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10594500 No.10594500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any other good books for an alt-libertarian (libertarian with conservative cultural values)

>> No.10594506

hoppe has his own book, Democracy, the god that failed, which is almost certainly better than the op book

>> No.10594515

Am I wrong in thinking that Hoppe is the only interesting libertarian precisely because he's basically a fucking volkisch thinker?

From the blurbs and excerpts I've seen he seems to think that communities DO supersede economics, and can be grounded in an ethne or a religious creed or whatever, and beyond that everything is machtpolitik.

>> No.10594521

you are not a real libertarian if you are a helicopter memelord

>> No.10594531

>communities supersede economics
>can be grounded in an ethnoreligious creed

none of that is libertarian, he's a traditionalist, he doesn't give a shit about the free market

>> No.10594572

Why do libertarians always become white nationalist crypto-fascists? It's like they only want limited government just so they can start their own little ones and put people in camps without opposition.

>> No.10594576

I've noticed that libertarians that get rich off crypto or having an actual business stay normal libertarians and the ones that stay poorfags turn into fascists

>> No.10594586

that's not "alt-libertarian" that's simply conservative libertarian, nothing 'alternative' about it

this. literally idolizing an authoritarian regime that suppressed liberties to the extreme just because it had a market economy and killed communists. It's like when Marxists idolize Stalin.

>> No.10594590

>you're not a real libertarian if you dont support subhuman rights

i believe in absolute freedom for european men

>> No.10594593

no free market = no liberty

larping like a czech farmer is not libertarianism

>> No.10594598

i believe in a free market for people, not subhumans and animals. do you believe in a free market for dogs?

>> No.10594601

there are many, many non-europeans more valuable than you

>> No.10594673

Yeah, you're not a libertarian if you don't support liberty. Who knew?

>> No.10594674

no one cares about what you believe in

welcome to the real world kiddo

>> No.10594838
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>"tfw I'm a völkisch authoritarian ethno-nationalist but I still want to delude myself and others into thinking that I am a libertarian who cares about liberty for all people"
>"Ahhh I know! I will simply declare my political opponents and all ethnic/racial/cultural/religious groups I don't like to be subhumans/animals. HAHA FUCKING GENIUS"

>> No.10595023

>HAHA fucking soyboyleftists we're going to hang you from a fucking helicopter

Yeah get fucked. Nazi's are getting their heads smashed in m8.

>> No.10595207

>ugh nazis are so fucking violent

>> No.10595213

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10595234

most of the communists ive seen on the internet

>> No.10595252

All this edgelord fighting aside I must recommend the vast material on mises.org or perhaps a local Mises institute if you're Swedish or Brazilian. Hoppe, Rothbard, Mises himself, and Bastiat are all very insightful. Tom Woods' writings on history may very well fit you I think too.

>> No.10595256

no yids

>> No.10595269

Considering libertarianism was born in time when human rights were a distant dream and in the enviroment where they were born they ignored liberty of say niggers, I don't get why you can't be libertarian and for limiting of rights.

It's basically just a synonym for RIGHTS FOR WHITES ONLY.

>> No.10595447


Honestly, most of the crypto-fascists who start off by saying "I was once a libertarian like you" were never libertarian to begin with. They just had neo-conservative sensibilities and then fell to stormfaggotry. The main premise of Libertarianism, or really any form of minarchism, is limited government. If you go from limited government to authoritarianism/totalitarianism, it means you're fucking retarded.

>> No.10595450

>consevative culture values
here is your problem

>> No.10595451


congratulations, you're not a libertarian

>> No.10595464

Because any libertarian with half a brain realizes that libertarianism is an entirely white phenomenon.

>> No.10595469

>Identity politics in 2018
Some people just aren't destined for learns

>> No.10595475

>identity politics is le dumb, we should just behave like atomized individuals
>what do you mean that gives an absurd advantage to people who refuse to play by that rule and instead act like a group with collective interests?

>> No.10595476

Least autistic post in this thread.

>> No.10595487
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>> No.10595488

Found the leftypol ITT

>> No.10595499

Found the butthurt memester

>> No.10595506

Jesus Christ I hate Americans

>> No.10595537
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>brainlet who's never heard of Kemalism or the Partido Liberal

>> No.10595548

>dumb stormnigger who thinks individualism = "atomized individuals" that can't form groups

>> No.10595559
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>b-but a real libertarian state has never been tried before

>> No.10595561

>hey dude these two exceptions totally disprove the fact that third worlders disproportionately vote for left wing politicians

>> No.10595564

>yeah guys let's form a group but please DO NOT idenfity with it or advance any sort of cause related to the identity we have as members of that group. That's totally counterproductive

>> No.10595573
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>"I don't know what the word disproportionately means"


>"I don't know the difference between collectivism and individualism."

>> No.10595585

>the political of third worlders in third world countries is a relevant thing when talking about the effects of third worlders voting in first world countries
Anon, I'm sorry, but third worlers vote for left of center parties in first world countries. If you want the free market and whatever else, you can't have open borders because the people you're importing are going to vote against the free market you desire.

>> No.10595588

Also, did you pick the wrong image? I've no idea what that has to do with what I said.

>> No.10595606

They're right, you know

>> No.10595619

>Stormnigger thinks I'm for open borders because I want liberal markets

I have no problem with net-neutral immigration. I do have a problem with brainlets like you who subvert the idea of liberty with collectivist identitarianism that's always poisoned with authoritarian stormfaggotry. Problems can be solved without resorting to a totalitarian state. Every single civilization that has concerned itself with ethnicity before ideology has always been shattered.

>> No.10595637


This should happen.

>> No.10595657

The transition happens because they initially see libertarianism as a tool to fight the "degenerate left." When they realize that isn't what actual libertarianism does, they swing hard into right authoritarianism.

>> No.10595672

>Problems can be solved without resorting to a totalitarian state
Who said anything about a totalitarian state?
>Every single civilization that has concerned itself with ethnicity before ideology has always been shattered.
Yes, like america in the first half of the 20th century. Totally shattered

>> No.10595677

Yeah, but who's going to do it? Commies are pasty white dudes who have never lifted anything heavier than a keyboard plus trannies, drug addicts, and assorted deviants. Are they supposed to scare anyone?

>> No.10595678

>i believe in absolute freedom for european men
the only way for that to work would for there to be be a state to define who counts as sufficiently european to receive liberty

>> No.10595687


Libertarianism isn't a "tool" to fight the degenerate left. Paramount to all libertarians is the need to enshrine inalienable rights and freedoms for the citizenry and prevent the rise of tyrannical power. Liberty and union, one and inseparable.

Anyone who's self identifies as a fascist and says that they were previously a libertarian, is a fucking moron and doesn't understand what libertarianism is.

>> No.10595695

>Commies are pasty white dudes who have never lifted anything heavier than a keyboard
The same holds true for the alt-right crowd. They are equally cringey, immature, inexperienced, and just want to be part of a group for once.

>> No.10595720

Lmao @commies that think identity politics are going away anytime soon

>> No.10595723

>Who said anything about a totalitarian state?

That's your end-goal. You'll never be able to achieve the grass roots movement to establish an ethnostate and deport millions of people based on their ethnicity, in the process infringing on their civil liberties. There's an excellent video series by a catholic reactionary youtuber that dissects the reason why the alt-right just doesn't have the possibility of reaching its goals.


>Yes, like america in the first half of the 20th century. Totally shattered

Then you fail to understand the founding fathers vision of republicanism, hamiltons writings on civil liberties, or the 14th amendment. I'd expect someone on /lit/ to do a bit of reading on the subject before he talks out of his ass.

