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/lit/ - Literature

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10579270 No.10579270 [Reply] [Original]

>So, anon, I heard you're a writer. How's that novel coming along?

>> No.10579294

i'm just now done with the outline. wanna go back to my place and check out my prose? ;) ;)

>> No.10579295

I prefer to describe it as an erotic diary
Care to be the latest chapter? ;)

>> No.10579296

Fucking terribly. Hey, are you gonna finish those fries?
Ok, so it’s like this, I can’t come up with a good idea or how to execute it and I can’t stop jacking off to even begin writing. It’s like I’m a slave to my biological urges. It’s crazy how unproductive I am. I’m anxious yet depressed and above all else entirely unproductive.
Hey wait, where are you going?

>> No.10579304

it's fantastic babe; having this six figure job will help me propel my novel forward.
>gets second date
>gets more
>novel goes nationwide
>marry her
>have beautiful kids
>grow old together
>that sweet granny ass
>she dies before me
>I write a based book about her
>make millions
>give half the money to kids
>other half to the Catholic Church
>anointing of the sick
>I die
>the end

>> No.10579307

Who are you, why are you talking to me and who told you that?

>> No.10579308

Just going to take a shit

>> No.10579310


>> No.10579317
File: 63 KB, 640x705, ッ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I mostly just write short stories, science fiction mostly
I've been sending my work out to magazines, no acceptances yet but I've made a couple second-round considerations so I remain hopeful.

>> No.10579332
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Thanks. My novel is going much faster now that I am aiming to sell it to teens and not /lit/ patricians or college grads.

>> No.10579338
File: 2.91 MB, 720x900, do NOT watch this.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else write faster now that you've given up?

>> No.10579347

About a well as I am in bed.

>> No.10579351

I was never trying very hard in the first place

>> No.10579354
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I'm fucking dying. That's some Cronenberg shit.

>> No.10579359

yeah but i only write non-fiction now so that’s kind of depressing to think about in itself

>> No.10579566

Huh? No, boxing gambler.

>> No.10579579

This thread is unrealistic because no woman would ever look at me like that.

>> No.10579619

>I don't write prose.
>I can't finish this sonnet

>> No.10579636
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I do independent research and mostly write nonfiction works. I wrote a novel in 3 months once just to learn how to do it but I haven't bothered to fix it up. Might just write something better and come back to the old one later.

pic unrelated

>> No.10579866
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I have finished the first draft

I don't know what to do with it

I am depressed and suicidal since I stopped writing

my creativity and interest in creating and creative pursuits are dead in the water

I don't know what to do

I don't know how to move forward with this

I am scared - I haven't not written for 5 years

>> No.10579884

>seemingly nice restaurant
>they order fucking clams or fried shrimp or some bullshit
>in a bowl of fucking french fries
i own one of those bowls. quite nice.

>> No.10579887

I don't write novels. I write shitty short stories that end abruptly with bitter ironies that reflect my irksome life. I'm going to leave now, you'll cover the tab.

>> No.10579971

y-you too

>> No.10579972

It needs work, but I must focus on school

>> No.10579974
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thanks for the blogpost autist

>> No.10579978

Terribly, darling. It's an absolute disaster. An unmitigated 30 car pile up. I spend every day staring at my notebook and waiting for it to burst into flames of its own volition. How's your new internship going?

>> No.10579982

>hiding her pugnose with a burger
>burger appears to be on the same level of steak and shake
>restaurant attempts an urban and masculine look while serving fucking burgers
i'm sure the girl has shitty teeth too. she's clearly afraid of the camera.

>> No.10579996
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autism speaks

>> No.10580002

>her eyes don't look in the same direction and are unquestionably too far apart
>is eating a chicken monstrosity
>her smile shows that she truly doesn't want to be photographed
what is it with women getting photographed over a lunch table? who in the hell would want someone to interrupt a pleasant date or meeting with a picture that's clearly only wanted by the one taking it?
probably a poor attempt at an advertisement, judging by the fact that the hungry woman hasn't even eaten a bite of her food.

>> No.10580003

wait, that's not chicken. it's even worse. why, god? why?

>> No.10580006

Proud of yourself?

>> No.10580008
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>sperging intensifies

>> No.10580009

>did you just say "wink wink"?

