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10575995 No.10575995 [Reply] [Original]

>discussing race
pick one

>> No.10576001
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>> No.10576023

>Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race
>Because it's more profitable to write books for white people about race

>> No.10576037

The blacks are actually going to stop whining to white people? I refuse to believe it. Whining to white people is the entirety of their identity and social status. If the blacks don't have a white person to whine to then they essentially cease to exist

>> No.10576045


>> No.10576053

My wife, who I have rarely heard talk about race politics before, surprised me last year when she said all this talk about white guilt was actually making her proud of being white. She never considered her whiteness before, and having people obsess over it in social media/MSM caused her to become more cognizant and defensive about her skin color.

All this dwelling on "white guilt" is turning moderates into either retarded guilty white people; OR planting the seeds of white pride in otherwise normal peoples' heads. They are basically spreading what they see as a problematic ideology (white pride) by going on and on about it.

>> No.10576057 [DELETED] 


>Just googled her picture.

So, let me guess. Without turning a single page of this book. I can boil this down to the following. She's argue against like the race-blind liberal because muh colorblind racism, race has to be acknowledged when it's convenient. She doesn't like the leftist who tries to be an ally because something something "you don't know how it is to be black" inexplicable white supremacy. In her third part she'll deride HBD explanations and subsequently the separatists types(maybe even the black ones too). All three possible positions are bad, you're racist no matter what.

It will end in support of Affirmative Action contrivances; with tenuous reasoning about how the playing field needs to keep being evened even if it has to go on indefinitely. What's behind the achievement gaps can't be questioned. It should just be a given that the lingering effects of past injustices are behind all present day disparities.

The whole narrative is a muddled mindfuck spook reinforced by political correctness; namely, the taboo of all things that "racism" is supposed to represent.

>> No.10576061

>Just googled her picture.

So, let me guess. Without turning a single page of this book. I can boil this down to the following. She'll argue against the race-blind liberal because muh colorblind racism. She doesn't like the leftist who tries to be an ally because something something "you don't know how it is to be black" inexplicable white supremacy. In her third part she'll deride HBD explanations and subsequently the separatists types(maybe even the black ones too). All three possible positions are bad, you're racist no matter what.

It will end in support of Affirmative Action contrivances; with tenuous reasoning about how the playing field needs to keep being evened even if it has to go on indefinitely. What's behind the achievement gaps can't be questioned. It should just be a given that the lingering effects of past injustices are behind all present day disparities.

The whole narrative is a muddled mindfuck spook reinforced by political correctness; namely, the taboo of all things that "racism" is supposed to represent.

>> No.10576072

>Lmao fuck white people let's not talk to them about race issues
>White people need to help us fix race issues
Why don't we just go our own ways, this experiment failed long ago.

>> No.10576165


if you are trying to have an actual political discussion for once this is the wrong place to do it, /lit/ has become a fucking sesspool of white supremacy recently due to raids by pol

if you want open unbiased discussion I suggest reddit

>> No.10576178
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Take it to fucking /pol/

>> No.10576196

But I am from /pol/

>> No.10576269

>>discussing race
>pick one
i pick white people pls

>> No.10576284

Ladies and gentlemen i present to you, WHITE PRIVILEGE

>> No.10576303

I'd rather get a good shitposting storm than a bad circlejerk

>> No.10576305

>Why don't we just go our own ways, this experiment failed long ago.
The going our own ways experiment failed worse. Instead of having douchey college blacks we get Haitian blacks (USA) or African blacks (europe). Also liberia went to shit.

>> No.10576316

really? I kind of saw it as a reaction to the leftist redditors conducting "4chan raids" in order to "enlighten" what they believe to be the racist majority

>> No.10576319

This unironically

>> No.10576370


This title really reads like a clickbait youtube video title
Not a good sign to say the least

>> No.10576418
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Why is identity a permanent claim to victimhood and protected status now? How is it that attaining this status is an "I win" button in any argument? The only reason this shit flies is because the political class got a taste of how it drives people to send money and vote, so they keep it going. These regressive idiots are gimping themselves and their children, and they don't even know it.

>> No.10576446

Because the kind of people who identify as victims will vote for anyone who says 'you'll stop being a victim if you do what I say'.
Ironically, the progressives are slaves to their own foolishness.

>> No.10576476

I don't mean just progressives. Trump voters see themselves as victims as well. Just go take a look at /pol/. The sky is falling on the white man every fucking day over there.

The idea that being a victim makes your point irrefutable is what's destroying our ability to compromise on anything as a population. Congress and them aren't actually affected by this, because they are smart enough to not actually care about something as stupid as identity politics and are in the pocket of bankers and big business anyway.

>> No.10576487

Too true: that's why I'm done with both parties. Neither party puts America first, and neither party focuses on proper libertarian values.

>> No.10576506

individuality masturbation is a western problem

>> No.10576508

How come the people on this board don't read the book but get outraged by the title? It quite funny how people easily fall for the bait even in a board that is supposedly intelligent.

