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10591681 No.10591681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are intellectual people less interested in having sexual behaviours? Is sex something more meaningful for the ignorant and insensible?

>> No.10591695

Sex is for having babies.

>> No.10591702

And who in their right mind would want kids?


>> No.10591704

Such a stupid post

>> No.10591708

He's not wrong. Pleasure is the incentive.

>> No.10591724
File: 135 KB, 500x566, my-bih-luh-do-propane-lil-hill-30332057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 'intellectual' and i fantasize about sex constantly. My life often goes to shit cause when I'm in a relationship cause ill be having sex with my girlfriend all day instead of maintaining the rest of my life. And im sexy and fun in bed so theyll let me get away with it :(

>> No.10591730

I try to convince myself I am, but it's a pathetic attempt at denying my nature and my wishes (which I nontheless succeed at, with a lot of outside help xD )

>> No.10591742

Thus they were being destroyed, when Zeus in pity invented a new plan: he turned the parts of generation round to the front, for this had not been always their position, and they sowed the seed no longer as hitherto like grasshoppers in the ground, but in one another; and after the transposition the male generated in the female in order that by the mutual embraces of man and woman they might breed, and the race might continue; or if man came to man they might be satisfied, and rest, and go their ways to the business of life. So ancient is the desire of one another which is implanted in us, reuniting our original nature, seeking to make one of two, and to heal the state of man.

>> No.10591745

well, when someone distinguish between sensorial pleasures and intelectual pleasures, they could, depending in their temperamet, prefer things that are related to intelect.
the sense have more limits than the inteligens, with the mind you can reach thing that seames to be more likefull.

>> No.10591757

On the contrary, intellectuals are more prone to enjoying refined fetishes.

>> No.10591792

if every man have an animal instint, there is a force that move iinside the human to satisfy sexual desires. maybe the reason and the society give us behaviors to live with others. in this case there is a posibility to develope this desires in other maners. those are thing that Freud thought.

>> No.10591815

Sex is overrated. It's a crapshoot with STDs, babies, and emotions and all you get is nutting in some broad/dude or her/his mouth. If it didn't bring people closer together emotionally then I would never do it.

>> No.10591834

That's literally all sex is for. If you have sex for pleasure then you're just wasting time. Use that energy for something more productive.

>> No.10591876
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>The more a man cultivates the arts, the less randy he becomes.... Only the brute is good at coupling, and copulation is the lyricism of the masses. To copulate is to enter into another—and the artist never emerges from himself.

>> No.10591913
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>When the moralistic attack finally came, it was led by the sixteenth-century Puritan reverend William Perkins of Cambridge. He decried the art of memory as idolatrous and “impious, because it calls up absurd thoughts, insolent, prodigious, and the like which stimulate and light up depraved carnal affections.” Perkins was particularly steamed by Peter of Ravenna’s admission that he used the lustful image of a young woman to excite his memory.

>Von Restorff effect: Mental images may be easier to remember if they are insulting, violent, or obscene

>“memory is marvelously excited by images of women”: PaOLO Rossi, Logic and the Art of Memory

>"muh dionysos": nietzsche

>> No.10591958
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if i had cute gf that liked me than i wouldn't read so much not even close wed talk together and watch a movies

>> No.10591966

To be honest, I was somewhat relieved when my ex dumped me, even though it was painful, all because I knew I'd have more time to read and study and advance intellectually.

>> No.10591968

*succumbs to a drunken bout of hiccups*

>> No.10591969

I'll be your gf (male)

>> No.10592176

Sex is Dramaturgy - hellish delirium with no reason and no goal.

>> No.10592201

I don't think so. Sexual urges simply manifest in different fashions depending on your physiological makeup.

>> No.10592258

I posted this on a thread that was deleted but ah well, here are my thoughts on sexual activity. I don't consider myself an intellectual but I fulfill the HIGH IQ XD just like rick!!! meme and am in college studying mathematics, collabing with some of my professors on papers, attending conferences, etc. I get along with people just fine, have several very close friends I talk to regularly, and can safely say I am not a sperg or autist.
Sex is completely unnecessary unless it is for procreation. Taking sexual pleasure from someone else is massively disrespectful to them. To me it's similar to, if you were taking a shit would you make your lover wipe your ass for you? You're capable of rubbing one out on your own which is a perfectly normal way of relieving sexual urges.
Penetrating someone else is a sign that you have 0 respect for them as a human being, and someone who allows themselves to be penetrated is signalling that they do not consider themselves worthy of being respected. The only types of sex that ever made any amount of sense to me were sex for procreation and violent rape. To me it's like, if you truly loved someone, why would you defile their body or expect them to do this to you? Masturbation to porn is acceptable because the actors in it have already renounced their status as full human beings.
I have 0 interest in sex, but romance does interest me somewhat. I don't care if I end up with a man or woman, but my concern would be that they do not share my feelings and resent me for it, and go out and fuck/be fucked by someone else. I just want someone to be best friends with, cuddle, be romantic, that sort of thing.
The only person I've ever shared my thoughts on this with were my sister who kept talking about how her nig bf fucks her and I got sick of her calling me a fag and just straight up told her I love her but deep down I think of her as less than human and can't take anything she says seriously knowing she's sucked cock before. She hasn't spoken to me in 2 weeks, lol.
Anyway, that's my thoughts on it.

