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/lit/ - Literature

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10568452 No.10568452 [Reply] [Original]

What's up guys and gals ?

Wish I was at home finishing up th blade itself but I just got a 347$ consumers bill so I'm pounding out a 12 hour double time shift.

>> No.10568471

This stack is truly the worst thing I’ve seen posted here. Maybe you should invest your time in video games.

>> No.10568472

I don't mean to direspect or offend anyone but why do you guys choose to buy physical copies of books when you can buy digital (which is cheaper) or just download a pdf for free.

Are they for display, or do you think that staring at a screen for ours will make you blind ?

>> No.10568482


I modded my snes classic

Might do a chrono trigger run soon here.

But working around 70 hours a week right now.

But hey , I'm glad you hate my stack .. thanks for being a bully.

>> No.10568487


I like the feel of a physical book.

It's not like I have expensive hobbys or anything so it's not a big deal.

All I do is work and come home to my family.

Sitting in my lazy boy with a nice book is so comfy.

I do own a kindle too though

>> No.10568490

>You can read the book wherever you want
>Get away from screens
>Looks nice having a shelf of books you have read
>Digital is for plebs

>> No.10568493

It's basically like vinyl hipsters over in /mu/. No difference.

>> No.10568494
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Current stack for the first few months of 2018 here.

>> No.10568496

To get away from the Screen

>> No.10568500


Milo is the only finished book in my stack

Have you read it yet ?

I really enjoyed It .. trying to get my wife a little more interested in politics .. she agreed to read it at some point.

>> No.10568509

Wow, you have a stack worse than OP's, that's quite an achievement.

>> No.10568525

Is the Murray book as pseud as it looks?

>> No.10568527

I'm currently reading The Confessions by Augustine. My next books in line are:
Fear and Trembling, The Sickness Unto Death by Soren Kierkegaard
Discourses by Epictetus
Discourse on Method, The Meditations by Descartes
In what order would you recommend i read them?

>> No.10568539

>how to read books
>meme right

>> No.10568552

No it's not pseud in any way.

>> No.10568569

This is a troll stack thread.

>> No.10568572
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>> No.10568578
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Op here.

Not trolling.

That's my stack and I'm excited to finish it all. 1984 is a reread and milo is finished .. on page like 400 of the blade itself

>> No.10568579

Seems like a good stack. Throw the "how to read" books out the window.

>> No.10568587

truly awful thread

>> No.10568589

Agreed. I’m just waiting for the Ron Hubbard book stacks to start showing up.

>> No.10568600


Whys that ? I am actually pretty excited to dive right into it.

>> No.10568601
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>> No.10568613
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Scored these for $27

>> No.10568621

This is probably the most pathetic shelf I've ever seen on /lit/

>video game manual
>white power
>WW2 nazi autism
>pristine unread entry-level novellas
>Art of the Deal
>shitty fantasy

>> No.10568648
File: 1.82 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180121_155714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a few new books today:

Cancer ward
Day in the life of Ivan D
The inner circle
Buddenbrooks I & II

>> No.10568652

Confirmed pseudity

>> No.10568657
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You would hate me even more if you seen all the other fantasy I have on the shelf .. but I'm ok with that

>> No.10568666

I’m not in my house right now, but the stack would consist (I don’t really have them stacked, they are in my shelf, I’m not autistic) of:
>Siddharta (currently reading it)
>The Trial
>The Metamorphosis
>The Idiot
>Doktor Faustus

>> No.10568669

entry level but acceptable depending on publisher/edition

>> No.10568723


>> No.10568725

Confirmed lacking knowledge yet commenting on things which he knows nothing about

>> No.10568728

Everyone criticizing ebook screens has never read a kindle, there is no strain on the eyes from the screens of modern e-readers. In terms of cost, I find ways to torrent most books for free or find direct download links in share threads like the ones we have here, so kindles are also economically superior (unless you happen to have a good library near you that actually stocks new releases that are worth their weight in salt, which is unlikely in my area.)
I do prefer the “feel” of a book. As much as it sounds like bullshit, it does provide an unnecessary luxury of comfort however I do not believe it enhances my reading experience but will tend to be a distraction in more cases. Kindles are just words on a screen and for me that makes it easier to focus. I can only put so much value on the aestheticism of physical books at the expense of convenience of space, price, and efficiency but with that being said I do have an extensive physical collection of my favorites, or books I simply can’t find in digital format or simply can’t be read in digital format, such as certain text books or books with many footnotes or experimental books with house of leaves type format. I find no excuse however to actually purchase with money a physical copy of a classic work readily available from any library in the world.

