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/lit/ - Literature

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10561637 No.10561637 [Reply] [Original]

>try to read
>words just flow past my mind like white noise
>I know its a good book and understand everything yet I feel or think nothing about what is happening
>it all just feels like a waste of time

>> No.10561648
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what's a book you've tried to read

>> No.10561651

Books scream to me. Only by covering my ears can I find peace. A single tear cometh from my eye. It is done. The books won't be read by me no more.

>> No.10561726

Ada by Nabokov

>> No.10561748
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I'm the complete opposite of this
except I realise they're good books too
some examples:
moby dick (even reread the first 20 or so minichapters)
tale of two cities

Alot of the rest has been appreciations and essays on novels/poems

>> No.10561757

try using the program rapidreader

>> No.10561769

But my problem isn't reading speed. I just struggle to have myself emotionally engage with texts

>> No.10561818

try comics i suppose

>> No.10561830

>way too invested in the story, immediately embody the main character's/narrators worldview

>> No.10561869

Its all just a waste of time. Nothing I experience of think matters.
I just read nonfiction because it doesn't require me to be capable of emotions

>> No.10561878

basically outing yourself as a person who reads just to seem smart. you dont even know why the book is good

damn sycophants

>> No.10561906

I used to genuinely enjoy reading. I used to feel emotions and I ironically look to books to connect back to how it feels to be alive but I just remain stonewalled.
Maybe I should stop taking anti-depressents

>> No.10561953

does music or film have any effect on you

>> No.10561959

Music sometimes. The right songs at the right times

>> No.10562051

you just need to find something that you're emotionally connected to.