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File: 116 KB, 1765x858, The current year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10561509 No.10561509 [Reply] [Original]

SFFG's 2018 Resolutions
>What are sff your plans for 2018?
>How fired up are you to get started?
>2017 sff disappoints that are brought over to 2018?



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.10561519

First for Sanderson-san

>> No.10561555

Second for webnovels are novels too

>> No.10561563


sandarfag a hack

>> No.10561584

we miss you CAS-kun, come back to us

>> No.10561976

>what are sff your plans for 2018?
read the cleric quintet and the stormlight archives and possibly the first wheel of time book
>how fired up are you?
ive been super excited since the beginning of the year and have been reading basically non-stop.
>2017 sff disappoints that are brought over to 2018?
wind of winter wasnt released and probably wont be released this year or even ever

>> No.10562109

Is it even possible to write in this Trump era ? How can you write fiction when internet activism needs to be done!

>> No.10562127

only the worm guy's ones tho

>> No.10562180


>> No.10562191


>> No.10562211


>> No.10562222

But who is Hoid?

>> No.10562262
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can /lit/ please recommend some High Fantasy?

>> No.10562283 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have any advice for a novice writer who's writing his first sword and sorcery novel? (I posted in the last thread.)

>> No.10562294

Does anyone have any advice for a novice writer who is writing his first sword & sorcery story? (I posted in the last thread.)

>> No.10562330
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>Does anyone have any advice for a novice writer
Yea. Stop touching my fucking daughter before I break your face.

>> No.10562365

> jack vance, dying earth
> jack vance, lyonesse saga
> gene wolfe, wizard and knight
> black company
> shadow of the torturer / new sun books

>> No.10562370

try the novelizations for magic the gathering

>> No.10562410

you think that door can stop ME? i'll jimmy that shit then take all your young, innocent ideas for myself while you cry in the corner.

>> No.10562481

submit to zines and semi-pro zines and professional magazines
study their rejection letters
try writing courses like the Clarion Workshop, and/or English/Lit degree
dying earth is not high fantasy, it is dying earth
its called the wizard knight you moran
black company is not high fantasy, its sword and sorcery/low fantasy/genre trash
shadow of the torturer/new sun is dying earth

>> No.10562653

black company absolutely is high fantasy you mong

Even if we use the incorrect definition of high fantasy when people mean has magic and shit black company has gods and spells and prophecy all over the place

>> No.10562683
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What are these >>10561450 and should I be interested?
Also anyone read pic related?

>> No.10562699
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>black company
>high fantasy

>> No.10562949
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>> No.10563084
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Good luck on being rejected for being a shit writer with other people's ideas.

>> No.10563092

S&s is garbage, you should neck yourself.

>> No.10563096

Getting into PKD books. Already got Ubik, will get High Castle or Eldritch Palmer if I like it.

>> No.10563201


I thought it seemed very Conan-inspired, and I like that. Don't worry if the first draft comes out as almost a pastiche, you'll still have something to feel accomplished about, and you can always go back in and rework it at a later date to make it more original. The first story I ever wrote start to finish was essentially a thinly-veiled homage to At the Mountains of Madness set in the Congo in the 19th century. I wouldn't even consider trying to get it published now, but it was a great learning experience.

>> No.10563242

>implying aspiring authors are any longer under the thumb of gatekeepers of any kind
This is the age of Wattpad, KDP, and litrpgs sucka

>> No.10563252

If you're dumb enough to think ideas are what make authors successful, rather than skill and perseverance, your ideas are probably worthless anyway. Sorry.

Can you seriously name one time in history when an author was impoverished because someone stole his idea? Do you even know how that works? If someone uses your idea and it's successful it doesn't raze the field, it grows your fanbase. Not that you're ever going to write anything, mind.

>> No.10563292
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Tad Williams first trilogy.

>> No.10563305
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>image clearly says mandras
wew lad

>> No.10563311

look more closely

>> No.10563479

Will I be too lost if I read Mona Lisa Overdrive without reading the other books in the trilogy?

>> No.10563551
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>"almond brown eyes"
im gonna fucking lose it if i see this description in another book

>> No.10563581

maybe, maybe not, that's the one that actually does have callbacks of the two sequels.
But why the hell would you read the last book of a trilogy without reading the first two when they're all good.

>> No.10563592


start writing space operas instead. Fantasy is for brainlets

>> No.10563651

>describing eyes as "orbs"
>more than one word adjectives to describe physical features
>sea green eyes or any variation thereof

>> No.10563671
File: 190 KB, 500x734, monthly_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting! One week left until deadline! We'll figure out what we're reading next after the 27th.