>> No.10568751

No offense dude, but you create the alt-right virgin stereotype you see on the news that makes other conservatives cringe

>> No.10568765


Anon , But I'm married with 2 beautiful children

>> No.10568793

Then please extol the merits of it

>> No.10568796


>part-time alt-right dipshit detected

>> No.10568802





>> No.10568838

Same for me. It isn't so much for eye strain or anything like that. It's purely psychological. My attention span goes up when it's physical paper.

>> No.10568960
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>> No.10569013
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Currently reading the Foundation series, considering dropping IJ, already dropped HtWFaIP. I've taken a break from Meditations, but will finish it next.

>> No.10569047

Depends if your political compass clouds your rational judgment.

>> No.10569113

He's apparently reading The Handmaid's Tale though, lol

>> No.10569162
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Sorry for the shit tier camera

Please tell me you've at least read Gulag Archipelago?

>> No.10569172

Bottom is "The Island of Sakhalin" by Chekhov is anyone was struggling to make it out.

>> No.10569195

I actually agree with you--OP might be the biggest faggot I've seen post on this board in weeks

>> No.10569211

Fucvking kys faggot

>> No.10569212

>needs books on how to read books
>fell for the ayn rand meme
least gay stack posted so far
enjoy not having fun reading these
pleb roulette
Is Grossman good or just another Israeli writer meme?

>> No.10569222

>Please tell me you've at least read Gulag Archipelago?
Nope, but that one's on my list too.

>> No.10569232

politics is a meme

>> No.10569241

>enjoy not having fun reading these
Thanks, but from what I've heard I have this feeling I'm going to enjoy at least some of them.

>> No.10569259

best stack posted so far

>> No.10569273

Epictetus - > Descartes - > Kierkegaard

>> No.10569288

if you bought these books because you're edgy, you're a dummy. if you bought these books for the memes, you're a dummy.

>> No.10569296

the Adler book is the best one in the stack...

>> No.10569304

Mistborn good man... or teenager XD

>> No.10569315
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Stack from last time. Only halfway through as I got distracted and ended up reading a bunch of other shit as well.

>> No.10569348

Reddit spacing and shit taste?
Ding ding ding! We have a winner.

>> No.10569359
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Roast me

>> No.10569367

>doesn't believe in God

Also wtf is up with the small WoN? Is it only book one or something?

>> No.10569369

Thanks. Any good reason why that is the best order?

>> No.10569375

chronological desu

>> No.10569381

Do you listen to a podcast by skipping around to arbitrary sections of the conversation?

>> No.10569384
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only this one
It's the first book I bought in like 8 years or so

>> No.10569389

If you are reading this without having to, but out of your own interest, please proceed to fucking kill yourself you imbecile fuck.

>> No.10569395
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(((((((((((Attention: Patrician coming through.))))))))))))))

This is my most recent purchase. Currently about to finish up Book II of Emile.

On Conics Books V - VII is in the mail.

>> No.10569399

Im agnostic atheist. I don’t go around bashing godly folk or anything and I can acknowledge that belief and structure of religion are beneficial in many respects.

The wealth of nations I think is an abbreviated case study booklet or something, I named a few books for Christmas and that’s what I was given so I guess they got the cheapest version lol

>> No.10569420

Because I work in a SCIF and cannot bring electronic devices in.

>> No.10569434
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Decent stack desu until Dawkins, switch it for the Extended Phenotype

>> No.10569455

PDFs are awful, if you're making a case for digital don't use PDF as an example.

>> No.10569504

Lazy fucking CT.

