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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 638x629, 1505844326105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10587256 No.10587256 [Reply] [Original]

Most literary pet?

>> No.10587285

the female

>> No.10587296

It's amazing how many cats get posted on this board every day.
I wonder if it's just a person with lots of cat reactions.

Anyways, if you mean the best pet for readers, cats are the best option since they are so quiet .

If you mean the most representative of literature I really don't know.

>> No.10587301


>> No.10587315
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x4032, 20171115_123417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are quiet until they're not and then they're fucking meowing on your face at 2AM and running through the house like they're possessed. But otherwise they're better than dogs.
t. cat owner and pic related.

>> No.10587320

That's the most "heh" face I've ever seen

>> No.10587322
File: 87 KB, 449x449, lovecraft-and-a-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's amazing how many cats get posted on this board every day.
are you joking?
this is 4chan
cats are a thing here and always have been

that is a fucking awesome looking kitty cat

>> No.10587323
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>> No.10587324

pretty kitty

>> No.10587364
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My guys

>> No.10587375


>> No.10587378
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Pic related.

>> No.10587383

owls eat kittens. FUCK owls.

>> No.10587387
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>Anyways, if you mean the best pet for readers, cats are the best option since they are so quiet.

Cats are whiny, the real silent companion is the bunny. They're also more hygienic and cuter.

>> No.10587388
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Post more cats

>> No.10587392
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>> No.10587393

>cats are invasive species that destroy bird populations
>birds kill cats

poetic justice

>> No.10587402
File: 219 KB, 1200x675, qtpi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay. here is my girl on a window sill. she is a very loud blue point siamese and loves attention.

>> No.10587404
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>> No.10587409

I swear I've been a regular poster for years and this is the only board where I see cats posted so often.

>> No.10587410

*eats all your electrical cords*
Heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.10587413
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my girl

>> No.10587421
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Possums. Next thread.

>> No.10587422

Why are cat owners so obsessed with posting their pets?

>> No.10587428

t. catlet

>> No.10587429

>redditor cant into cats

>> No.10587433

Pussy audience

>> No.10587435

because they're faggots.

>> No.10587437

I dunno, must be nice owning one

>> No.10587438
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>> No.10587451
File: 962 KB, 500x274, flop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having electrical cords on the floor

improve your lifestyle anone

>> No.10587453

because you get a lot of upvotes, especially if you add a quirky comment about how your cat is the boss at home and you're submissive to it

>> No.10587474
File: 18 KB, 200x275, the bard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Eagle.

Shakespeare loved birds, in more ways than one. He was an amateur falconer. Let's face it, if you don't have at least a peregrine falcon divebombing through your château then you're not /lit/

>> No.10587493


>> No.10587496

Wolf as pet

>> No.10587499

my cat does that when he humps a blanket
Didn't find out till late, used to pet him while he was busy fucking the blanket

>> No.10587507

Golden Eagles hunt wolves on the Mongol steppes. Fuck Golden Eagles.
GyrFalcons or Goshawks are acceptable though.
Wolves are based.

>> No.10587509

cats are for people too lazy to train a dog. they are shit pets.

>> No.10587527

Probably a sloth, having a lazy piece of shit as a companion is the best bet.

>> No.10587541

Grow up

>> No.10587596
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>> No.10587614

*tips katana*

>> No.10587832
File: 65 KB, 1050x1128, 27355591_1630606360308093_1452947029377603525_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this doggos ethnicity?

>> No.10587920
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>> No.10587929
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>> No.10587935

>cats are quiet
my cat literally won't stop fucking meowing to get my attention
I love him but also fuck that furry little douchebag

>> No.10587936
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>> No.10587945
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>> No.10587952
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>> No.10587961
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>> No.10587965
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>> No.10587966
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>more hygienic
>has to eat shit to survive

>> No.10587972

cute and fluffy
cute and shaggy
cute and judgy
cute and sleepy
cute and tiny
cute and babyish
cute and low quality
cute and poofy
cute and cuddly
cute and chubby
cute and surprised
cute and comfy
cute and angry
cute and funny
cute and scream at own ass
cute and mlm
cute and mommy
cute and patrician (blinchiki are the best)
cute and B)

what breed of cat is this?