>> No.10595725


Commies and Nazis aren't far removed though. Both are leftist tripe, socialist garbage.

>> No.10595728

Take your horse shoe and shove it up your ass commie

>> No.10595732

Did you even read my second sentence before replying to me?

>> No.10595737

>That's your end-goal.
>Then you fail to understand the founding fathers
You mean the guys whose first immigration policy was literally "only white dudes?
And even then, how is that relevant to the example I brought? Was america beofre the 60s focused on ethnicity as a main determinant of immigration? Yes. Was it devastated by that? Absolutely not. So what you said earlier is completely wrong.

>> No.10595739

>Nazis are left, I guess because they had Socialist in their title

I wish Americans would learn history, but I've given up on that wish by now.
Sent from the German Democratic Republic which is totally democratic guys

>> No.10595743


fuck off nigger, I don't agree with horseshoe theory. I look at the economic principles that the nazis undertook and I see a top down command economy that combined a planned economy with no guarantees of private property. They were third positionists, which meant they combined reactionary social policy with leftist economic policy. They were leftists, you filthy fucking socialist.

>> No.10595748

see >>10595743

Read "Road to Serfdom" which perfectly illustrates why totalitarian regimes always employ socialist planned economies with rescission of freedom to fully actualize their goals.

>> No.10595749

>The same holds true for the alt-right crowd
Not even remotely on the same level, unless you're mistaking the alt-right with based kekistanis or some shit like that.
Far right groups are always more focused on physical fitness. Also, it's quite telling that you left out the rest of the people I mentioned despite the fact that they constitute a significant percentage of far left groups.

>> No.10595754

>nazis undertook and I see a top down command economy that combined a planned economy with no guarantees of private property.
No. Unless you're talking about wartime economy, then you're just dumb.

>> No.10595755
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>Far right groups are always more focused on physical fitness


>> No.10595758

They were gearing for war.

>> No.10595760


Hitler put the german economy in 125% debt to its GDP by 1939 and oversaw the production of consumer products by mediating it through the party, meaning people like thyssen and krupp had no control over their own companies. He controlled the means of production.

>> No.10595765
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a "wartime economy" somehow means that it can't be socialist or planned

>> No.10595767

>omg fascists are dangerous people fixated on violence who go around beating people up
>actually they're just weak fat dudes
Amazing double-think. Dude, I've got a far right center not far from my house. They organize boxing lessons, hiking and plenty of shit like that. Last time I went parachuting, it was basically the same people you'd found at the triump of the will conference. Setting aside anecdotes, it's a repeatedly well established link that between right wing ideas and higher levels of physical fitness.

>> No.10595773

No, dummy, a wartime economy means it's inevitable going to be highly centralized/planned.

>> No.10595776

He controller part not all.
Wartime means majority economy is producing for war and will be planned.

It's been ages since I read RTS but it's dishonest to critique Nazi Germany as 'socialist as in Communism socialism' (???) when they were preparing for war vs. not critiquing what Britain did AFTER the war for years....

>> No.10595783

American far right groups are a bunch of 56%er weaklings. Some of the far right groups i've seen in europe were some tough looking dudes.

>> No.10595792

>No, dummy, a wartime economy means it's inevitable going to be highly centralized/planned.\

>let's forget the fact that United States and all of the allied powers used bonds and contracts without infringing on the private ownership of companies and corporations. Let's also forget how the nazi party organized capital and labor together, which has always been the hallmark of socialist, totalitarian regimes.

>> No.10595795
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>libertarian with conservative cultural values
"Conservative libertarians" are just engaging in attempting to naturalize their ideological presuppositions when there shouldn't even be a need to do that. At the bottom of things liberalism was based on quasi-egalitarian notions, market equilibration e.g. wages can only be exceptionally high because there must be some form of artificial barriers to entry, etc, etc. Janitors would train to become coders when the price signals direct them to, wages would always equilibrate in a real free market and no general failures, such as gluts, can emerge because factors are totally mobile and interchangeable and supply creates its own demand as long as there's not something "artificial" stoping it from happening. Once you introduce new categories, like race (le bell curve), into the analysis though all the nice pure economic concepts end up being completely irrelevant and perhaps falsified (even though they're formulated in an unfalsifiable manner). It always empirically becomes necessary to promote certain ideological notions to mitigate issues that shouldn't even arise on your own terms, nature never seems to work just like it should and the real problems have to be explained.

Negative freedom isn't in any sense necessarily contrary to "tyrannical power". You just need to rename slavery to life time protection contracts.


>> No.10595815

>He controller part not all.
He controlled part of it not all? That's your rebuttal?

The Nazis expanded the welfare state and government control over the economy. This is indisputable. Out of the bowels of Mussolini (who led the socialist part of Italy and was congratulated by Lenin) came Nazism to germany, where censorship, protectionism, strong regulations on the economy, free education, and free healthcare were mandated. Leftism always supports brutalist, top-down methods of policing the population. They might be slightly "right" of Stalinism in an economic sense, but they were still a socialist, leftist invention.

>> No.10595824

>Negative freedom isn't in any sense necessarily contrary to "tyrannical power". You just need to rename slavery to life time protection contracts.

Negative liberty means the freedom from the interference of other people or governments. Slavery is an anathema of freedom. Is that too complicated for you to understand?

>> No.10595834


>> No.10595847

>Although the Nazi Party election programs supported nationalization of major industries, the Nazi government contradicted this program by including several actual policies of privatization in the 1930s.
>Between the fiscal years 1934/35 and 1937/38, privatization represented 1.4 percent of the German government's revenues.
>Among companies that were privatized, were the four major commercial banks in Germany that had all come under public ownership during the prior years; Commerz– und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank
>A recurring question in the literature on Nazi economic policy is why the Nazis refrained from implementing a policy of wide-scale nationalization of private firms [Buchheim and Scherner (2005)]
>this question is interesting since the Nazis’ official economic program and their electoral manifestos regularly included this proposal.
>It is worth noting that by REJECTING large-scale nationalization the Nazi government joined the
mainstream in Western capitalist countries, which were, in the 1930s, more given to intervention through
regulation and fiscal policy.

Then during wartime it increased, but that's understandable. And during war economy it was complete. Much like in any state that declared war economy. You are wrong calling them out when the academic discussion in itself is going on about why did Nazis refrain from nationalizations.

But if you are doing this, you should also look at what Britain did AFTER the danger was over. Much more socialist.

>> No.10595853

This line of argumentation presupposes commies are people.

>> No.10595864

>Let's also forget how the nazi party organized capital and labor together, which has always been the hallmark of socialist, totalitarian regimes.
love too organize labor by banning unions

>> No.10595865

Thread should've ended here desu

>> No.10595872

Negative liberty means the government can't do something to you. The conditions to actually exercise any right depends on conditions which aren't stipulated. The government can't stop you from saying something but you won't ever necessarily have a platform to speak.

You just assume debt peonage and lifetime servitude are not compadible with negative freedom because you live under a system which has forbiden it. If you introduce the right to alienate your entire power to labour to a corporation 90% of people would click next on the EULA without even reading the conditions they're agreeing to.