Download link: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1059

>> No.10563672

>>describing eyes as "orbs"
this always freaks me out because I can't help but imagine huge, telescopic eyes protruding from the skull. Orbs are 3D and you are not supposed to see the whole fucking thing, no way.

>> No.10563730

Pete, look lad, your books are pretty good (Blindsight>>Echopraxia), but PLEASE HIRE A FUCKING EDITOR FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
Or hire a better one.

>> No.10563785

Can somebody recommend me some funny fantasy books/series

Fantasy or high fantasy is fine.

It would be greatly appreciated

>> No.10563891
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I want to get into Warhammer fantasy books. What's a good solid story to start with? I was thinking about reading the Darkblade series by Dan Abnett and Mike Lee. Any other suggestions? It doesn't have to be super lore heavy. I just want to get into the world just a little bit and then if I like the story I'll get into the lore after that.

>> No.10563911
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>City of stairs
>Best served cold
>Children of earth and sky
Got all of them new for $20.
>cheeki breeki palets viken

>> No.10563946


Why are Russian covers also the best?

>> No.10563947

The Wizard Knight
Arts of Dark and Light

>> No.10563975

>Can you seriously name one time in history when an author was impoverished because someone stole his idea?
You should do your own research.

>> No.10563985

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

>> No.10563990

How many squats cwn you do in a minute?

>> No.10563999

> cwn
About 40.

>> No.10564001
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>>Children of earth and sky
Sell me on these two.
I liked tigana really well.
Never touched Michael Morecock.
How gri is it? How is the magic?

>> No.10564005

Typing fast and hitting enter is a bane of mu existence.

>> No.10564008

Is squatting a national pastime of your people?

>> No.10564020

Just finished the first book, I forgot how comfy it was. I wish there was a whole book of Ogion just walking around and being wise.
Love how tight the magic system is, too. Very well thought out and crafted.

>> No.10564033

Is Mistborn worth reading?
I hear some people say that the second era is pretty good?

>> No.10564057

I dunno. Bought them today.

>> No.10564110

>S&s is garbage
What makes sword & sorcery garbage?

>> No.10564138
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>S&s is garbage, you should neck yourself.

>> No.10564208
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I want to bite the bullet and read one of those chink webnovels that are popular now. Assuming I was going to read only one, which should it be?

>> No.10564227
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Why aren't you starving artis-..authors cashing in on the litrpg craze? This new genre is allowing people to rake in some serious dough.
Instead of writing your Conan and Pkd knockoffs which no one wants to read, why not write something where people would pay you through patreon to see?

>> No.10564236

So you buy shit without doing research?

>> No.10564250
File: 47 KB, 700x448, 1464876776867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might actually try my hand at this. People are making some bank. And i see the autists in these generals lap it up. If I could get a devoted following who shills and memes my books for me i would be made. Would probably be invited to writing conventions.

>> No.10564256

What is this, something like SAO?

>> No.10564295
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No it's Brorotica, "Thorvald's Galloping Abs" but for guys.

>> No.10564304
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, VCR Book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are audiobooks the future?

I see a lot of book reviews in goodreads that state that the person ((((read)))) the audiobook versions.
Even no name authors have audiobooks these days.

>> No.10564311

That makes it sound gay desu. Like a couple of bros doing "bro" stuff. Gay as fuck.

>> No.10564336

>yes good goy, masculine is gay!

>> No.10564347

>how dare you to buy books without reading them first?

>> No.10564352
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Is this any good?

>> No.10564369

i liked supersales and daniel black specifically because they werent litrpgs.
sure theres some stats here and there but they arent actually litrpgs.
havent read wild wastes yet but i heard its more basically pure erotica.

>> No.10564402

Nah, how about you just back up your claim.

>> No.10564407


What magazines could I subscribe to

I want to read short stories by amateurs

>> No.10564424
File: 13 KB, 173x292, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon in the last thread who was looking for more like Cugel...

Haven't read it personally, but I hear Nifft the Lean by Michael Shea fits the bill. Shea acutually wrote a sequel to Eyes of the Overworld that was approved by Vance

>> No.10564425

That's what fanfiction sites are for? There's some "original stories" tags on ao3, but other than that you can just find some out there AUs. At that point, the names are the same, but it's functionally a new story.

>> No.10564435

I stayed up all night and just hammered out the first draft (Or plot outline, I guess you'd call it. I'm not sure.)

So far, this has been a blast to write, and I think it'll end up nice.

It's got sex, violence, slave-girls, mild racism, dismemberment, orgies, and seething barbarians covered in the blood of lesser men. I honestly didn't know I had it in me. Now I just gotta see it through. But for now, I'mma get some sleep.

Thank you again for your advice.

