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10562672 No.10562672 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about alcoholism?

>> No.10562770
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This book is not about alcoholism, but many things. It has a great passage about alcohol in it. "the Mezzanine" by nicholson baker.

>> No.10562774

do i say it guys?
do i bring up the everlasting prank? the neverending joke? the eternal antic? the perpetual pun?

>> No.10562778

Under the Volcano

>> No.10562811

Is it possible to pull a Leaving Las Vegas and just drink myself to death in a short period of time?

>> No.10562861

no i have tried

>> No.10562869

The Bacchae

>> No.10562873

The Drinker by Hans Fallada

>> No.10562912

Came here to post this.

Also, I dont like or dislike tao lin, his writing comes across that he isnt even aware his feelings frustrations and emotions are just nothing but the side effects of the xanax etc he takes

>> No.10562919

Shut up

>> No.10562924

1: eat two cans of chunky beef stew.

2: chase them down with an entire bottle of polmos.

3: fall asleep and then choke on your own vomit.

you can do that in one evening. short enough time period?

>> No.10562947

Factotum by Henry Chinaski, i.e. Charles Bukowski. Sublime prose, kino plot, and above all else a vivid journey through the nihilistic anti-journey of alcoholism.

>> No.10562958

I mean, what's your daily drinking level now? You'd probably have to aim for about a half-gallon a day if you're serious.

>> No.10562974

I'm a fan of Bukowski and I was about to throw him in the thread, but that was such a faggy and pretentious description. Thought you should know.

>> No.10563013

Though I may be relatively green here, I must respectfully disagree. His words literally - and I mean literally - leap out at you, grabbing you by the throat, insisting, "See? See! See the alleys! See the shadows! All of it life, all of it pain! The only relief the brown-bottled lullaby!"

It makes me want to roll up my sleeves and rest my elbows on a bar, cracking open a fresh, new copy of Factotum, Women, Ham on Rye, Post Office, or any other of the timeless classics written by Charles Bukowski, over a foaming beer and slow-burning cigarette.

>> No.10563247


>> No.10563413

Damn alkies all passed out

>> No.10563571

still drinking fgt, and I have a cold. AMA.

>> No.10563586

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.10563608

Don't listen and do as you just said. But watch out that you don't end up like Bukowski did, because that's too much filth to handle in these days I guess.

>> No.10563627

"How to be a Stupid Boozeface" by Your Failed Uncle

>> No.10563668

None exist. Writers are either rampant alcoholics, in which case they write about drink with glowing fondness, or they’re teetotalers who write about alcohol like a single drop of the stuff will turn you into a lecherous monster.

>> No.10563701

my diary desu

>> No.10564113

Tropic of cancer

>> No.10564139

>what are some nice stories about pancreatic cancer

>> No.10564181

There are people who drink a handle a day for years of not decades desu

>> No.10564183


My diary desu

>> No.10564194

Charles Bukowski :v

>> No.10564205

faggy and pretentious description > no description tbdesu.

>> No.10564308

Stories I tell Myself, by Hunter S. Thompson's son.

It's basically an in depth examination into HST's alcoholism.

>> No.10564361

The Iceman Cometh and Long Day's Journey Into Night.
Alcoholic pessimism at its finest

>> No.10564366

o blessed he in all wise

>> No.10564383

It depends. They guy in LLV probably already had cirrhosis of the liver at the outset, and he was drinking like 2 or 3 gallons of hard liquor a day. A handle a day won't do it, and 2 or 3 gallons a day will probably incapacitate you before you do enough damage to kill yourself.

Also keep in mind that O'Brien (the book's author) was basically writing about himself, but killed himself with a gun because that actually works 99% of the time.

>> No.10564387

Underrated post.

>> No.10564472

Ablutions, Patrick Dewitt.

>> No.10564503

Moscow to the End of the Line by Venedikt Yerofeyev

>> No.10564507

Just pull extreme excess, get really drunk, smoke, and mix coffee, tea, and instant coffee to chase down a caffeine pill or two

>> No.10564571

>A Long Day's Journey into Night

Alcoholism, pessimism, and disappointment in the family.

>Under the Volcano

Highbrow alchoholism.

>A Dance to the Music of Time

Not strictly about alcoholism but one of the main characters is an alcoholic. Shows the whole lifespan of an alcoholic while doing lots of other things. .

>Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf

Alcoholism as way to keep the drama going in a dead-end relationship.

>The Green Man by Kinglsey Amis
>The Old Devils by Kinglsey Amis

Kingsley Amis is the king of writing about drinking, but these are his two best novels about alcoholics, rather than people just getting drunk. One is about facing the source of alcoholism, a kind of lowbrow Under the Volcano, and the other is about alcoholism and boredom.

>> No.10564639

My diary desu (not even memeing)

>> No.10564766

Hangover Square by Patrick Hamilton

>> No.10564835

Ha! Let's see you come up with something better...

*tilts aviators downwards*

I'm waiting...

>> No.10565462

Is drinking yourself to death the final redpill?