>> No.10592296

Nice, I’d be friends with you

>> No.10592332

I think with casual hookups you're right about a lack of respect but it can strengthen a relationship as well.

>> No.10592340

Can you imagine being this beta

>> No.10592342

Seconding this.

>> No.10592346

You are a fag.
Sex is fun. Casual hookups can be fun. Thinking of someone as being "defiled" for doing something they enjoy like that is pathetic.

>> No.10592349

>Penetrating someone else is a sign that you have 0 respect for them as a human being, and someone who allows themselves to be penetrated is signalling that they do not consider themselves worthy of being respected. The only types of sex that ever made any amount of sense to me were sex for procreation and violent rape. To me it's like, if you truly loved someone, why would you defile their body or expect them to do this to you? Masturbation to porn is acceptable because the actors in it have already renounced their status as full human beings.
sorry dude youre insane

anddddddddd i just found the random racist rant at the bottom too

i hope things get better man

>> No.10592353

>I don't care if I end up with a man or woman
>my sister who kept talking about how her nig bf fucks her

>> No.10592354

yes I'm a virgin at 25 but that's only because I'm very smart

>> No.10592355

>can you imagine being so beta you only do things you want to

>> No.10592357

competent people.

>> No.10592361

welp, I was just sharing how I think of it, I don't think it's so sad, but you clearly see it differently than I do

>getting assmad because I used 'nig' jokingly

>> No.10592362

>quoting a man ridden with syphilis and gonorrhea

>> No.10592364

Are you retarded?

>I'm a virgin, but hear me out! I'm intellectually superior, right /r9k/?

I'm sorry Sarah didn't suck your cock in high school

>> No.10592368

"i dont have secks bcos smart"

no matter how many books you read you'll still have bad genes. sorry bro.

>> No.10592383

I think your brain is defiled by your judgemental attitude. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10592386

I never said I was intellectually superior, I was just saying I have higher education (like many) and consider myself to be a reasonable person, if someone considers that """intellectual""" then whatever.
Like I said, I really have 0 interest in sexual activity of any kind. If someone having different thoughts than you on what sex means offends you that much, idk what to tell you man. I'm so used to being drowned out by others that I never got to share my own thoughts until now.

>> No.10592397

>higher education
>comes to spray spit on 4chan
>uses acronyms
>thinks he's literally "too reasonable for sex"

I don't know what to say

>> No.10592403

literally when did I ever say I was "too reasonable for sex". I just said I consider myself to be a reasonable person, plus I have these thoughts concerning sex. How hard is it to read?

>> No.10592404

I don't totally agree but I like your style
question for you: do you think it's possible for your sister to redeem herself, or is the loss of virginity a permanent paradigm shift?

>> No.10592407

>reddit spacing
>/threading your own post
>soyboy, anti-kid opinion
checks out

>> No.10592431

honestly I mostly ignore those thoughts when I interact with others because I find they interfere shit that has nothing to do with it.
I was being a bit read: extremely harsh when I told my sister she was less than human. I do love her but I hate that she not only actively sullies herself but also shares details of it with others, and I do feel very badly for telling her what I did. Of course everything is her decision to make and she's made it. I understand that most of my friends disagree and also have sex with their partners, some even have casual sex, some have had children, etc. It's just a thought I always keep with me and don't bring fully out until I am with my own thoughts, and it's something I came to terms with even before puberty.
Losing virginity is (and I assume many would agree with me on this at least) is a permanent loss of innocence, whether it was lost consensually or not, and there's no changing that, ever.