>> No.10595873

>nature never seems to work just like it should and the real problems have to be explained.
it's because of the niggers and the kikes and the spics and the welfare queens and the white trash and the self-entitled millennials and the hippies and the...
or as they like to call them - rational actors

>> No.10595879


>in October 1933, every farm up to 308 acres was declared a hereditary estate-it could not be sold, divided, mortgaged or foreclosed on for debt. With the death of its owner, it would pass to his nearest male relative, who in turn was obligated to provide an income and education for his relatives. The peasant farmer was called a bauer or peasant, an "honored title" that he forfeited if he broke the "peasant honor code"-that is, if he stopped farming.
>For its first year, the regime concentrated on a program of government grants of loan credit; stimulus bills for public works, such as road-building and forestation; and it "targeted tax cuts" to enterprises that increased capital expenditure and increased their number of employees. But from 1934 onward, the implementation of the Wehrwirtschaft, or war economy, became the model to which business and labor were subordinated and which was designed to function, not just in time of war, but in the period before war began.
>In 1936, Göring's Four Year Plan was inaugurated. This made Göring, who was almost as ignorant about economics as Hitler, Germany's economic dictator. In the drive for a total war economy, protectionism was decreed and autarchy the desire-the so-called "Battle of Production." Consumer imports were nearly eliminated, price and wage controls were enacted, and vast state projects were built to manufacture raw materials.
>Businessmen and entrepreneurs were smothered by red tape, were told by the state what they could produce and how much and at what price, burdened by taxation, and were forced to make "special contributions" to the party. Corporations below a capitalization of $40,000 were dissolved and the founding of any below a capitalization of $2,000,000 was forbidden, which wiped out a fifth of all German businesses.

>In February 1935 all employment came under the exclusive control of government employment offices which determined who would work where and for how much. And on June 22, 1938, the Office of the Four Year Plan instituted guaranteed employment by conscripting labor. Every German worker was assigned a position from which he could not be released by the employer, nor could he switch jobs, without permission of the government employment office. Worker absenteeism was met with fines or imprisonment-all in the name of job security. A popular Nazi slogan at the time was "the Common Interest before Self"!

Want me to go on?

>> No.10595883

please go on

>> No.10595888


I'm saying that forced involuntary servitude is antithetical to the idea of negative liberty. The conditions you're laying out for slavery aren't compatible with modern-day definition.

>> No.10595901


With pleasure.

>Social life too, was centralized by the Reich. Under the organization "Strength through Joy," the leisure time of the people was regimented. No organized social, sport or recreational groups-from chess and soccer clubs to bird-watching, to adult education, to the theatre, opera, and music concerts-were allowed to function without the oversight of the state. Besides the social costs of not trusting people to be able to look after themselves, there were the enormous costs of this vast bureaucracy that policed the private activities of the citizens.

>Local traditions were attacked and eliminated, private firearms were outlawed and confiscated, and the amalgamation of the various Christian churches and the elimination of Christian symbols from public places and schools was attempted. Education, too, came under central control under the Reich Minister of Education, which designed the curriculum, rewrote textbooks, and licensed teachers.

>The cartelization of industry-which began before the Nazi regime-was made compulsory, and the Ministry of Economics was empowered to form new compulsory cartels or to force firms to join existing ones. The maze of business and trade associations created to lobby the Weimar Republic for various considerations in the law were nationalized and made compulsory for all businesses.
>The Reich Economic Chamber was established on top of all these associations. It consisted of seven national economic groups, twenty-three economic chambers, seventy chambers of handicrafts, and one hundred chambers of industry and commerce. From these bureaucracies and the numerous offices and agencies of the Ministry of Economics and the Office of the Four Year Plan rained down a flood of decrees and laws, which in turn created for businesses the need on the one hand for lawyers and a legal department to understand these rules, and on the other, for a systematic regime of bribing officials.

Would you like more reasons why Nazism is Socialism?

>> No.10595902

>The conditions you're laying out for slavery aren't compatible with modern-day definition.
neither is libertarianism and you're still jerking yourself raw over it

>> No.10595903

So what you posted pertains to war economy even according to Mises
>In the drive for a total war economy
and has little do with nationalization of economy?

I mean you could be posting about post-WW2 Britain.
Why are you not posting about post-WW2 Britain?

>> No.10595905


And yet most libertarians aren't members of the libertarian party. The Libertarian party doesn't define what libertarianism is.

>> No.10595909

How is banning guns nationalization of economy about which I was postinag about I'm confused

>> No.10595913

so what? my post still stands.
he thinks socialism=1984. that's the brainpower you're dealing with here.

>> No.10595915

>Also, it's quite telling that you left out the rest of the people I mentioned despite the fact that they constitute a significant percentage of far left groups.
I left them out because they aren't characteristic of the alt-right crowd. Reading comprehension?

>> No.10595916


It means that the policies of Wehrwirtschaft were undertaken long before any military excursion, and was used to completely centralize control of all economic functions. Do you disagree with any of the points made otherwise?

>> No.10595922

>Wehrwirtschaft were undertaken long before any military excursion
Even the Mises article you quote says they were doing war economy..

>> No.10595924


Total centralization, interference, and government oversight in controlling private functions.

>> No.10595926

i live in a third world country where 3/4 of the population constantly vote for socialism,, you have no idea the impact it has on our society, some days half the country shuts down and nothing gets done because workers in the transport system are protesting, not only is everything always broken but breaking public property is a political act and you often see "protestors" with hammers breaking the fucking sidewalk.
People form hierarchies on top of hierarchies on top of hierarchies and the people on top are borderline gang members so those are the values everyone aspires to follow, college students dont want to be doctors, lawyers or engineers, they want to reach some position where they have enough power to never have to work, thats students not people who have been working for 30 years and are now too tired or looking for more status
There is so much corruption and so much theft at every level its amazing how this country is still standing, you are supposed and expected to steal if you have the chance

As such i cant help but look at libertarianism as the only possible solution, people just dont value themselves in socialism, only opportunity , if you cant use someone to get more value out of your life then that person doesnt matter

>> No.10595930

That is authoritarian government, but how is banning guns nationalization of economy?

>> No.10595933


You're a brainlet if you think slapping the word "war economy" on something suddenly makes it not socialist.

>> No.10595939

Does someone have an amazon link or pdf?

>> No.10595942


The point was proving that Nazism was a leftist invention. "Nationalization" for the Nazis was protectionist socialism.

>> No.10595944

How can't you distinct a socialist country and country gearing for war?
All war economy is somewhat planned, but not all planned economy is war economy.

Of course I admit that Nazi Germany was a socialist in their own way different from USSR. After all, democratic-socialist in Finland did fancy Nazi policies.

>> No.10595952

>if you cant use someone to get more value out of your life then that person doesnt matter
this may be the first time I've seen someone argue for libertarianism as the ideology that cares more about people than their use value

>> No.10595955

>How can't you distinct a socialist country and country gearing for war?

Distinct? Do you mean separate, or is english not your native tongue?

Nonetheless, it's still socialist. You can dance around the subject all you'd like, but the degree of planning undertaken by Hjalmar Schlacht under Hitler was completely centralized from the top down. It was a socialist economy run by the National Socialists. This isn't hard to understand. Are you in denial?

>> No.10595965

christ, you're dumb
hitler took some socialist notions and used them to get the people on his side and when he got into power he ditched all of that
your problem is that you're a libertarian dumbshit who thinks socialism=authoritarianism

>> No.10595985

>was completely centralized from the top down
but the academic literature is literally baffled why Nazis didn't undertake nationalization of economy? How was it completely top-down controlled if they didn't practice hands free nationalization prior to economy for war in 33-36? I'd even argue they began to probably start for war in '33 anyways.

Yes, they did like same ideas as their opponents, but fundamentally differentiated between others. They literally opposed each other so hard there were right wing militias and communists duking it out each other in the street.

but why are you not talking about post-WW2 Britain?

>> No.10595987

to put it simply: socialism = workers' control over the means of production.
did they have that in nazi germany? no.

