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10564034 No.10564034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What college do I go to if I:

>listen to gregorian chant
>like classical music some times
>am repulsed by tattoos, yoga pants, makeup, women in general, sweat shirts, etc
>don't believe in "progress" except through the development of a personal, moral worldview
>dislike cars and planes
>am not interested in politics because why bother these days
>pretty much just want to read and write
>hate dancing/partying, etc
>think most of the world is going to burn in eternal hellfire and am doing my best to avoid the same

pls help

I can't find any colleges that aren't run by jesuits, jews, progressives, or conservatives who worship MLK

pls help

>> No.10564038

>Hates Jesuits
You need help. But not the kind I can give you.

>> No.10564042

To >>>/pol/.

>> No.10564047

Why do you even want to go to college?

>> No.10564053

it seems like my only options are working low wage jobs, going to monastery, or going to college. the latter seems like the most reasonable.

fine, convince me they are preserving the christian morality in spite of modernity. the pope is a jesuit and im not impressed by him.

>> No.10564060

Go to college in 5-10 years time after you have some work experience

>> No.10564064

Slit your throat and meet your maker.

>> No.10564067

i have work experience. im 24.

stop hurting yourself, repent.

>> No.10564075

restart, try thinking again

>> No.10564090

i put "not interested in politics" for a reason

>> No.10564101

The Jesuits have been preserving the faith as their only goal since they founded themselves and the counter Reformation movement within the Church. Their main missions have been evangelism, theological contemplation, and sciences.
They've had great success in all three of these fields over their history and just because the pope is more liberal on some issues than you like doesn't mean you should reject the whole order.

I will say that the order probably does promote a more liberal type of Catholicism than you like, but their institutions of learning will be true catechism and encourage a deeper inter Catholic discourse between factions within the faith that you wouldn't get at a secular institution where they lump all of us Catholics in one monolithic world view.

I'm not saying you have to buy in to all their teachings, but you should have an open mind concerning all the Catholic theologians because they've spent their life studying this stuff. That's how I look at it anyways

>> No.10564116

You're making shit up

>> No.10564135

i'm looking at jesuit schools. they don't seem any different... kids wearing nike t shirts, regurgitating the same platitudes, etc

>> No.10564140

Yeah well they aren't going to be seminary schools. Why don't you become a priest if you are this passionate about the faith, anon? I mean this earnestly, have you considered the holy orders?

>> No.10564162

I feel like I have the same difficulty. For a while I was seriously considering a monastery for a while, and I long for the peace and quiet, but I feel my goals are a bit more "academic". I feel closer to a Rene Girard or a Weininger than a priest.

>> No.10564169

Become homeless and live out of a car.

>> No.10564182

You can do great academic works as a member of orders. Some even encourage it. Take the Benedictine orders for instance, their motto translates to "prayer and work" and they encourage you to labor intensely in a field of study and use your faith to guide your work. Sister Noella is an American nun in this order with a doctorate in microbiology that she uses help her understand God's creation great and small and to make cheese at her convent from the small herd of cows they manage.

>> No.10564185

Well, I am looking, anon. It is hard for me to find.

I have st. benedicts rules on my desk right now.

>> No.10564188

Why not actually become a monk?

>> No.10564206

How about a fucking cancer ward

>> No.10564213

>kids wearing t shirts
Fucking hell do you sperg out at everyone not in burlap?

>> No.10564215

A pretentious one you stupid twat. Go to a local community college and transfer to a uni. You won't need as much money so you won't be a debt slave.

>> No.10564221

swearing bothers me as well.

>> No.10564222

>am repulsed by tattoos, yoga pants, makeup, women in general, sweat shirts, etc
>am not interested in politics because why bother these days
>hate dancing/partying, etc
imperial college in the uk. barely any women and the women that are there are generally east asians who couldn't care less about their appearance, for fear it would take away precious study time
>listen to gregorian chant
>like classical music some times
it's next door to royal albert hall and royal college of music, can see free performances sometimes

might conflict with
>don't believe in "progress"
as you can only study science or engineering

>> No.10564225

University is not the place for you at all.

>> No.10564228

Glad you're considering it. Lord knows the Church always needs good priests.

>> No.10564259

Bud just go to the best college you get in to, even at the most liberal shitholes you will meet a handful of people who share your values. Just associate with them. Also academia and conservatism are incompatible, so don’t bother looking for a university that isn’t JEWED.

>> No.10564262

St Johns college probably.

>> No.10564331

Opus Dei colleges, brother. Opus Dei colleges.

>> No.10564353

Perhaps a Madrassa in rural Pakistan.

>> No.10564357

They won't want you at a monastery. You need to be devoted to Jesus for them to take you in, on fire for the lord. You will seem like you just want to escape from the world to them.

>> No.10564379

A man of your tastes might fit in well in our anime club. Classy attire only--anime after all is the finest and most emotional of artforms and not corrupted by the decline of western society. We meet --if you dare find us, sir -- in the a far tucked away corner of the --it pains me to say it -- student center. Despite its proximity to the degenerate college philistines it now (thanks to our great efforts, teehee) boasts a number of framed posters and a chabudai around which our members have placed our cleanest dakimakura. Crunchyroll and netflix abound in our traditional lair far from the madding crowd of passing fads like politics, dancing, "progress," and cars. (Trains, in fact, are the far superior transportation method and the mark of truly advanced nations.) f you so choose to join our ranks, bring a bottle of your finest red and a heart ready to be tamed by the emotional discipline of superior intellects.

>> No.10564399


>> No.10564423

what college, huh?
More like where could you go at all within Western civilization.

As Varg said: it takes genius to craete civilization and technology, but it also takes genius to finally reject it.

>> No.10564587
File: 178 KB, 425x282, 658029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids wearing nike t shirts
this >>10564379
or this >>10564064

>> No.10565724

>no man anyone who critiques the modern world must be an animefag. Everything's fine haha!

>> No.10565895

Switch Gregorian chants and classical and this is essentially me a couple of years ago. Welcome to your first serious reactionary phase, it doesn't get better from here.
By the way, the lack of capitalisation and punctuation is really out of character.

>> No.10565962

I believe he means SJW type progress

>> No.10566040

these aren't real problems. get over yourself, major in stem, find an affordable high ranked school, and focus on your studies. expecting college to provide you with anything more than technical knowledge and career opportunities is silly.

>> No.10566047

What's the next step? I'm contemplating starting a commune or joining a monastery that helps the local community.

>> No.10566085

you should join the military and get bullied for being a weepy cunt