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/lit/ - Literature

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10594419 No.10594419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old are the posters on /lit/?

>> No.10594422

24, I browse most boards

>> No.10594427


Home board is /lit/. I browse /sp/, /ck/, /tv/, /out/, and /trv/.

>> No.10594428

im 22 and feel like im outgrowing it :(

i checked once and the age distribution for one of the "what book are you reading and how old are you" threads had a mean and mode both around 21 with a long tail (older) and min/max observed age of 17 and 50something.

>> No.10594430

what other boards do you browse?

>> No.10594434


>> No.10594439

20. I posted when I was 16-18. I came back out of nostalgia, but now I'm starting to remember why I left.

>> No.10594451


I browse /tg/ mostly

>> No.10594459


>> No.10594460

32, still crazy after all these years

>> No.10594462

29. Came back after ~10 year hiatus because I'm a bitter English major with no one to talk to about literature who isn't obsessed with being offended.

>> No.10594474

Im fpbp>>10594422 browsed /b/ in the early days of 4chan, eventually branched out.
/fit/ *
/mu/ *
/lit/ *
Occasionally/r9k/ to try to cheer up depresses anons

*boards i still visit

started going to /pol/ when it was created but didn't stay too long after it became Trump 101. Now I hop around my boards of interest until I find an interesting discussion

>> No.10594479

>tfw just turned 23 today
Fuck I'm so old and have so much left to do

>> No.10594497
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>thought I was 24
>realize I'm actually 23
>my age hasn't been relevant in years because I'm a fucking NEET who lives alone with none who remembers my birthday

>> No.10594503

I'm 21.

Browse a lot of boards though.
/lit/ is my number three board
/o/ is my number two
Is my number one

>> No.10594508

18. If you're an adult and you use 4chan, good on you bro. Really, keep using it.

>> No.10594519

21. Just /lit/. Would be down for /math/ or /phil/ (their existence wouldn't make me stop browsing lit). I rarely post.

>> No.10594529

/lit/ is my love
/sp/ is my ex
/mu/ is my longtime mistress
/tv/ is my guilty pleasure

>> No.10594534

Happy birthday anon. I hope you didn't have to spend your whole birthday here's with us.

>> No.10594537
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I don't think that's related to you being a neet. I've lived an active social and professional life since I turned 20 and I still get confused when I think about my age. Am I 23? or am I 24? shit, will I have to dust off my calendar again

>> No.10594545

Happy birthday, anon. May you have a good year.

>> No.10594560

just to add, I literally have to ask my girlfriend how old am I. At the end of the day, it's not really that important, but it can scratch at you if you can't remember how old you are

>> No.10595019

I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22

>> No.10595028

31. Fuck me I've been on this website for way too long.

>> No.10595039

Homeboard is /p/ or /diy/, depending on season, also go on /out/, /his/ and /wsg/

>> No.10595045

I used to browse /mu/ but it's gotten so bad I had to stop.

>> No.10595046


>> No.10595052

27, ive been posting here since atleast 2007 if my memory serves me. not consistently though, there have been long periods of absence

>> No.10595055

I only really browse /lit/
Occasionally /int/ and /mu/

I still haven't sorted my life out

>> No.10595214

/lit/ is home board but I go on /r/, /d/, /t/, and /wsg/ occasionally gloss over /tv/ and /v/ but get irritated

>> No.10595224

Same settis.
I wonder how i woyld have turned out without browsing imageboards almost daily for 11 years now.

>> No.10595243


My first home board was /b/, about 11 years ago.
Around 2010-2011 i moved to /v/, then /co/, then /int/ mid 2013. Around 2016 i started visiting /lit/, at the same time I almost stopped visiting 4chan. Nowadays /lit/ is my home board and i occasionally visit /co/, /out/, /ck/, /vr/, /lgbt/ and /gif/.

My life is a train wreck but at least I'm somewhat well read.

>> No.10595246

merry merry birthmas! better get doing those things

>> No.10595254

18, but i've been lurking on and off for a couple years or so. I like /bant/ and [s4s] a good bit.

>> No.10595301


>> No.10595353

You're here forever you little cunt

>> No.10595357


Browse here, check in on /sci/

Not sure if I was just young & stupid, but this place was much more informative ~4 years ago. Ironic shitposts make me feel too old to be here now.

>> No.10595366

Same, but especially /mu/ and /v/, they make me feel like I'm too old for this shit

>> No.10595374
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I am old, /soc/...

