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/lit/ - Literature

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10577464 No.10577464 [Reply] [Original]

I feel intellectually stagnant
my brain feels like it's in hibernation
I can no longer appreciate art
books, music, films, paintings, I feel nothing but disinterest
my attention span is pretty much non existent and my imagination has gone to shit
it's like someone duct taped my mind's eye shut so poetry is wasted on me in this state

I feel like a brick wall, if I try and ask myself something it's like fishing in a pool of nothingness so it's hard to engage with ideas and concepts
'reading between the lines' is near impossible

what do?

>> No.10577558

stop smoking weed

>> No.10577616

Turn off the computer, and
go for a walk, you lazy cunt.

This guy gets it.

>> No.10577651

that's a nice wojak

>> No.10577689

I was going to shit on you for conflating Yozo with a typical /r9k/ virgin, but I realized he is basically the embodiment of Wojack.
He never felt like part of society, more of a passive observer. He went through the motions, and at times felt like he was fitting in, only to fail miserably at something and realize he never had a grasp on being a human in the first place. When terrible things happen to him like his wife getting raped, he completely shuts down and loses the ability to respond emotionally.

>> No.10577857

Sounds like a depressive state from an inactive lifestyle. If that's the case, getting some exercise should be a top priority. Take a break from reading if it's not enjoyable and maybe dabble in something creative, like learning a musical instrument.
I tend to feel similar during long breaks from uni and it usually helps to incorporate physical exertion, creativity, and some social interaction into each day.
If you think it's from being too busy/stressed, then maybe use your reading time for meditation. If that's not your thing then going for walks would also be helpful. Anything to put your mind in a meditative state

>> No.10578354

go to fucking therapy. Not some cognitive behavioral bullshit that will sedate you, not some SSRIs, go to actual psychodynamic psychotherapy and talk about your fucking problems.

well maybe CBT would be fine in your case actually.

go to therapy anon

>> No.10578375

Stop eating sugar and simple carbs


>> No.10578396


Are you in the northern hemisphere? If so, how far north? At my latitude, the sun isn't strong enough for people to produce vitamin D from October until April. About 95% of the population has a vitamin D deficiency. I used to stagnate really severely in the winter, but after I started supplementing with very heavy doses of vitamin D I feel fine.

If this doesn't apply to you, do this >>10577558

If that doesn't apply to you, do this >>10577616 and this >>10577857

If you've tried all this and it doesn't work, do this >>10578354. And I do stress "if you've tried". Don't fall into the bullshit hole of "woe is me, basic solutions just wont cut it for my infinite pain" unless you've actually tried it.

>> No.10578493
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>> No.10578503
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>tfw just finished this book 5 minutes ago

What do I read now /lit/ to balance out the overwhelming desire to just drown myself?

>> No.10578534

If I can be unironic and serious for three seconds on this site, what you're going through sounds dangerously close to depression. If these things used to bring you joy and you know, make you feel things but don't anymore.

If you're experiencing any of the other symptoms you should tell someone you who cares about you and seek help.

Bomb I did, complete unironic sincere 4chan post.

>> No.10578580

Start smoking weed