>> No.10564441

>mild racism
I'm gonna need more racism.

>> No.10564458

Pic related is the main antagonist, so...

Also, there's a scene with their queen getting bleached/colonized by Wiyte Boi The Barbarian.

>> No.10564464
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Fuck, of course forgot pic.

>> No.10564529

world of cultivation

>> No.10564707

Yah. Be sure to pick up Incal, too.

>> No.10564778

It is. Do you see how women wet their panties at a chad? Faggots void their bowels the same way when they see a chad or a bear. If that isn't gay I don't know what is.

Why don't you take your soyshake to >>>/hm/

>> No.10564783

>wears armor
>leaving leaves a huge spot so I can have easy access to her heart / lungs/ spine

>> No.10564797

The Metabarons have no time for logic.

>> No.10564803

Why are their penises in bamboo tubes and horns?

>> No.10564809

Phallus protection/projection.

>> No.10564825
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>What are sff your plans for 2018?
Complete the first draft of my first novel
>How fired up are you to get started?
Pretty fired up. I'm 40k in already from 2017.

>> No.10564834

Why isn't yours?

>> No.10564957
File: 294 KB, 1578x2094, PSX_20180120_142055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read through Mass Effect and play the game.

>> No.10564974

I'm going to cum in your mouth.

>> No.10565032

Martial World

>> No.10565040

the valentine and jemisin books are p.good

>> No.10565059


>> No.10565075

Yes. But it fits the pic perfectly

>> No.10565088

I suppose

>> No.10565098

/sFFg/, I'm looking for a book and I need your help.
I read it roughly ten years ago. It was about a girl going to a magic school and meeting some elf guy. I think she wanted to get into his pants at some point.
He turns out to be a loon however and tries to pull some bullshit with a magical portal or well or whatever on the school grounds.
It was pretty dumb and generic.

>> No.10565106

think it was The Silver Amulet, the first book in The Torchbearer Chronicles

>> No.10565180
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>>wears armor
>>leaving leaves a huge spot so I can have easy access to her heart / lungs/ spine

>> No.10565259

Does anybody else just skip pages that include characters you don't like?
I am just trying to read Prince of Nothing, but it keeps interrupting with chapters about Esmenet, and not once in either the previous book, or this one, has there been anything fun in these chapters, every one is filled with either sex, or her thoughts about what a fucking whore she is, and it's just so fucking boring.
Why do authors add this shitty romance and characters in books where it adds nothing but thicken an already thick book?

>> No.10565280

I have, like, a shitload of Audible credits. Probably going to pick up Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell. Any other recs for good shit on that site?

>> No.10565283

>Does anybody else just skip pages that include characters you don't like?
Yeah. Especially if there are character chapters. I'll also skip sex scenes in general. The real kicker is that even if I skip eight fucking chapters of Cockslap McGee 9/10 the book still works perfectly fine.

>Why do authors add this shitty romance
it's a cop out, because romance is easy to write. Oh, look, they're having sex! Romance! Instead of having to actually write an actual relationship, they just write sexual tension.

>> No.10565435

>Instead of having to actually write an actual relationship, they just write sexual tension.
This gets me so much. It's not even hard to write two characters doing something cooperatively while they're gradually coming to like each other more.

>> No.10565562
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>read mass effect
Why would I do that when Revelation Space exists?

>> No.10565625

I wouldn't class any of those books as litrpg. They are a combination of harem building, building building with some added erections.

>> No.10565727
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>combination of harem building, building building with some added erections.
i like you

>> No.10565930

What is litrpg.

>> No.10566099

its a new thing called literary role playing game.
its like playing a roleplaying game but you dont get to choose anything. all it means theres stats and skillups everywhere.
extensively. its actually rather annoying.
these arent actually litrpgs.
actual litrpgs are basically pages of spreadsheets. and its fucking horrible.
try reading "the land". its horrendous.

>> No.10566297

>Hello you Kings of Fantasy and Queens of Sci-Fi!

>I have been reading sci-fi and fantasy for basically thirty years. In the past year I am honored and blessed to have earned the title "The Father of American LitRPG"

How the fuck is he the father?

>> No.10566425

i dont know.
i seem to notice that litrpgs have mainstream appeal. so that might be it. from what i understand the land is the first time people might come in contact with litrpgs.

>> No.10566435

Imagine Sword Art Online but more pathetic.

>> No.10566561

>listening to jonathan strange & mr. norrell
>starts interesting
>they go to london and the author IMMEDIATELY starts wanking about london
I fucking hate the British
Do they leave London soon or should I just fucking pass on the rest of this if I care more about the magic shit than 1800s english polite society

>> No.10566578

how do you maximize your comfy when reading fantasy?