>> No.10580010

>makes a post
>responds to me without any inclination other than his own jealousy
>can't get it through his this skull that i am the true reincarnation of Thoreau
hubris is a violence against god, not man.

>> No.10580014

>she's wearing stripes
>has seven dishes in front of her
>some asian country
how does she feel knowing that all of her countrymen think she's a disgusting tub of lard, i wonder.

>> No.10580032
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autism and non sequiturs? Oh my

>> No.10580037

>An argument between an autist and a guy who clearly has a "cute girls people have posted on 4chan" folder


>> No.10580038

>okay, so it's like this


>> No.10580039

no no No NO NO!
it's all wrong. i can't breathe right now. where's my fucking inhaler, i need to erase this from my mind, fuck i'm wheezing in pain at this damnable image, fuck fuck FUCK.

i fucking hate this. i'm going to drink myself into oblivion on 80 dollar scotch

>> No.10580041
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 1516380229533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute girls people have posted

It's cute girls EATING that people have posted thank you very much

>> No.10580046

>face tilted upwards in direction of light, a learned skill to eliminate the appearance of acne and generally disgusting skin
>matching Nike shirts, hinting at their belonging to a sports team (why are they deviating from their set diet, coach will be furious)
>male companions are ignoring them, instead favoring company of obese girl (clear indication that whores pictured are carrying STIs, water bottle is completely empty because they thirsty bitches as a result)

>> No.10580048

I have a girlfriend, a job, in college, I write (but haven't tried publishing it), and I STILL jerk off....

>> No.10580058


>> No.10580061

okay. i've calmed a bit.
>that haircut in the back
>looking closely, i'm not sure which haircut is worse.
>fatty furs cheek supreme has already eaten most of her pastry and is clearly ravenous, waiting for the photographer (fucking shithead who thinks he's a photographer) to just fucking oeave her alone so she can stuff her fat face
>several children surrounding a single fucking opened takeout box with waxmcoating on the inside so the fucking pastries won't leak fluids
>implying pastries fucking leak
>two shithead girls not assisting the procession of dumbshit children in getting food of their own
>petty vain girl refuses to eat hers so she can remain a god damn giraffe in the mirror, will put the pastry down afterwards, refusing to touch it unless forced, then to the bathroom to vomit immediately
>fucking detritus on the table, what appears to be a box of fucking baby wipes and some damned pasta, all jumbling up whatever mishmash of a photo this is
>girl to the far left doesn't need any more food but has an even more eager face than hamface cheekblaster

>> No.10580072

>he thinks he can mimic my autism
>is blown away by a mere glance from my furious laser eyes
>his family is sorrowful, not for the loss, but rather that they never had a child like myself

>> No.10580078
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>calmed a bit
>goes full autismo
these girls want you to get help sperglord

>> No.10580079

Too busy constantly jacking off to produce something beautiful.

>> No.10580082

excuse me, who are you?

>> No.10580090

>her forehead is more lonely than she is
>the food, while technically perfect, is mid travel to her pensive and disdainful mouth, waiting for the camera'd putz to put down the fucking camera
>the background fucking light
>seriously look at that ugly thing, the lightbulb isn't even flush with the rim of the metal shade to alleviate the fact that it's such a hideous lamp to begin with
she's clearly in pain.

>> No.10580098

>tfw people literally attempt to mimic my autism
you're a sad sack and you know it. you don't even get three more.
>implying i'm going to attack a literal childfaced moron who can't even eat her entire sandwich, slopping onions everywhere

>> No.10580102

Going alright, gonna need to do more research but that’s no bother. Talk to your mom lately?

>> No.10580108

>sports team
>can't tell they're twins who conform to the stereotype of twins wearing similar outfits

>> No.10580110

>split ends, spends all her money on fastfood -- not enough for quality shampoo
>small eye openings and pale skin, doesn't go outside often
>grease around mouth due to burger not being able to fit (can never date Chad)
>fingernails cut unevenly, sign of biting caused by anxiety disorder
>dropping cheese everywhere on foil (too autistic to request plate even though she clearly needs it)
>burger appear empty of ingredients aside from meat and cheese, sign of severe allergies

>> No.10580114

>he thinks blue eyes and similar hair color means they're twins

>> No.10580117

>still mimicking my style poorly
wrong wrong wrong. also, for shame sexualizing a child. fellatio references? repugnant.