>> No.10576516

that would imply buying the book. who is going to actually pay money for clickbait unless they already agree with the title? (ostensibly the reason it was chosen)

>> No.10576518

This is the effect that the author was going for.

If I wrote a book called, "Why I'm No Longer Talking (To Black People) About Not Committing Crimes" people would be upset.

>Why I'm No Longer Talking (To Indian People) About Using Toilets

>Why I'm No Longer Talking (To Black People) About Not Raping People

>Why I'm No Longer Talking (To Muslim People) About Education and Civilized Behavior

>> No.10576533

Sorry nazi, but access to whites and white resources is a universal human right

>> No.10576536

Maybe a clicky racebait title doesn't actually persuade people who regularly read, maybe it does the opposite

>> No.10576543
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>mfw friends with black people
>mfw they introduce me to rap music and i show them about classical
>mfw i listen to their soundclouds and they teach me basic rapping technique
>mfw dating black, mixed & brown girls

Feels good to be a bridge to help fix the divide

>> No.10576562
File: 71 KB, 587x505, liFgESU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the gif friend, I'll add it to my proud WOC collection

>> No.10576576

good post

>> No.10576577

>mfw dating black, mixed & brown girls
gee it's almost like this is the end goal of your embracing of black "culture". I wonder (((who))) could benefit from this?

>> No.10576590

Have you ever met jews? Im friends with a lot of jews. They're largely just dramatic weirdos with aspergers

>> No.10576610


>> No.10576625

The point is you can't critique a book you've never read. The title is just a way to manufacture outrage so people talk about it and it's working.

>> No.10576637

And perhaps you can't dismiss that "13 Celebrities Accidentally Showing Way Too Much Skin" article without having actually read it either

>> No.10576655

There is a difference between ignoring and actively engaging in a discussion.

>> No.10576914

Why I no longer give a shit about black people's problems

>> No.10577350

>Stop discussing race with white people
>Still call them racist for everything

>> No.10578255

good I'm sick of hearing niggers complain about race, even they're only doing it to fellow POC that's a win win

>> No.10578645
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>"let's secure a future for the white race!"
>is actually a beta virgin that will never procreate because he's too busy fapping to Chinese cartoons

>> No.10578675
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>"we need more POC representation"
>"please notice me WOC qt3.14s" said the beta virgin marxist

>> No.10578696

I'm just a late bloomer m8, my 30's are gonna be a real life montage of 80's and 90's TV action hero's.

>> No.10578710

The white race, specifically white men, is the only group that predominantly supports ideas such as free speech, individuality, and virtue. The inability for other races to come to these conclusions is programmed into their genetics and they cannot be assimilated. The only solution to the problem in America and Europe is to incentivize non-whites to return to their shithole countries. Otherwise, the west as we have come to understand it will cease to exist. These non white activists will never be satisfied until all whites are dead or displaced genetically. There is a war on whiteness and it is not subtle. College professors even frame it exactly as that.

>> No.10579002
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>Congress and them aren't actually affected by this, because they are smart enough to not actually care about something as stupid as identity politics and are in the pocket of bankers and big business anyway.
Gee, it's almost as if they are purposely distracting us with idpol so they can get away with passing whatever fiscal policies they want, and give out government contracts to whoever they want.

>> No.10579162

the book is actually by a quintessential brit

>> No.10579384

western civilization sucks now who gives a shit

>> No.10579471

Honestly it's pretty easy to understand black frustration. They are born into a world they have not contributed anything to, they have no history of civilization, they have remained slaves in everything. People all over the world have their roots in history but blacks have no history. They have no words that are theirs alone, they have no thoughts that are theirs alone, instead being forced to use those of the hated whites. Even in thought they remain enslaved. They are destined to be children for eternity. Their rage is impotent.

>> No.10580240

Sure I can. There is not enough time in anyone's life to justify reading every and all books they see, and trimming the fat by identifying what is titled like a reactionary BuzzFeed article is a pretty sound way to avoid wasting time I could put towards a better book.
They say not to judge a book by its cover, but it is a valid thing to do. After all, most people would scoff at a cake which has the visual consistency of a swirly dog turd and an odor to complement, even if it tastes alright in the end

>> No.10580248

What are the chances white people just get genocided in the future?

>> No.10580296

>Did you just assume my race??? Just because of my pale skin, blond hair, blue eyes, and Classical features you think I'm white? I'll have you know that my great grandfather was Nigerian. I was born in Africa. I'm from South Africa. I'm an octaroon. Look! My birth certificate says "Colored". I grew up under apartheid. Actual segregation. I identify as a black man, and I probably have more African genes than you do, and an actual cultural connection to Africa. I just got back from visiting my tribe in Nigeria last summer. Have you ever even been to Africa, you stupid nigger?

Has anyone ever tried this in real life? How was it received?

>> No.10580673

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