>> No.10566585

There's a big arc where Jonathan Strange fights Napoleon in Spain and they spend a lot of time in magic lands and such, London's not all that important.

Out of curiosity, why did you think it started interesting? Almost everyone I've talked to about it thought the beginning was excruciating.

I try not to picture anything as modern pink slime fantasy, push Jackson images out of my head while reading LotR, that sort of thing.

>> No.10566590

why? almond is a COLOR you faggot, it's not just imagery, almond is a literal very common eye color. are you also mad when people describe an eye as deep blue?

>> No.10566592

>modern pink slime fantasy
what's that?

>> No.10566599

orcs and elves and d&d and such

>> No.10566600

what are some books where the single pov hero receives dick? Consensual or not

>> No.10566608

>why did you think it started interesting
it was well-written exposition that got me interested in the characters and the history
unfortunately as soon as they go to england the author completely forgets that maybe magic and fairies would have had some influence on london's history and therefore an impact on its conversations and shit
4 hours in though and I've been tuned out for the last 20 minutes while some people who are clearly side characters discuss [exposition] in the most boring way possible, it's completely lost me

>> No.10566613

>I try not to picture anything as modern pink slime fantasy, push Jackson images out of my head while reading LotR, that sort of thing.
I meant more like, how do you ensure you're in a good environment/state for reading.

>> No.10566617

I guess it's just meant to be read.

>> No.10566627

if i'd had to read this shit off the page i'd have put the book down
why did more brits learn from austen than milton

>> No.10566633

It starts picking up when Norrell meets the man with thistle-down hair and it's pretty solid from that point.

>> No.10566643

Read some David Gemmell and take notes

>> No.10566675
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When does it get good? Does Paul actually develop a personality?

>> No.10566708

You fahkin apologise right now for slagging orf lahndan tawn

>> No.10566777

Almond is the shape. When they say almond the person is most likely asian descent.

>> No.10566799

almond is a color

>> No.10566837

Almond is a brown color. The nut is spelled "almon."

>> No.10566839

almond is old man

>> No.10566890

time doesn't mean much where I live, it's easy to lose track. I just realized I haven't eaten in 5 days

>> No.10566897

you're thinking of 'salmon', which is a fish

>> No.10566904

Salmon is a biblical king. You're thinking of "sardine."

>> No.10566937

Almond is a shape and a nut.
The d is silent, that is why it's pronounced as all-mon, but spelt almond.

>> No.10566942

Almond is a color and a city in Wisconsin (named after the almond-brown clothes of the Russian immigrants that settled there). Spelt is actually spelt "spelled."

>> No.10566944

That's solomon
>esl trying to be funny/smart with a language they know nothing of.

>> No.10566946


>> No.10566948

Solomon actually refers to a group of islands near New Guinea, though the name was used by H. Rider Haggard in his book "King Solomon's Mines" for an unknown reason.

>> No.10566953

Spelt is the past participle of spell.

>> No.10566960

It's actually a species of wheat. The past participle of "spell" is technically "gespellend," though it has recently fallen out of popular usage.

>> No.10566966

Now you're just taking the piss. You're bored aren't you? What are you doing here on 4chen on a Saturday night? Go out there and get some asspussy or pussypussy.

>> No.10566987

>just now realizing
If I weren't on 4chan on Saturday night I wouldn't belong on 4chan in the rest of the week.

>> No.10566995

we say the d in almond though, not saying it is a thing only mongoloid yanks who also say urb do

>> No.10567056

Newfaggot here, what other writers beside Clarke, Asimov, Heinlein and Dick are essential american sci-fi writers worth reading?

>> No.10567080
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>> No.10567209

If a power required a mini chemistry lesson every time it was used a different way, would that make it a bad power?

>> No.10567315

Read daniel black.

>> No.10567391

> Here is the reason. The sea's name is inien, well and good. But what we call the Inmost Sea has its own name also in the Old Speech. Since no thing can have two true names, inien can mean only 'all the sea except the Inmost Sea.' And of course it does not mean even that, for there are seas and bays and straits beyond counting that bear names of their own. So if some Mage-Seamaster were mad enough to try to lay a spell of storm or calm over all the ocean, his spell must say not only that word inien, but the name of every stretch and bit and part of the sea through all the Archipelago and all the Outer Reaches and beyond to where names cease. Thus, that which gives us the power to work magic sets the limits of that power. A mage can control only what is near him, what he can name exactly and wholly.
Does Earthsea have the most well crafted magic system in fiction?

