move to a different country then bro, vote with your feet, do people in Thailand who don't want to be jailed for insulting the king stay in Thailand? No, they fucking move somewhere instead of bitching about it.

>> No.10604058

>move to a different country then bro
And that's why I hate leftists. Seriously, I want to physically harm you. How spineless can you get?

>> No.10604059

By calling someone another name or gender you are very clearly implying you don't accept how they live, therefore passing judgement on their lifes. You're clearly imposing your own values on someone elses' body, something I'm against, like I'm against transfusions of blood on christian people who are against them.

What did the state do against whoever Lindsay Sheppard is? I'm not listening to that audio because I literally don't care enough, the law didn't do anything, neither did the judiciary power.

>> No.10604064


>> No.10604067

>le enlightened individualist only thinks about their own selfish desires
What a surprise.

>> No.10604073

>How spineless can you get?
Do you go to Thailand and insult the King? The indians come with the country pal.

>> No.10604076

No. If you are a liberal, you are still holding tooth and claw to christian morality. He's still advocating mediocrity and herd-oriented "contribute to the system" garbage. J. is literally unable to understand Nietzsche as anything other than "that guy who BTFO'd the church", without realizing that his ideology is just another Cathedral.

>> No.10604077
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>By calling someone another name or gender you are very clearly implying you don't accept how they live
OH NO THE HUMANITY. Are you seriously implying that my personal disapproval some someone lifestyle is bigotry? Am I getting this right?

>I'm not listening to that audio because I literally don't care enough
You are a parasite and a useful idiot. I seriously hope the left will devour you too. Stay in your little bubble, kiddo. One day you will realize that we were right.

>> No.10604079

>judgement is wrong

>> No.10604081

>people shouldn't have freedom of access to their own bodies because it makes me feel bad
I hate furries as much as the next guy, for example, but this doesn't mean they are harming me in any way whatsoever, just that they're stupid.

>> No.10604086

basically she played a 5 minute clip of peterson for debate in her college class and got interrogated by two professors and the principal later. they had to apologize for taking it too far and not allowing room for any debate

>> No.10604087

>this IQ level
Jesus Christ.

>> No.10604094

your personal disapproval isn't mine or anyone else's issue, this doesn't give you the right to chimp out because someone else does whatever they want with their life, unless they are actively harming someone else

>> No.10604096

You've not demonstrated that Peterson actually supports free speech (Faith Goldy).