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10567633 No.10567633 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ wtf is "liberty"?

>> No.10567682


>> No.10567691

white privilege

>> No.10567698

idk but if you want food and shelter more than it your a faggot

>> No.10567713

when you finally are allowed off the ship, throw back a couple-a MILLAHS and go cruisin' for some hooers there

>> No.10567732

what makes you a citizen and not a slave

>> No.10567736

you best not tread on it anon

>> No.10567737

The ability to do something (so long as it doesn't cause harm) with no outside forces prohibiting you from doing it.

Yes it's very vague, we all know.

>> No.10567740
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Accepting that there's no such thing

>> No.10567794

a god damn spook i tell you what

>> No.10567797

in the broadest possible sense, the absence of restraint.

>> No.10567806

It's when you've been liberated and are finally liber.

>> No.10567812

her statue is somewhere in new york iirc

>> No.10567837

I'm in a mood to respond to things like this, so pay attention

Liberty is a confluence of two things: the condition of allowance of behavior, and the psychological state that is spontaneous.
The first does not exist. Or, it has existed in limited spheres, in unknown locations, in experimental sites. Summerhill was one, during the 60s. Parents usually send their children to school to become non-spontaneous robots, indocrinated into the behaviorist system devised by the coal mining conglomerate tycoon assholes.

That is modern education. They want a LABOR FORCE. human fodder. You, that. School. Chalkboards and tedium.

Liberty is a re-acquaintance with your soul. Your soul is very old. It has gone through many, MANY, innumerable cycles of incarnation. It enjoys the limited factor of incarnating, but it always seeks to re-integrate those limiting factors into itself. You can get roped in by this or that ideological or metaphysical system, but the thing to gain for you is an experience in limitation.

And you are inside it right now. You are doing exactly what you want. Imagine this kind of omnipotence: "I want to enter a book, but I don't want to remember that I did this. I want to feel like the character in the book completely."

That is a proper desire. Godly desire. Thus you have it, thus you are, inside this seemingly irreconcilable mess called human existence in the 21st century.

>> No.10568037

An occasion when a tyrant shows mercy.

>> No.10568038

It's a spook you newfag

>> No.10568052


liberty is synonymous with independence.

independence from a master, from societal restraints, but also from your passions, and ultimately from your fear of death.

>> No.10568058