>> No.10592573

But just friends, right?
From the replies you're getting this post looks like bait, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt;
>Anyway, that's my thoughts on it
I'm glad you added this at the end, because my first response to you, who believes that respect is lost during a voluntary action between two parties, is speak for yourself.
To have sex is to enjoy one's body, either the body of your partner or your own. Is it a selfish act? Damn right, but both parties are capable of getting what they want during the action, unless it's forced rape-the fact that this is one of the acts that you find to be acceptable shows that you're not as smart as you think you are.
Sex is great when your partner is beautiful, physically, mentally, and morally-if you are unable to respect them, then it's best that you don't have sex, but that isn't a reflection of the act itself but of your own values.
Asexuality does exist among human beings, you shouldn't be faulted for having no interest in sex, but don't assume that your distaste for the act makes it or others who engage in it immoral.
The free love movement had a huge impact on how sex is seen in society, as an act that anyone can partake in with anyone else, and as such it was allowed for vagrants, degenerates, and nobodies, and this is where the problem lies ; indiscriminate sex, with no regard to who you're having sex with, is disrespectful to yourself, and you'll find anyone who engages in these acts for long lose their color for life very quickly.

>> No.10592591

>but I fulfill the HIGH IQ XD just like rick!!! meme
Thanks for mentioning this, saved me a couple minutes of pointless reading.

>> No.10592620

I have a master's degree from a "highly ranked" university and also a highly paying job (writing related) that most people would think requires you to be smart.
I'm still a virgin at 25 years old but I'm immensely interested in sex, I've still yet to finish a novel largely because I spend most of my daily free time masturbating to hentai manga, doujins, Pixiv art, etc.
I've had (platonic) girlfriends before, planning to find a wife in the next several years hopefully and finally experience the real thing. As I imagine an ideal husband-wife relationship, sex would be integral and beneficial. I'd like to find another virgin if possible.
I also know a fair amount of PhD holding "intellectuals", including some people who have published books and authored articles in major newspapers about their ideas, and they are as interested in sex and relationships as anybody.
I would say, though, that smart people, particularly the highly educated, are much more likely to lose their virginity later and to have a lower number of sexual partners overall. Dumb people seem to clue in to sex and relationships early on, while future intellectuals are still childish.

>> No.10592682

Take Einstein and Feynman for example.They had a lot of sex and both were very good scientists.I don't think that there is a correlation between being smart and being interested in sex.The answer is simple:some people like sex as much as they like science and others take sex just as an option of procreating.I don't know if this answer is at least decent,but i'm dumb,so i will take it.

>> No.10592688
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>I'm a virgin, tell me I'm smart to make me feel justified

>> No.10592692

People who have their life together

>> No.10592696

What's your job?

>> No.10592705 [DELETED] 

Very funny, hope this is true

>> No.10592709

This is so godamn good and gets progressively better

>> No.10592710

>not wanting kids
Too bad western women are disgusting and nobody under 30 goes to my church

>> No.10592720


senpai I'm just here to let you know that trying to cope with being an incel by claiming you're too intellectually advanced for sex is some *unsheaths katana* level autism

>> No.10592729

you can be smart and still think sex feels nice

>> No.10592733
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LEave me ALONE you think i dont already know.enough enough! ive had enough aaaaaaahshshgag

>> No.10592734

Sex is just the Demiurge's ponzi scheme

>> No.10592743

I don't think you can have a low labido and be a genius. That being said, your success will depend on how you use that energy. You can read and write for hours a day just as easily as you can pour that essence into every hole you can find.

>> No.10592751

This, but unironically. Lust was given to man since they couldn't be relied on to obey the command to procreate without it

>> No.10592776

Not him, Op here.

I actually have nothing against sex, I just cannot do it physically.

>> No.10592794

Many geniuses enhanced their genius by storing up their sexual energy through abstinence and dedicating it to higher things. Sexual energy, when harnessed, contributes to the will to power. Tesla knew this. Don't fap, guys. Be a genius.

>> No.10592802

I would consider myself a smart guy and I find sex kind of boring and a waste of time. It's a good way to establish connection (and hopefully, have a child) with a girl though if you love her. Otherwise, it's not worth the risk.

>> No.10592806

Well...it's not the fact that you enjoy it which makes him think you're defiled. Anyone could enjoy anything.

>> No.10592848

This is a joke, right?

>> No.10592917

How so? got ur weiner chopped off or something?

>> No.10592928

Kafka was a chronic masturbator. Einstein always cheated on his wife, the same with Mozart. Camus was a hornyfag and Foucault literally died due to complications caused by AIDS because he couldn't stop having gaysex.

>> No.10593045

nietzsche and borges were vergin.

>> No.10593078

So Newton, Tesla, Pitagorus and so on.

>> No.10593168

so youre one of them paraplegic s, huh?

>> No.10593176

nietzsche died of syphillis, no?

>> No.10593619

>smart people are more likely to be deviants
Is this true or just a meme?