>> No.10587992
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>> No.10588007

Tell me, everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat

>> No.10588008

what kind of dog is this??

>> No.10588013
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>> No.10588019

me as a cat

>> No.10588033

>thinking something that furry and cuddly could ever be a dog

Stop, go outside and get trampled on by your great dane, dilettante.

>> No.10588038
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>> No.10588040


>> No.10588043

I came here to post this.

>> No.10588053

>at cats
oi i am laffin

>> No.10588057

I had a doggo and she was very cute. We unfortunately had to put her down because she was 14 with breast cancer and could no longer stand (We had her since she was 2 and I was around 6 when we got her). Shortly after she died my friend told me his family was taking care of a litter of kittens and so we adopted one because we were filling the void left by doggy, and we love the cat. Does this make me a soyboy, fellas?

>> No.10588064
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>> No.10588084
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>> No.10588085
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>> No.10588091

The only thing that makes someone a soyboy is unironically using the word soyboy, soyboy

>> No.10588094

whoa that's a strong dog

>> No.10588101

If you don’t get a pet that can potentially kill you if you don’t out-alpha it then just start tucking your dick and getting tit implants

>> No.10588126
File: 26 KB, 500x588, YUJpYZ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10588198

A fucking worm.
You ever hear of a book worm you stupid shits?

Other than that an owl I guess but that's not really a pet. Come to think of it a worm is a pretty shit pet too, but I had a pet worm when I was like 5 so it counts.

>> No.10588208 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat's called Niggercat

>> No.10588213 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10588221
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Why are these upside down

>> No.10588278

>I had a pet worm when I was like 5
What was its name?

>> No.10588279


>> No.10588282


>> No.10588289

top lads

>> No.10588291

You had a pet worm and you named it milkshake?
...Wow, you actually are retarded.

>> No.10588295

Fuck off, bitch! I was fucking 5.

>> No.10588369

Dogs are annoying

>> No.10588377

needy but loyal (usually)

>> No.10588439

bunny shit is extremely clean. they're like compressed little hay pellets, it's not disgusting like the rotten smelly meat noodles that fall out of a cat.

they also groom themselves very well and don't have bad breath or other smells.

>> No.10588478

Autistic and Unintelligent.

>> No.10588482


>> No.10588493
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haha he drunk a moolck frum cartoon

>> No.10588517
File: 40 KB, 600x686, birb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birds are obviously the most /lit/ pet.

>cheeky sense of humour
>sense of rhythm and timing
>can actually recite poetry

>> No.10588518


>> No.10588526

no bully

>> No.10588531

You mean weeks?
I bet you weren't even here for caturday you roody-poo

>> No.10588602

tripfag genocide when?

>> No.10588620


>> No.10588626

I recognize that "bookshelf".

>> No.10588638

which vidya?

>> No.10588641

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10588656
File: 30 KB, 600x640, e91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the way you stacked those fucking books

>> No.10588657

That guy posted his books (on top of the mantle in his pic) in a bookshelf thread one time. I remember it in particular because there was some retarded argument between him and someone other anon about what he has to do if he ever wants to read one of the books on the bottom of a stack. Also I think someone else mentioned that it was too many books for the mantle to hold.

>> No.10588816
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>> No.10588828

this is nice thread please leave

>> No.10589163
File: 14 KB, 225x225, librarycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody work at a library? What do you do?

>> No.10589194

It's a cat, in a hat

>> No.10589246

That sucks anon, I'm sorry.

>> No.10589264
File: 1.63 MB, 1506x1146, 1512182864454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And dey wuz dinosaurz n shieeeet

>> No.10589286


>> No.10589293

Forza on xbox 360

>> No.10589335

There's nothing quite like sitting in a room with three dogs all big enough and with enough history of aggression in the breed that any single one of them could kill you, but if they packed up it would be guaranteed.

