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10588131 No.10588131 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that semicolon usage is so popular among pseuds? How the hell did this meme even start? No respected author uses semicolons to the same degree these wannabe academics do.

>> No.10588143

real men use commas, endlessly, excessively, they do not fear them, they embrace them as a continental philosopher would, they run on without care

>> No.10588166

Semi-colons are weak and indecisive, its the punctuation equivalent of saying "Um... sweetie"

This, comma is love, comma is life

>> No.10588196

I prefer the comma, but the semi-colon can be useful.

>> No.10588197

thanks guys I needed this

>> No.10588209

Never have I ever seen someone so disrespectful; the semicolon is a perfectly normal piece of punctuation; I will use it how I see fit; even though secretly I use it only so I can sniff my farts and feel good about myself; I love semicolons because part of my colon was removed too; now I poop in a bag and it farts at really inopportune moments; like one time I was at a funeral outside and my colostomy bag went BRAAAAAAAAAP; everyone stared at me; if you're wondering how I sniff my farts I fart through the hole in my side involuntary and sniff through there; yeah sometimes poo gets in my nose; it's ok though; my family seriously won't look me in the eye anymore for brapping at the funeral though

>> No.10588372

>Can, someone, teach, me, how, to, use, commas? I, think, there,'s, a, difference, in, between, languages, so, I, never, know, where, to, place, one, while, writing, in, English. Somebody, please, spoonfeed, me.

>> No.10588388

Just put them wherever the fuck you want, don't listen to the grammar nerds

>> No.10588399

A,h; o,k.

>> No.10588411
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V, nice

>> No.10588422

actually a semi colon would be better here

>> No.10588434

The more I browse the asinine threads on this board, the more I wish it would be deleted.

>> No.10588440

Incorrect use of comma

>> No.10588444

Awful post

>> No.10588448

I'll stick my semi in your colon

>> No.10588452


>> No.10588513

I remember the good ole days were semi-colons were the comma

>> No.10588516

This is the worst kind of shitpost; a pseud-trap shitpost.

Also, the em-dash is a far superior punctuation mark.

>> No.10588523

Improper use of a semicolon. A semicolon separates two independent clauses. The punctuation you meant to use was a colon.

>> No.10588847

I remember when Microsoft Word used to correct almost every grammar mistake with a semicolon.

DAmn I miss those high school days.

>> No.10588859

either side of clauses.

>> No.10588873
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real men dont use any sort of punctuation at all punctuation is for pussies pseuds and hacks

>> No.10589416

Punch with sentences. Punch, punch, punch, and why not write sentences that don't adhere to rules? I enjoy doing that. It's almost unrestrained. And why not go even further... just do whatever; who cares!...?

>> No.10589442

thats nice you seem like the kinda dude to help his uncle jack off a horse

>> No.10589498

these are the correct opinions,

>> No.10589626

Fuck you're right. I meant to use a colon. It didn't look right when I wrote it and now I know why.

>> No.10589676
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>too insecure use any punctuation other than commas or periods
I wish I wasn't such a brainlet.

>> No.10589688

>csq L'Anglais ne peux pas profiter de le point d'exclamation !

>> No.10589689

embarrassing usage of the comma anon, poor form matched only by equally poor compassion

>> No.10589706
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>> No.10589736


>> No.10589758

It's just a phase, right?

>> No.10589764

ironically this
Most grammar rules are just there to make you sound more formal, which is inappropriate in most contexts. There's no reason to follow them

>> No.10589783
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I was never even considered a gifted kid, guess I'm just a narcissist or these are just intentionally vague and easily applied to anyone, or both

>> No.10589791
File: 243 KB, 790x960, Burnout Bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me, Pete

>> No.10589794

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.10589803
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If he looks like this man

>> No.10589807
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You're like a little baby
Right? I have a friend who always says kill me Pete and I know he would win this bingo

>> No.10589809

no its the punctuation equivalent of saying "that is to say"

>> No.10589813

I don't even read books, I just come here to look down on people

>> No.10589815

Auto-didacts spotted

>> No.10589818

>authority and government are good
Statecucks belong 6 feet under.

>> No.10589908

I like this prose where can I find more comma-kino

>> No.10589972

>At age 50, Dexter authored A Pickle for the Knowing Ones or Plain Truth in a Homespun Dress, in which he complained about politicians, the clergy, and his wife. The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization. Dexter initially handed his book out for free, but it became popular and was reprinted eight times.[2] In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased.[7]

>> No.10590001

I still don't know how to use any of these punctuation marks; I would write more, but I'm bad at English—or in other words: a brainlet.

is this grammatically correct

>> No.10590302

girls can't be psueds

>> No.10590308

are you assuming that disembodied hand's gender?

>> No.10590313

triple bingo for me

>> No.10590964

Continental philosophers. Hegel, Kierkegaard, etc.

>> No.10590970

how should it be?