>> No.10593629

but anon the average asian girl is likely smarter than you.........

>> No.10593631

No, late stage syphillis has a range of symptons that were similar to his, so it speculation based on his condition, which would make sense had he not exhibited similar tendency earlier in his life

>> No.10593660

Good post

>> No.10593713

Well, that would be nice to know if they were actually composers of serial music and acousmatic electronic.

>> No.10593805

you can actually rationalise child rearing within individualism

the first thing you have to understand is that each person, for their own greatness or goodness, is standing on the shoulders of giants. though you own and should take credit for any virtue or quality of your self, you must understand that the capacity for this is gifted to you by your race and your culture. do you think you would be so rational and sound had aristotle and socrates not been a part of your cultural memory? would you to any near degree noble if you had been born to a native australian family? though you own your own achievements and should be emotionally attached to the struggle and memory of them, these things are the product of generations of hard work. now what is this, but the very definition of dishonour? to have something so prized and profoundly important to you be bestowed by another? does this not appear to be the height of indignity? yet it must be done, lest the reverence and will for greatness be lost. so then how do we resolve this apparent contradiction? the answer: we give back everything that has been given to us, once again back to our people. that means in order to resolve the dishonour you have to have at least one child, preferably more, and also you should try and give something back to your culture, after you have drawn so much from its radiance.

any questions

>> No.10593847

What is it with """intellectuals""" and their incessant desire to deny life and all it has to offer? Why would me sticking my dick inside a vagina defile me, ruin my soul, impair my cognition, and whatever the fuck else they say? An addiction to sex, sure, but that does not make sex itself a vice. Are they just bitter incels who can't get any?

>> No.10593998

We don't know that.

>> No.10594053

Diogenes the cynic was an intellectual philosopher who denied himself of many things. He did not however, deny himself the pleasures of defecating in the street or having sex in public.Diogenes the cynic was an intellectual philosopher who denied himself of many things. He did not however, deny himself the pleasures of defecating in the street or having sex in public.

>> No.10594298


>> No.10594301

fucking autist

>> No.10594305

he did not deny the pleasure of pooing in the loo
they were far more talented in the mechanicalisms of orchestra than you cuz

>> No.10594317
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>if something evolved because it serves a certain function then carrying out that function is an individual's moral obligation
>being this fucking basic
moral illiteracy and virgin insecurity strikes again. stay beta kid

>> No.10594396

The function of sex in human evolution is for both reproduction AND social bonding. Monogamous relationships are very new compared to the rest of human history. Intellectuals ought to be just as interested in sex as anybody else in theory. But in our extremely perverted societies there is no satisfactory mechanism for scholars to regularly participate in modern sex rituals. Basically our communities are much too large to care about a minority of people, mostly men, who aren't able or aren't willing to actively pander to one women for sex. Sex, to best fulfill its true evolutionary purpose, should be a way to grow closer to a multitude of different people of the opposite sex throughout your lifetime; beginning at the start of adolescents.

>> No.10594424

shes holding a cock in one hand and her cooch in the other yes?

>> No.10594431

Intellectual people have harder times relating to people. They generally tend to be less social, and therefore, have less opportunity to fuck

>> No.10594452

wow 2 data points is a damn convincing amount of evidence, way to go dude mystery solved correlation DENIED

>> No.10594466

what the fuck is wrong with you

i bet you are an algebraist

>> No.10594625


>> No.10594657

crits pls

>> No.10594937

Well, what about Rimbaud? He surely entered him.

>> No.10594966


>> No.10594979
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Eros is a pivotal part of the intellect and the story of philosophy. People who post paint-eroded classical sculptures are not.
"The degree and kind of a man's sexuality reach up into the ultimate pinnacle of his spirit"
Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.10594987

Pretty rich coming from him though

>> No.10594994

You're retarded.

>> No.10594995
File: 6 KB, 205x246, 1516369550759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm staking 1 dollarydoo that this is the faggot that references popculture on this board

>> No.10595238

true for avant-teens

>> No.10595239

good shi

>> No.10595288

Lol what, Intellectuals like sex more than normal people

>> No.10595308

this but unironically

>> No.10595333

I was fairly old when I lost my virginity, not becasue I was an autist, but through my youth, the people I was interested in, wasnt interested in me, and visa versa. But when I lost it, there was this fairly attractive girl I guess, not really too good looking, I guess it was her personality that I didnt really like, but she was showing a lot of interested at a bar, so I thought I could just get it over with and go home with her. Which I did, and it was the dullest thing ever. Just a lot of work, no pleasure, and in a weird way, it felt very empty and depressing when I thought about it afterwards. The next weekend she actually contacted me and came to the bar I was at, and followed me home that night. I told her she couldnt come home with me, and sent her home by herself. I would rather wake up by myself the next morning and read. Does anybody else feel this way as well? Dont get me wrong, I am a firm believer in love, and I do seek a fulfilling relationship with someone I really like. And I clearly see the rewards of sleeping with some super-hot chick. But sex for sex's sake, just seems... I dont know, dull

>> No.10595340

Sex is scientifically for procreation, but for the humans it has a social and aesthetic value too. But if you're someone who doesn't feel the need of sex or you're not interested in procreation, you shouldn't be ashamed of anything.