>> No.10569526
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Thread redeemer

>> No.10569530

that's a fun stack. enjoy yourself anon

>> No.10569692
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yes entry/beg-tier stax pls no bully

>> No.10569699

Your wive’s children have nothing to do with this.

>> No.10569756

Are there any other books on architecture that you'd recommend? I've always loved the subject but avoided buying books on it because most are ridiculously expensive.

>> No.10569783

>still insisting on cumbersome physical media
You do know that for the price of all of those books, you could invest in an eReader and never pay for a book again? Fucking retards.

>> No.10569785

Trump is mildly excusable given he's currently in charge of one of the most dangerous countries right now. It's beneficial to try to understand his thought processes.

>> No.10569804
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Sorry about the poor quality of the photo.

>> No.10569817

that's the worst translation of democracy in america.

>> No.10569824

>>You do know that for the price of all of those books, you could invest in an eReader and never pay for a book again? Fucking retards.
Yeah these inexpensive purchases are really pushing me to the edge of bankruptcy.

>> No.10569912

I buy most of my books at library sales, and thriftstores. It's not like buying books is killing my wallet.

>> No.10569918

>The Conquest of New Spain
That was a very fun read desu

>> No.10569978
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>> No.10570034

do people actually stack up books they're planning on reading like that? why not just keep them on the shelf until you're literally holding the damn thing to read it then put it back? can you not remember which you want to do unless you stack them? in that case maybe you're ready for big boy books

>> No.10570062

Screens are fucking gay. I like physical pages.

>> No.10570091

I generally read more than one book at a time, and keep those in a stack.

>> No.10570176
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C O M F Y :3

>> No.10570210
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Do you like the 3d glasses that came with it anon?

>> No.10570250


>Grapes of Wrath
>Handmaid's tale


>Trump and Milo

Why do you read anything with political ideas like that? You aren't even a refined conservative like Buckley; your political heroes are literally retarded, have nothing new to offer...

>> No.10570310

Not everything is available for free, and like hell I'm paying for a digital book. Further, sometimes the conversions from PDF to different formats don't work correctly and it looks like shit on the device.

Any book with diagrams/charts/maps/etc is very hard to read on an e reader.

>> No.10570374

Can't wait for the movie!

>> No.10570454

I feel cheated that mine isnt 3d :(

>> No.10570550
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All second hand

>> No.10570576

This is an incredibly embarassing thread.

>> No.10570623

Just googled supreme city. Looks good, gonna try to find it. Thanks anon

>> No.10570631

Stack, I meant. OP's stack is embarassing.

>> No.10570634

I'm reading it now. Good boom to ease back into /lit/ with

>> No.10570811
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>> No.10570832

2 different books on how to read books. brainlet

>> No.10570835

lmfao... seriously? I look away for a second and this is something you really wrote here?

>> No.10570837


>> No.10570840

nice stack! makes me hard..

>> No.10570850

yeah man. got the kindle paperwhite so I can read anything wherever i am. physical books are better if you're somebody who plans on spending his life at home.

>> No.10570873

thanks senpai

>> No.10570889


Get to work faggot.

Because I expect the end of the world is coming and the internet/power infrastructure will soon be a thing of the mythic past.

>> No.10570890

Well, once he had "How to read literature" he realized he would need "How to read a book" to understand it

>> No.10570899

You don't need to read books you're clearly very smart, possibly the smartest.

You are very smart as well, but not as smart as OP



How do you like the trilogy? I dropped it at the third book, but the first was definitely a cool book.

Actually good stack

Nice stack as well

Lel at dawkins, everything else is pretty nice.

Yet another nice stack

Currently reading GR, pretty good so far.

Noice stvack

>> No.10571046

>one of

>> No.10571062


Why? What's wrong with it?

>> No.10571075

>Milo Yiannopoulos
i don't say this quickly but you might need to consider suicide

>> No.10571150

I would say fair point but
>implying its not ghost written

>> No.10571201
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Here's my new stack. Cost'd me atey sense.
I just finished Grapes of Wrath. The ending surprised me. I put down How To Read a Book a quarter of the way through. I'll get back to it, eventually.
We can't have personal electronics at work, so I bring physical works. Besides, I pay 10-25 cents a book. Look through liquidation sales and thrift stores.