>> No.10595376

it's not just you, the /pol/ invasion and 2016 election has spread shitty bait threads to almost all boards

>> No.10595414



Use twatter quite a bit, for trolling purposes.

>> No.10595481
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Pretty much only /lit/ nowadays (And /his/, but does it really count?), the only other boards I EVER go to, are, /int/ and /pol/ (when something interesting happens), /gif/ with 50+ filtered threads, and /vg/; used to go to /fit/ and /tv/, the later still now and again; /tg/ years ago when playing Magic.
I've never been to / c / a / f / hr / k / m / o / p / s / u / vr / w / [i / ic] / s4s / vip / qa] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / an / asp / bant / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / gd / hc / jp / mlp / n / news / out / po / qst / soc / sp / toy / trv / vp / wsg / wsr / x /
Never posted in or been to any of these boards; apart from one time curiosity or accidental click. A poster since 2012 (paranoid irregular lurking since like 13 years-old).

>> No.10595484

used to main /co/ but got frustrated when it became 90% live action capeshit or thinly disguised porn that would be better on /aco/

used to main /tg/ but got frustrated when it became almost all quests (despite the creation of the quests board) and i stopped having a D&D group IRL so i lost interest.

used to main /ck/ but now it's all fast food and youtube personalities.

used to main /lit/ but am currently frustrated by the preponderance of /phil/ threads here and the /pol/iticization of everything. the obsession with brainlet and patrician shit isn't great either.

now i main /an/. slow board. comfy board.

>> No.10595486


25, two master's degree, speak 3 languages

/lit/, /d/, /tg/

Currently working in Consulting

>> No.10595490


I browse /lit/ but once in a while I'll check in on one of my old boards, more out of nostalgia than anything.

>> No.10595658

I’m mostly on lit but also go on trv
I used to go on pol but have ditched it

>> No.10595662
File: 887 KB, 837x570, Bezos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who paid for your schooling
what country are you in
did you grow up with your parent's health insurance
did you grow up in a supportive and healthy environment

the truth is none of your trust fund baby accomplishments are impressive unless you built them from scratch

>> No.10595665

36. i'm only here because twatter and faceberg and pleddit are worse. lit has some good threads sometimes.

I browse /lit/, /k/, /ck/, and /diy/.

>> No.10595671

So you aren't impressed by the work put into the education, but you are impressed if it's completed by someone who came from poverty.

What if he's white? Does that also negate his work?

You would do great as an admissions officer.

>> No.10595673 [DELETED] 

16. Ima retarded Russian kid.

>> No.10595689

> r9k, fit, lit, b, pol and gif

>> No.10595724


>> No.10595736
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i love that artist

>> No.10595742

28 and only starting reading late last year, doing a lot of catch up

>> No.10595761
File: 99 KB, 697x497, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got into lit.
I mostly browse here, /m/ and sometimes /jp/

>> No.10596030

jesus anon

>> No.10596055

I browse /lit/, /tv/, /v/, /vr/, and /x/. Used to browse /b/ but I eventually realized how much of a shithole it is.

>> No.10596239


>> No.10596260

23, browse this board, /mu/, /g/,/gd/,and /int/

>> No.10596271

Same here.

>> No.10596305

/his/ for when bible threads get moved
/r9k/ when im feeling down
/gif/ for porn

>> No.10596361

I started using 4chan in 2006 I think. I am only on /lit/ now and even then I usually only go on for five minutes while I eat my breakfast. I avoid posting most times, sometimes it can lead to a productive conversation but usually it's just stupid arguing with someone who goes silent without resolving anything. It just isn't worth the effort. A good measure of how good my life is going is how much time I spend on 4chan. I find that the more time I put into my hobbies the less time I like spending here.

I feel you guys.

>> No.10596461

started posting on the chans in late 00's, stopped for a few years, came back in the last year because of chronic health problems keeping me from working/going to school

sometimes its a waste of time but there have been some laughs and some great books i foudn here that i might never have on my own

thanks /bros/

>> No.10596486


home board is /lit/
i browse /fa/ occasionally to see if there's good threads or to find some inspo
/mu/ if i wanna discover new music, i post my chart and get/give recs
/adv/ when i'm feeling down or wanna help some anons

trying to restrict my 4chan use atm, want to only browse /lit/ for a few minutes a day and that's it.
this website can really get to you if you spend too much time on here.