>> No.10595992

>hitler took some socialist notions and used them to get the people on his side and when he got into power he ditched all of that

That's the point - he didn't ditch it. He doubled down. He doubled down so hard that there was no feasible way he'd be able to pay off the debt he accrued before the war's beginning, without any way to squeeze out more money out of the german citizenry other than straight-out theft. Let me repeat: The centralization of the nazi-german economy and unlimited spending led to ruinous debt and belabored economy before the fucking war even began.

>> No.10596004


Then we agree that Communists and Nazis held most positions of economy reform in common, and only battled as competing ideologies.

>> No.10596013


Holy fuck you are retarded. The STATE seizes the means of production, which is what the Nazis did.

>> No.10596015

Even the Mises article you quoted said it was war economy. Since you know to quote people by name from Nazi Germany Administration you obviously also know that they had the plan to 'win the war' as a means to 'pay the debts', the debt they collected the closer the war was 'calculated' in that megalomaniac sense.

>held most positions of economy reform in common.
I'm not competent enough in German Communist program to say this.

>> No.10596017

if you dont see any value in yourself you wont see any value in anything or anyone, as i said students dont want to become doctors because people look up to doctors or because its a position of high status, let alone helping people.
Medicine students want to become doctors because doctors get to work whenever they want, get paid a lot and they dont stay unemployed for long, its all about getting as much money for doing as little work, over 30% of the population works in the public sector and even more would move there if they could and even with so many public employees nothing gets ever done
You would think at least the poor have it better right? well there are people living without gas, electricity or water and little access to food who voted them because they where promised help, when they won they started working on creating the infrastructure to provide gas to households where temperature gets below freezing levels at night, they spent a fortune and did nothing, people froze and starved to death, there are pictures showing all the abandoned materials that haven't been touched for years and the little work they got done got ruined so hard by sheer neglect it all has to be scrapped to start scratch, meanwhile students who supported them got free phones and low rent accommodation, some drive cars nobody can afford even tho they never had a job

>> No.10596022

>The STATE seizes the means of production, which is what the Nazis did.
but how did they do that when academic literature is literally puzzled that they didn't nationalize economy but instead followed Western capitalism?

And don't mix it up with war economy this time!

>> No.10596028

>la la la la la it was a war economy, not socialist! I I'm not listening! la la la la la

>> No.10596029


socialism = communism = negation of generalized commitity production.

if you don't know what that means, for the love of god, read just a tiny bit of marx. fucking imbeciles.

>> No.10596031

>The nazis called it a war economy, so it wasn't socialist!

>> No.10596036

>socialism = communism

>> No.10596037

MISES, which you quoted, called it war economy..
most historians agree that Nazis started war preparations at least by '34.

>> No.10596038


Seizing them means that the government takes control of them, and (according to communist theory) uses them for the greater good instead of for personal gain as in capitalism.

>> No.10596049


And MISES comes to the conclusion that Nazism is Socialist by nature

>> No.10596057

tell me something, did those people starving and freezing to death have any value once the election was over and all the money destined to helping them was already overseas?
when they voted for help because they where promised help and then got casted aside was that not theft? there is something particularly disgusting about lying to poor people to get their vote because voting is all poor people have so you are taking everything away from the people who have nothing, i may not be the most compassionate person but i dont go steal change from a blind beggar

>> No.10596058

im right, at least if you follow marx. the distinction came later.

this is meme socialism, you can seize the means of production and still have capitalism (think co-ops) as long as the capitalist law of value operates.

>> No.10596066

and what did the state do, it banned trade unions. and it was authoritarian. that's workers' control? as all libetarians all you're doing is playing semantics while not recognizing the reality of the issue. fucking idiots.

>students dont want to become doctors because people look up to doctors or because its a position of high status, let alone helping people.
>Medicine students want to become doctors because doctors get to work whenever they want, get paid a lot and they dont stay unemployed for long, its all about getting as much money for doing as little work
holy fucking shit, this is what happens in the rest of the world too you dumb fuck
your head is a fucking candyland dreamworld if you think a doctor wants to study for 6 or 10 or 12 years just because he has a deep deep drive to help people
>people froze and starved to death
and what do you think libertarians would do? they're against state action dumbfuck!

>> No.10596072

>i may not be the most compassionate person but i dont go steal change from a blind beggar
no, you'll take the beggar to a gas chamber

>> No.10596078

This lad is probably a middle-to-low class brazilian who's been sold neoliberalism as a radical position, avoid replying.

>> No.10596091

my mind is blown by him crying about poor people freezing to death and putting forward LIBERTARIANISM as a saving proposition
libertarians would send death squads on the homeless if they could

>> No.10596096

libertarians would respect the right to vote poor people have because it has equal value to the right to vote everyone has and wouldn't lie to them to steal it because a free society in which you lose all the time is better than a captive society in which you win all the time
also dont assume you know shit about my country, im aware people want to be doctors to make money but you dont understand how its like here

>> No.10596101

>libertarians would stand for the state having the right to kill people
>im the retard here
i wasn't aware this was /b/

>> No.10596124

>>libertarians would stand for the state having the right to kill people
whoever said they're states and not their own paramilitary companies doofus

>> No.10596131

Prefixing an ideology with "alt-" should be outlawed.

>> No.10596141

libertarian =/= anarcho-capitalist

>> No.10596169

>libertarians would respect the right to vote poor people have because it has equal value to the right to vote everyone has and wouldn't lie to them to steal it because a free society in which you lose all the time is better than a captive society in which you win all the time
libertarians lie all the time, like how you're pretending to shed tears for the poor frozen people when the political and economic ideology you want to win wouldn't give two shits about them
>but you dont understand how its like here
it's like everywhere else, you're not special, you only think you are

>> No.10596173

oh sorry, they wouldn't send literal death squads, they'd just enact a series of laws that would make homelessness even harder while not doing anything to alleviate it, what a bunch of swell guys

>> No.10596287

im not shedding a tear over the poor poor people im pissed off at the traitorous thieves that only get to power by lying, manipulating, keeping people in constant hysteria and using their own strengths against them, thats completely repulsive
>its the same here
you would probably get diarrhea and die just from drinking my tap water buddy

>> No.10596335

as a former libertarian who has gradually become a crypto-fascist, I have often wondered about this

>> No.10596340

Fuck off, subhuman anclap

>> No.10596358

because thats the same thing right?
this isnt america, poor people here want to work, i see them all the time walking around dumpster diving for anything they can sell, they walk for miles under unbearable heat, if i had my own company i would rather hire some of them instead of college students

>> No.10596362
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>> No.10596366

Why is "punching Nazis" such a meme to the left?
Even the Richard Spencer event that they all nutted themselves over was just some guy sucker-punching then running off like a queer.
Is it just a power fantasy for them? There are plenty of fat losers on the right but effectively zero leftists have any regard for fitness or practical skill, just larping online about shooting the boojwah as if their 5'8" 110lb selves wouldn't be first in line to be shot and kicked into a ditch when actual authoritarians took power

>> No.10596370

>if i had my own company i would rather hire some of them instead of college students
the fuck you would

>> No.10596379

A lot of pop leftist ideology, I think, is just something to excuse the creation of a venue where people can act out pathologically and chalk it up to some pursuit of justice.

>> No.10596380

>Shitty reskin of an existing /pol/ meme but without any semblance of wit or humor, literally just "people I don't like are stupid"
>Gets butthurt when called out
Fuck off

>> No.10596386

>pol memes
>wit & humor
pick one (95% of the time)

>> No.10596387

stop being a libertarian then

>> No.10596390

the 'radical left' today is not radical at all, they are professional academic drones churning out paper after paper on white privilege, they are neurotic they/them furries who won't go out of their homes, but fantasise about 'punching nazis', they are blue haired women working for Disney's HR department.