Getting into bed at night and having one curl up by your head, another by your feet, and the last on the floor by the side of the bed, is actually not frightening at all and surprisingly peaceful.

Unlike a cat, you are absolutely required to do a minimum of exercise yourself to keep them happy and healthy, so there's that added benefit, too.

And curling up on the couch with a good book, one of the big old dogs sitting pressed against your side, snoozing, as you idly scratch behind its ears, is quite a sensation.

>> No.10589401
File: 2.57 MB, 1527x1080, William_Blake_-_Dante_running_from_the_three_beasts_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat lung collapse last week and she's gone now

>> No.10589418

an owl or a tortoise

>> No.10589422

rip poor kitty cat ):
she is at peace now and no longer in pain.
you gave her a good life.

>> No.10589431

Cats. Dogs are for retards.

>> No.10589434

A falcon, a thoroughbred stallion or a lobster.

>> No.10589443

My cat keeps me company and doesn't bother me while I read

>> No.10589448

Any sort of animals is good. Having only non-human companions is /lit/.

>> No.10589661
File: 1.23 MB, 2560x1440, 20180125_214909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black cats are the most /lit/.

>> No.10589667

Is this meant to evoke the master and margarita ?

>> No.10589741
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>> No.10589748
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>> No.10589846

Handsome gentlemen.

>> No.10589858

tho this >>10587375 is the correct answer OP I would've agreed with cats till anon mentioned the owl

>> No.10589888

hi sheep

>> No.10590226
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>> No.10590227
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>> No.10590292
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One of my [spoilers]parents' :([/spoiler] little guys. He only has one eye but he's the most playful cat I've ever had or met. Constantly trying to get you to play chase. He's trying to lurk and ambush me but he got caught...

I'm so sorry anon, RIP kitty :'(

The real answer is probably a raven or crow that you have personally trained and nursed back to health

>> No.10590393


>> No.10590414
File: 105 KB, 800x754, Behemot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonic cats, obvi.

>> No.10590429

>cat owner
>one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet
Sounds about right

>> No.10590473

this picture unironically motivates me. the thought of living on one's own with two comfy cats and loads of books is a very comforting one. it might not be that much of an achievement, but i would definitely be content with such conditions in my life.

>> No.10590526
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Bunch of fags itt

>> No.10590534

Wait, is Apu the most /lit/ pet? Only digits can confirm or deny this

>> No.10590550
File: 856 KB, 850x1142, serval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calm and quiet
>languid and relaxed
>agile and stylish
>perfected its craft long before human history; a deity at evolutionary peak
>one of the most successful animals on earth
>doesn't need a pack like canines; survives excellently on its own; but forms colonies out of affection and friendship
>a wild and independent animal in equal partnership with humans rather than a mutant slave bred for our amusement

>> No.10590633
File: 458 KB, 1593x2048, 30DOGS-slideshow-slide-9YRM-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10590636


>> No.10590668


>> No.10590708

They always smell and bathroom everywhere

>> No.10591107

based bird

>> No.10591147


>> No.10591165

Race Relations in the West 1945 - 2045

>> No.10591263

>>one of the most successful animals on earth
Why do you think so?

The most successful mammals are domesticated ones and rats. The most successful animals in general are probably a bunch of insect species like roaches and ants. Servals only live in Africa and while not endangered don't thrive to the extent of some of these other creatures.

>> No.10591368
File: 25 KB, 220x258, hugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owls aren't as smart as people make them out to be. Theyre cunning hunters but in terms of intelligence, theyre pretty similar to pigeons.

You want a smart avian, crows/ravens bro

>> No.10591501

very cute

>> No.10591511

the female what?

>> No.10592291

that's like calling a trustfund stoner successful. Success is earned, not freely given.

>> No.10592593

That's not how natural selection works. Symbiosis is a valid survival strategy, as is parasitism.

There is no cheating at life, just winning and losing. Earning is bullshit.

