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10579333 No.10579333 [Reply] [Original]

Dune or Hyperion?

>> No.10579336


>> No.10579339
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>genre fiction or genre fiction

>> No.10579382

i have both of those exact copies

hyperion is total shit and i regret sticking it our until the second book before dropping it

>> No.10579455

why not both? are you dying of an oddly specific terminal disease that only gives you time to read one?

>until the second book

oh, sweetie.

>> No.10579465

>le genre fiction is bad meme

>> No.10579498

i read the wiki on the later books and it looks exactly like i thought, worse and worse shit

he took every single neat mystery he had and completely dropped the ball. im also 90% sure hes a furry

>> No.10579502


Your mother's own anus, repeatedly and vigorously.

>> No.10579513
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>> No.10579526
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>ENTIRE hook of the first book is that SOMEONE is a traitor dun dun duuuuuun!

proceeds to make the actions of the traitor completely meaningless because "we already knew you were a traitor and COUNTED on it ;^)" in like the last line of the book or the first of the second

im sure that gay ass tropes website crashed whenever it got to hyperion

>> No.10579610

Both start great and then slowly declined but I don't think Hyperion declined as soon or as steeply as Dune. I'd go with Hyperion. The Priest's Tale is amazing but if you stop after that you're not missing much.

>> No.10579640

Starship Troopers.

>> No.10579661


>> No.10579683

12 Rules for Life

>> No.10579702

I really hate this fag shit

>> No.10579709

Don't let it bother you, hun

>> No.10579715

>he thinks it's just a meme

>> No.10580106

just started Dune, I'm planning on reading Hyperion afterwards

>> No.10580129

don't talk to your mother like that, or I'm changing the wifi password.

>> No.10580135

>hyperion is total shit and i regret sticking it our until the second book before dropping it

so you missed the part where the fat Catholic archbishop tortures the young woman to death in order to force her to teleport?

>> No.10580156

Have you missed the part where he writes "his brow furrowed more"?

>> No.10580158

>he thinks it isn't a meme

>> No.10580323
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Hyperion. I appareciate Dune's worldbuilding but the story itself is dull and generic

>> No.10580343

Hyperion but the one by Holderlin

>> No.10580560

Have you got other examples of the 'doomed to fulfil a prophecy and it sucks' trope? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just think it's a fun one.

>> No.10580735

Yeah, you got it, it's a couple of mediocre tot okay stories bundled together in a mystery that leads nowhere.

>> No.10580745

Holy shit.

>> No.10580869

>'doomed to fulfil a prophecy and it sucks'
Hyperion does it better too,
Aenea > Paul

>> No.10580901

Book 4: “Oh, the Tree of Pain is the name of this starship in the future! We’re never going to call it that again, though.”

Book 2: shrike is terrifying, what are its motives, it’s not just a killing machine
Book 4: shrike is legally required to be in the book so it just stands there

Books 1 and 2: worldbuilding, weird time shit, lots of shit happening at once
Books 3 and 4: linear lmao

also book 4: kinda wanted to punch Simmons after every “lions, tigers, and bears”, grateful there wasn’t a single “oh my”

I’m probably most upset about the “tree of pain” thing, seeing as how it was one of the coolest parts of the first 2 books

>> No.10580910

They're both good op, toss a coin or go with what was first

>> No.10581004

Hyperion is more consistent and actually delivers a full story with a satisfying resolution

>Hyperion - 10/10
>Fall - 9/10
>Endymion - 6/10
>Rise - 8/10

>Dune - 9/10
>Messiah - glorified epilogue/10
>Children - 6/10
>God Emperor - 9/10
>Heretics - 6/10
>Chapterhouse - 5/10

>> No.10581039

Most people on here hate both Endymion books

>> No.10581385

>Dune or Hyperion?
You'd have to be on some serious drugs to pick the latter. Don't get me wrong, Hyperion is a good book, but it's nowhere near the masterpiece Dune is.

>> No.10582772

Dune, then skip to God Emperor of Dune and don't read anything else dune related. Afterwords read Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion, don't bother with Endymion.

>> No.10583272
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Read Doon

>> No.10583299

no fucking way

>> No.10583382

Herbert doesn't give satisfying endings on purpose, as a technique to keep the reader wanting more. obviously it won't work perfectly on everyone. also,

dune- 8/10
god emporer-9/10

the issue i believe a lot of readers face when reading dune, especially the later ones, is that Herbert adds so many layers that it's easy to feel like their isn't a traditional "story" and all that. I've read them all multiple times, and there is.... Herbert just used a lot of writing/storytelling techniques that throw people off 'cause they're not used to novels being so complex and full of teaching/information.