>> No.10596391
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>but without any semblance of wit or humor,

>> No.10596406

im 100% convinced that its easier to teach a poor person who never finished high school to do your job than it is to teach a socialist work ethic

>> No.10596432


>> No.10596440

They worship property, and when they realize that the market doesn't adequately protect it, they want the state to step in. You can find quotes form Hayek, Rothbard, and Mises that support my claim.

>> No.10596442

we both know you're lying, just stop
unless your business doesn't require the services of college-educated people, then yeah, a homeless guy can be a waiter or a car parking assistant or whatever

>> No.10596449

Most people with humanities degrees have been trained to subvert and destroy institutions. I wouldn't trust them in my business.

>> No.10596450


>> No.10596455

most college educated people are overqualified for their jobs, companies only demand college degrees because so many people have them, people used to get internships in tech companies out of highschool

>> No.10596457

>implying I don't want to abolish work and replace it with the free creation of life as a mindblowing work of art

>> No.10596473
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unironically this
anyone who wants to CREATE jobs is a enemy of mankind, our purpose should be to leave work behind and actually live.

>> No.10596485

>i want to stop working and have more sex
and somehow unemployed people from every sex, race and class turn self destructive

>> No.10596491
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>> No.10596515


>> No.10596516

>unemployed people from every sex, race and class turn self destructive

>> No.10596525


>> No.10596648

Why is this thread so filled with underaged spergfits? Is this what discussion of the libertarians or Austrians on /lit/ just naturally attracts? I'm not talking about any one particular side, either. Anyways: Hoppe is good & cool, and a lot of his work is about parallel societies & coexistence. If you're a le epic helicopter memer you probably haven't read hoppe. He doesn't want to kill anyone. The guy that wrote the book in the OP also wrote "spontaneous order", and does the blog/journal Radical Capitalist, which are decent, but I'm not so sure about this book. I worry it may be too much le anti sjw epic style posturing & insights you could get from any /pol/ use already. I'll probably read it. The controversy is surrounding it is pretty silly. Yes, the cover is fucking retarded and embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing that people from the Mises Institute, of all fucking groups, are pressuring someone to remove their speech. That's seriously absurd. The worst group in this conflict has got to be the "libertarian" fuckfaces who haven't read a word of Hoppe and accuse of being a flawed thinker, a social-contractist or incompatible with their REAL libertarianism, a fascist/neoreactionary, etc

>> No.10596669

hoppe is a retard and so are you, hth

>> No.10596808

Most of the major libertarian thinkers of the 20th century were Jewish.

>> No.10596903

>Hoppe is good & cool
>leans into mic

>> No.10596943



Which is it, capitalist supporting cuck?

>> No.10596951


>Nazi Germany was state capitalist and had a state in the first place
>"they are just like commies which isn't state capitalist nor does it have a state at all but they're still like Nazi Germany"

Can you just go to school and get shot already?

>> No.10596973

antifas are stormtroopers for the establishment, their agenda is for all intents and purposes identical to that of Google or Hillary Clinton. I'm not afraid of mentally ill furries who fantasise about 'punching nazis', I see them as useful idiots for ZOG, that's all

>> No.10596998


>> No.10597002

Hes not wrong, for all their talk they do little more than the dirty work of corporate elites even if his rambling about "zog" or whatever is stupid.

>> No.10597005

t. genderfluid dogboy (they/them). Marxist-Leninist-Maoist #fuckwhitepeople DM me if I say something problematic

>> No.10597009

Who knows. Maybe he's just the owner of a super radical anarchist bookstore that exists with the full support of the establishment, but it's still super-duper radical.

>> No.10597011


>> No.10597028

Just log off already, you're done.

>> No.10597031


Stop posting, you dunce.

>> No.10597032

see i'm not mad, i'm not mad, look at how hard I am laughing, btw i'm not mad and I'm definitely lolling hard irl at this very moment, I am not passively aggresively fake laughing behind a computer if that's what you think hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

>> No.10597036

t. warrior for free speech

>> No.10597058

i'm actually just a libertarian who didn't give up on libertarianism because I get triggered by the sound of "Press 1 for English"

>> No.10597088

Jesus Christ this board is being overtaken by /pol/tards who equate racist values with high intellect.

>> No.10597111
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seems like the convo's over, for shame

>> No.10597123

Maybe I should, but you should first tell me how you meaningfully oppose an establishment that's been working overtime to justify your existence and intellectualize your actions. Do you plan on choking them with the semen they feed you.

>> No.10597146
File: 127 KB, 1920x1080, 0ccd94fd92d9a8cc4d427cf5d4690758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brazilian le 56% ancaps are the funniest thing ever: a wacky antropological phenomenon much like melanesian cargo cultist. It's funnier when you realise austrian economics is a bit of 19th century neokantian german autism that somehow managed to survive on to the 21st

>> No.10597355

you've never read hoppe, kinda inappropriate to be sperging out so hard about him

>> No.10597387


>defending yourself is violence

Also, where did I say Leftist would get the bullet?


Its not a meme. And it was Richard Spencer that ran away if you watched the video. Its also about deplatforming fascists. The reason its OK to deplatform Nazis is because Nazis don't use rationality or conventional techniques to spread their ideology. They openly embrace ignorance, deciet, fearmongering, lying that they aren't Nazis and so forth.

>> No.10597401

Basically, ever notice how American libertarians all demand absolute states rights in the name of "more freedoms" and then use it to ban all the stuff their conservative buddies don't like except pot? State's right to take away rights.

>> No.10597408

>because Nazis don't use rationality or conventional techniques to spread their ideology.
gee, sounds much like postmodern leftoids and sjws

>> No.10597415


No it doesn't. Absolutely none of them make any pretense of what they're saying.

>> No.10597431

postmodernism is literally sophism designed to subvert society and destroy all meaning and morality except slave morality

>> No.10597459


No it isn't. I urge you to actually read what they say instead of retarded and bias second hand sources that don't understand or outright misrepresent it like Jordon Memerson.

>> No.10597470

woah you are so cool and rebellious for sharing the exact same opinions with professional academics with nice ZOG machine credentials and all those multinational jew run media outlets like CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times

>> No.10597490

woah you are so cool and rebellious for browsing /pol/

>> No.10597514

>can't prove or qualify term just going to keep saying it because thinking is hard

>> No.10597520

do you unironically believe postmodernism is anything but destructive, when it teacheds to pull away from society though its many forms of media?
wasn't that what is taught my marx and his intelectual lacky's? whose purpose is to destroy the west

>> No.10597528

>The reason its OK to deplatform Nazis is because Nazis don't use rationality or conventional techniques to spread their ideology. They openly embrace ignorance, deciet, fearmongering, lying that they aren't Nazis and so forth.
Just be honest with yourself, the reason you deplatform people is that you have to have total control of the discourse. The political left has made it a big point to colonize all social spaces and orient them to advance their agenda; there's nothing else to it. Whatever else you say is just desperate rationalization.

>> No.10597529

I hope you're trolling because if not this is pitiful

>> No.10597534

google the paradox of tolerance numbskull

>> No.10597565

Mere sophistry used injected into the discourse by the political left as a means to colonize the discourse and justify authoritarian behavior on their behalf. The only thing to be learned from it is that tolerance is an arbitrary exercise of power and not a goal worth striving for.

Karl Popper was such a fucking hack.

