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10585778 No.10585778 [Reply] [Original]

>book ends with its title

>> No.10585786

>At last it truly was "The Holy Bible King James Version".
What the fuck, God.

>> No.10585795

>And so at last, Oedipa had truly become The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.10585796


>We are finally becoming Plato's Republic, published by Penguin

>> No.10585801

Weakest entry I've ever seen in one of these threads.

>> No.10585810

>"Ah, I really am such an The Idiot!"

>> No.10585894

Glad you enjoyed it

>> No.10585913


The actual ending does end with the title, though.
>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49.

>> No.10585916

That's the joke

>> No.10585946

>Hurrah for The Brothers Karamazov!


>> No.10585955

t. butthurt christian

>> No.10585958


>> No.10585965

No it's not. You're a pseud who tried to pretend you had read the book but got caught. No sense in backpedaling, fag, this is an anonymous board.

>> No.10586012

>"That's a strange name, Kvothe. What does it mean?" Her young breasts and angelic hair jiggled softly.
>"I-It's a secret," he muttered, leaning into her succulent ear to whisper. "It's actually The Name of the Wind."
literally threw the book out at this point

>> No.10586076

>This is my story. This... is Mein Kampf

>> No.10586141

More like his post was unoriginal.

>> No.10586194

Damn that caught me off guard. Not my proudest laugh.

>> No.10586221

"... of Juliet and her Romeo"

>close, but no cigar

>> No.10586232

>His life truly was an Infinite Jest.

>> No.10586243

you need to go back

>> No.10586262
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As a christian i thought it was kinda funny.

>> No.10586270



>> No.10586304

HHGTTG ends "... the restaurant at the end of the universe?" which is the next book in the series.

>not exactly what OP had in mind, though.

>> No.10586377

wow you are new

>> No.10586632

>Yes Yes, Leopold has finally become the Ulysses

>> No.10586658

>His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.

>> No.10586670

>The fox trotted away with a sly smirk on his face, insisting he had no interest in another one of Aesop's Fables.

>> No.10586672
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>> No.10586677

>In the end, this book was a good Thing Explainer.

>> No.10586678
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>Whack Fol-De-Dah now dance to your partner
>Welt the floor, your trotters shake
>Wasn't it the truth I told you
>Lots of fun at Finnegan's wake

>> No.10586681


>> No.10586685
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>> No.10586725

>The next day, Gregor awoke from a good night's sleep feeling rested and replenished, only to realise it had all been a dream--I mean all that stuff about The Metamorphosis.
Way to crap the bed at the end, Franzi.

>> No.10586740

>The moment we realised we had been dreaming all that crazy shit was when we heard the banging at the door.
>"Finnegans, wake!"

>> No.10586773
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>book doesn't end but causes an infinite recursion where it feeds back into itself

>> No.10586779
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>In the end we had succumbed to our Inherent Vice

>> No.10586787

Those fables aren't even good anyway

>> No.10586811

Gosh darn it, I really AM a psycho...an American Psycho.

>> No.10586821

ALERT! All of these people are lying. I looked them up. Report this thread.

>> No.10586854

>If I was one of them writers you know what I'd call this time of the day?
>Some people call it sunset. You know what I'd call it?
>...no, you don't.
>Why do you keep saying that? Sometimes I wonder if you ever even listen to me.
>They rode on.
>Anyway, you know what I'd call it? I'd call it blood meridian.
>He spat as the other mumbled.
>Or, the evening redness in the west.
Why the ending seems to confuse so many people is beyond me.

>> No.10587203

>and so, as he was arriving into Siberia, Rodion looked through the window, staring into the horizon, and, for the first time in his life, confidently said:

>"At last, after all these years, I am finally Crime and Punishment"

>> No.10587219

>Then I woke up, and I was No Country For Old Men

What did Cormac mean by this?

>> No.10587232

>AND SO finally I stopped being Ishmael, and became Moby Dick

>> No.10587238

>And so at last he really was The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote of La Mancha

>> No.10587247

>tfw the ending is literally the opposite of that

>> No.10587549

A kek for me a (you) for you

>> No.10587561

like some kinda FULL CIRCLE type of thing

>> No.10587567


Powerfull stuff

>> No.10587580

>and so Charles, having refound his faith in God like Lord Marchmain at his death bed, kneeled at the chapel, and finally reached God's Grace, having at last become Brideshead Revisited

>> No.10587600

A sensible chuckle

>> No.10587611

it really was the joke dude, relax

>> No.10587625

i chuckled

>> No.10587627

>and so, after accepting that everybody he knew was deep throat into some form or another of hypocrisy, The Swede accepted at last that he had finally become American Pastoral

>> No.10587640

>At this, Count Bezuhov sighed heavily and said, "I really have seen more than any man's fair share of War and Peace."

