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/lit/ - Literature

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10588737 No.10588737 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.10588738
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No where, I'm a comp sci student.

>> No.10588852

Well, I wrote in my journal three days in a row.

>> No.10588876
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>> No.10588883

Pretty good. I'm having my third novel published this fall. I'm a small press writer, nothing big- I sell about 1,500 copies a year. I obviously don't make much momey but the occasional email from someone saying they enjoyed my work feels really nice.

>> No.10588889

Oly moly, how many of us are there? Surely we are clones in this Matrix we are plugged into, Computer Science students hardly wanting to be. We are self-deluded into believing we can produce 'art', yet we have been trapped-doored into The Void of 'beautifully web design' and other such digital related banalities.

>> No.10588906

I've got two novels I'm working on currently, and plan to self-publish the more complete of the two by march hopefully. I need to move out first for emotional and ocd reasons before i can finish it.
I've got ideas for dozens more and have received mostly praise from the people i've shared my work with.

>> No.10588907

I don't know how to write, let alone what about.

>> No.10588928
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My best guess would be that programming makes use of critical and creative thinking, something most avid readers probably possess.
Also it doesn't hurt that it pays pretty damn well. My dream is to work somewhere nice, possibly on the west coast (from NY) like Washington, or maybe even Europe and spend my free time chasing creative pursuits.

>> No.10589034

Got a blog running, few other projects outside that

>> No.10589042

Mind explaining on how about doing this? Sounds nice and attainable.

>> No.10589177

it's not a career

it's just something i do because there's nothing else i can do

>> No.10589275

Now realizing I have material for a great vision of a book about coming of age in modern America, gonna be hard to organize and edit it into something good, maybe a short story bout 100 too 150 pages.

>> No.10589381

Jeez, you're not going to capture the essence of what you think you will at all man. I don't want to discourage you but you've got to think small. Not too small of course but don't go thinking what you're writing will be anything more than text on a page for a few folk to read. If you're thinking you're writing the next best thing, you defintiely aren't.

>> No.10589426

Same. But I'm not here for that. Manic episode and I've just got to tell someone how much I want to fucking kill myself. Just fucking christ, just someone pour the gasoline on me and strike the match. Please. Identity tied social media isn't helpful for this kind of thing.

Oh and I failed at the writing thing. Gave up. Trying to synthesize whatever tiny talent I have into some greater project. Just want to kill myself. Oh boy.

See Portia was a bitch. Hot coals in the mouth is pretty hard. But what we can definitely go hard. Set the bar higher. What do you think anons? Let's brainstorm some ideas.

Nameless. Facelesslkjdsalkjfdsa

>> No.10589452

You just get in with a group of other small writers by reviewing them and talking to them online. Only with writers you actually like of course. Once you know small press writers you prettt much immediately know small press publishers. Because they're not in some tower or anything. Small press publishers are always writers themselves and publish/interact with their friends. It's all pretty organic born out of friendship and a love of independent literature.

>> No.10589463

Can you post what you've written?

>> No.10589565

There needs to be more /lit/ sharing. I'd love to read (and pay if it's only a few bucks) for works you guys have published. Always happy to support my fellow /lit/izens

>> No.10589574

That's nice of you, anon but I prefer not to have people on here know who I am.

>> No.10589576

I've resorted to writing targeted niche erotica, so I think you can guess.

>> No.10589608

I'm getting published this Spring. Not in any big publication but it's the first thing I've submitted anywhere so it felt pretty good.

>> No.10589618
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lol Here is something I was working on at one point. Kept pouring over everything again and again. Felt like I was suffocating and I could hardly make progress.

>> No.10589632

I think you kind of blew up what I said too a much bigger proportion. Didn't mean it too be like "ohmygod everyone is gonna relate and love what I have too say" more in the sense that I think what I wrote is good and it has too do with coming of age In the places I'm from. Lol. Agreed though it's just a few words on paper, but they mean something too me they really do and maybe one day could mean something too someone else. If I didn't think this what the hell would be the point of writing anyhow?

>> No.10589633

You could always submit a couple other new books from the same or similar publishing houses to through us off the trail?

>> No.10589635

Milton and Chaucer had day jobs anon, how do you plan on creating true art if you have to cater to plebs to pay your bills?

>> No.10589640

what's the background picture?

>> No.10589652

Not 100% sure. Something I found somewhere online and set as the background of my Word Processor. Probably something tweeted out by Archillect.

>> No.10589734
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I've spent a lot of time working on my story. The characters and plot are all worked out, but for the life of me, I can not write a beginning I am satisfied with. Any tips on how to churn out a beginning that isn’t shit (Subjectively)?

Pic is how I feel.

>> No.10589760

> True art can only be innacessible and enjoyable only for select elite

>> No.10589767

Just started writing my first story, I'll probably post it on the web but I don't know when I'll be doing that

>> No.10589769

hit the road, jack

>> No.10589779

Waiting for an artist to paint a cover art. Going to attempt self-publishing when it is done.

>> No.10589837

This is pretty pretentious desu.

>> No.10589849

I'm a brainlet but I still read. I can't explain a book at all when people ask me about it

>> No.10589850

Don't know if I should continue or If I should give up.


>> No.10589875

lmao the fucking state of this utter drivel

i bet you drink lattes and fantasise about strapons you pleb cunt

>> No.10589878

Fuck what others think. Keep doing it if you enjoy it. Praise is for the weak.

>> No.10589882

Good God, stop abusing my eyes. Learn the difference between "to" and "too", ya dunce.

>> No.10589890

Take my coffee black actually.

>> No.10589893

I do two know the differences between the too and to

>> No.10589895

I bet you take a lot of things black mate
Go back to posting quotes on Tumblr
We don't need more shit taking up space

>> No.10589914

Something wrong with black women? You're not a racist are you?

But I think I'll stay. You guys are pretty fun when I'm manic or drunk and want less accountability for my actions.

>> No.10589936

I've got your number eh? Now fuck off

>> No.10589938

Weird. I don't remember giving you my number. We've just met.

>> No.10590120

im a computer science student too. i really wish i majored in english

>> No.10590140

Well I’m working on my first book, feels good.

>> No.10590181

are you me?

>> No.10590381

Same here, started work on the first draft 2 weeks ago
Once it's finished i'll send it off to publishers and see if they like it, if not I can go the self publish route, all im really hoping for is that somebody enjoys reading it

>> No.10590693

I have a small audience following my work. I had been mostly blogging and doing short stories and fanfiction but about a month ago actually put something a little longer up for sale for the first time.
It's selling better than I thought which still ain't shit

>> No.10590701

Any clue on how to go about becoming a small press publisher? I got mad marketing skills and money to make shit happen, so I'd probably be good at that shit.

>> No.10591620

If you actually care about writing, 4chan should not impact your decision to continue doing so.

>> No.10591710

I graduate in december and then the failure begins.

>> No.10591726

>I had been mostly blogging
What's the best site for blogging these days in terms of reaching an audience?

>> No.10591746
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>> No.10591749

>writing career
shiggy diggy tbqh

>> No.10591780

I'm still very deep in the starving artist portion of my personal life. You see my life needs to be a tragedy in order to give credence to my sub-par writing.
The most I can hope for are my manuscripts being discovered in the shitty room I rent, strewn about the floor with my swollen alcoholic dead body rotting in a single bed.

So all in all the career is coming along as planned.

>> No.10591889

By a queen its a basic human right.

>> No.10591896

babbys first existential crisis

consciousness needs bounds to operate within, there is no reason not to play the game