>> No.10597566

way to argue, point is that when you depart from the traditional for the sake of modernity, you get shit, as culture cannot be replaced with abstractions of the mind. not how it works.
postmodernism is destructive and subversive because it is a depart from tradition, it even uses the marxist and more broader the jewish idea of critical thinking in order to critique culture, if you weren't a name calling dunce you could do some cursory research about what it is

>> No.10597567

the left took advantage of that paradox a long time ago and wrecked the fuck out of western civilisation. Any reasonable individual can agree we need at least a little fascism in order to restore sanity. Not too much fascism, but fascism, nonetheless, of the mild liberal sort and not more

>> No.10597586


I'm not trying to be cool or rebellious, why would I be? I'm just telling you to actually read what you're talking about.

>> No.10597600
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>the reason you deplatform people is that you have to have total control of the discourse

No I don't. I wouldn't deplatform anyone except Nazis because they've given up all semblance of rationality.

>The political left has made it a big point to colonize all social spaces and orient them to advance their agenda; there's nothing else to it

Oh yeah, the radical left has definitely done that. There's absolutely nowhere for right wingers to express their opinions in order to get elected.

>> No.10597601

>when you depart from the traditional for the sake of modernity, you get shit

This, this right here highlights the problem with /pol/tards. The problem with /pol/tards is that THEIR lives are shit, and project this on everyone else.

The world has never been in a better place than now, it's YOUR life that is shit because you're a social failure or because your parents sucked or because you didn't try in school.

>> No.10597611

so you're going to dismiss everything to achieve a 'victory' ggm80
better luck arguing next time

>> No.10597618

The word libertarian is just a buzz word that has been redefined by a couple rich people and their marketing folks to make an authoritarian political program seem like it has any intellectual justification. 'Real libertarians' -- people who think that LIBERTY is of chief importance in ethical and political matters and have actually read foundational works like "On Liberty" -- are no longer what comes to mind when the word 'libertarian' is mentioned. Today's 'libertarians' don't talk about liberty, and argue for ideas which are completely opposed to libertarian values.

As you can see just from the discussion occurring right now in this read, 'libertarians' are essentially ideologues that aren't even taken seriously on basic cable.

>> No.10597620

what the fuck

>> No.10597625

the radical left is going to live to regret the day they decided to mess with my vidya. smash cultural marxism and sieg fucking heil

>> No.10597644


When did the radical left mess with anyone's vidya you idiot.

>> No.10597649

>he doesn't know

>> No.10597678


Ah yes, GG. The nuclear reaction to someone having an opinion. An opinion that was heavily, HEAVILY misrepresented by so called "rational skeptics" like TF. And in Thunderf00t's case, he actually deliberately edited videos to make Sarkeesian say things out of context or like she didn't play the game when she did.

>> No.10597690

lol, why the fuck are you going off about e-celebs
one only has to look at mass effect, or battlefield, to see this. and then you have to be a huge nerd, or look for this kinda stuff, to see the staff behind making these games. the evidence is there, the information is old. you can ask /v/, or look up gamergate

>> No.10597700

>No I don't. I wouldn't deplatform anyone except Nazis because they've given up all semblance of rationality.
You're so consumed by ideology that you can't even see it. It's kind of cute to be honest. Why is it that political discourse must be rational? Where does this conception of rationality arise? I'm sure you'd be willing to acknowledge that no one's politics is purely rational, but what gives you reason to believe that the thing that draws people to whatever other movements are the "rational" elements of their discourse? This certainly isn't the case for the contemporary left which has embraced empathy (which again in their use is nothing more than an ideological term) as a core value. The demand and definition of rationality you offer is nothing more than leftist ideology given new titles only exists because the left has the power to force them into existence.

>Oh yeah, the radical left has definitely done that. There's absolutely nowhere for right wingers to express their opinions in order to get elected.
They really have. The last year should have demonstrated how meaningless elections are to the total domination of the far left as they've consistently obstructed the actions of of a right wing government with cultural power alone. It actually is really impressive, but that is only the most superficial aspect their project. Every aspect of human existence has been broken down and reconstructed in order to advance leftism. The most important aspect of this language. The left has reconstructed language so that all discourse that occurs is either explicitly leftist in nature or is in the process of becoming leftist. Even a place like /pol/ (though communication in text provides some resistance to this) by the mere act of communication through language itself is advancing the cause of the political left.

>> No.10597703

this whole helicopter meme is a strange one, didn't pinochet kill like a 100 people that way? stalin was knocking out numbers like that before breakfast, on a daily basis for decades, he killed more communists than pinochet could ever have hoped to

i'm not saying stalin was a great guy but if you right wing turds wanna start acting like your good at killing people en-masse you're gonna have to stop denying the holocaust otherwise you're just being proud of something you weren't very good at

>> No.10597719

gamergate was the greatest world historical event of the 21st century, hands down, imo it reminds me of the French Revolution. What would Hegel think about gamergate?

>> No.10597722
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>Even a place like /pol/ (though communication in text provides some resistance to this) by the mere act of communication through language itself is advancing the cause of the political left.

>> No.10597730

ur talking about the left and right as if they're both cohesive political movements, you're a politically illiterate spunk nozzle and have hereby had your membership of the human race revoked, u have 24 hours to hand yourself into the authorities or face gential deconstruction. resistance is gay

>> No.10597731

tbqh i was getting some gator vibes from him in phenomenology of the spirit. def would be /ourguy/.

>> No.10597732


Mass Effect and Battlefield are wank because of the larger trends in gaming. That is, game developers *know* idiots will buy whatever games they shit out because of the brand. How is Mass Effect Andromeda any different to other sequels that are fucking terrible compared to their predecessors? Sonic is now basically a joke, was SEGA made up of "SJW" staff? Jak: TLF was a rubbish game, didn't know Naughty Dog were SJWs as well. Its nothing to do with "SJWs" and everything to do with larger trends in consumerism and the fact that most games and movies tend to drop off in quality as more sequels are released because the studios get burnt out and forget what made those things good in the first place or switch teams that don't have the same artistic vision as the people who created the franchise.

This is why Nintendo games haven't been effected by this trend as badly, because Japanese companies generally have a "job for life" philosophy and retain old talent.

But sure, lets all ignore these real complex factors and blame it on some women making YouTube videos.

>> No.10597746

>the guy whose recommendation for phrenologists was to crack their skulls in order to prove them wrong would be /ourguy/

>> No.10597766

just like we bash sjw skulls with facts and reason. most definitely, 100% /ourfuckingguy/.

>> No.10597775

so are you going to ignore how the devs of the mass effect, admitted to doing what they did on the purpose of being sjw, didn't the lead dev on mass effect take to twatter saying how much he wants to stick it to racisist and he excluded white from the game almost completely, to the point you could not make a white character at first till they patched it in a hurry even going so far as to rewrite cannon to say whites went extinct, battlefield they did the infamous 'blacking' of the soldiers for specifically sjw purposes.
and sure bad games get released, like you mentioned sonic. because of industry not caring, but there is a fine line between 'bad game' try again, and sjw nonsense
it just so happens that more and more vidya are being infected with sjw nonsense
as for nintendo, they are japs that mostly don't care about identity politics, you can see this when sjw's attacked weeb culture, and the jap artists they flagged down to shame brushed them off as crazy. nintendo are japs that do not care for politics, and are largely untouched, tho they have their own problem of not changing style of games, they still don't do sjw nonsense, even when they dressed link up as a trap, its cause its funny or fetish, but not serious politics or a 'statement'

>> No.10597782


>Where does this conception of rationality arise?

You know, philosophy? You're almost 3000 years late to this party if you don't understand what rationality is. All politics is based on what's rational. Rationality has a broader metaphysical meaning from which empathy and so forth can be drawn from.