>> No.10592609

Its all a *burp* game Morty and some people have a gameshark. Wubbalubbadeal with it bitch. *wipes mouth*

>> No.10592626

more than cats? are you retarded or just doping your cat regularly? and if so, why have a pet in the first place?

>> No.10592657

It's true despite your memes, lad.

>> No.10593041

All my cat does sit on my lap and pur sometimes, which is cute rather than annoying, otherwise she minds her own business. Dogs harass you and won't leave you alone. Even trained dogs need to spend every waking moment with you for god knows what reason.

>> No.10593124
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the random spiders in your room

>> No.10593158

why want a pet if you don't want to interact with it?

>> No.10593163
File: 2.27 MB, 3264x2448, 20180126_181852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is reading with your cat sleeping in your lap the best way to spend time with your cat?

>> No.10593170

I run around the house with a length of string for my cat to chase. He likes that.

>> No.10593283

I pet her and play with her when I want to, rather than vice versa. It's how it should be.

>> No.10593288
File: 29 KB, 457x457, Six.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always was a good sounding board for my opinions
RIP bitchface the cactus 2015-2017

>> No.10593308

Meant for >>10593158

>> No.10593499


cats harass you when you dont want it. dogs will sit in the corner if you dont pay them attention.

and not to mention cats are for fags

>> No.10593641

i recommend not getting a gf or kids

>> No.10593656

I used to be a cat person but since owning my own dog, I have to admit dogs are vastly superior. The whole "cats are independent and go to you when they want to" thing is ridiculous.

I go hunting, skijoring, canoeing, swimming, camping, hiking, and much more with my dog. A cat doesn't have anything on that.

>> No.10593662

>Success is earned, not freely given.
This literally makes no sense from a biological perspective. Maybe in a Protestant/pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps pseud American dream perspective, but not reality.

>> No.10593751

Don't want kids of my own, I'd rather have a neice/nephew for the same reasons I own a cat. And yes, of the two girlfriends I've had they were both gone within about half a year, so I've given up on romance in general.

>> No.10593759

I had a dog growing up, I loved him of course, but he was still obnoxious like all other dogs. Cats are superior in every way.

>> No.10593784

waifubots are around the corner m8, they function exactly like your cat, on demand only

>> No.10594365
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I have one of those electric tennis rackets in my room for this very reason. also flying bugs, fuck bugs. Theoretically spiders are great cause they kill bugs, but only by being the nastiest, most horrifying bug of them all.

>> No.10594380

Nigga how the fuck do you kill a cactus

>> No.10594394

Love left it

>> No.10594408

Is that why I'm dead inside?

>> No.10594413

>He doesn't hunt wolves on the Mongol steppes.

>> No.10594455
File: 3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 151703402149382420253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat people are wrong. The most literary pet is a sturdy dog. Specifically, my dog. He is perfectly at home lying on my feet at my desk, hanging out at the bar, or hiking and fishing in the canyon. A literary life requires experiences and a dog is the only pet that can accompany you for (nearly) all of them.

>> No.10594465
File: 3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 15170341724931876429533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, he likes to read.

>> No.10594467

sure, the shadow of life kills us all in the end

>> No.10594514

>the jew is subordinate to the feline
at last, i see

>> No.10594991

Felids have adapted to every environment humans have, far before humans

>> No.10595061
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>> No.10595071

>never seen caturday
there is a kiteral weekly thread on b usually, sometimes other boards

>> No.10595322

I like your dog. What did he think of The Human Stain though? Thought about reading this soon.

>> No.10595341


>> No.10595794
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>> No.10595804
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>> No.10595806
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My demon cat snickers

>> No.10595825
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>> No.10595835


>> No.10595887
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>> No.10595956

Do you really need that much toilet paper?

>> No.10595961

>this is what 56%ers actually believe

>> No.10595995

I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.10596016


>> No.10596024

Best name

>> No.10596382

>moving goalposts

Felines are getting BTFO by humans though except for housecats, they're the superior cat by making a deal with the devil.