>> No.10567444
File: 283 KB, 1920x1080, PROTOCOL 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking about writing a big mech robo novel
>trying to come up with cool sci fi justifications for why they exist instead of just "lol cuz it's cool"
>several factions a few dozen years ago are at war
>2 develop massive godlike AI constructs to make tactical decisions, all other factions die out almost instantly due to this
>overseen by human leaders, the AIs both decide on FTL mass drivers to annihilate enemy planets in one go
>they eventually both build more and more complex defenses to prevent these sorts of tactics, but glassing from orbit remains a (difficult) option for a while
>AI eventually make contact with each other, each try to overpower the other to leave the other side defenseless
>they're perfectly equally match, eventually merge protocols together to ensure survival of at least part of themselves
>both have equally opposing directives of "protect my side, destroy other side"
>"protect my side" is more heavily weighted on both for obvious reasons
>new combo AI becomes obsessed with ending all war
>pretends to still be 2 AIs, as central servers are vulnerable to plug being pulled
>assassinate human leaders, make it out to be "unfortunate accidents/sabotage from enemy"
>start making the most retarded and inefficient decisions possible to slow the death count while they formulate a grey goo to upload humans into VR paradise (will take a few decades to replicate enough to effectively distribute)
>war goes on for a few decades with giant robots and "rule of cool" taking precedent over winning the war, due to AI's charade of being the new god leaders of mankind
>giant robots justified
good lore, y/n? Wanted to push for a "mad god" kind of lovecraftian AI horror with your best interests at heart, plus cool giant robots

>> No.10567505

Is that Destiny?

>> No.10567524
File: 320 KB, 960x540, T O N E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture? No, it's from Titanfall 2.
The story snippet? No, it's something that's boiling in my brain, and as far as I can tell, Destiny only shares the "mad AI god" concept in the Warminds.

>> No.10567654

Yes, it's fucking fantastic.

>> No.10567670

Anyone recommend me some decent hard sci fi?

>> No.10567731

Dune really never gets good in the way you're looking for, it tears into the bog-standard hero's journey with no bells or whistles added on. To make Paul into a real character would deviate from that.

What Paul becomes is a mad god who is either feared, worshiped or both by anyone who knows him even tangentially.

>> No.10567760
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Don't skip pages! Skip books! The first book is great, the rest are trash.

>> No.10567766
File: 388 KB, 2000x1250, 28c551c20e88a2518922e43eecda776e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get physical books with kino cover and illustrations inside.

>> No.10567783


>> No.10567814


I would suggest Gotrek and Felix as an intro to the setting, especially because Trollslayer (book one) is a collection of short stories which show a wide selection of different areas/races/etc. It is also something you can just put down once you finish, since it works fine as a standalone. I like the Malus Darkblade books but I don't think they're as a good an intro to the setting, since they kind of focus on one area (Dark Elves). I also kind of think it worked better as a comic book back in the day. That said you probably won't go wrong starting there either, you just might appreciate some of the things in the Malus Darkblade series more if you already have a basic understanding of the setting.

Also I personally would avoid all of the End Times crap and the "deity origin stories" (Sigmar/Malekith/Nagash) books like the plague.

>> No.10567849


WRONG the L is silent, it is pronounced Ahmond.

>> No.10567862
File: 40 KB, 525x410, fantasy circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them are very good if you're not a fan of the game.


Stick to the classic three act structure and heroes journey cliche.
Cliches exist for a reason, only break or bend them when when they will break immersion.

Warlock of the magus world, it's long but has a feint gene wolf/ old mtg flavor.

Literally doing that now, as we speak.

>> No.10567924
File: 98 KB, 815x405, 1457857480059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Demolished Man would've had the perfect ending if he cut the last chapter. Was Alfred Bester stupid or was he just chasing a few more serialization cents?

>> No.10568094

Yeah, it's the single most infuriating thing a medium will do to try and sell it to a bigger demographic. There are so many good (movies especially), that are fucking ruined by a stupid, contrived romance subplot.
That's why when Pacific Rim ended with them NOT kissing, it was such a huge fucking deal. Fury Road, too. The only romance (which was fucking adorable) was between the warboy and the redhead. It wasn't contrived, it wasn't a subplot, it was just the evolution of their characters.
If people want romance they'll consume romance. People need to stop cramming it down our throats.

>> No.10568175

What does /lit/ think?


The Queens of Innis Lear and Circe look good to me. Also Age of War for when I finish Age of Myth and Age of Swords.

>> No.10568198


i enjoy audiobooks desu since i can listen to them in bed easily. I can see them becoming super popular with normies who can't read good as they already are kinda. The problem is that a good book can be made shitty by a terrible Narrator (or will wheaton) although a bad book can be made better by the narrator's voice acting

>> No.10568202

>hard sci-fi
Pick one and only one.