>are to the total domination of the far left

What the fuck are you on about? What about The USA is "far-left"? When Obama is called a Socialist for wanting free healthcare, something basically every first world nation has, how on Earth could you call the USA "far-left"? I wish it was far-left, then we could have a society that benefits everyone instead of people who already got theirs through ancestral power.

>Every aspect of human existence has been broken down and reconstructed in order to advance leftism

No, it has to be *deconstructed* in order to find where the system discriminates against people. You know, like how USA capitalism directly harms poor southern coal miners because stuffing barbiturates and painkillers down people's throats that they then get addicted to is cheaper than actually fixing what's wrong with them or *gasp!* forcing the poor mining bosses to enforce basic fucking health and safety.

>The left has reconstructed language so that all discourse that occurs is either explicitly leftist in nature or is in the process of becoming leftist

What are you on about? I honestly don't know if you have a point here because I just don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.10597799

if you switch 'leftist' for capitalist, you got Guy Debord. Maybe everyone else, both left and right is actually just paranoid and cautious wonkish neoliberalism is the way

>> No.10597812

>cautious wonkish neoliberalism is the way
cautious wonkish neoliberalism is what got everyone into this mess

>> No.10597831


Well if he wanted to exclude white people specifically, he did a piss poor job given most of the characters are white and the default skin for the Ryder's are white. And if he did say that on twatter, then he's a bigot. There's difference between inclusion and exclusion. No SJW with a brain "hates" white people or wants them gone.

>battlefield they did the infamous 'blacking' of the soldiers for specifically sjw purposes.

Yes, to include black soldiers who fought during WW1. Is that such a terrible thing? Are you against freedom of creativity?

>it just so happens that more and more vidya are being infected with sjw nonsense

Well so what, has any SJW asked for games that don't contain ideas about inclusion or avoiding stereotypes to be banned outright? Cuphead overtly resembles cartoons and motifs that hark back to racist caricatures of blacks being addicted to gambling or "craps", was that banned? No, it was a huge success.

>they are japs that mostly don't care about identity politics

Again with this shit. So for you, a bad game isn't a game that has a shitty narrative or poor presentation, its based soley on how tits and arse or how many brown people it excludes. Pokemon S&M has almost no white people in it, they're almost all depictions of native Hawaiians or Japanese people, is that SJW "nonsense"?

>> No.10597839
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believe me, it's all out there, but the problem is those sheeple just don't want to see it.

>> No.10597844

>other good books
Pic unrelated?

>> No.10597864

/mu/ and /pol/ killed this board... so sad
I remember when we had good threads about nazis and shit like that, now we have this retarded shit

>> No.10597867

jews are literally just smarter on average. i'll never understand how people so obsessed with a racial hierarchy can be blind to this. next level cognitive dissonance.

>> No.10597869

>The left has reconstructed language so that all discourse that occurs is either explicitly leftist in nature or is in the process of becoming leftist. Even a place like /pol/ (though communication in text provides some resistance to this) by the mere act of communication through language itself is advancing the cause of the political left.
This, brilliant.

>> No.10597885

>What the fuck are you on about? What about The USA is "far-left"? When Obama is called a Socialist for wanting free healthcare, something basically every first world nation has, how on Earth could you call the USA "far-left"?
>You know, like how USA capitalism directly harms poor southern coal miners because stuffing barbiturates and painkillers down people's throats that they then get addicted to is cheaper than actually fixing what's wrong with them or *gasp!* forcing the poor mining bosses to enforce basic fucking health and safety.
Imagine being this much of a basic bitch redditor, jesus christ.

>> No.10597890
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Is there a more failed living philosopher than Hoppe?

>epistemology is a failed attempt to read Kant and by any means is a "pseudo science"
>his main idea, the "argumentative ethics" fail hard in the Hume's Law
> even if it doesn't, it needs a mind dualism, something that hard sciences had killed a long time ago
>Monarchy being better and freer than Democracy, his main sociological hypothesis can be verified as fake by any children (the countries where people and market are freer are also the most democratic
>pathetic interpretation of Natural Law, itself a pathetic idea
>teens use his main ideas to promote ideas that hate freedom
>is incapable of explain why his anarchism wouldn't allow the state to come back
>can't even explain the main differences of his ideas and Feudalism

I'm a Minarchist, but neomisesianism is the cesspool of philosophy and economics today

>> No.10597891


See, this exactly why what we mean by Nazis are completely irrational and deserve a punch.

>> No.10597901
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I for one am tired of those 'marginalised folks' the 'trans people' bluehaired women, numales those shrill, evil 'marginalised voices.' This is why I, as a white man and as a gamer, see no rational way forward but the SIEGE-pill. There's this little book called SIEGE by James Mason, I want you to read SIEGE, cause it's got the answer to all your questions. The mainstream media has been demonising Charles Manson and his teachings for almost 50 years now. why? are they afraid of something? why does Manson drive the fear of God into the tiny black hearts of establishment pigs and gamedevs? I don't buy the whole evil Manson legend, I think he was a real patriot, a wise and enlightened individual, a saint, even.

>> No.10597912


You're just proving my argument that you've given up all semblance of reality or rationalism. I'll read SIEGE but getting through to someone like you is like explaining to a cat its bad to kill birds.

>> No.10597926

Huh sounds kinda like niggers

>> No.10597932

The recent polarization we've seen has created some rather strange bedfellows recently. It's makes it a lot easier to generalize and still be correct, but on it's surface this is still too simple. The left has gained control of the space so thoroughly that any proposals opposed to its ideals do not exist except as a means to become their ideals. There is no left and right anymore. The only positions that really exist are the left and those opposed to the left as an entity.

>> No.10597937

>The only positions that really exist are the left and those opposed to the left as an entity.
>making up shit so you can LARP as a part of a grand coalition in battle against a Goliath

>> No.10597950

During the Bush-era, libertarianism and "the Old Right" (Alfred Jay Nock, Sen. Robert Taft, Rothbard) was the obvious rallying point for an Americans on the "Right" but against the Iraq War and "big gov't conservatism". There isn't a strong collectivist far-right tradition in the US (just as there isn't a strong Marxist tradition), but the Old Right/libertarian tradition is very strong and has been highly systematized and explained over the years, culminating with Rothbard. Both Catholic trads (Deenan, First Things), neoreaction (Moldbug), and alt-right white nationalists are essentially European imports. Americans that found the American Old Right tradition unworkable or doomed to fail started reading books by authoritarian Europeans of various stripes, or at least adopting their views.

>> No.10597951

You know, philosophy? You're almost 3000 years late to this party if you don't understand what rationality is.
And as a discipline it's failed to construct a meaning of this term that exists as more than just means for the dominant to exercise violence.
>All politics is based on what's rational.
That might be the dumbest generalization I've ever seen. Are you being dishonest or are you just dumb?
>Rationality has a broader metaphysical meaning from which empathy and so forth can be drawn from.
Let's just feel rationally. Sounds like a recipe for success to me.
>What the fuck are you on about? What about The USA is "far-left"? When Obama is called a Socialist for wanting free healthcare, something basically every first world nation has, how on Earth could you call the USA "far-left"? I wish it was far-left, then we could have a society that benefits everyone instead of people who already got theirs through ancestral power.
The far left is an an avalanche that has absorbed everyone in its path, and there's no system that could benefit everyone as the act of coexistence for many peoples is far too painful to be tolerable.
>No, it has to be *deconstructed* in order to find where the system discriminates against people. You know, like how USA capitalism directly harms poor southern coal miners because stuffing barbiturates and painkillers down people's throats that they then get addicted to is cheaper than actually fixing what's wrong with them or *gasp!* forcing the poor mining bosses to enforce basic fucking health and safety.
And then it has to be reconstructed in some way, and it's only done by those doing the deconstructing, and they have building on the foundation of language itself have made every aspect of existence oriented so that it can exclusively to advance the causes of the political left. This is done in accordance with their symbiotic relationship to the business and political elite. This means that all their criticism amounts to little more than an academic exercise, and that their dominance and the dominance of those elites can be maintained. And the feisty ones can get their rocks off by violently crushing the only ones willing to meaningfully stop these abuses. The far-right had a similar relationship with these elite in the 20s, but our techno-globalized world demands that tables be turned.
>What are you on about? I honestly don't know if you have a point here because I just don't understand what you're trying to say.
Every facet of our our political discourse down to the words themselves exists in such a way that it renders leftism the only valid solution to any discussion, and ever discussion that occurs in the western world (political or not) today comes to this conclusion. We must only look at the words themselves their meanings, pronunciation, and context that makes their use appropriate can only lead those engaging in linguistic discourse towards left wing solutions.