>> No.10596408

Ever read the Edgar Allan Poe tale "Black Cat".

>> No.10596412

B-but I thought rabbits are not supposed to eat fallen foliage....

>> No.10596537

this is a great opportunity to mention lovecraft's hilarious 6k essay on why cats are better than dogs

>I cannot resist contributing a few Thomasic yowls and sibilants upon my side of the dispute, though conscious that the word of a venerable ex-member can scarcely have much weight against the brilliancy of such still active adherents as may bark upon the other side

people who don't read his essays don't know how funny he was. at least i think he was trying to be funny. just seeing him go to such verbose lengths to defend a silly argument is so ridiculous to me that i think he HAD to be in on the joke

>> No.10596556

forgot the link


>> No.10596565

toxo desu

>> No.10596582
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Canary is the patrician choice

>> No.10596589

>fucking meowing on your face at 2AM and running through the house like they're possessed

This is why my cats are indoor/outdoor. When they want love and affection they come inside and see me. When they want to be predators they prowl around the neighborhood. They also like to "help" me when I'm working on projects outside. Only downside is there is always a risk of them getting hit by a car

>> No.10596619
File: 2.98 MB, 4160x3120, 20180126_190038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10596676

All of my past indoor/outdoor cats always got hit by a car or eaten by coyotes by their 2nd year alive, so I don't let my cats outdoors anymore.

>> No.10596974

Kitty kats are the best.

>> No.10597090
File: 1.33 MB, 3006x3587, IMG_20180127_150546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10597712

that's an upside.

people who let their cats outside deserve to have their cats killed.

>> No.10597736

Uma delicia

>> No.10597749

Most authors have dogs. I can't name one single celebrated author that had a cat.

>> No.10597788
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>I can't name one single celebrated author that had a cat.

>> No.10597793

TS Elliot

>> No.10597836

That was when he turned into a vegetable

>> No.10597863
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My babies

>> No.10597873

He had hundreds of cats over decades

>> No.10597876
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>> No.10597958
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>> No.10597978

dogs because you can take them on long walks through the woods

>> No.10598156

H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.10598970

Good and wholesome post, anon. That other guy is jealous.

>> No.10599017
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This little guy is a top tier reading buddy. He recognizes my kindle as "anon is sitting in the same place for a long time!" and will instantly run up, spoon against me and pass out. He's a clever little bastard.

>> No.10599053

Very nice

>> No.10599133

Where do you find one

>> No.10599193
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>> No.10599199
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>> No.10599200

Where can I get a toilet seat like that?

>> No.10599207
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>> No.10600783


>> No.10600803
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Its Apu

>literally fictional
>representation of love, purity and virtue
>always there when you need a smile

>> No.10600828
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Dogs, obviously.

>> No.10600840

Wol*es are meme tier. The good smart Wolves were domesticated and became doggos, only suburban and rural retard wolves remained in the wild.

>> No.10600846

F ;_;7
This guy tho knows what's up.

>> No.10600920

Pangur Bán and I at work,
Adepts, equals, cat and clerk:
His whole instinct is to hunt,
Mine to free the meaning pent.

More than loud acclaim, I love
Books, silence, thought, my alcove.
Happy for me, Pangur Bán
Child-plays round some mouse’s den.

Truth to tell, just being here,
Housed alone, housed together,
Adds up to its own reward:
Concentration, stealthy art.

Next thing an unwary mouse
Bares his flank: Pangur pounces.
Next thing lines that held and held
Meaning back begin to yield.

All the while, his round bright eye
Fixes on the wall, while I
Focus my less piercing gaze
On the challenge of the page.

With his unsheathed, perfect nails
Pangur springs, exults and kills.
When the longed-for, difficult
Answers come, I too exult.

So it goes. To each his own.
No vying. No vexation.
Taking pleasure, taking pains,
Kindred spirits, veterans.

Day and night, soft purr, soft pad,
Pangur Bán has learned his trade.
Day and night, my own hard work
Solves the cruxes, makes a mark.

