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10575536 No.10575536 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw catholic
>a life without meaning seems more fun, than a life with meaning

What do I do?

Pic unrelated

>> No.10575548

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, a life in which everything is neutral and inherently pointless so you are open to find your own meaning and values, or a life where literally nothing matters from any perspective?

>> No.10575787
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> just admit that the sole motivation for this is that you want to screw
> that all higher elaborations you do is to make you look sophisticated so you can screw more
> just admit that you are being a cheap horny bitch and that seems super fun
> Augustine been there done that

>> No.10575802

I am weary of the world.
The world is weary of me.
I see my face in the mirror,
Like a plant that’s been left in the dark.
The mixture of youth and age disturbs me.
Can my soul still remain in my body?
Today, existence disgusts me too much.
Today, is it life or death?
I go to a high and secluded hill,
Hoping to see God.
But I reach the top and . . .
There is no sign.
There is no hope.
Now the universe is smiling at me . . .
I walk home, the road of desolation.
There is nothing left to say.
There is nothing left to think.
There’s nothing left.
I enter and sit on a stair.
My head limps to my heart,
My lips tell it:
“God does not exist.”

>> No.10575806

Part 2

“The fool has said in his heart,
There is no God.”
I smile and recognise myself in these words,
Like a drunken man seeing himself in the mirror.
My lips have denied God many times,
But now my heart has heard it.
Clever lips draw out many arguments,
But the fool does not understand,
The meaning of his words.
Among all the legions of the those who deny,
Is there even one who is able to draw out,
The consequence of his denial?
If there is no God:

There is no justice.
There is no hope.

For who will avenge the lives of the oppressed:
Who were starved and crushed by pitiless men?
For who will punish the crimes of the wicked:
Committed in secret and covered by the powers of the world?

Do you think the thief will escape into the night?
Do you imagine that death itself will wash the murderer’s bloody hands?

It is not the loss of heaven that upsets me,
But the loss of hell.
I swear, that I am a guilty man, with no right to heaven;
But my conscience demands its right to hell.
Let God condemn me to hell today,
And give me the consolation of His justice;
But I would rather worship the devil himself,
Than see the world go unpunished for its evil.
My conscience requires justice,
Let me get what I deserve!

I know now: the godless heart is a pit of despair.
Greater than the despair of hell,
Is the despair of no hell.
Would our conscience be only an illusion?
Would our thirst for justice never be filled?
Then it would be better:
To rise up and destroy the world,
Than to let it continue to mock and cheat us:
Even the criminal deserves his reward . . .

But who understands:
The distance between good and evil?
“I call heaven and earth to witness this day,
That I have set before you life and death,
Blessing and cursing . . .”
Men have worshipped many gods:
Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Pluto;
But I am powerless, weak, ugly, and poor.
In body and soul, I am sick and dying:
(As ultimately all men are)
Who is the god for the sick and dying?
I have heard of men,
Dying for the gods;
I have only heard of one God,
Dying for men.

I see myself at the bottom of a dark pit.
Seven years of falling, and my soul
Cannot fall any lower.
Now from above comes a sword of light,
And I see an angel descending towards me.

An act of faith?

Now that you have wrapped me in darkness,
Would you cover me in light?
Now that you have made me love death,
Would you give me life?
Now that you have utterly humiliated me,
Would you turn to accept me?

“He hath set water and fire before thee:
Stretch forth thy hand to which thou wilt.
Before man is life and death, good and evil,
That which he shall choose shall be given him.”

My soul, my soul,
You have been a heavy burden to me.
Do you wish me to give you death, or life?

>> No.10575808

Fun is the opposite of happiness. There you go.

>> No.10575810


In the Book of Wisdom, it is written:
“By the envy of the devil, death came into the world:
And they follow him that are of his side . . .
But the souls of the just are in the hand of God,
And the torment of death shall not touch them.
In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die:
And their departure was taken for misery:
And their going away from us, for utter destruction:
But they are in peace. And though in the sight of men
They suffered torments, their hope is full of immortality.”

I have lived without you worse than death,
I cannot live without you anymore.
You have shown me death, now show me life.
Give me life, Lord, give me life.
This day I believe in you,
And God, let me die before I cease to.
I still remember the day,
That you abandoned my soul to itself.
I can never describe the torment it suffered;
But you did it because you love me,
Because you wish me to know you love me,
Because you wish me to know I need you.
That was the day you let me go;
This is the day you brought me back.
This is between me, you, and your angel,
This is our pact now for eternity:
It shall be remembered in heaven.
I have felt the devil’s hatred in my soul,
How close I was to being his!
I now swear everlasting war against him:
Lord, give me strength.
I see many dark days ahead of me:
Lord, have mercy on me.
Though the days ahead are dark,
This darkness is no longer without light:

“Though I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff
They comfort me. Thou preparest a table
Before me in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup
Runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy
Shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”