>> No.10571210

>can't have personal electronics at work
waa? are you NSA?

>> No.10571212

Rate me you coward >>10569978

>> No.10571217
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>> No.10571235

Nah, nothing that exciting. It's just bossman's policy.
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles"

>> No.10571246

>How do you like the trilogy?
I'm about halfway through the second. Not sure yet.

>> No.10571251

How old are you?

>> No.10571273

>how to read a book

just fucking read it you dumb fuck

>> No.10571646

Pls, if you are going to read doctor faustus, read Marlowe's one before Goethe's

>> No.10571680

Is this a fucking joke? I honestly can't even fathom what it's like to be dumb enough to read a book by Milo. Jfc I thought this was a meme

>> No.10571690


>> No.10571692


>> No.10571863

Digi-crap. And by that i mean I've never heard of those books and am therefore scared.

>> No.10571882

sadly I already read Goethe’s and the one I’m going to read soon is Mann’s.
On the other hand I just finished Siddharta 5 minutes ago, and the bit when he sees the reflection of his face on the river and it reminds him of his father made me tear up.

>> No.10571888

If you don't have a very nuanced idea of what intelligence is, you'll enjoy it.

>> No.10572059
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>> No.10572106

I picked Vitruvius as part of my preparation for studying Renaissance art, so I don't have much to offer in that regard. There is also the Four Books by Palladio which I think might be cheap as well but I can't be sure.

>Japanese Gothic Tales
Seems like this could be a refreshing diversion. Thanks anon.

>> No.10572114
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>> No.10572807

Uh oh, we got a bad-ass here.

>> No.10573022

>midnight plowboy
lost my shit there

>> No.10573063


If you want to talk shit about me at least try and hit close to home.

I would fit a dumb redneck stereotype a lot better than the soyboy one.

>> No.10573079

This has to be bait

>> No.10573241

wtf, disgusting

>> No.10573322

Bookstacks are dumb. Shortstacks are the future.

>> No.10573355

I can't take a pic but here is my newfag stack
>Odyssey(Iliad already done)
>Magic Mountain
>Portrait of an Artist(Dubliners already done and it was trash)
>The crying of lot 49
>Dicky Moe
did I get memed?
I didn't read Goethe's(only knew how its plot evolves) but Mann's retelling was great. Hope MM is just as great or better

>> No.10573419

go away

>> No.10573619

China also exists and is pumping out excessive amounts of poison into our environment while being a nuclear armed superpower.

>> No.10573620

tuchman is pretty kino i gotta say

>> No.10573622

MM was pretty comfy. I didn't finish it but it was good to pick up when I was going through tough times.

>> No.10574084

>Not everything is available for free

tell me one book you can't find a free epub version of.

>> No.10574099

The Day Lasts More Than A Hundred Years by Chinghiz Aitmatov

It's not some rare book.. It's popular classic that is nowhere to be found in epub or mobi

>> No.10574105

Bread by Scott Cutler Shershow
#Trans: An Anthology about Transgender and Nonbinary Identity Online by Evelyn Deshane
NASA/TREK: Popular Science and Sex in America by Constance Penley

>> No.10574203


Enjoy Stoner, anon

>> No.10574239

Here is a list. I would greatly appreciate if you could find any of these works in ANY electronic format. PDF, HTML, TXT? Idc anything. And I promise none of these books are new.

> The Catacombs by William Demby

> The Lost Scrapbook by Evan Dara

> Tropismes by Nathalie Sarraute

> Malpertuis by Ray, Jean

>> No.10574351

> Tropismes by Nathalie Sarraute

> Malpertuis by Ray, Jean

cuck books

still, if your books are that hard to find you could just buy them on amazon and strip the drm.
or get access to private trackers, those have literally any book.

