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/lit/ - Literature

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10584844 No.10584844 [Reply] [Original]

Women can be writers too: the writer

>> No.10584869

Her and O'Connor are my litfus. Both ugly as sin, but brilliant.

>> No.10584885


Wolf was at least better looking than Simon de Bovine

>> No.10584904

she looks gorgeous in the OP tbqfrank

>> No.10584938
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Who are some other /lit/ women writers? Anna Kavan and Clarice Lispector come to mind

>> No.10584976

cynthia ozick is one of the finest writers alive today.

>> No.10584992

She was very good

>> No.10585003
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>> No.10585006

That cunt killed herself LMAO

>> No.10585025

So have a shit ton of other writers. But she killed herself in the only fitting way for her tbqh drowning yourself is the artist's suicide

>> No.10585123


>> No.10585157

It's unique, it's simultaneously ambivalent but fatalistic, it's highly symbolic, melodramatic, the water of life is your cause of death, and it's nonviolent and preserves the body. All those wrapped together are Virginia Woolf.

>> No.10585167

Joan Didion

>> No.10585187

>it's nonviolent
i laughed out loud in the real world. drowning is one of the most painful ways to die and involves uncontrollable panic and muscular spasms in addition to inhaling massive amounts of liquid. imagine the pain of water shooting up your nose, x100

>> No.10585197

>be Virginia Woolf
>be rich lefty dyke
>write mediocrity
>latch onto modernism
>not as good as Joyce
>become feminazigestapo.jpg
>claim women need a room of their own, as if men can write in a cardboard box
>claim to be only jealous of Katherine Mansfield - another rich left dyke
>Mansfield is not as good as Chekhov or Maupassant
>Praise Middlemarch as a book for grownups
>It's boring as shit
>She's boring as shit
>Kills herself

>> No.10585206

I meant nonviolent as in abrupt or disfiguring. It's a terrible way to die but it's not violent in the sense of a gunshot or jumping to your death.

>> No.10585218

You just drink it in massive gulps and shit it out. Then you can use the propellant of the fart force to launch you into supra-aqueous safety.

>> No.10585229
File: 147 KB, 617x765, Emily_Dickinson_daguerreotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emily's where it's at

The NEETest woman of literature.

>> No.10585231
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What is stream of consciousness style?

>> No.10585234

This is a Woolf thread, please delet this kissless handholdless virgin NEET

>> No.10585237

Hart Crane drowned himself

>> No.10585244

its a stylethat MOdernists cooked up to try and mirror the inner psychical voices aNd sensatioNs because (my my i sure feel hungry now a nice hotwarm burger and fries and fries fry fried hmm parsing nonsensically again oh dear oh dear better now no not not indulge in fast food - not good oil cheap oil fat lardlike cocoons of calories) and what was i saying oh yes yes the stream of consciousness yes yet another thing that the fraudulent Freud has screwed this art deco generation with.

>> No.10585246

The NEET is cute! CUTE!

>> No.10585269
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*turns head 30°*

>> No.10585277
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>> No.10585292


>> No.10585301

I luv the neet! <3

>> No.10585329

Mary Mccarthy, Djuna Barnes, Anne Carson, Marguerite Yourcenar

>> No.10585373

So it's just , my diary desu?

>> No.10585380

Middlemarch is the greatest novel in the english language you motherfucker.

>> No.10585420

My litfu

>> No.10586105


>> No.10586220

What're you sum kine-ah faggot?

>> No.10586235

this is not true, most people who have drowned said it was peaceful after the panic stopped

>> No.10586240

If only she could stay in profile all the time.

>> No.10586241

It's a silent death. For someone who devoted their life to crafting a voice to kill themselves by drowning is to literally silence theirself. Pretty poetic.

>> No.10586244

And 30 years lol

>> No.10586246

Men can be retarded too: the person

>> No.10586247

please be respectful of my wife, thank you