>the age distribution for one of the "what book are you reading and how old are you" threads had a mean and mode both around 21

take the replies in those threads with a grain of salt, a lot of people are just lying and/or bragging in order to feel superior (there's always some 18 y/o who's currently reading hegel, kant etc.)

happy birthday anon

>/gif/ for porn
also this, trying to quit though.

>> No.10596507

>trying to quit though.
porn or masturbation all together?

>> No.10596530

20 years old.
/lit/ is my home board as well as most of my 4chan browsing in general. I used to use /v/ but it's mostly cancer and I don't play many games anymore. Also used /r9k/ but eventually got sick of all the bawwing and decided to leave it. Sometimes use /wsg/ or /ck/. Also use /tv/ and /fit/ but only for shitposts and memes
also use /trash/ fot the porn, it's like /d/ but quicker and the people aren't as annoying

>> No.10596666


>> No.10596675

First book i ever read was The Godfather

>> No.10596819
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22 but 14 inside

>> No.10596838

I mostly browse /trv/, /mu/, /adv/
Occasionally /int/, /qa/, /lit/ and the fap boards

>> No.10596869

been published, unironically enjoy reading tao lin. i shill douglas coupland in as many threads as i can.

i also post on tv.

>> No.10596945

>/lit/ is my home board
>i visit /d/, /pol/, /b/, /m/, /e/, and /mu/

>> No.10596956

porn. as far as i see it there's nothing wrong with masturbation.

>> No.10596965

34. My English degree was worthless in every sense, so now I get all my best reading recommendations from /lit/. I'm also on /co/, /ck/, /wsg/, /wg/. All the cosiest boards.

>> No.10596972

Then just watch better porn
I feel better after switching to qt solo camgirls who talk, I don't get that despair or guilt after

>> No.10597476
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22 in a week.
Home boards are /tv/ and /lit/, I go to /wsg/ every now and then for a healthy does of ylyl and I've been browsing /wg/ as of recently.

I also check out what's new on /trv/ every few weeks and when I want some cancer, I go to /sci/ and then regret it.

>> No.10597488

healthy dose* ffs

>> No.10597553


>> No.10597572

About to turn 27. I mostly just lurk /lit/, /wsg/, and /vg/
Still a virgin

>> No.10597573
File: 1.53 MB, 1522x2143, 1509941125862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19. Visit /mu/ mostly for /prod/ general and sharethreads since I make sample music, /wsg/, /sci/ unfortunately (I'm a materials science major), here, and /b/ since it's still the best hetero porn board.

>> No.10597574



I'm pretty much done with 4chan. This place was daunting at first 5 years ago. I rarely post anymore.

>> No.10597609

20. I know eventually I have to grow up and move on, but I've been on these boards at least an hour a day 365 days a year since I was 16, so it seems unlikely. I wonder whether I'll be shitposting from the nursing home, while my great grandkids use the latest technology that I can't begin to understand.
I really need to leave but I don't know what else is do with my downtime when I'm not trying working on something.

>> No.10597938

it's not about despair or guilt, it's that i'm feeling sort of drained afterwards. it's just a quick dopamine fix that makes other things become boring in comparison. also the brain fog i get from it is annoying when reading.

>> No.10597987

25. I've been on 4chan for over 12 years

>> No.10598007

/lit/ and /tv/ are the boards i visit regularly but i'll check in on /sp/ and /co/ once in a while. /sp/ was my main board back when i started coming to 4chan back in 2009.

>> No.10598010

26, but I spend more time on /an/ and /ic/. I only come to /lit/ to shitpost because y'all are so easy to rark up. I think it's funny how invested people get in arguments on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.10598020


/lit/ only desu

>> No.10598043

Turned 18 last month. Been browsing this awful website since I was 11, /lit/ since I was 14 or 15. To give credit where credit is due, I never would have read Ulysses, the book that really set me down the path of imaginative literature, if not for this board. It certainly has gotten worse since I discovered it though, and I honestly feel that I have more knowledge and interest than the vast majority of people here. I feel that I've outgrown 4chan as a whole, but I keep coming here.

I don't quite get the point of these shitty, weird survey threads though. Sheer narcissism.

>> No.10598054


What boards do you browse/did you used to browse? And how'd you hear about 4chan as a 13-year-old in 2006?