>> No.10574359


>> No.10574367

>Search "The Day Lasts More Than A Hundred Years by Chinghiz Aitmatov epub" on google.
>Click first result (archive.org)
>download acs encrypted epub

It's got a DRM which i dunno how to remove but i hope it helps

>> No.10574374

I need to hop on one of those private trackers. I must have missed the libgen download but thank you for that rare and quality mediafire link

>> No.10574390

calibre dedrm plugin

>> No.10574434

drm removal in calubre wont work because the book is on loan, you dont actually own it

>> No.10574898

The logos of Heraclitus by Eva Brann

>> No.10574920


>> No.10574939

Niggas reading a book called How to Read a Book

>> No.10575101

On paper I only own the Holy Bible and Silmarillion.

>> No.10575191

>and gals

Get the fuck out normie.

>> No.10575281
File: 22 KB, 709x445, Indigo order 23.01.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these, can I get some feedback?

>> No.10575429

I can already picture how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.10575455

You could have bought those used for like $10 total.

>> No.10575478

I had a gift card tho.

>> No.10575486


>he thinks every board is r9k

Kys faggot

>> No.10575489
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Getting through babylon's ashes, I feel like the series might be on an upswing after the last two books.

>> No.10576294

/lit/ has the highest concentration of female posters dude

>> No.10576323

No, that's /co/ and /cgl/.

>> No.10576702
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>Brandon Self-Insert Sanderson
>Andy Weird XD

>> No.10577116
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Read this my dude

>> No.10577124

[dips bedora]

>> No.10577893

I am much more likely to finish a book if it's physical. Too often do I download a Kindle book and only make it 10% or 25% before something else interests me. That said, Kindle is great for travel.

>> No.10577934
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Just got into the Yoga game. Figured I’d learn the history of it n shit

>> No.10577943

>tfw bought all the /lit/ memes for .75 a piece

>> No.10578016

Bought a bunch of Louis L'amour books at the thrift store.

>> No.10578044

Why the fuck is this order worth so many plum points?

>> No.10578424

Is this whole thing a joke? A reddit thread with reddit spacing and a reddit picture of reddit books?

>> No.10579483

holy shit you fucking faggot what the fuck even is reddit spacing? it's aesthetically pleasing to have actual separation between two different paragraphs rather than some amorphous wall of text. I've been "reddit spacing" since before the site even existed. That's the most ridiculous shit to try and out someone as a redditor.

Half this board is probably reddit anyway with the abysmally shit taste and ridiculously overdone memes. /lit/ cancer is honestly worse than that stupid plebbit arrow to the knee garbage.

>> No.10579557

5x the points muthafuckaaa

>> No.10579811
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I love Brandon Sanderson's work

>> No.10579867
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Reading Donne and TMM currently, the orange one is Eternal Echoes by John O'Donohue if that's not clear.

>> No.10580100
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Currently reading Galactic Pot-Healer. Not sure what to read next-I'm thinking of that "Story of Philosophy" book followed by Gulliver's Travels. Left Hand of Darkness has also been on my to-read list and now that LeGuin is gone I figure this is as good as time as any to pick her up.

>> No.10580111

best stack here desu

>> No.10581057

Yeah I recently got one too. I mainly use it for larger books that I can't be arsed to carry around with me.

It's extremely useful for the amount of academic books I have to read at uni.

>> No.10581078

>two books on how to read books

>the state of /lit/

I bet you have a book to practice your A B C's

>> No.10581151

I hope you are at a book store baiting and not be this cringy aut right meme

LMAO my thoughts exactly

>> No.10581161

but isn't it true? This kids are retarded.
t. real nationalist

>> No.10581632

Definite prince among men

>> No.10582077

I got
>moral letters to lucius
>life of philosophers
>history of rome

>> No.10582218

Would you say that op is a very stable genius?

>> No.10582261
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Current stack...

Im too slow of a reader for the Pynchin a Loaf /lit/ group

The Pyncher loves his shit lemme tell ya. Also secks. Lots of secks

his dreamy tone shifting from scene to scene magically is comfy. Crying of Lot 69 was ok but this is refined Pynching right here

>> No.10583013

Why is the Penguin Deluxe version of Gravity's Rainbow so small? Aren't Penguin Deluxe's usually printed on think paper?