>> No.10587643 [DELETED] 

>Haha you stupid motherfucker, I can't believe you're actually going to fucking do it! WOAH. OH MY GOD. APOLLONIUS YOU'VE DONE IT. YOU HAVE FUCKING FULFILLED YOUR SACRED PACT. OF ALL THE MATHEMATICIANS WHO HAVE EVER LIVES YOU HAVE WRITTEN On Conic Sections Book V in Arabic, translated by G.J. Toomer.

Seriously Apollonius? This is so corny it could be in the movie theaters.

>> No.10587646

>If you're reading this...you finally found my Notes From the Underground

>> No.10587658

>Nick found himself wondering whether he could ever again be as excited as he was during his summer with The Great Gatsby

>> No.10587660

>Haha you stupid motherfucker, I can't believe you're actually going to fucking do it! WOAH. OH MY GOD. APOLLONIUS YOU'VE DONE IT. YOU HAVE FUCKING FULFILLED YOUR SACRED PACT. OF ALL THE MATHEMATICIANS WHO HAVE EVER LIVED THIS IS BY FAR THE GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT YOU HAVE WRITTEN Conics Books V to VII: The Arabic Translation of the Lost Greek Original in the Version of the Banu Musa: Volumes I & II Edited with Translation and Commentary by G.J.Toomer

Seriously Apollonius? This is so corny it could be in the movie theaters.

>> No.10587780
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"I don't like sand", said Mycroft while licking Saladin's face, tears in his eyes. "It's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere. It's, dare I say it, Too Like The Lightning".

>> No.10587786

>kvothe suddenly paused. his eyes were aflame with the fiery indignation of a raging pool that was simultaneously a burning orb and yet somehow neither at the same time. "hmph," he sneered to no one in particular. "these truly have been the kingkiller chronicles: part one - in the name of the wind"

>> No.10587803

Fucking hell

>> No.10587807

>I am legend

I liked the book but really?

>> No.10587857

>And so we come to the end of this journey. Looking at the heap of discarded paper on my desk and thinking of the days past, I realize I'm still in search of lost time.

>> No.10587872

the end

>> No.10587931

heh this is actually plausible

>> No.10587937

get a load of this guy

>> No.10587940

you fuckers

>> No.10588020

>Horatio pulled down the pants of his deceased friend, sighing disappointingly "i guess you really were a hamlet"

>> No.10588065
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>> No.10588080

"I guess the real infinite jest is the friends we made along the way"

Kill yourself, David Fraudster Wallace.

>> No.10588133

please go back to /r/eddit man

>> No.10588171

>Oh god, that was amazing... You're so big... You really were a very hungry caterpillar

>> No.10588187
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>> No.10588218

>A screaming comes across the sky.
Gravity's Rainbow is definitely not corny at ALL

*rolls eyes*

>> No.10588235

i don't get it

>> No.10588245

The point is, I was being sarcastic. Gravity's Rainbow is really corny for ending that way

>> No.10588263


>> No.10588271
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>> No.10588394

This is the best post in this thread

>> No.10588404


>> No.10588798

> At this most important juncture in his life, Rodion Rasolnikov looked back at the events of the prior years with a fond sort of sorrow, as it were, the cycles of discovery and destruction, so to speak, that has folded him into the man he was today, one who had relinquished himself in the light of the almighty, that the repetitions of his life has finally come to end, those being sin and saviour, enlightenment and disgrace, crime and punishment.

>> No.10588834
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>And thus ends the Infinite Jest

>> No.10588851


>> No.10588857

And out
My hairy cunt
Spilled forth
A waterfall
Of milk and honey

>> No.10588858

>Ah, this truly has been a Metamorphoses.

>> No.10588862

>"The scientist is named Frankenstein"

>> No.10588871

>And that's the story of how I got caught in the rye.

>> No.10589031

>But there was never a day I didnt think of her. Indeed, my most precious memories will always be the ones about that time I visited The Capital.

>> No.10589045

>And that, my dear readers, was quite a Confession.

...THIS is the guy that wrote War and Peace?