>> No.10565578

that or taking a lot of acid

>> No.10565634

>drawn out purple prose: the book

>> No.10565636

>2 or 3 gallons of hard liquor a day
Do you even drink m8?

>> No.10565661


Not a book, but it's great.


>> No.10565673

Moderately (three to five drinks a day on average). I used to put away a fifth of whiskey a night, but have cut significantly back.

2 or 3 gallons of spirits a day is more than I would have been able to manage while still maintaining enough functionality to keep that up for any more than a day or two though. But I guess everyone is different.

>> No.10565775


>> No.10565791
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2 or 3 GALLONS of liquor a day is pretty much physically impossible. For fuck's sake, 3 gallons is over 11 liters. The human body can't build up a tolerance like that before being destroyed.

I know for a fact there are alcoholics who put away 3 to 5 fifths a day, but they are among the most extreme outliers.

3 Gallons of beer must be doable though.

>> No.10565808

chugging a whole bottle of vodka in 10 minutes will do it. Maybe two, if you're a big guy. You'll get alcohol poisoning. A serial killer killed his victims by forcing them to chug vodka, so obviously it works pretty damn fast.

>> No.10565822

Don't know what to tell you; in the book Leaving Las Vegas, the guy was drinking like 5-10 fifths a day, and sometimes more. That would probably kill you (that was his whole motive to begin with) if you kept at it, but I don't know how you would.

3 gallons of beer (especially a lighter beer like a lager or a pilsner) is definitely doable if you spread it out over a day.

>> No.10565833

>Don't know what to tell you; in the book Leaving Las Vegas, the guy was drinking like 5-10 fifths a day
Probably the shittiest way to commit suicide, ever.

>> No.10565977

only non-drinkers romanticise it

it's hell

>> No.10565988


haha BUKOWSKI xddd

>> No.10566036

I can chug an entire fifth of 80 proof vodka in one go, but I black out within minutes. Now 2 would definitely kill me. I’m 6’1 240 lbs

>> No.10566156
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Raymond Carver and John Cheever were both alcoholics. Carver deals with the topic more explicitly. The two clearest examples are Careful and Where I'm Calling From but it's there in almost all his stories.

>> No.10566170

Dashiell Hammett was a very heavy drinker. The main character in The Thin Man is obviously close to alcoholism (though it's somewhat glossed over and treated semi-humorously).

Similarly with Raymond Chandler. Philip Marlowe himself doesn't drink that much but one of the main characters in The Long Goodbye is an alcoholic writer.

>> No.10566581
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Just the obvious.

>> No.10566619

Chug a bottle of soy sauce, the sodium content is enough to kill a person

>> No.10566619,1 [INTERNAL] 

The Lost Weekend by Charles R. Jackson (or just see the old movie)

A Fan's Notes by Frederick Exley (amazing book, no one reads it anymore, but it is not as dated unlike the book above) -- also it's not a novel but a fictional memoir

>> No.10567178
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Big Sur by Jack Kerouac.

Not only does this contain one of the most accurate descriptions of what it is like to be an alcoholic, but it also nearly captures the horrors of alcohol withdrawal (something I am quite familiar with).

>> No.10567287

good fucking lord she is one fine
semen demon
sperm worm
boner toner
spunk monk
cock dock
erection ejection
dick tick
cum plum
seed steed
prick chick
seminal sentinel
phallus chalice
anus ignoramus
smegma enigma
beef curtain hurtin
cunt runt
jism prison
ballbiting ballerina
dongle mongle
penis machinist
chin chin bin
scrotum sorceress
wiener cleaner
pole populator
stiffy stimulator
pillar pimper
column culminator
testicle tamer
sperm specialist
glans gladiator
frenulum fractionizer
foreskin forenicator
Penile Private
Smut Sergeant
Cock Captain
Orifice Officer
Rear Admiral
Lewd Lieutenant
Meat Major
Cunt Colonel
weiner witch
phallus phalanx
cock commandant
dong deity
seminal fluid druid
jizz wiz
benis burglar
wang waxer
schlong sentinel
dick dastard
jizz jezebel
tally wacker packer
schlong sorcerrer
weenie genie
chode road
male repoductive organ gorgan
shaft shaft
ding dong dungeon
cock dock
scrotum totem
ballsack knapsack
testicle vestibule
ball butter nutter
cock cream captivator
man milk Mephistopheles

>> No.10567828

im 60 kg and i drank on more than one ocasion over 2 litters of 30% proof liquer in one day period and no side effects maybe a shittiest hangover

>> No.10567861

the book of disquiet

>> No.10567895

Christ almighty can we get some more of her please???????

>> No.10568072

my diary desu

>> No.10568609

good post despite the harlot

i'm also a semi-recovered al/ck/ and its really accurate

>> No.10568641

Seconded. Prose is thick but beautiful. Book is about a doomed alcoholic spending a day with his close friends in a mexican town during the day of the dead. Very tragic.

>> No.10568722

Crime and Punishment