>> No.10590977

> he doesn't know that hands are a secondary sex characteristic
How old are you, sheltered child?

>> No.10591094

>ne peux
>de le
Quèque, ânon. Taupe quèque.

>> No.10592490


>> No.10592504

all girls are pseuds, what the fuck do you mean faggot?

>> No.10592566

anon est mort.

>> No.10592582

>Signs of a Pseud
Making shitty threads for attention trying to find a pattern by something as simple and relative as using a grammatical symbol used in multiple languages

Now off yourself

>> No.10592598

t. pseud

>> No.10592621

Semi-colons give that feeling of reading a telegram.

>> No.10592627

It's because no one cares about comma splices anymore. Also this is a meme started by Kurt Vonnegut that's like the literary equivalent of not liking the word "moist".

>> No.10592629


>> No.10592634

t. cornalito ye tortillato

>> No.10592665
File: 3 KB, 250x180, Colon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/our guy/

>> No.10592757

jesus christ. anyone that relates to this is a true faggot.

>> No.10592762

which means im a faggot. god help me

>> No.10592845

>The only way that I'm well-known in Illinois State is that I'm the grammar nazi, and so any student whose deployment of a semicolon is not absolutely Mozartesque knows that they're gonna get a C in my class.

>> No.10593255

There are 13 appropriate times for a comma in English but I don't remember what they are. Best of luck.

>> No.10593370

commas are for faggots. I'm typing a stream of ideas it doesn't matter when I would hypothetically pause verbally that is unless you're speaking out my words like a brainlet. Real men use parenthesis (like this) to separate info into different levels of importance or to interweave them in parallel flows.

>> No.10593390

yeah they can, pseud for men is false claim on logos, pseud for girl is false claim on eros, so basically some bitch who thinks she's good at reading people and bringing people together but really hates all her friends. Big chunk of women.

>> No.10593403

I thought you only browsed /b/ and /tv/ Mr. Shatner

>> No.10593430

These tattoos are a suicide prevention statement. You get one so the next time you decide to cut your wrists you'll see the tattoo and feel too stupid to do it.

>> No.10593502
File: 223 KB, 790x960, nobingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly, I was considered a gifted kid. When I was 12, I used to get packed off to the local high school for a couple of hours a day to join the AP math class and one of the standard art classes, because despite my primary school being a small private school intended for gifted children they still didn't know what to do with me.

Of course, I dropped out of school entirely at 13, so I didn't get the full effect.

I just put them where MS Word says I should, and otherwise leave them out. Most of the time I don't need them. I find them a bit like interrobangs, and you can use either of the parent pieces of punctuation without being so horrifically wrong you've produced something unreadable.

>> No.10593511

I bet you eschew the Oxford comma too, you fucking loser.

>> No.10594775


>> No.10594782

seems like that colon should be a comma

>> No.10594817

>No respected author uses semicolons to the same degree these wannabe academics do.
i imagine you haven't read moby-dick if you seriously believe this.

>> No.10594834
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>mfw writing a sentence with a string of multiple semicolons
Suck it nerds

>> No.10594916

Because they put that shit next to L on the keyboard.
Do you know how many times I use L? A lot, okay?! If I am going to mispress a ;etter then I wi;; damn we;; use it so it doesn't go to waste

>> No.10595161

Not just better, but correct. This is a comma splice

>> No.10595167
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Soy boys Zip Up!

>> No.10595182

Fuck off McCarthy

>> No.10595183


>> No.10595196

>T. Brainlet; too feeble to master the might of punctuation—let it be flowing, seaming, bending, like a river: A river of lines and curves, only ever ending (if one desires such a thing) with one single dot.

>> No.10595200


>> No.10595271
File: 155 KB, 1200x1600, https___blueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com_uploads_card_image_700949_e4963d5c-027c-4fbf-b216-ac49a441ee08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see that, you, have never seen such grammatical beauty before—such perfection: Art thou impressed by our majestic skill?

>> No.10595306

Please let me carry your babies.

>> No.10595378
File: 156 KB, 500x600, disdain-for-plebs-24539401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10596292

go to reddit

>> No.10596298


Semicolons are the easiest way to nest many ideas inside of each other besides footnotes, and most writing doesn't warrant footnotes.

>> No.10596334

I TEND to agree. However, I hardly even notice semicolons when they are used well.

>> No.10596373
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I only use them in serious academic papers. The majority of the population doesn't even know what the fuck it does, so if I used them in my short stories, it'd actually do the very opposite of what punctuation is supposed to do.

>> No.10596770


>> No.10596790

Semicolon is a suicide thing. It's a device used by instagram queens to show "SOMEONE COULD HAVE STOPPED, BUT DECIDED IT WAS BETTER TO GO ON" which means it's borne like some kind of stigmata by egotistical women who "tried to kill themselves" by taking six tylenol and then mass texting everyone on their contact list about it for attention.

Nothing literary about it at all.

>> No.10596801

Delete yourself,