>> No.10583393

there* christ.

>> No.10583428


>> No.10583524

>The best one
No way Jose.
Dune = God Emperor > Chapterhouse > Heretics > Messiah = Children

>> No.10583549

the introduction of Miles Teg. Miles Teg.

the introduction of Odrade... Taraza... Sheeana, Duncan getting his memories... not to mention murbella and Lucilla...... the best.

>> No.10583854

Dune and Hyperion are both overrated garbage.

>> No.10583862

calling dune overrated... lol sheesh. i know it's your opinion but goddamn, you're fucking stupid aren't you?

>> No.10583955

>he doesn't know

>> No.10584285

how does it feel to have such good opinions?

>> No.10585335

Dune is so boring brehs. Always people on here talked shit about how GoT sucks but it's so much better than dune. Can't even get hooked after over 200 pages. I devoured GoT.

>> No.10585450

Both. If you're getting into sequels you'll likely hit a point where you realize it's time to drop it. Do so. IMO each book stands on its own without sequels, and is far better than any of the sequels.

You won't go wrong in reading up to Fall of Hyperion and God Emperor of Dune I think, but past those points it gets iffy.

>> No.10585460

>not having one with the Pennington cover
>absolutely disgusting

>> No.10585531
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> director of Blade Runner 2049 is directing a Dune movie
> says it'll be Star Wars for adults
> Star Wars fans BTFO that their Marvel-Disney-core isn't considered kino

Is Denis our generation's Kubrick?

>> No.10585533

hm how is it gay sweetie if you're a girl???

>> No.10585535
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> not Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.10585647

>Yeah man GoT is great!
>It's filled with EPIC action sequences!
>And there's plenty of pointless tits for all you young edgy boys out there ;)

>> No.10585650

When his death comes, he'll be hailed: The greatest director of all time.

>> No.10585712

You'll get some rape late in the series for that GoT feel. It's even space nun on boy pedo rape for extra points.

>> No.10585716

You disappoint me, Anon. Me and America.

>> No.10586025

>escapism vs escapism
Why don't you just face your problems head on instead of avoiding them with genre fiction? What are you so afraid of?

>> No.10586078
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>dull and generic
>implying Hyperion isn't literally a survey of sci-fi subgenres

>> No.10586084

>Star Wars fans BTFO that their Marvel-Disney-core isn't considered kino

literally every single star wars fan hates disneys soy wars

>> No.10586296

Read neither, go back to the Greeks

>> No.10586316

people that don't read genre fiction are just tryhards

>> No.10586373
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>> No.10586431

>director of Blade Runner 2049 is directing a Dune movie
Huh, miteBcool. BR2049 was decent rather than great but the big sweeping themes thing might work quite nicely for Dune.

>> No.10586582
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>BR2049 was decent rather than great

>> No.10586628

It's like looking into a mirror

>> No.10586666

>survey of sci-fi subgenres
It is, not sure why you think it's a bad thing though. It takes a lot of mastery to throw everything at the wall and have it all stick, Simmons juggles a centrury worth of science fiction development along with classical motif yet never loses own's identity. Whereas Dune succeeds at telling a story, Cantos succeeds at telling a world. Does it effortlessly too, there isn't a single Tolkien-style sit down for a lore chapter.

>> No.10586692

...but seriously, it just felt a bit clichéd. They opened things out from the original, which makes a lot of sense, but they did it with a grab-bag of familiar Hollywood tropes. I wanted more weirdness.

Also it was super-unsubtle with the themes.


...plus significant parts of the plot seemed to make no damned sense, although I'm aware that complaining about plot holes is the height of fedora-tipping.

>> No.10586746

>Also it was super-unsubtle with the themes.


clearly it was too subtle with its themes if you thought those were central themes of the movie

>> No.10586750

Not talking about how central they were, just that they were hammered at in an annoyingly obvious way.

>> No.10586770

How fucking retarded are you? If what you took from the movie is that they wanted you to care about leto "thinking hes a god" or whether or not the replicants are real people or not, youre probably an actual brainlet who is genuinely too stupid to even try to talk about the quality of the movie and its actual themes

>> No.10586840


>> No.10587010

100% Hyperion. it still fucks with me to this day. although I was a dubshit when I read dune so I need to re-read it

>> No.10587031
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Hyperion will give you more problems, not let you escape them

>In a while, crocodile

>> No.10587044

imagine thinking that slaying all the genres at once makes your book worse than just attempting one iteration.

