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10588580 No.10588580 [Reply] [Original]

>when you overhear two people arguing over what the "correct" definition of a word is

>> No.10588597

lol word is a fuck

>> No.10588605

Wittgenstein: It's all words and stuff. . .like, it's all meaningless lool

>> No.10588634
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>using the word "is" in any sentence

>> No.10588668

>you don't think words be how they be but they do

>> No.10588691

>using words in sentences

>> No.10588949

>Language is descriptive, not prescriptive.

>> No.10589061

Okay can we all stop fucking greentexting and have an actual discussion here? This is a somewhat interesting topic.

>> No.10589070

And somehow, only Derrida gets called a post-modern cultural marxist. Really makes you think.

>> No.10589084
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the ultimate judge of successful communication is if you were able to impression upon the other your intent, ideas, desires, etc

using the technically correct word doest actually matter and this is why word pronunciation and meaning morph over time

>> No.10589088

>When your waste your entire life defending relativism but relativism is retarded so you wasted a entire life defending a meme

>> No.10589089

Why should I believe Saussure?

>> No.10589096

>When you waste your life trying to defend objectivism and realize you have no good arguments

>> No.10589116

>Le Monde publie le 23 mai 1977 sous le titre « Un appel pour la révision du code pénal à propos des relations mineurs-adultes » des extraits d'une « Lettre ouverte à la Commission de révision du code pénal pour la révision de certains textes régissant les rapports entre adultes et mineurs »6 envoyée par 80 personnalités et intellectuels au Parlement français7,8. Cet appel réclame une réécriture des dispositions du code pénal concernant les relations sexuelles entre adultes et mineurs de quinze ans afin de les rendre moins strictes7,9.

>Le Monde reproduit les signatures de Louis Althusser, Jean-Paul Aron, Roland Barthes, André Baudry, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Claude Besret, Jean-Louis Bory, Bertrand Boulin, François Chatelet, Patrice Chéreau, Copi, Alain Cuny, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Françoise Dolto, Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Gabriel Matzneff, Bernard Muldworf, Christiane Rochefort, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Jean-Paul Sartre, le docteur Pierre Simon et Philippe Sollers7.

>> No.10589141

>As for the “relativism” they are supposed to be worried about—well, even if this word has a rigorous philosophical meaning, there’s not a trace of it in my writing.
t. Derrida

>> No.10589160
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>implying relativism isn't self-refuting
>implying Derrida wasn't a relativist

>> No.10589197

>intent, ideas, desires, etc
This implies that such things are magical, real abstract entities that can be encoded into words.


>> No.10589207

How would he know there is no trace of X in his writing if he doesn't know the meaning of X?

>> No.10589254

how do people who are racially blind single out white people so well? because they are better than you thats how

>> No.10589291

go back to >>>/pol/ false-flagger

>> No.10589325

>when a postmodernist brings up a dictionary definition as an argument

>> No.10589355

>when an alt-right kid uses the word "postmodernism" as if it isn't a strawman

>> No.10589388

>when some anon is dumb enough to believe there is such a thing as the alt right and it isnt just a massive scapegoat

>> No.10589400

>when two anons communicate to each other in greentext without kissing

>> No.10589549

>Living your life as a spineless turd who stays over the fence over anything
>Still getting triggered when people call your meme thesis out

>> No.10589796

based continentals

>> No.10590005

You stupid fucks, read Hjelmslev and ignore this overrated hack

>> No.10590016

I'll read him if you can vocaroo how to pronounce his name

>> No.10590032


>> No.10590057
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nigger was that simply red

>> No.10590061

What are you listening to?

>> No.10590079
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>> No.10590155

“The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit. Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?”
t. Zhuangzi

>> No.10590212

Tell that pseud that "meaning" is just other words

>> No.10590231

> forget the trap

I won't build a trap anytime I need to hunt something. That's retarded. I keep the trap and start accumulating my trap-capital.

>> No.10590378


>> No.10590383

Yes, Derrida is the only philosopher who ever gets called a postmodern cultural Marxist. What an accurate observation.

>> No.10590516

Now, now. No need to be snarky.

>> No.10590592

Um, I think you mean "proper."

>> No.10590594
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>mfw somebody says difference instead of differance near me

>> No.10590791

>Pragmatic means being practical in your decisions
>No pragmatic means it follows from the pragmatic maxium as laid out by Peirce
When will these brainlets learn that pragmatic refers to the area of linguistics that considers the contextual meaning of a word?

>> No.10590816

I've never read Derrida and have always wondered how he compares to what I have studied in philosophy of language, reading Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Strawson, Kripke, etc.

Has anyone read Derrida and some of what I listed above?

>> No.10590880

After watching this three part series, which I know is not enough to get Derrida, I feel pretty okay going the analytic route compared to this.

>> No.10590887

Language is fluid bro words don't mean anything

>> No.10590897

I used to like Robbe-Grillet.