>> No.10568204

>dive into a new series
>red rising sequel trilogy that relies on you having read the first one

>> No.10568214

been meaning to try waking gods for years now

>> No.10568238

what are some books where the single pov hero receives dick? Consensual or not.
I am not asking this for sexual reasons

>> No.10568347

Your mom's diary.

>> No.10568580

Please leave, Sweden.

>> No.10568606

what did you mean by this

>> No.10568630


your biography that i'm writing

>> No.10568653


>> No.10568665

again, it's not for eroticism. and I never said the hero had to be male. stop memeing

>> No.10568677


>> No.10568693

Why? this is the thread for fantasy novels

>> No.10568694


>> No.10568700

jesus christ fuck off you skank

>> No.10568704

rude. stop behaving like a nigger.
back to sweden with you.

>> No.10568709
File: 108 KB, 600x950, f2f37b34f5fcc211fe55b7eaad4e7b51--dan-simmons-sci-fi-books[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the rec /sffg/, this was pretty good and I fully intend to adhere to the advice from the previous thread to read the sequel and not touch the Endymion books.

>> No.10568716

Stop behaving like an edgy bitch. if you're not going to answer the question just leave me alone

>> No.10568721

no u

>> No.10568726
File: 998 KB, 1400x2213, cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like the first two books so of course I order this
>It's 600 pages long and has a cover blurb by Barack Obama

Please tell me I didn't get memed.

>> No.10568729

I'm not edgy I'm a good girl you're the one that started this

>> No.10568731

>has a cover blurb by Obama
>no blurb
You ripped me off, anon.

>> No.10568734

what does the 'bama say?

>> No.10568735
File: 19 KB, 407x361, 1516445439837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the canonical critical theory for /sffg/?

I recently ordered Language of the Night. I'll admit that I've only read SF&M.B from the collection, but I'm excited to read more.

>> No.10568752
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>> No.10568756

wow that's pretty descriptive. Definitely there for the blurb and not for the name

>> No.10568758

I've read Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, and would like to read another PKD novel. I've heard of The Man in the High Castle, thoughts on it? I am intrigued.

>> No.10568762

There is no canonical sff critical theory, which is great because canonizing literary criticism wrecks actual literature.

>> No.10568769

Is it wrong for me to want to automatically all books in that list written by a woman?

>> No.10568780

It's PKD's only carefully-edited novel, and the level of polish is noticeable. It is pretty good if a tad aimless, not a bad choice.

Ubik is most similar to Flow My Tears. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch is better than either. I would consider High Castle, Three Stigmata, and VALIS to be the three key PKD novels, and they more or less correspond to "early/mature", "middle", and "late" in terms of his style and themes.

>> No.10568786

I don't understand how anyone could slog through all that garbage to find a decent book or two.

>> No.10568790

>critical theory
Please fuck off, marxshit.

>> No.10568791

Go back to sucking Sanderson's dick.

>> No.10568795

Great post, thank you!

>> No.10568809

It's not as insane as Three Body, or as gritty as Dark Forest, but it basically takes the ideas form the first two books and thrusts them aggressively into the future until they're running ragged. Wraps up the series great, in my opinion. Also you're lying if you didn't cackle like a deranged cunt when it opens during the siege of Constantinople.

>> No.10569213
File: 469 KB, 1034x673, Denna and Kvothe mirror each other.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you finally admit that Denna is a well-written character?

>> No.10569405

hurry up mueller ! so we can get book 3!

>> No.10569485

>the same ill thoughts
I don't have ill thoughts about her? kvothe is the cuck nerd that needs to come out with it

>> No.10569560

i'm starting to get turned off from fantasy in general. there's no one writing anything interesting or breaking new ground.
guess I'll keep working backwards lads, maybe someone will blow the doors off eventually.

>> No.10569589

>no one writing anything interesting or breaking new ground
Well it is pretty hard to do with fantasy. It is a overrun genre and most things have been done already. There comes a point where all you can do is tell the same story in different ways

Try switching genre for a while or read a different sub-genre of fantasy to what you usually read.

>> No.10569590

Yes. It's apparently popular on here to hate on Sanderson, but Mistborn and Stormlight Archive are great. The ending of the trilogy will blow your mind, it gets insane.

>> No.10569645

Language of the Night is good stuff. From Elfland to Poughkeepsie is the most important essay in there, in my opinion. Diana Wynne Jones and Orson Scott Card have nice essays if you can track them down.

Tom Simon's criticism is also very good, especially in Writing Down the Dragon, which is cheap because he's just a rando blogger right now, but he'll be famous in the future, mark my words.

>> No.10569843
File: 1.33 MB, 1504x2812, 000846_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more patrician than covers with no text on them?

