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/lit/ - Literature

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10567909 No.10567909 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10567913

I like to jerk of while wearing panties because it feels really good around my groin/penis.

>> No.10567914

In the beginning, I did not know how to read. My eyes scanned the pages without absorbing anything, without reflection, and without commitment. But as I have continued this process over time I have come to learn how to commit to a book and how to extract something from its pages. I am capable now of considering an author's word and how all of his words fit together to create something holistic. I can follow the point now, and I am very happy.

>> No.10567918

I've taken pics of my cousin's feet

>> No.10567921

I'm addicted to porn

>> No.10567928

I'm a treasurer of a small college club that rakes in thousands of dollars a semester (we donate the money to specific groups at the end of the year) and sometimes I mess with the numbers so I can keep and spend some of the money myself.

>> No.10567930

I'm the one who saturated Andrew's phone in the toilet.

>> No.10567931


>> No.10567936

male or female

>> No.10567939

I don't believe in God.

>> No.10567940

I love reading, but I don't care much for writing.

>> No.10567943

Oi. You're spooking the horses.

>> No.10568530

First: Delete any porn you downloaded or have saved on your phone.
Second: Be a normal fucking adult and be able to control urges without then going all insane 400-Day No Fap either.

>> No.10568567


>> No.10568581

not that anon but:
>I fap to porn because I have urges
>Dude lmao what you have to do to overcome this is to control your urges

>> No.10568604

I sometimes think about getting an ereader

>> No.10568612

Not him, but I deleted my porn folder around 4 times in the last 2 year. Its just come back

>> No.10569850

nothing wrong with this

footfag goes too far, not surprising. confess to HER and then off yourself

spend the missing amount of your own money on the next charity. you're a scumbag

>> No.10569858


I've read about four books in the past year.

>> No.10569904

I read half a book then look up some videos or websites on it then act like I read it all

>> No.10569949

Moby Dick is boring as fuck and I dropped it about halfway through.

>> No.10570026

poast the roast

>> No.10570047

I really liked Infinite Jest. I thought it was a great execution of an idea. I learned, laughed, and even got a little emotional.

>> No.10570116

Most of what I read is genre fiction but I still try to bring an elitist air of quality to the site because I want to engage in discussion with people who know what they are talking about.

>> No.10570161

human garbage, your punishment is to live as yourself

>> No.10570208

eh, if you feel like your work is unappreciated and your role is holding the club together and nobody recognizes, than maybe that's healthy. It depends on the club, maybe. But anything beyond what you would pay for a modest dinner date for 2 (a harmless perk) is basically asshole territory. Also, if your rich parents pay for everything or you're on a full-ride scholarship then you suck.

>> No.10570249

Long story short, I put dried poison ivy leaves in my retard stoner roommate's weed and he was in the hospital for 5 weeks, it took him almost a year to get back to normal, and he almost died. No one knows I did this.

>> No.10570688

I have a truly degenerate fetish and I'm afraid I won't have a normal sex life because of it
If anyone found out I will move to some unknown place and leave it all behind

>> No.10570726

Well? It can't be so so bad that it's worth leaving your life behind unless its actual actual pedophilia

>> No.10570741

Until recently I though Dubliners was pronounced Dub-Liners with liners pronounced like line.

>> No.10570745

How about a diaper fetish?
Worse of all is the immense dual feeling of having a fetish like that but recognizing it's a road to a path I don't want to take, it's fucking gross.
It's not like I can get rid of it either, I had it since I was very young

>> No.10570755

Why do you even have a porn folder? I have never understood this.

>> No.10570762

I think The Picture of Dorian Gray is overrated.
I think The Catcher in the Rye is no longer relevant and has almost no current literary merit.

Do it. Pirating books saves you a shit ton of money in the long term.

>> No.10570776

I'm unironically considering doing a no-white-male reading year or something similar. I think it'd be fun.

>> No.10570782

How do you think people will react to you having a diaper fetish?

>> No.10570783

Guaranteed (You)'s but yeah I think it would be cool, even if I'd probably never do it.
Who are you thinking about?

>> No.10570794

Father probably wouldn't speak to me anymore
Brother might also not, mom would still but I couldn't stand being with any of them for a second if they knew of my depravity, wouldn't be able to look them in the eye

>> No.10570798

I'm only here because I'm banned on /v/. I barely ever read anything.