>> No.10600924
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>> No.10600968

>tfw reminded of caturday threads

Dem waz better times, anon ;-;

>> No.10601004

The Chad bark vs the Virgin purr

>> No.10601022
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Hey Bubs... lay off the cat food...

>> No.10601072

Borges literally wrote a poem to his cat.

>> No.10601117

oddly sexual?

>> No.10601122

dute n pula mea

>> No.10601156
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>> No.10601934
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>> No.10601962

if i had a huge room to keep a few, that would be fine with me. they are funny creatures, i just wouldnt like dealing with them shitting all the time. small digestive tract

>> No.10602226
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>> No.10602272


>> No.10602320
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>> No.10602321

Das also ist des Pudels Kern.

>> No.10602915

he looks heartbroken

>> No.10602948

That's just what pugs look like. Cute but full of pain.

>> No.10603009

probably because they're deliberately bred to have physical problems

>> No.10603042

Animals just shouldn't be pure bred anymore, it's fucked up and a majority of the dogs end up dying from disease.

>> No.10603246

He's the quietest pug I've ever seen. Zero storing unless he is painting, and even then it is minimal. I've owned a pug who would keep you up at night with her snores.

>> No.10603249


I had a leopard gecko but he died

>> No.10603271

he looks like an impressionist landscapes kind of guy

>> No.10603501
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Cats are for women and fags and it's that simple. Cats go hand in hand with reddit, hillary clinton, and wine.

>> No.10603513

I think less of people who think owning this type of breed is okay. They're bred to the point of lifelong pain and early death, retard.

>> No.10603530

Near this Spot
are deposited the Remains of one
who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
and all the virtues of Man without his Vices.

This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
if inscribed over human Ashes,
is but a just tribute to the Memory of
Boatswain, a Dog
who was born in Newfoundland May 1803
and died at Newstead Nov. 18th, 1808

When some proud Son of Man returns to Earth,
Unknown to Glory, but upheld by Birth,
The sculptor’s art exhausts the pomp of woe,
And storied urns record who rests below.
When all is done, upon the Tomb is seen,
Not what he was, but what he should have been.
But the poor Dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still his Master’s own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonoured falls, unnoticed all his worth,
Denied in heaven the Soul he held on earth –
While man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,
And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven.

Oh man! thou feeble tenant of an hour,
Debased by slavery, or corrupt by power –
Who knows thee well, must quit thee with disgust,
Degraded mass of animated dust!
Thy love is lust, thy friendship all a cheat,
Thy tongue hypocrisy, thy heart deceit!
By nature vile, ennobled but by name,
Each kindred brute might bid thee blush for shame.
Ye, who behold perchance this simple urn,
Pass on – it honours none you wish to mourn.
To mark a friend’s remains these stones arise;
I never knew but one -- and here he lies.

>> No.10603581

I love how his cat is named Nigger Man

>> No.10603697

Sorry to hear that you think that. Many pugs are unhealthy and have plenty of problems, just like many other pure breeds, especially ones that are just as unhealthy but receive a lot less hatred (like German shepards). I can assure you he's a happy, energetic, healthy dog. He's a healthy weight, is walked regularly, and virtually never snores.

>> No.10603709

Cats are the pet of the autistic introvert.

>> No.10603775

By owning that kind of dog you imply a 'this is acceptable' attitude to the practice of breeding those goblins.

>> No.10603794
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>> No.10603799

Anybody that doesn’t like wolves is literally worse than Hitler.
Die lobophobic scum!

>> No.10603812
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>> No.10604176
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Oh dear, looks like somebody forgot to get his dose of Toxoplasma gondii. Be a good human now and pet the kitty.

>> No.10604255

so you're basically playing russian roulette with spawning dogs and pick the one that isn't crippled as a pet and think you're not part of the problem?

>> No.10604650

Tortoises, because they don't distract you.

>> No.10604810
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>tfw allergic to cats


>> No.10604829
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My best friend was a rooster. He passed away.

>> No.10606451

A skink, because I've always had skinks