>> No.10589085


>You thought that story was tragically boring, did you? Well, it was the Story of Your Life, after all

>> No.10589100
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>> No.10589106

>"Now *THATS* what I call a Goldfinger!
Wow Fleming became more and more of a hack with every novel.

>> No.10589126

>I guess this has been My Diary

What the fuck, me

>> No.10589134

>And now, as I shuffle off this mortal coil, I must conclude... my diary desu
Really, Anon?!

>> No.10589173
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>The rope swung creaking, destined to bear the weight of Shrek Forever.

>> No.10589212


>> No.10589259

>and so ends the stories of your life and others
Ted I don't get it.

>> No.10589481
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>O'Brian put one hand of the dial and held out his other 397 hands in front of Winston with the thumb of one of his hands hidden.
>"How many fingers am I holding up?" O'Brian asked
>1984" replied Winston
>The needle of the dial shot up to 55, the pain was unimaginable
>"How many fingers, Winston?"
>The needle went up to 60
>How many fingers, Winston?"
>"1984! 1984! what else can I say? 1984!"

Stopped reading there desu, what was Orwell thinking?

>> No.10589501

wait a sec, doesn't it actually end like that, where the kids are cheering alyosha. fuck lol

>> No.10589524

>looked back at the events of the prior years with a fond sort of sorrow, as it were, the cycles of discovery and destruction, so to speak, that has folded him into the man he was today, one who had relinquished himself in the light of the almighty
Is this the ending to another book refashioned over Crime & Punishment? If not nice job breh because that sounds like it could be the end to a similar novel.

>> No.10589530

>...THIS is the guy that wrote War and Peace?
kek this one got me

>> No.10589537

>Stopped reading when the book ended.
really activates my almonds.

>> No.10589610
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>The trapeze artist's costume ripped along his backside with an audible crack, and a more horrible sound of wrongness accompanied what followed: A torrent of dyed diarrhoea, tracing behind the acrobat in an arc of myriad shimmering colours. The audience watched on, mesmerised by a true Gravity's Rainbow.

fucking postmodernists

>> No.10589782


>Title ends with book

t. The Jungle Book

>> No.10590394

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.
And this is the only immortality you and I may share, my Lolita.

>> No.10590409

Finnegan's wake is a masterpiece

>> No.10590445

cheers brah, not that i know of but i certainly might have read it somewhere and remembered without realising.

>> No.10590454

>theyd finally found, the Blood Meridian

>> No.10590461

>One Hundred Years of Solitude later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.
Really Márquez?

>> No.10590472
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>and finally, I have finished telling the story of my The Histories

>> No.10590476

>...and after decades of kampf, the blood and soil of our race buried for good The Myth of the Twentieth Century.

>> No.10590502


>> No.10590506

>and that's the story of how I became the Neuromancer.

>> No.10590507
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>> No.10590527

>Arriving in America they no longer were The Emigrants and instead would become
>The immigrants. Chapter one

>> No.10590544

> The name's Martin. Daniel Martin.
Come on now Fowles

>> No.10590570
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>To this account, I, Severian the Lame, Autarch, do set my hand in what shall be called The book of the New Sun.

>> No.10590724

>It turned out the IRS was the real Pale King all along

>> No.10591170


>> No.10591259

why is that line so memorable though

>> No.10591587


>> No.10591775

sensible chuckle

>> No.10591809

Look at him trying to save face

>> No.10592063

Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing the Catcher in the Rye

>> No.10593116

Home at last, it truly was an Odissey.

>> No.10593179
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>Homer at last, Iliad such a great time, it truly was an Odyssey

>> No.10593187

>I had this dream, about being in the rye, catching people - y'know, catching people in rye, like some kind of rye-bound catch-person, or, like, a catcher from some rye - I guess all in all, after all these years, finally I became, The Catcher In The Rye.

what the fuck

>> No.10593225
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>tfw your stuck reading the insane ramblings of a schizophrenic fart-huffing paddy for the rest of your life because you're too much of an indecisive soyboy to decide where the book should actually end.

>> No.10593279

When the Judge was done raping him in the jakes the man shat the red-white porridge into the shit-hole and he saw it form along the rim of the water like a little blood meridian.

>> No.10593376

>yfw she actually had just misunderstood the whole "tearing your robe" thing

>> No.10593394

>But now, dear reader, you must choose, either or.
Thanks, Kierkegaard, thanks