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/lit/ - Literature

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10584247 No.10584247 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Minneapolis, there are a few good bookstores and libraries but most of them are pretty fjallraven-kanken-and-lattes-core

>> No.10584297

i was just reading twin cities noir

>> No.10584308

Minneapolis seems like a really cool city desu

>> No.10584499

It is pretty cool, downtown is pretty dead though to be honest so all the cool stuff is in northeast or the little neighborhoods just outside downtown. It does have kind of a sad vibe though sometimes, mainly in the winters probably because of the brutal cold (didn't get above like 5 F for most of the last 2 weeks) but in the spring, summer and fall its incredibly beautiful. Winter is also beautiful here in my opinion but not a lot of people think that I guess

>> No.10584570

hmm i live in minneapolis too

>Winter is also beautiful here in my opinion

agreed, granted im from the south so more than an inch of snow is pretty novel to me

>> No.10584590
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Baltimorean. We have Edgar Allen Poe, but you'll get shot if you try to visit his house. It's right in the middle of a public housing block. They demo'd the other rowhomes back in the 50's or 60's and only left his.

>> No.10584612

>Poe's house
>it's eerily the only thing there
>you die if you go there
this seems a very fitting fate for Poe's house, i feel he would approve

>> No.10584614

Portland, OR.
Not bad, some cool bookstores along with Powell's and a lot of cozy coffee shops but you really have to walk on eggshells talking about literature to anyone.

>> No.10584709

Why is everyone so retarded here

>> No.10584815

Why exactly you'd get shot?

>> No.10584818

>San Francisco

It’s tough because of the crazy people, but I like the look of the city, lots of great places to sit and write, coffee shops, tiny bookstores, and I love reading about the history of the city. Plus it’s on the bay which I feel is very lit. I would like to write a historical novel set here someday.

>> No.10584943

I could list the usual reasons. I also go to PSU so I get a lot more of it than most people. I’m almost numb to the pain now.

>> No.10584962

Jesus christ dude, I feel for you. Anytime I've walked through there it's made me die a little inside.

>> No.10584970


Awful. It's hot, overcrowded with traffic and minorities, and spread all to hell. The Half Price Books in River Oaks / Montrose is about as close as we get to a decent bookstore. Quarter price has a pretty respectable Crowley and occult library in the back, but good luck dealing with that insufferable curmudgeon that owns the place. i still troll the Half Price, because they have no idea how to price occult books, but I usually stick to just shelling out for shipping from the publishers themselves.

>> No.10584979

Stay out of my state por favor

>> No.10584988

Well its gonna be pretty fuckin warm this next week. Sad all the snow is gonna be gone.

>> No.10584994

I like the old guy at quarter price books. I like Kaboom books more though.

>> No.10585021

I walk in, I look around, he's clearly mad that I was even there, in his empty store. The guy grills me for ten minutes after I was referred by the guy at Magick Cauldron, when I was looking for Magick In Theory and Practice, new and just getting into this stuff, then waves me off, after he finally admits to the library, and I ask him how much it is.

Oh, how dare I not accompany him through the dim, torch-lit secret passage, to the magnificent vault of sacred texts, beneath the decoy store of old magazines and outdated medical textbooks, above.

I found it at half price, hardcover and great condition, for $12, later that day. I'll check out Kaboom.

>> No.10585328
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Vienna. City is quite comfy and /lit/, however most people are degenerates, at least in my age group.

>> No.10585471

My city is actually unique! Salt Lake City

Every book store, even the privately owned ones all have huge selections of Mormon books. Its like a genre in a book store, labeled as LDS (Later-Day Saints) books.

Deseret books is a Mormon book store chain that doesn't carry certain books that could question the faith.

Not a very /lit/ town to be quite honest.

>> No.10585483

What do Mormons read ?

>> No.10585492

>Not very, but it has some nice architecture and comfy arcades

>> No.10585500


The book store next to where I live won some award for being the best bookstore in the world.

Second Hand book stores everywhere, every suburbs main street has at least 2

almost every person I've met in my area is well cultured

Generally considered to be the progressive fortress of the country

>> No.10585509

I'm so sorry anon, Houston puts the shit in shithole, easily one of the worst cities in the country

>> No.10585524

Books written by other Mormons.
Doesn't actually have to be about the religion.
If an LDS person writes a fiction novel, it will be in the LDS section.
Or books about the faith.