>> No.10597970

>making up shit so you can LARP as a part of a grand coalition in battle against a Goliath
I wouldn't call a coalition of one very grand, and trust me, it will destroy me. I make clam not to resemble David in anyway. At this point I've decided it's best to exert any effort and just understand my environment. I have no constructive solutions to the problems we face today, and I really don't care much anymore. The far right a nothing more than a gaggle of failures. They don't have my sympathy.

>> No.10597993


>All politics is based on what's rational.

Well of course it is. Even politicians who lie are doing it for rational reasons. Nazism however is not rational because it doesn't benefit anyone, even whites. Too be honest, I think of young white people sucked into the alt-right as victims of their own stupidity too be honest.

>Let's just feel rationally. Sounds like a recipe for success to me.

Seriously, have you never read philosophy? Its not based on feelings at all. I won't go into platonism or nominalism, but seriously, read a book dude.

>The far left is an an avalanche that has absorbed everyone in its path

I fucking wish.

>there's no system that could benefit everyone as the act of coexistence for many peoples is far too painful to be tolerable.

Not really for anyone except a few cranks. The majority of society have no problem coexisting.

>This is done in accordance with their symbiotic relationship to the business and political elite

First indication you don't know what you're talking about. The far-left hate Liberalism and cooperation with corporations.

>that their dominance and the dominance of those elites can be maintained

The far-left would ultimately have it so there is no elite. The reason Neo-liberals take some talking points from the far-left is to convince everyone they are leftists while continuing the system that benefits them. Obviously if you're in power you need to secure that power through promises otherwise people will depose you. Hillary Clinton is a right winger who uses a few leftist points to secure left wing votes.

>exists in such a way that it renders leftism the only valid solution to any discussion

So then please explain why the whole first and third world are ruled by neo-liberalism, something leftist specifically reject? I fucking wish it was ruled by leftists, perhaps then Africans would have a chance to lift themselves out of poverty and utter bullshit like the Iraq war Israel wouldn't happen.

>> No.10598008

>The mainstream media has been demonising Charles Manson and his teachings for almost 50 years now. why? are they afraid of something? why does Manson drive the fear of God into the tiny black hearts of establishment pigs and gamedevs?
because he led a serial killer cult. Are you this fucking retarded? Society and civilization are built on trust, stability, and longevity. Those values don't synchronize well with a bunch of psycho murderers running around.

>> No.10598026

>Seriously, have you never read philosophy? Its not based on feelings at all. I won't go into platonism or nominalism, but seriously, read a book dude.
Lmfao, this is the calibre of redditors coming to /lit/ now. Did someone advertise the board on r/latestagecapitalism or something.

>> No.10598031


OK frogman, its time to return to /pol/pond now.

>> No.10598038

what if i want to rebel against your civilisation and spit in society's face? I should be able to do that. Hey, maybe I just wanna watch that goddamn Manson channel, Martha. Is that too much to ask, Martha? Can't a man just lay down in his favorite chair, crack open a cold one, and tune on to the goddamn Manson Channel? The forbidden channel is the last thing worth watching in this endless world of screens, inside screens, inside screens, once we all tune in to the channel, civilisation will self destruct, animal to animal, the war of all against all as promised to us by Manson and GG Allin. The american dream!


>> No.10598128

>Well of course it is. Even politicians who lie are doing it for rational reasons.
And those are the only ones whose politics are in anyway rational. For most people, political allegiance is comes from the feelings they derive from the imagery of a platform's fulfilled promises. Those which make them fell good, they support, and those those that make them feel sad inside, they oppose.
>Nazism however is not rational because it doesn't benefit anyone, even whites.
Are you telling me that before it was destroyed it didn't even benefit the leadership of the party? Do you really believe that? I think your conception of "beneficial", as with your concept of rationality, is highly ideological and arbitrary.
>Too be honest, I think of young white people sucked into the alt-right as victims of their own stupidity too be honest.
I do agree to some extent, but think it primarily comes from the open hostility the political left has towards. While I don't identify with the alt-right (I classify my politics merely anti-leftism), that pushed me from the left was statements made by their own intellectuals and activists. I never fell for the tired right-wing talking points.
>Seriously, have you never read philosophy? Its not based on feelings at all. I won't go into platonism or nominalism, but seriously, read a book dude.
Read some Descartes when I was younger; guess it failed to leave much of an impact on me. Still doesn't mater. Empathy is a feeling, and if you're empathizing, you're using your feelings. You can have a rational response to this, but it doesn't change the action itself.
>Not really for anyone except a few cranks. The majority of society have no problem coexisting.
The post-war construction of humanity is being torn apart at its seams, and it seems that not even consumerism is enough to hold it together. Go outside talk to people who have to live politics and know it as more than just an academic exercise.
>First indication you don't know what you're talking about. The far-left hate Liberalism and cooperation with corporations.
Well then they should put their money where their moth is and stop doing. I've seen many a leftist make this claim, but all the evidence is to the contrary. I think most realize that it violates their convictions, but it is the only practical option they have at the moment.
>The far-left would ultimately have it so there is no elite. The reason Neo-liberals take some talking points from the far-left is to convince everyone they are leftists while continuing the system that benefits them. Obviously if you're in power you need to secure that power through promises otherwise people will depose you. Hillary Clinton is a right winger who uses a few leftist points to secure left wing votes.
And the left-wing votes keep pouring in. Each side of this relationship they have the neoliberals thinks they have the upper hand. The left has opted for a slow evolution towards their ideas. I really wonder how it will end.

>> No.10598175


These so-called 'libertarians' who are nothing more than ideological stooges for the obscenely wealthy plutocrats who aim to acquire total domination of society, are a complete joke. No one takes them seriously, unless you are on 4chan or reddit talking to a fedora-wearer. They are literally opposed to the concept of freedom. They only call their ideology 'libertarian' because the target audience cannot think clearly when it comes to rational consideration of the notion of liberty.

>> No.10599388


Holy fuck you guys are the worst. Learn how to type with all that stupid greentext.

>> No.10599402

And get called Reddit? Fuck that.

>> No.10599461

I can't tell if this is performance art, extreme LARPing, next level turboautistic edge or a mix of the 3 wearing the world's largest fedora.

>> No.10599474

>gets 2% of the vote on the most absolute libertarian country on Earth
>sucks up to fashos to maintain a facade of relevance when their ideology becomes obsolete as society moves on

>> No.10599586


> Dont give a fuck about freedom
> Dont give a fuck about liberty
> Never stfu about gold for some reason
> Confuse JSM with scrooge mcduck

>> No.10599628


>> No.10600628


>> No.10600635

*Makes your penises kiss*