Besides, platonic love is the only true form of love, since love, if it exists, is a psychological\emotive state which doesn't necessarely, or at all, express itself in the primal act of sex. If someone feels a very profound love for another, and feels attracted to him-her emotively, can surpass even sexual instincts.

>> No.10595350
File: 268 KB, 1080x1080, tfw intellectual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10595380

this is one quite right

>> No.10595392

This is a great copypasta

>> No.10595541

>but for the humans it has a social and aesthetic value too

You're missing the hedonist value as well, the search for sex is the big part of the hedonist way of perceiving life.

>> No.10595774
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>> No.10595780

No, they are just so autistic they can't get laid

>> No.10596523

Sex is amazing; its implications are awful. By implications I mean the need of another person, and dealing with problems regarding the relationship with that person

>> No.10596894

>tfw no intellectually superior asian gf

What traits have you anons observed in girls, based on their major and the circumstances under which you met them?
Girls you meet in bars are generally parrots who spout a wide range of vague generalities which they have seemingly never bothered to think through. If they study politics, social work, sociology, journalism or psychology they're personified pure ideology, if their field is philosophy or social work there's a decent chance they're good-for-nothing potheads. female math, physics or theology students are usually alright, though with them you have to deal with more social awkwardness and anxiety. Female law and/or economics students are either animus-possessed or have been driven by their circumstances, social and/or economic pressure to go for a high-end career.

>> No.10596915

Run from the lights, run from the night
Run for your life

Kanye is okay in my book

>> No.10596950

i mean, all the greek philosophers were having sex, and they were having sex with men.

is gay sex the true intellectual endeavor? will heterosexual people ever know the true freedom of mind that comes with fucking another man?

>> No.10596993

>Are intellectual people less interested in having sexual behaviours?

Yes, this is an absolute.
I have become far less interested in sex as my IQ has increased by 40 points in the last 5 years, from 80 to 120. I have almost no interest in the great marketing scam of the great capitalist evolutionary tactics of pure animal Biology. I have come to realise 4 essential truths about the urge to have sexual pleasure.

1. There is no biologically defined 'sex'. Humans do not have sex in the same way that fish or cows do. Therefore, there is no evolutionary reason to have an intuitive understanding of sex. This is merely a cultural meme created by human evolution. A fish does not desire sex with a human, so neither should a human.

2. Sex actually prevents the rapid accumulation of knowledge. As there is always the chance of hanging your hopes on the offspring, you don't need to learn things yourself. If every human was told tomorrow that everyone is now infertile I have no doubt we would crack immorality within 2 decades

3. Sex is a moral banana skin. I do not mean in the sense it causes you to slip - I mean it in the sense that banana skin changes as it ripens, and sex changes as creatures ripen into greater evolutionary forms. Human evolution is overripe and we are now accumulating 'black spots' such as nuclear war on our society, that will deter any other intelligent life

4. Sex is the ultimate armour against the human fear and anxiety of death. If you believe you can have sex, the idea of the hero passing his genes will survive and push you to cowardice, avoiding your fate (death). We can only face death if we remain virgins.

Sorry, but everyone disagreeing with the above is wrong and not a virgin.

>> No.10596994

lel breh

>> No.10597109

>Sex is pointless, it's just about stimulating your dick, like when I masturbate

>> No.10597140

This one has gone so far that he acknowledge that he has to remain a virgin in order to support his current views, and yet he will not accept the possibility that he is wrong.
>I must not look behind the curtain because then I will loose faith in what I know to be true.
Pretty amazing.

>> No.10597190

>my IQ has increased by 40 points in 5 years
KEK. This must be bait or the most delusional cope post I have ever seen. Sex for humans is an evolutionary mechanism for both reproduction and social bonding--not exclusively for pair bonding either if you catch my drift. It has nothing to do with how smart or committed someone is to knowledge or any other "high brow" virtues. The sooner you stop this absurd cope the sooner you can dive into a big part of the human experience you are completely misunderstanding.

>> No.10597193

Once a philosopher, twice a pervert.