>> No.10569916
File: 68 KB, 612x610, 487811893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only books with no cover art at all

>> No.10569932


>> No.10569935

So why did Wildbow end up using the names Khonsu and Khepri

Wouldn’t Chronos and Beelzebub have made more sense?

>> No.10569941

Spines with no text>>>>>>>>>>>>>>covers with no text>>>>>>>>>>>>>>books without any cover art a tall but words on the inside pages >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> books with cover art, but no words at all on any of the inside pages >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> books with no cover art or words on the inside pages

Nigga, I'm not gonna write the fuckin story myself, am I right, guys?

>> No.10569957

>Tom Simon's criticism is also very good, especially in Writing Down the Dragon, which is cheap because he's just a rando blogger right now, but he'll be famous in the future, mark my words.
He's really that good? I'd be interested to read some decent fantasy theory

>> No.10569963

lesbians get out

>> No.10569995

At least I think so. Maybe I'm just a fanboy.
Here's his argument for Gormenghast being fantasy:
A discussion of what makes fans go wild over some but not all fantasy books:
His answer to Le Guin's Language of the Night essay "Why Are Americans Afraid Of Dragons:"
Hopefully you'll find him up to snuff.

>> No.10570006
File: 2.17 MB, 2700x1606, 1503018570502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I appreciate this. Have a wallpaper

>> No.10570029
File: 12 KB, 105x225, so innocent and pure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why Are Americans Afraid Of Dragons

>> No.10570037

Which PKD books deal with religion? I've already read Valis, Androids, Ubik, Scanner Darkly, Three Stigmata, and Flow My Tears

>> No.10570039

Damn, the top right cover looks good.

Seems like it's Best served cold, which is set in the First Law world. Can it be read standalone?

>> No.10570066

Yes, the title of Simon's essay is "Why Are Dragons Afraid Of Americans," in response to Le Guin's "Why Are Americans Afraid Of Dragons."

All of them

>> No.10570303

I'm afraid of Americans, I'm afraid of the world.

>> No.10570759

I recently read a Bester collection and in the story intros he mentioned having to add extra junk because publishers didn't like his endings. Perhaps something like that?

>> No.10571443

Hey, noob here, wanted your recommendations for a good sci-fi novel:

So far I have read and liked:

-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (All 5 books)
-Stranger in a Strange Land
-Lord of the Rings

I plan on reading:

-Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.10571452


>> No.10571454

Flow My Tears
2001 saga

>> No.10571463


>> No.10571472


>> No.10571475


>> No.10571499



>> No.10571521
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>> No.10571542

Try these >>10564227 . I thought they were shit but couldn't puf them down.
Also try trysmoon saga.

>> No.10571601
File: 123 KB, 569x360, Luffy casts Confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted your recommendations for a good sci-fi novel
>I have read [...] LotR

>> No.10571610

It is a sci-fi/fantasy general, I thought that might help net me a few good suggestions

>> No.10571628
File: 249 KB, 300x450, invasive_cover_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read this, classified as "thriller" but just as easily a sci-fi.

big African wasps threaten the world/10

>> No.10571643
File: 295 KB, 640x855, 1485235987728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not as insane as Three Body
idk, It gets pretty fucking insane. I would consider the entire universe getting compressed from a higher-dimensional state into lesser states through eons of warfare pretty fucking insane

>> No.10571654
File: 18 KB, 260x230, trumpy paste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10571775

Holy shit Le Guin's essay is a fucking mess.

>> No.10571812

The quality of Language of the Night is pretty variable.

>> No.10571834

This was pointed out in the last thread, but: buy Fall of Hyperion, it's not even a sequel so much as the second half of one book. And don't read the Endymion novels.

Canticle for Leibowitz is a great choice

Other recs:

The Golden Age
The Stars My Destination
The Book of the New Sun
The Martian Chronicles

>> No.10571905

Well then which are the most religious

>> No.10571953
File: 220 KB, 1280x1100, 1511637723129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading Childhoods end. It was a good book, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

>> No.10572220

I bet his penis is bigger than mine.

>> No.10572228

Why did my penis twitch? Am I a necrophile?

>> No.10572254

That's just paint on a canvas

>> No.10572376

It was a fun journey. The ending was kinda 'wat' but oh well. Don't watch the miniseries

>> No.10572415

Are cheap e-readers a thing? Is it easy to find a Used one in acceptable condition? What other e-readers are worthwhile anyhow besides Kindles?

>> No.10572545

>start reading this
>chapter about a guy whose wife cheats on him literally called 'The Cuckold King'
what am I reading

>> No.10572552
File: 119 KB, 308x475, 30841984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am retard, forgot pic

>> No.10572617

Your dick moved because you're not a faggot; congratulations.