>> No.10585532

I'm from Saint John's MI, not sure if anyone else here reads

>> No.10585545
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San antonio is a spiritually and creatively dead city where fat Americanized Mexicans are too stupid to realize the inherit nihilism of their lives and spend most their waking moments discussing the spurs and whataburger.

The unofficial moto for san antonio is "keep san antonio lame"

The people here are proud of their mediocrity

>> No.10585558

Every city is spiritually and creatively dead.

What are you doing about it?

>> No.10585574
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You guys are so depressing.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.10585583

it's fjällräven - kånken

>> No.10585613
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Florianopolis, Brazil
not /lit/ in the slightest, it's a vacation spot for Argentinians
there is a big university here but it's mostly leftist pseuds in the undergrad student body

>> No.10585690
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the second most /lit/ city in my country, or perhaps the most /lit/ city in my country (but don't tell people in Firenze or they'll get angry)

>> No.10585728

I am a French Parisian.

Behind this!

>> No.10585851
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I haven't met anyone who reads. Where do I find them?

>> No.10585876

I live in port moresby
Barely any bookstores around so most of the books I have are either bought over seas or pre owned so my city wouldn't even qualify as /lit/

>> No.10585907

The city I live in is the hometown of a medieval poet and my hs was named after him as well.
There are many bookstores but I hardly frequent any of them.

>> No.10585957


Pretty good. I'm busy most of the time but it's nice and there's a bunch of bookstores scattered across the city.

>> No.10585971

Philadelphia. Most of the good bookshops are on the University of Pennsylvania campus. Has some nice indie theaters. Vast majority of the city are plebs though

>> No.10585974
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I live in Montréal, there are a few really comfy bookstores with nice owners but there is an obvious left-wing sentiment among a lot of the /lit/ circles who themselves don't read much beyond their opinion.

>> No.10585992

When i looked for best Brazilian cities to live in Florianopolis was ranked number 1 but the safety score was like 5/10. Seems like a great city though

>> No.10586004

Tampere, Finland. Everyone larps as a reader and our country supposedly publishes the most books per capita, but 90% of the people i have met read only entry tier shit or normie "intellectual" books and don't even understand half of what they have read. The city is beautiful though, it's big enough and nowhere near as crowded and Helsinki. Most of the young population are sadly "muh gommunism" larpers even though they have never read anything by Marx or any other communist author for that matter.

>> No.10586006

How does one end up living in Papua New Guinea?
That remoteness and anarchism are quite /lit/ in a certain sort of way.

>> No.10586037

>How does one end up living in Papua New Guinea?
I had no choice in that matter for I was born there I'm Papua New guinean the only one on /lit/ well as far as I know

>> No.10586266

apart from all the faggots

>> No.10586299
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Bryn Mawr here, used to live in Philly and thought the city was nice. People in the main line are pretty /lit/ cause you need to be smart/rich to live here but they can be very kooky (i prob spend too much time at the organic market)

>> No.10586312

Crime is rampant in those areas. Intrusion by the /lit/ demographic is paralleled by a roast chicken waddling into a swamp inhabited by alligators.

>> No.10586400

I'm here too. A big part of the lit community here are English expats of western Canada. I've found overall that the french are very socially conservative though.

>> No.10586435

>Hyde Park, Chicago
>tfw every time I leave the house I end up either getting shot by black people or running into a fellow autismo and talking about philosophy for 5 hours

>> No.10586463

Are you ethnically Melanesian? What is the crime like there for normal people given the 60% unemployment and raskol gangs?

>> No.10586598

even poe couldnt imagine the horrors of the freedmen

>> No.10586603

>Most of the good bookshops are on the University of Pennsylvania campus.
hahaha wrong
t. Philadelphian

>> No.10586641
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>being a yank
>living in a city
how to identify wogs and other bottom feeders

>> No.10586651

Tell me some plos.
If you says Barnes and Noble kys your self

>> No.10586662

obviously not B&N, although the location on Rittenhouse is pretty /lit/. try Book Corner, its across the street from the barnes collection.

>> No.10586815

Hey man I'm from DeWitt, hello from Mid-Michigan

>> No.10586842

Live in Austin, have based Book People, largest independent bookstore in Texas. But honestly idk how /lit/ the community here is. I work at a bar and most people there don't read, let alone talk about it.

>> No.10587056

That's exactly what the obnoxious douches that live there want you to think. A bunch of trendy bullshit imo.

>> No.10587062

Fan of Irvine Welsh?