>> No.10583244

I'm chugging along through V. first but I loved the beginning of GR and I can't wait to resume it. Even in his first novel he can really invoke a dissociative surrealism in his description of things, like the mirror-time paragraph.

>> No.10583283
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Here’s me stack, reading 2666 at the moment.

Not that guy but I’ve been playing way of the samurai 3. Grinding for weapons and weapon parts can be annoying also move sets :(

>> No.10583313
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>High school tier literature

Jesus Christ OP..

>> No.10583326

trump is good tho famalam, he's the most competent politician in DC right now

>> No.10583333

dude what if we live in a brave new world lmao fuking hedonists

>> No.10583341
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>> No.10583345

l i a l e

Read Manganelli

>> No.10583348

Good taste

Currently reading Imperium

>> No.10583351


>> No.10583364
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C'mon son, you gotta try harder than that.

>> No.10583368

I don't remember The Count of Monte Cristo being so big

>> No.10583413

I know, but I am sincere, I believe in Donald Trump

>> No.10583437
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>> No.10583465
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pls don' bully i dont want to return to irony

>> No.10583973

>tard pep

>> No.10583979
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>tard pep
WEW LAD >>>/the_donald/

>> No.10584077
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idk but have this

>> No.10584162
File: 30 KB, 655x839, 15046_556505034397708_80908727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck, I've always heard that term thrown around and had no fucking idea what it meant...
I'm seeing that everywhere now.

>> No.10584188

if austism came in a series of books

>> No.10584196

clockwork orange meme, the most overrated phillip k dick book i have read (actually like the movie better) and many autistic works
Based on this stack i want to pat you on the back and tell you "your gay, and thats perfectally ok, dont worry")

>> No.10584204
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What edition of GR is that? This is the one I'm currently reading. It's also my entire stack. I can't imagine reading anything else alongside this. "Hurr durr, Penguin sucks!" You're absolutely right, but it was $8 and it was the only decent copy I'd seen in months

Are any of you part of the GR reading group? The threads have been pretty quiet lately. Any and all discussion is welcome, regardless of where you are in the book.

Enjoy V, anon. I read it last fall.

>> No.10584263

Not bad, anon.

>> No.10584294
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Not pictured are the next two books in the Expanse series and Old Man's War by John Scalzi, as I have traded them to a friend for Neuromancer, and Dune which are sill in my car.

>> No.10584458

>the most overrated phillip k dick book
That would be Man in the High Castle

>> No.10584465
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Unadjusted stack. Have read some want to read others. a couple I'll probably skip.
What should I read next? Thinking of these:
>Beyond good and evil
>Modern Man in search of a soul

>> No.10584483

I've read none of those but the intro to Wake. Want to return to it but I've been finding it hard to read fantasy again.

>> No.10584491

>tfw doing this naturally and had no idea Reddit was related
So it's hated because it's Reddit, not for any valid reasons.

I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.10584508

Read Hyperion immediately
I liked it better than Dune

>> No.10584516

How's Galactic Pot-Eater

>> No.10584587

I spend too much time on my phone/watching tv so when i read i prefer paper over digital

>> No.10584593

>Leviathan Wakes
Sci-fi, anon?

>> No.10584603

Scifi and fantasy are the same thing.

>> No.10584613
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>Milo is the only book i finished
Fucking poser

>> No.10584711
File: 1.03 MB, 2448x2448, BookAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weebs and Peterson (/r/books) posters need not reply.
Awful, read "Beyond Good and Evil" and move on.


Here is a (you) for the Blake.



Hope you enjoy Donne and the MM. That O'Donohue book seems interesting.


>> No.10584778

Jesus dude start with something older than Milo

>> No.10584784

>catch 22
Who are you trying to impress, spaz

>> No.10584806

I said /r/books posters do not need to reply

>> No.10584824

>t. poemfag

>> No.10584883


>> No.10585063

absolute scum baka

>> No.10585065

Are they really? I was somehow under the impression that they were two different genres of books, often associated with one another due to being make-believe.