>> No.10598058

not that anon but i found out about 4chan when a kid wrote /b/ on a board in school

i was part of the habbo hotel raid. that was so fun

>> No.10598069


Why is this faggot datamining poster age? btw I'm 26

>> No.10598090

lol. Yeah, sometimes I wish I'd been there for some of those early raids or other events, but there's little point in entertaining nostalgia for events you never experienced. I'm this guy by the way
I came in shortly after the Jessi Slaughter fiasco as I recall, so that was fun. /b/ has not really been good at any point during my time here, but I do remember when 4chan was not best known for harboring earnest neo-Nazis, and wish I could go back to that version of the website. Of course you still get a really outrageous post every now and then (you can search the catalog for "intellectually dishonest" if you want a good one), but I think people just take the Internet too seriously these days.

>> No.10598103


on and off lit since 2011. this is a nice place.

>> No.10598104

Initially, it was /b/ like everyone. I was an only child and my parents got me a PC when I was quite young and I'd been surfing the internet from a young age. I think I initially heard about it from online forums and chat rooms I was visiting at the time.

The first "real" board I found was /mu/, once I noticed that there were all these other hobbyist boards, and that became my main board for years. It taught me a lot about music and shaped my tastes (like all boards have for their respective interests)

At one point I was going to /toy/ and /co/ a lot and /x/ around 2008.

I found /tv/ in 2009 and that was about equal to /mu/ for me but eventually surpasses it when /mu/ became insufferable (~2011-2012)

Discovered /fa/ in 2010, and through the guides, would stop dressing like shit. Started browsing /lit/ around this time or maybe 09 and got more into reading classic literature

Started browsing /pol/ post-deletion and revival around the election, maybe 2015 and enjoyed the news/shitposting for a while

I check /ck/ a bit now because I like to cook but also it's a fun board. Also started browsing/posting on /g/ and /sci/ in the last few years

Board culture changes a lot all the time, boards go from being great to boring to shit, causing me to leave them for a while and then they'll get good again (sometimes). This happened with /x/, definitely and /mu/ except /mu/ has just been getting worse and worse imo

At one point I considered the /lit/, /mu/, /tv/ trinity to be the best boards. Still like /lit/ and /tv/ although they vary in quality

>> No.10598151

I mostly lurk on /lit/ or /o/. I used to spend a lot of time on /sci/, but not so much anymore.

>> No.10598183


>> No.10598314

I strongly identify with Raziel Wojak. It was listening to the dialogue on repeat when I was 16 that ultimately got me into poetry and plays, particularly Shakespeare.

>> No.10598318

I'm 36. I feel 50.

>> No.10598422

This but backwards.

>> No.10598426


I feel like the quality of posting on this board has gone into the shitter over the last six months, and I deleted my bookmark last week, only to find myself popping back in out of habit.

>> No.10598438

you just got reported, enjoy the ban faggot

>> No.10598457

20 I only started reading heavily this year though, my vocabulary is really bad as a result of not reading over the course of my teens. Makes it difficult to read some books.

Mostly browse /mu/ /fit/ /fa/

>> No.10598467

/tv/, /out/, /lit/ mains
/ck/, /pol/ occasionally
/sp/ for heem

>> No.10598494

26 and I want to die desu

>> No.10598497

29. I'm so old.

>> No.10598513

since everybody says what boards are they browsing without being asked i suppose i gotta do it too
/lit/, /biz/, /qa/, /bant/, [s4s]
sometimes /adv/

>> No.10598516


>> No.10598523

ah k

>> No.10598626

also browse fit, fa, mu, and ic
this board and fit have become r9k 2.0. gonna try to cut them out, and eventually 4chan as a whole

>> No.10598713

25, posting on and off since 2012.
Boards: /a/, /lit/, /mu/, /fa/, tried /lgbt/ when I realized I am bisexual and ended up thoroughly disappointed.

>> No.10598714

I lurk here and /tg/ frequently.
I also browse /a/ and /vg/, but I spend most of my time reading nowadays.
Being a security guard/student with a ton of free time is the best

>> No.10598943


/lit/, /k/ and /g/ for topics that genuinely interest me
/tv/, /pol/ and /int/ for shitposting
/r9k/ and /b/ for watching literal retards interact with each other
/sci/, /biz/, /ck/ and /trv/ off and on, I'm not interested enough to stay there forever but every once in a while I'll lurk a thread or two
tried /co/ once and it left a bad taste in my mouth. looked in a "what are you wearing" thread on /fa/ and laughed my ass off
/wsg/ is pretty fun too

I've come a long way from my induction in infinitychan in 2014

>> No.10598996

sheeeet. Seems I’m the oldest at 42. I know I’m not the oldest on 4chan though, maybe I should tell my dad to post a Vietnam story in here.

>> No.10599245

love this pic