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1057966 No.1057966 [Reply] [Original]

Loved this comic.

Whats some good BOOKS (i.e. not comics) that explores the same themes?

>> No.1057985

there was a thread about this not too long ago. Most people said Neuromancer

>> No.1057987

Already got neuromancer.

Something that explores the philosophical/theological themes that were presented in the comic

>> No.1057988

the "girl" on the cover looks like a dude with gigantic breasts. what gives?

>> No.1057994

try the GitS Novels. they aren't amazing but they are pretty decent.

>> No.1058001


>> No.1058011


The sequel: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0345499948/

>> No.1058944


>> No.1058958

in the anime and movies it doesn't look that way, just the cover. she does have huge breasts and a great ass, for no apparent reason.

i'm a pretty huge fan of GitS, and the closest book that i've ever read to it was Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by phillip k. dick. wikipedia says "For example, Philip K. Dick's works contain recurring themes of social decay, artificial intelligence, paranoia, and blurred lines between objective and subjective realities, and the influential cyberpunk movie Blade Runner is based on one of his books."

>> No.1058971

snow crash

>> No.1058991
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The Ware Tetrology
The Sprawl Trilogy
We Can Remember it for You Wholesale
Rainbows End
Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology
Snow Crash
Burning Chrome
Altered Carbon
The Diamond Age
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Ghost in the Shell Novels:
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Volume 1: The Lost Memory
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Volume 2: Revenge of the Cold Machines
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Volume 3: White Maze

>> No.1058996

neuromancer is Gibson/80s. snow crash is Neal Stephenson/1992 and a little more technical. i have read half the former.

>> No.1059018
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Also, Accelerando, robot trilogy, and the space odyssey series if you're interested in AI/singularity type of stuff.

>> No.1059390


>> No.1059407

Fag here who has yet to read the comic.

Is it better than the movie? Because that was one of the dullest, most pretentious pieces of bullshit I've seen in recent years. It harped on the fact that it was attempting to be existential so much that I felt I was being bludgeoned to death with it.

It's like that scene kid who first learns of the word 'existential' and can't stop using it over and over again in an attempt to look intelligent.

"Look at me! I'm exploring human existence but I can't tell a story to save my life! I'm so fucking intelligent and deep! WAAAH! Pay attention to me!"

>> No.1059423


The movie only covers a small (but very important) plot of the overall comic.

>> No.1061353

I second Philip Dick, and watch both anime: Stand Alone Complex and 2nd Gig.

>> No.1061357

I've actually never seen the movie. I knew it paled in comparison to the manga, so I stuck to the superior story.

>> No.1061367

The first movie is ok, the second one sucks. And both anime are superior.

>> No.1061381

The first movie by Masamune Shirow has a bit of a pacing problem, but the narrative is still interesting. The sequel however, is almost unbearable to watch. The first manga series has the exact opposite pacing problem and the whole thing is a tad jokey, but it's worth the read. The two recent seasons of Stand Alone Complex are probably the best property overall (except, I'm not sure if how I feel about Batou's blatant boner over the Major).

>> No.1061398

the movies were shit, comic was average, the series was was great.

>> No.1061404

Ghost in the Shell is boring, ESPECIALLY Stand Alone Complex. I don't care how much research they put into it, it's still a dull mess.

Anyway, Phillip K. Dick. Also try Alfred Bester's "The Stars My Destination", written in the 50's, but influential on Cyberpunk.

>> No.1061672

Yup, Charlie Stross does investigate the question of identity in a society where brain-machine interfaces are ubiquitous as fuck.

>> No.1061754

Second movie is not as good at the first, but is still better than most of movies out there, so shut the fuck up

>> No.1062288

>Ghost in the Shell is boring, ESPECIALLY Stand Alone Complex.

>> No.1062317
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Man, I love the GITS films.

Funny, the first time I watched the first one I didn't think much of it. Felt that the plot was simplistic, the nudity was gratuitous fluff, and that the ending was shit-tier. But it grew on me, y'know? Even with the flaws, I started to really like the tone, atmosphere, and all-around political/cyberpunk combo they had going in it. Also probably because the soundtrack is awesome

Then of course, are those bastard serial anime children that rape the corpse of their own mother in a futile attempt to get loldeep while instead going ADDdeep. Steer clear

>> No.1063193


Did any of you guys watch GITS: Solid State Society? Nobody seemed to mention that. The biggest appeal of GITS to me was the crime. I got a kick out of the cyberbrain hacking, memory deletion, terrorism and all that good stuff.