>> No.10585074

>Omnibus of poetry
Are you real? What is this garbage?

Perhaps not as bad as I thought. I hope you got a more direct translation of inferno and not some edited-to-death crap though.

>> No.10585096
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>> No.10585166

I've read several translations of the Inferno/Divine Comedy, I heard Pinsky's was interesting and I got it for $3 at a store. And what's with autists complaining about buying poetry.

>> No.10585171

How should I interpret this?

>> No.10585238

Serious question why do you have books that tell you how to read books?

>> No.10585376
File: 54 KB, 994x990, shadowbanned infront of julian assange - reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a meme, no one even knows what it actually means. That image might have been created to mislead too, to become a meme in a meme. I've never personally confirmed it, as I've never posted on Reddit. Also, something because "Reddit" refers to a type of poster, not it being just another website. Although, the staff and users that are so derided by 4chan, do comprise Reddit. It's hyperbolic, but has some merit if you've ever browsed a wide selection of Reddit subs (I have).

>> No.10585508

how much did you pay for the consumer?

>> No.10585568
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>Immediate stack
The Lord of the Rings
Umberto Eco - The Name of the Rose
Faust part I & II
Milton - Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes
Torquato Tasso - Jerusalem Delivered
Augustine - City of God

>In the mail
Bram Stoker - Dracula
Herodotus - Histories
Francois Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel
Augustine - Confessions

>> No.10585579


>> No.10585622
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>> No.10585626

I have that same edition of the Iliad. It's great.

>> No.10585640
File: 3.44 MB, 3553x2875, 62C496FF-ADE8-4D04-9D9E-4FEEC23FF4A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my list. I’ve read the top four so far this month.

>> No.10586027

>Milo Cuckopoulos
>Is learning how to read
It's obvious that those are babys first books (if you even manage to read them).
It's not that difficult to find out which books are a pest you should avoid, at least when getting into reading for the first time. Just ask people you're certain they've read A LOT and they are closely related to scientifical practice, as those are most likely the ones who have developed a critical thought.
The problem with the kind of books you've chosen as your first read, is that they're somewhere in the boundary between knowledge as such and entertainment literaure. This makes them utterly dangerous as you may find yourself believing everything written on them without skepticism and building the frame from which you observe the world through them.
TL;DR Avoid propaganda disguised as social science and even worse as truth.
It's not my motherlanguage. Forgive the mistakes.

>> No.10586151

Good post.

>> No.10586162

>And tho hippos were boiled in their tanks
I must be a pleb cuz i only even recognize the first book

>> No.10586775

i didnt know they stacked shit that high

>> No.10586860
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>> No.10586913

>(((I can acknowledge that belief and structure of religion are beneficial in many respects.)))

>> No.10586989

all that transcendentalism and mans still doesnt believe in a god :-( sad to see

>> No.10587038

its about that dude lucien carr killed
the guy from dexter played him in a movie about it

>> No.10587080

I'm taking a greek lit class and have to read ovid and juvanal and shit

>> No.10587095

I just started yoga too. I lift and swim laps but my flexibility is shit.

>> No.10587196
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>greek lit

>> No.10587411

190 dollars.

>> No.10587688

this is like the pseud essentials

>> No.10587750
File: 442 KB, 646x292, bokk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the books i really want have to be ordered new and some aren't even on libgen

anyone else know this feel

>> No.10588465
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, 3E5143F1-FC10-4A48-82DF-11DC105B9ED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk up to counter with stack
>QT starts putting the books through
>”Nice stack”
>Y...yo..you too
>Grab free bookmarks and leave

How’d I do lads?

>> No.10588489

>buying new copies of books by dead authors
This only makes sense if you already know you like it and want a new copy

>> No.10588588

Superpower by 2020

>> No.10589905
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>> No.10589957
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>> No.10589969
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>> No.10590146

>based chuck tingle

>> No.10590174

how to read literature is actually interesting and good if you have to write a paper based on symbols or metaphors

>> No.10590458

Nice Blake; wear socks next time.