>> No.10580122

>the pleb hasn't seen dizygotic twins before
it's almost as if you haven't left your mother's flawed womb, you horse's ass.

>> No.10580127
File: 305 KB, 1536x2048, 1421196466374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her forehead is more lonely than she is
black twitter level insults. Sad!
>being this assblasted about candid lighting
double sad!

get your eyes checked as well autismo

>a child eats like a child as told by autism
at least you got cheese right. Still - sad.

>> No.10580128

There's a lot of animosity in here. Let's not forget how insignificant you both are.

>> No.10580138

>he can't even tell the difference between two posters so he replies to me twice, even in context

guess again, pleb, to the right are clear examples of opaque onions. a common mistake by one of your severely deficient mental stature.

>> No.10580144

>the pedophile posts another of his fantasy harem
enough. i have made my mark. i am off.

>> No.10580146

caramelized opaque onions at that. and a touch of lettuce.

>> No.10580152

>he attacks his opponent with two different posts, lacking the mental capacity to hold two counterarguments in his mind simultaneously

>> No.10580159

>he thinks the original autist posted again after the first

>> No.10580168

>they argue on 4chan

>> No.10580172


>> No.10580179

>he thinks they're different people

>> No.10580181
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1493908859037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have sexualized this. I never have. Away with you satan!

>> No.10580187

nah, you're clearly a pedo who has images of children on his hard drive.

>> No.10580194
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most of these aren't children and/or sexual

>> No.10580197
File: 16 KB, 499x100, anon'sfallacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10580204

>weakly squeaks "projection!"
>most of these aren't children
>acknowledging the children
>posting a sexualized image in an attempt to clear himself of guilt by contrast
>still has a pile of little girls on his hard drive
you're not fooling anyone, pedophile.

>> No.10580208

FBI good boy points: 7

>> No.10580210

>implying he can't edit (You)s

>> No.10580215

>implying I would for the sake of this discussion

>> No.10580217

>implying I wouldn't

>> No.10580222

>implying we're the samefag

>> No.10580224


>> No.10580225


>> No.10580228


>> No.10580230

I'm going to read Proust. If you need me, I'm reading Proust.

>> No.10580233
File: 306 KB, 1242x1572, 1499056392819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children are eating not sexualized
>an adult woman with food
>as were other women with food

I see no problem. Get your autism checked for pedoness too

>> No.10580246

>none of the pictures are of anyone in the act of eating
>still posting after the horse is long dead
>still defending himself by trying to pass the buck
ok pedophile who has children saved onto his hard drive. i'm sure your complaints have been extremely convincing to everyone.

>> No.10580261
File: 302 KB, 1037x1057, 1496139846789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of the pictures are of anyone in the act of eating
lol stopped there. Blatant. Sad.

>> No.10580276

Why is he throwing up? Why is this normal to them?

>> No.10580290

>not one image of mastication, or food in mouth

>> No.10580310
File: 98 KB, 640x640, 1480066618159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use your eyes

have another photo

>> No.10580320

no one wants to see any more of your sickening porn. as much as you want acceptance, you won't find it here.

>> No.10580327
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>keeps replying

you know how to stop this if you are really that paranoid

>> No.10581259

I started writing after I quit jerking off. This worked for over a month as I wrote a lot of sick shit about sex and came in my sleep a lot tho. I jerked off on Monday, but I think I am going to prevail no matter how many Whores OP posts. Don't watch porn, its sick.

>> No.10581261

Try transcending the genre, like Philip K. Dick. Most sci-fi is trash.

>> No.10581267
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>> No.10581272


>> No.10581304
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Actually, it's a novella.

>> No.10581326

What do you mean by reaching? Reaching what? You can't just post a vague one-word response and expect people to understand.

>> No.10581347


>> No.10581392
File: 4 KB, 211x239, índice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing novels

>> No.10581806

>performing an action at the current time

>> No.10581839

i have one thing to say.
>not getting triggered by light sources
it's almost as if you don't care about aesthetics. i bet you read Vollmann.

>> No.10582021

I need more lucid sex dreams to finish it.
Gtfo you 3D slut, I only love traditional 5d succubi