>> No.10570871

I don't know really, I'd like to dip into a little bit of everything. African-americans like Ellison, Morrison, Baldwin, a bunch of those Japanese classics I see mentioned here all the time, any African literature since I know virtually nothing about it. If you have any recommendations I'd love to hear it.

>> No.10570875
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I spent the whole weekend watching mlp, masturbating, and shitposting on /lit/.

>> No.10570891

My 4chan addiction is so bad I don't think I'll ever be able to live a normal life. And even if I do, I've wasted a decade of my life and literally thousands upon thousands of hours here. How will I look back on that? I'm fucked fucked fucked.

>> No.10570897

Relationally mate nobody would care about this shit. They'd just think it's slightly weird and move on.

>> No.10570901


>> No.10570910

i spent the whole weekend reading about fashion and also about javascript libraries and offsets and shitposting on 4chan

tfw can't even force myself to play videogames, it's probably the extreme degree of procrastination when you procrastinate playing video games

>> No.10570914

Maybe, but my father for sure would never speak to me, he even said he might disown one of his children if they were gay, imagine this.
Most of all I just want it to go away for myself, but it won't and I don't know how to deal with it exactly

>> No.10570944

Just do it, anon. Set up a rule like ''aight I can still use 4chan, but for every thread I read I have to do 20 push-ups''.

I used to slice my fingers with a knife to keep myself from doing shit. Don't remember what it was, but I think it worked.

>> No.10570953

I have had imaginary friends and boyfriend since I was 12. I'm 25 and I don't think I'll ever be able to live normally. Managed to get a real date for 2 years but I'm far too used to my fantasies to change. I should probably kill myself at this point.

>> No.10570958

I'm glad I read this, it means there's still hope

>> No.10570969
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Oh. Oh no. Sheeiit. I think I may have looked really stupid in front of someone.

>> No.10570971

I'm a complete failure, with a mediocre job that I hate (though easy and pays well), and I read in the way most people play videogames or watch TV, just to pass time.

>> No.10570972

I've tried shit like that before. Doesn't work. My soul is practically destroyed, at this point I don't think you can mentally return from spending XX hours a day on 4chan.

>> No.10571016

I've seen this come up here over the years and I truly don't get it. How do you usually pronounce "Dublin"? How do you say "New Yorkers" or "Londoners"?

>> No.10571023


>> No.10571034

not him but in addition to the afro-american canon of Baldwin et al, get a copy of Pimp by Iceberg Slim, you won't regret it.

>> No.10571064

your imaginary friends and bf will be sad if you kill yourself

>> No.10571104
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, i648gmqsk74y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think that Cervantes' name was Sir Vantes

>> No.10571115

Ive read <5 English language novels from the 19th century. It's a ridiculous hole in my erudition. I've been meaning to do something about this but keep putting it off

>> No.10571116

The problem is that "Dubliners" looks like it has a silent e "Dub-line-ers", while "Dublin" just looks like "Dub-blin".

>> No.10571135

That's hilarious oh my god

>> No.10571180

I’m the opposite. I loved it and stopped it halfway as well, things just came up and never came back. One day, I promise.

>> No.10571188

but how do you not say it to yourself once and think "Something that lines a dub? that doesn't make sense. They're all Irish, it must be Dublin." What did you think a dub liner was all that time? Someone super into instrumental reggae music? It just doesn't fit.

>> No.10571209

There's def worse fetishes to have. Why would you tell family about sexual predilections anyway though? Who cares. That stuff is private imo. You might not find a gf who'd put up with it however. But there's more to a relationship than sexual tastes anyway. Don't feel guilty anon.

>> No.10571250

Well yeah, when you put it that way it seems obvious. I don't know about you but, I usually don't think about the meaning of a pronunciation before vocalizing it. It's the reason prank calls work, like from the Simpsons: "Mike Rotch" or "Hugh Jass".

>> No.10571270

Oh, you said after. Yeah I don't know why, maybe it's just not that obvious to some people. Even after vocalizing it, I usually don't think about it.

