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/lit/ - Literature

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10592677 No.10592677 [Reply] [Original]

>years of shitposting and informal debates have allowed me to develop a rhetoric so exquisitely obnoxious that it causes eyes to roll back with malice
>be openly hypocritical
>suggest my opponent is agreeing with me based and tangential minutiae
>reappropriate phrases and aphorisms of philosophers I suspect he agrees with to suit my own purposes
>sometimes don't even reveal my actual position until I've convinced him I'm on his side

I couldn't have done it without you guys. Thanks.

>> No.10592704

ah, so I see you've read Rules for Radicals too

>> No.10592875

literary lifestyle achieved

>> No.10593112
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>tfw I know this feel
nothing like fucking with the p-zombies to pass the time

>> No.10594230

fucking this, i've unknowingly been training hours everyday to completely win any discussion without ever been right or even knowing much about the topic at hand. i know how to completely reduce any reasoning to its most over-simplified degree, maintaining such a sheer height of abrasiveness that no-one can even respond let alone provide a competent refutation. i'll cherry pick only the quotes of the greats to support whatever is the edgiest position while pretending to know the context of them, misrepresent every single known stance and offend every person listening no matter how detached in the process. normies have never heard anything like it, they hate me for it but when they do i remember just how many (you)s it would get on burmese sheep shearing forums

>> No.10594245

I'm better at whatever it is you guys are saying you're so good at

>> No.10594258

>it causes eyes to roll back with malice
What does that mean?

>> No.10594265

It means OP is a bad writer.

>> No.10594270

/lit and wikipedia are perfect for pseudery since the amount you learn from the two combined is just perfect for a standard friendly conversation. Unless you somehow get into a deep philosophical debate nobody will ever know that I know about Deleuze or Debord or Derrida from threads on a Kurdish dolphin raping forum.

>> No.10594276

Wow. That's funny, all these internet debates have made me work to be more honest, to be more ready to admit to myself and others that I've been wrong, to keep a more open mind, to be more pedagogic and considerate in how I communicate, to consciously try to express my reasoning in a way that others can understand, to try to stick to the core subject without detours or attempts to confuse for the purpose of attaining some hollow "victory" for self-satisfaction.

>> No.10594283


>> No.10594303

I don't agree with him, but like it or not he's an important part of contemporary philosophy

>> No.10594770
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>tfw I'm a centrist but I shit on all political stances
Can't shitpost on actual philosophers and other amateur (and professional(?)) rhetoricians though.
I'm not that smart owo

>> No.10594777

>Kurdish dolphin raping forum.
Why though? The only positive thing I've done in 4chan is to give advice from time to time.
You seem like a great person tho.

>> No.10594819


you're still a fat virgin though

>> No.10594826

Im better than u


Read it and weep kid. U just did.

>> No.10594832

No ur obviously not. Ur not even usin proper dictation, my anon.

Please anounce (as he ate).
He choked and I toked

>> No.10594840

Not that anon (obviously) (and obviously you would detect, obviiousleeee~~ wee this is fun.

Hello aI here

>> No.10594844
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Samefag (you)

>> No.10594894

Nice sophistry faggot. How dare you associate diogenes with this sophistry.

>> No.10594915
File: 56 KB, 447x469, Character is lazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'up my nigger xDD

>> No.10594923

Me too desu. I can shitpost, I can play the hyper-trickster, but even then it is all for the purposes of truth...

>> No.10594985

Hahahaha sup u wana be my bitch

Ill be jesus
How but this
U be my marry, and ill be ur jesus
Ill get ur pussy wet, with des nuts
I know u like this
Uh yeha
Lets go wil'
Uh yah
Nah, how bouw this, u be mary, i be jesus but this time its anti oedipus
Noe we can go wil' in no time, we want to tweet thizs

>> No.10595107
File: 81 KB, 986x555, Black Satania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAAAAAAMN these lyrics are /lit/.
Watch dis:
A'yo look at this lil nigga
who tries to be niggest
I be fucking around with my bigga
who will not fuck around with my dearest (wifu)

Look at this lil bish
who doesn't have a leash
acting like a dawg but can't even 187
neither can summen a semen demen

*fart* *sneeze* *burp*

>> No.10595208

Hoopy doopity doggy dood doo
I see you shaggy
I see you mop head steve
You silly sally, looney toon.
Come now, and licky my tally wally

>> No.10595219
File: 153 KB, 356x458, Good night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Freakin' dickin' pickin' pickles!
That is in my inbetweenies, where there is my weenie
Sharks swimming in the dark
That they always sleep all day with farts (me)
Just like the uncorns in Banff

>> No.10595222

Great thread.

Yes anon i want to know how you debate people exactly. Step by step.

Can you greentext a debate you've had? Write it out completely. Thanks

>> No.10595226

Um check out my blog

>> No.10595253

sure you do

>> No.10596315

This just smacks of "I love humanity!"
Put it on a t-shirt why don't you.
Fucking humanists and their sly compassion masked as a pragmatic striving towards objectivity.
How about no.

>> No.10596326

cool blog post

>> No.10596348

>I creep people out
>because I'm cool
>internet, please approve of me!

>> No.10597774

Yeah but maybe you're a decent person. But not me lol

>> No.10597789

Not the sophistry but just his overall trollish nature.

>> No.10597801

>tfw years of talking to pseuds like you and i still force you to learn despite yourselves
try it again with the points i've fed you and i'll let you have the second lesson with the counterargument. week three is when we explain there can't be anything new in the conclusion. i love you guys i wouldn't be able to quote half the shit i do if you weren't ignorant wikiniggers near me often

>> No.10598504

To troll with philosophical consistency is the art

>> No.10598522

op is a faggot. to truly ascend you need to master rhetoric and philosophy and not talk to anyone.

>> No.10598729

>>be openly hypocritical
This one always gets em