>> No.10587806
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Because it's so much FUN anon, don't you get it? You can read for entertainment! Wow, crazy, huh?

>> No.10587826

Where is that frog who tried to make the case that novels aren't meant to be read for recreation

>> No.10588035

sounds like a real Roux de Poux

>> No.10588884

Dune, then god emperor, then chapterhouse, then all 4 Hyperion books

>> No.10589199


I was underwhelmed by both. Dune was probably innovative for the time, but it's been emulated so much that it doesn't feel fresh when you read it. Basically the whole "Chosen One" spiel in a sci-fi setting.

Hyperion seemed promising but didn't really suck me in. The Scholar's Tale was pretty good though.

>> No.10589318

Read things in context of when they came out.

>> No.10589435

Hyperion is for pseuds

>> No.10590029

Did we come full circle from "Hyperion is trash genre fiction" to "Hyperion is pretentious shit for pseuds"? Pick one, /litty/-senpai

>> No.10590159
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>>literary fiction snob

>> No.10590316

If I remember correctly, the original film also lacked subtlety with its themes

also when Harrison Ford tries convincing a replicant he's a reported dude that voice lmao

>> No.10590652

I just like both BR films for the imagery, they're the two most beautiful films ever made to me, and I wish I lived in that world more than the two from the books in the OP.

>> No.10590844

>Early drafts involved conflicts between Dune-like feudal houses and, although these were omitted, characters in Lucas’ breakout movie do mention “spice mines” and the movie takes place on the desert planet of Tatooine. Coincidence? Herbert didn’t think so; he soon joked of banding together with several other ripped-off sci-fi authors to form a “We’re Too Big to Sue George Lucas” society.

>> No.10591715
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i stayed away from the movie mostly because i hate ford so much and he looked like such an asshole in those posters

hes literally just standing there in jeans and a tshirt while the notebook guy is in costume with a trench coat and stuff. couldn't they have at least cg'd something onto ford if he thought he was too cool to show up early for dressing?

>> No.10592615


>> No.10592898
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Reading pic related, it's my first Dan Simmons book. It's alright so far, but does anyone else get a bit of a dirty old man vibe from his writing style? He talks about a nude 15 year old and it almost feels like he wrote it while beating off. Are his other books also this way?

>> No.10592915

>He talks about a nude 15 year old and it almost feels like he wrote it while beating off. Are his other books also this way?
pretty much all of Endymion (both books)

>> No.10592954

Egh, whatever. His plotting so far is pretty decent and keeping me interested, so I'll ignore this part of him. Are the first two hyperion books less pervy than his other works?

>> No.10592967

well there are no kids atleast

>> No.10592985

Endymion is one of the greatest love stories ever told

>> No.10593000

sure if you like grooming kids

>> No.10593009

She went through time for him

>> No.10593739

Hyperion is a modern-ish classic.
Dune is just plain classy.

>> No.10593951
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>> No.10594004

Can I go straight from Dune to God Emperor? My local library only has 1, 4, 5 and some of Herberts sons books, and also people seem to shit on messiah a lot here.

>> No.10594035

Yes. Just read the wikipedia plot pages for Messiah and Children.

Messiah is not that bad. And it's short.

Children sucks. The worst in the series, by far.

>> No.10594043

Use interlibrary loan to get the ones your library doesn't have.

>> No.10594078

Alright, William do just that, thanks

>> No.10594092
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Nope. I'm a huge Hyperion fanboy, literally one of my favorite books, but Endymion was garbage

>> No.10595667

Book of the New Sun

>> No.10595714

Priest's tale is better than anything in Dune. Membering Ciri is worse than anything in Dune.

>> No.10595839

>implying either of those have the level of world building and/or lore of Dune

Try again, pleb.

>> No.10596087

Read Dune and God Emperor. Then don't bother with hyperion, Simmons is a shit writer, especially his later works

>> No.10596633

>final story in the book
>two thirds of it is the consul's grandfather describing his girlfriend's tits and ass through time

>> No.10596671

But anon, the scholars story was the best

>> No.10596966

Dune is sophisticated, Hyperion is fun. Choose the one you read based on which you care more about.