>> No.10590538
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Trying to get back into reading

>> No.10590875

Is that a Logitech G213 Prodigy keyboard I spy in the background?

>> No.10590913

First of all you already bought them, why not read them and form your own opinions?
Second you can find at least two of those books far cheaper in most second hand stores.

>> No.10590923
File: 90 KB, 700x467, 5207012-3x2-700x467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /Brisbanebookfest/?
Final day tomorrow cunts.

>> No.10590926

I hate this image because I always click it for boobs, but her bra's pattern turns into an optical illusion when you scroll. Hurts my eyes. Ye Gods.

>> No.10590930

I live in Brisbane, though I can't say I cared enough to even be knowledge of a book-fest going down.

Take that as being account on my domain being /sci/ instead of /lit/.

>> No.10590931

No, a SteelSeries 6Gv2, keeping it simple

>> No.10590935

By blurred image they're virtually indistinguishable from my own (aforementioned).

I see you are a man of functionality.

>> No.10590943

Can recommend. Parkings a pain in the arse but honestly worth it.

>> No.10590953
File: 124 KB, 1104x790, 1xc8cq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you I knew several parking spots around South-bank and /QUT/ Garden's point, where you can park for free, without fear of unavailability, as I occasionally do?

>> No.10590965
File: 166 KB, 1104x790, 1516978056457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I reminded you that tomorrow is the last day of a long weekend and some of the spots you have in mind could be taken up by the synthetic beach shitters?

>> No.10591006
File: 251 KB, 800x600, asd4e35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you I can assure you, your commoner is not cognizant of these locations, irrespective of how obvious once elucidated; even outside of the realm of resident-only parking areas in south-Brisbane?

Do you trust my street-smarts, as a once former long-distance runner whom would commute amongst all the suburbs of Brisbane (yes, ALL) along my treks?

Would you believe me then, anon? If I were to lead you down the rabbit-hole?

>> No.10591012
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>> No.10591050
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Just check it out ffs.

>> No.10591066

Terrible covers. Getting books that are clearly part of a set is for normies.

>> No.10591097 [DELETED] 

Perhaps. I had purchased and read these texts four years prior, and these are the photos that I'm using for my eBay listing to selling them, respectively.

>> No.10591116 [DELETED] 
File: 960 KB, 864x1764, Oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. brisbane book-market shill

How can fellow /lit/ Brisbanites even compete?

>> No.10591146

Perhaps. I had purchased and read these texts four years prior, and these are the photos that I'm using for my eBay listing to sell them, respectively.

>> No.10591157


It's to resist technology. Also physicals books are nice to hold and touch, you can fill a bookshelf with them and show off your intellect in public.

>> No.10591164

>show off your intellect in public
Yes, if you're a low IQ identitarian whom judges the intelligence of those of your same ethnicity by the back drop in which they appear.

A true intellect judges a person by demonstrated ability, not presumed.

>> No.10591213

>not making an initial assessment based off past experience and then changing your opinion as new evidence comes to light
Brainlet confirmed

>> No.10591313


Technology has made it exponentially more difficult to demonstrate anything in public. Looking for friends, groups or a lover is a discriminatory process in which you filter out those who do not interest you at all and seek out those who check all the right boxes, with a gray area in-between. Suppose two girls are sitting in front of you reading with their kindle, one of which is reading Harry Potter and the other is reading a classic ; it's impossible to tell which girl is reading what book, but if they are reading from a physical copy you can tell easily . This isn't an issue for someone who has the luxury of living in a milieu whose taste matches his own, but that's not everyone's case. If you're a pleb trying to escape mediocrity, you need tools to differentiate yourself from your peers, and discriminate others based on their taste. It's the same reason why someone might use language more verbose than necessary when speaking in public, or other things like that. Technology inherently standardizes things.

>A true intellect judges a person by demonstrated ability, not presumed.

Agreed, but there are patterns between presumed and demonstrated intelligence, I would say.

>> No.10591589
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>> No.10591645
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First time posting in one of these threads.