>> No.10571294

I don't think you're a failure. Lots of people would want an easy job, let alone one that pays well. I know I would. Consider saving up for traveling.
They will cease to exist along with me. Funny as it sounds, I'm not delusional.

>> No.10571298
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1507660481382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vorarephile here. I can sympathize.

I believe it will get better with time; now that I'm a few years into my 20s, my sex drive has diminished significantly. I find that when I get deep into the woods of a hobby (whether that's reading, running, gaming, etc.), I experience almost no lust. Perhaps I'll never truly shake it off; the only solution then is to just live with it.

So, yeah, don't leave any traces of the fetish. Don't tell anyone about it. Immerse yourself so deeply into the normal world that you don't have time for it.

>> No.10571323


If you want to be sad

>> No.10571345

Oh I wouldn't tell my family about it, it's just that one might find out by accident.

>> No.10571350

I have three girls (an autistic virgin, a kind normal one and an alluring thot) trying to conquer my heart and i feel as they tore my soul apart. I can't decide between them and I'm living in sin with the normal one. The other two are on the verge of cutting contact with me because of her. I feel the need to stay loyal but I don't feel enough attraction. I bumped my father's car into a building today after meeting with her. I have a lot of uni work to do. I am sad, overeating and stuff because it's winter. I am crying into sleep. My soul is getting torn apart Plato style. I'm afraid. This is just bullshit, avoid talking to too many cute girls too much, dear friends. Forget my emotional babble, I just want to feel love again.

>> No.10571390

I mean, that's pretty unlikely unless you live at home and are bad at hiding your porn.

>> No.10571409

I thought Don Quixote was spelled something like Donkey Hot-e

>> No.10571514

Did you do it as an act of retribution or just
>dude waht if somone leik smoked poison ivy instead of weed? lol

>> No.10571662
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this is pretty awesome actually

>> No.10571672

Literally just get a library card my man

>> No.10571803

I drink because I am alone.
Gogol fucking sucks and can't write a decent plot
Anglo literature (especially 17-18th century) sucks

>> No.10571810
File: 11 KB, 389x378, CEAB5698-AEAE-4E47-9B43-920D56DBAB1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get help

>> No.10571841

i was the person who raped her sister at the party

>> No.10571861

I buy books, lose interest halfway and never finish. Everyone thinks I've read thousands of books but I've only read half of each.

>> No.10571886

You buy bad books, stupid.
It's like this one book, A Gentleman in Moscow, where it just goes on and on and drags.

>> No.10571891

I like children's and young adult literature more than some classics.

>> No.10571896

The majority of my recent reading has been trashy ESL translations of equally trash Japanese Light Novels.

>> No.10572078

be my gf?

>> No.10572094

Quit all porn, its a slippery slope anon, you really should never indulge in such things, as it will only make it worse. Think about your fetish, and then weigh it against your family. You admit that your family is important to you, you care what they think, you obviously don't want to disappoint your father. My father has been dead for over 5 years and yet I think of him and what he would think of me when I am faced with a moral choice. Your libido is NOTHING compared to your family, so don't disappoint them.

>> No.10572105

Yes, yes you are delusional. There is no imaginary BF.

Oh my! Somehow this post has cured you. You go outside and smell the fresh night air. Life is not so bad. Something miraculous will happen and you'll pray to God.


>> No.10572264
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>Gogol fucking sucks and can't write a decent plot
>Anglo literature (especially 17-18th century) sucks

>> No.10572290

>They will cease to exist along with me. Funny as it sounds, I'm not delusional.

that makes it only worse, it means you will kill your imaginary friends and your imaginary love

>> No.10572330

Nigga just don't tell your dad about your diaper fetish wtf is so hard.

>> No.10572366

>Being this melodramatic over fucking porn
You need to get out more.

>> No.10572371

i instinctively grow angry when i see fat priest wojack’s face, because i hate the fats

>> No.10572465

I don't want to study law, I've always wanted to be a psychologist, but my family and friends think psychology is for fags and i'm already 22. Psychology would take like 6 years vs 3.

>> No.10572469

I had been delaying my short stories and novel for about a few days, doing nothing but watching television series.

>> No.10572473

just take psychology if that is what you want mate, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

>> No.10572924

>have well paid job and a respectable hobby
>hurrr complete failure

>> No.10572929

I've had this attraction since I was 5 years old, it doesn't have anything to do with porn

>> No.10573130

I masturbated a lot.

