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10592198 No.10592198 [Reply] [Original]

how did the "late stage capitalism" start? pic tangentially related

>> No.10592212

sorry i fucked my post up, i'll try again tomorrow

>> No.10592214

these are its symptoms, not its cause. Strange though as it appears that this elementary school is in an affluent area of NC.

>> No.10592239

What do you mean 'start'? Do you refer to the phrase 'late stage capitalism' itself, or the concept OF late stage?

If you refer to the latter, the obvious answer would be that it is an inevitable evolution of any form of capitalism left as unchecked as our own has been, thus it began when capitalism began.

>> No.10592245

>Do you refer to the phrase 'late stage capitalism' itself


>> No.10592262

Check the latestagecapitalism subreddit. I know they have a few resources in the sidebar, maybe you'll find answers there to share.

>> No.10592275

>i-it's gonna end soon guys!

>> No.10592283


I think the concept of "late" capitalism is a bit of minsnomer because there's this implicit idea that capitalism is about to end behind it. There's a great zizek bit where he talks about how during the french revolution, people were already talking about how capitalism is in it's "late", dying stage. He generally uses "global capitalism" instead, which is a much better term, I think.

>> No.10592313

>american education

>> No.10592336


It’s specifically a reference to Spätkapitalismus you Shithead. Read a fucking book once in a while

>> No.10592396

what year will I be allowed to laugh at the phrase "late stage capitalism"? 2025? 2035? surely it'll be fair game when it's still at late stage in 2050

>> No.10592487

late doesn't necessarily mean that it will end soon but you're right that the phrase is bad

>> No.10592646

It's wish fulfillment by twitter marxists.
Capitalism isn't going anytime soon. It's going to evolve into a bifurcated society with a hyper-productive cognitively determined elite buying off the masses of people rendered unemployable by technology with transfer payments.
This system will prove remarkably stable.
My statements are purely descriptive, not normative.

>> No.10592977

i think you are right, but the elite won't be explicitly defined & this will make it slightly worse & slightly less stable. there will still be a good chunk of americans who think they can jump into elitehood

>> No.10592989

Until biogenetics comes in and we get neohuman elites controlling the "pure" (or rather "poor") undesigned humans. It will be intelligent design vs evolution in an entirely new meaning.

>> No.10593036

If we make it to 2105 and capitalism is still dominant, start laughing.

>> No.10593044
File: 27 KB, 623x661, 1510845979584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Late stage capitalism" doesn't exist. Capitalism is still in its infancy and most traits people prescribe to late stage capitalism have literally nothing to do with capitalism.

>> No.10593265

Marxism doesn't just describe it predicts.

Whenever its predictions prove to be incorrect instead of abandoning Marxism, its followers simply pretend that actually it didn't fail it's just that there's a new stage of capitalism that nobody had thought about before but that Marx had predicted all along (even though Marx said nothing about it).

So when, to use your example, the great socialist experiments in the 1960s failed and capitalist societies went from strength to strength, becoming international classless societies of great wealth, this wasn't seen as a sign of the failure of Marxist predictions but rationalized away as a new, final boss for Marxism called "late capitalism" by theorists like Mandel and Jameson.

>> No.10593299

>capitalism is on its last legs
>capitalism is doomed to collapse soon
>world revolution will come soon comrades
*communism collapses*