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File: 472 KB, 508x270, that asshole from ocarina of time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1057788 No.1057788 [Reply] [Original]

hot scene girl offering me sex
i've got those christian values you know
wat do

>> No.1057790

what the fuck do i do guys!!!

>> No.1057793

stop lying on 4chan.

>> No.1057795

Oh, Stag get rid of those, and become agnostic like me.

>> No.1057796

That silver ring they gave you when you joined the club?
Take it off and throw it across the room.

>> No.1057803

it's not that i believe in god i don't know if i do or not how can i know there is no god how can i know that there isn't but sex before marriage i don't know about it guys sex at young ages at least i don't know about it i don't like it when others do it i don't know if i can do it i don't know how can i even go through life being a virgin in college or something not be i don't know how can you be a virgin in college nowadays how can anybody not understand that why is it looked down upon i don't look down upon it people used to look down upon if you were not a virgin before marriage jesus christ guys

>> No.1057805
File: 3 KB, 114x150, kollontai..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex outside of romantic love is not better than sex. and christianity is prejudice. get rid of it.

>> No.1057806
File: 21 KB, 474x328, artist_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That asshole from the Ocarina of time is the happy mask salesman, you little prick. keep the crap over someplace else, we only take pure shit around here

>> No.1057807

Do it.

>> No.1057808


>> No.1057809

jesus fucking christ i am not going to r9k and not going to /b/ and not going to /adv/ i don't know maybe i will lit is my home i like lit i like talking to you guys and i know i shitpost a lot i know you know i shitpost a lot but i really do like you guys i really do like this board and if i'm mean to anyone here it's nothing personal you know no hard feelings from a tripfag a tripfriend you know i'm sorry i don't know what to do i don't even have much feelings for this girl anymore except i know i could have sex with her if i wanted and i don't know if i do i do i guess but i don't want to feel guilty i think i'd feel guilty if i had sex with her i think she sleeps around

>> No.1057811

Please use proper punctuation. You're on /lit/, for christs sake.

>> No.1057817

jesus fucking christ i am not going to r9k and not going to /b/ and not going to /adv/ i don't know maybe i will lit is my home i like lit i like talking to you guys and i know i shitpost a lot i know you know i shitpost a lot but i really do like you guys i really do like this board and if i'm mean to anyone here it's nothing personal you know no hard feelings from a tripfag a tripfriend you know i'm sorry i don't know what to do i don't even have much feelings for this girl anymore except i know i could have sex with her if i wanted and i don't know if i do i do want to have sex maybe i guess some time maybe but not with her but i don't want to feel guilty i think i'd feel guilty if i had sex with her i think she sleeps around edited

>> No.1057816

carnal desire is a vice. you are not a christian. read some tolstoy - f.e. "father sergius".
i'll summarise it shortly, tripfag drama whore

>> No.1057812

an hero

>> No.1057823

Bone her so hard she absorbs your man stench
And if you pretend shes Jesus while your boning her its ok and not a sin trust me
jesus told me

>> No.1057824

stag, stop trolling, ffs.

you're going to give the virgins a haemorrhage.

>> No.1057826

i am a virgin that's why i'm going crazy right now

oreo you always make me lol

>> No.1057834

These are some of the exact same thoughts I have.
And I personally really like you Stag, If you don't have feelings for the girl and think she sleeps around with other guys then don't do it.

>> No.1057835

i was saying but didn't she have a boyfriend and she said kinda and i said then what are you two and she said we're dating but not going out and i said well you're still fucking and she said fine then forget it

i think i'm off the hook

>> No.1057844

our lord jesus christ is better then that skank in bed anyway

>> No.1057847

she says she has sex tapes on the internet so i will search google for them

>> No.1057861
File: 11 KB, 225x161, fathersergius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

urban hipsters make a wager on wether it's possible to seduce the devoutly christian hermit father sergius.

one of the scene whores, on a stormy night, drops by at f.sergius' (under the pretense of having got lost) and employs all her charms.

while he gets her some tea and blanket she gets nekkid and droll and he twhacks his own finger away just to kill the desire to fuck.
>i think she sleeps around
she is impressed and she becomes a nun while sergius is venerated as a saint. THIS IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO, TRIPFAG
hold on, to be continued,

>> No.1057864

Have sex with her. The Good Lord will forgive you no matter what you do.

>> No.1057871

So at this point I'm guessing Stagolee is, like, /lit/'s mascot?

>> No.1057877

Make up for it by stoning a homosexual, or better yet, the girl you had sex with, two birds one stone.

>> No.1057885
File: 2 KB, 96x70, sergius..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impressed by the endurance of sergius no hipsters are left in the town and the villagers come for his prayers and blessings to him and bring gifts.

one day a sick little girl is brought and he's supposed to do the deathbed prayer. first he refuses and demands her to be brought to a doctor but the villagers have no and no choice but to believe in his magickal wisdom and piety and so they leave

her dead body is found which was raped. father sergius escaped.

linky link (it is short):

>> No.1057901


>> No.1057902
File: 21 KB, 349x331, artist_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who directed that adaptation? I seem to remember that priest image

>> No.1057921

where do you get your avvy pictures from?

>> No.1057941

Collected them by hand from the depths of 4chan. It was a hobby for some time, actually.

>> No.1057967

she was telling me earlier that she had sex today and the details of it and how much she enjoyed it i can just imagine her now telling her someone about how bad i am at sex

>> No.1057977

why don't you do us all a favor and kill yourself, bitch.

>> No.1058067


Im a devout Christian with values that correspond. I am also a college student, about to start my third year, who happens to be a virgin. Im against sex before marriage as well. Its not impossible, it can be done. It really isn't that hard to remain a virgin either.

>> No.1058083

stagolee more like stagTROLLEE

>> No.1058089

yeah it is.

just dont trip, slip and let your dick fall into someone.

jesus fucking christ.

>> No.1058093


>> No.1058095
File: 55 KB, 400x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never even kissed a girl

>> No.1058102


It really isn't, I have self-control and have never had any problems sir! OP don't listen to him

>> No.1058104
File: 1.47 MB, 320x180, 1282277985263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gtfo stag

pic related - it's how you troll, faggot.

>> No.1058109

I really have no problem with christfags staying virgins. More for the rest of us. Also, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. Have fun with your right hand or is that against the rules as well?

>> No.1058114


Honestly, no its not against the rules. There is nothing in the Bible against it. As long as its not done lustfully or in any other sinful manner. Then, it becomes a sin.

>> No.1058118


It depends on how liberally you interpret the story of Onan. It could be just a story about not practicing the pull-out method, or it could be a story about not wasting your seed period. If you go for the former, then as long as you're fapping without thinking about how you want to fuck somebody, then it's cool.

>> No.1058136

>fapping without thinking about how you want to fuck somebody


>> No.1058142


Welcome to Christianity

but really I could probably rub one out thinking about how awesome it feels to rub one out

>> No.1058143

See, shit like this is why religion is considered repressive.

>> No.1058159

marry her
fuck her
claim infidelity

>> No.1058161

That of course is your own personal opinion, Im not gonna attack you for it. I don't agree w/ you. There is evidence to prove or suggest otherwise, that is that Christianity is not oppressive.

>> No.1058193


That's the muslim way. They do this and figure it's totally legit. "Short term marriage" aka prostitution has worked this way for ages in the muslim world.

>> No.1058244

I said repressive. Nice straw man there, buddy.