>> No.10573146

I fap to the girls from highschool, who I had reasonably good chance with back in the day (autism messed it up)

>> No.10573310


I tried to deny my career dreams for practicality and regretted every second of it.

>> No.10573391

use cold turkey and make sure you block other chans as well

>> No.10573415

I can't stop masturbating to porn

>> No.10573611

>implying you aren't going to live for like at least 28 more years to regret your stupid decisions if you do something you don't want to do.
There's always going to be a need for counselors, so, even your bachelor's degree will get you into an above the poverty line job.
Go for your passion, faggot.

>> No.10573660


>> No.10573919

Three extra years vs the rest of your life. Follow your dreams. Fuck what people think.

>> No.10573920


>> No.10573923


>> No.10574218

I've started and stopped Moby Dick three times now, I started 8 years ago. Is there any point in coming back?

>> No.10574228

Ive been on the 300 page mark of Frolic of his own for 10 days.
Ive read the first 200 pages of GR twice without progressing
I have read 800 pages or more of Shogun 3 seperate times and not finished it

>> No.10574449

I am cheating on my almost 3 years gf. Being doing it for almost 9 months now. I hate myself. I’m not the man I though I was. When I’m in the verge of crying I lurk /lit/, also pretend to read -glazing my eyes on the page with an obfuscated mind, not really understating. I’ve pretended to read a lot of books. I’ve pretended to love. I’ve pretended to live.

>> No.10575014


>> No.10575017

Shogun is kind of a slow read, so I understand your pain but you really should just finish it.

>> No.10575026

Stop cheating then.

>> No.10575027

I'm seen as smart, but only because I consciously act out behaviors signifying intelligence to win pats on the head from the people I respect and look up. I ignore everyone else, because I'm terrified of people.

>> No.10575036

I've had sex for money.

>> No.10575055

>only because I consciously act out behaviors signifying intelligence

Same. I do it to prove to myself that I'm smarter than I let myself believe, though In some ways it's a cry for help, akin to shouting: "Help I'm really smart and have no idea to what to do or how to make the best of my gift and realize my true potential."

>I ignore everyone else, because I'm terrified of people.

Most people are assholes.

>> No.10575059

Then stop pretending?

>> No.10575061

yeah it won't be a 180^ turnaround for you instantly of course but start by holding out for 12 hours, a day, two days,.... Relapsing (if you even want to call it that) is gonna be a part of you trying to change your mentality.
Also try to masturbate without pornfilms.
(I can't do it myself) but do it to hot fb friends pics, nude pictures, and w/e exists that isn't porn video.
>I feel so fucking pathetic as I slowly now realize I actually remember some of the #nofap spam people post everywhere

>> No.10575076

>Decide to write more background for my character
>Find a handy guide
>not sure what to answer to some questions even if it was about myself.

>> No.10575077


>> No.10575081

At least you have something you would like to do instead, I just want to sit at home and never leave
I hate my major but see no alternative in terms of what else I would do (I'm a STEMfag, it sucks)

>> No.10575196

Dude this is literally what Judas the bad guy from the Bible did

>> No.10575293

im the same anon you replied to
>try to fap to hot fb friends instead
how pathetic is it that i was fapping to pics of them instead of porn videos by default?

>> No.10575310
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Aside from Iliad, Odyssey, Lolita and Wuthering Heights, I have only read non-ficiton.

>> No.10575879

When I was on facebook, I used to download pictures of pregnant friends and masturbate to them.

>> No.10575886

As a child, you must've read some fantasy or similar material?

>> No.10575934

I only read non fiction
I have complicated opinions but haven't done enough scholarship to compare them to the ideas of others
I am emotionally impotent, despite well above average in many respects. I have went soft in 3 different women(all one night stands or hook ups)
I have never had a real GF and have rejected attempts at emotional connection.
I can't motivate myself to do anything.
I have narcism and am painfully self aware. The schizoid kind of narcism.
I live in a very complicated fantasy world I use to escape from my problems.
I only feel like myself when I'm /out/.
My dreams have crushed me
I've been getting better, and still have alot going for me.

>> No.10576393

I have seriously considered fratricide.