>> No.10572642
File: 18 KB, 400x400, top kek 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'the cuckold king'
top kek. this cant be true

>> No.10572913

it's a painting. From one of my favorite artists, Serge Marshennikov. She's not dead.

>> No.10573071

A meme, from the looks of it.

>> No.10573086

Just finished The Man Who Japed by P K Dick

Ending was weak. Also read Vulcans Hammer much better

>> No.10573096

My personal favourite sci-fi is Forever War by Joe Haldeman. Read the whole series

>> No.10573100

>The Stars My Destination

This. Most tasteful rape in literatue

>> No.10573112

Fapped many times to high elf handjob scene

>> No.10573525

Anymore litrpg books that doesn't use the litrpg "stats screen"? Books like >>10564227

>> No.10573570

Hello, /sffg/. I need recommendations. The problem is I have a hard time articulating what I'm looking for.

>a fantasy work that features a number of fascinating fauna and non-human races. (like Bas Lag, The Witcher saga, Malazan)
>a fantasy work that focuses on an order or school of some kind (like The Witcher saga, Kingsguard in ASOAIF, BotNS, rangers in LotR)
>excellent worldbuilding (like LotR, The Witche saga, Malazan)

Not being able to get into a fantasy series for a long time has been gnawing at me. Please help.

>> No.10573587

If an army counts for the second one, there's The Dragon's Path, though I don't think it's particularly well-written.

>> No.10573675

>not particularly bothered by politics in books
>author suddenly mentions sweden being overtaken by muslims and big strong americans "the only people who are willing to die for the greater good" saving them

lol that's a bit much even for me bud

>> No.10573680

you sure you're thinking of the right book, my man? The Dragon's Path is like half economics and half Game of Thrones-lite politics.

>> No.10573692

>“You’re American, right?” she asked.
>“Canadian, eh?”
>“When he was a boy, my grandfather lived in Stockholm. He and his family were there when the Muslims declared the city theirs. They were poor, and didn’t have the money to pay the non-believer tax and wouldn’t convert to Islam, so the Muslims enslaved them all. They murdered my great-grandfather. My great-grandmother didn’t last much longer.
>“He was in rags, starving, when the crusade came. He told me stories about the American soldiers, how they looked like knights in their body armor and the red Templar cross on their shoulder. They killed the Islamists, sent the rest of them back to their sand dunes in the Middle East. They saved him, fed him and showed him what strength really is. And they were all volunteers, every last one of them.
>“No one had to order an American to save the oppressed. It’s part of their nature to see others live free, even at the sacrifice of their own lives.
>Once the Germans finally followed the Americans’ lead, and the rest of Europe got its act together, we had the Atlantic Union.
>Separate nations and peoples who would fight for each other. The Chinese didn’t go to war to save Mongolia when the Russians conquered it.”
>“Huh,” Standish said. “I never thought about it that way. Save those who’ll sacrifice for the whole.”
>“Oye!” Crewman MacDougal shouted through the IR. He took great loping strides toward them over the hull. “Why’re you and that Jessie slacking?”
>“Shut ye geggie before I snip yer baws off,” Torni said, flashing a “V” with her fingers at MacDougal.
>“Give ’em to the jobby jabber, why don’t you? >Get that done and move to the next rack before the torps get here. We ain’t got til morn.” MacDougal bounded past them, sending another invective to the next work crew.
>“What was that?” Standish asked.
>“He said we’re moving too slow.”
>“How do you know what he was saying?”
>“We used to date,” she said.
Standish fumbled his welder and caught hold of it before it could tumble into space.

This might be the worst single passage of writing I've ever read, someone ITT actually recommended this lol

>> No.10573881

did a hard drop on myke cole after ignoring one of the bad books charts and hitting a "europe is now the ISLAMIC CALIPHATE!!!" thing like 30 pages into the book.

in retrospect I should have expected that from somebody named "myke" who joined the coast guard and then volunteered to go kill people in Iraq.

>> No.10573890

(laughing nervously) what the fuck?

>> No.10573900

>(laughing nervously)

>> No.10573904

I couldn't post the fucking image, so I had to improvise

>> No.10573906

(laughing nervously)

>> No.10573908

This is Ember War and lol guess what, the author's a fucking ex-military ex-west point guy

With Cole I got bored at the end of the first shadow ops book when the mc started acting like a retard in order to make the plot happen.

>> No.10573917

Yes, I have purchased 4 e-readers at thrift stores for around 10 to 20 dollars american each. The batteries seem to hold up pretty well. I'm guessing that the low wattage requirements put light wear on the lithiums. I very much prefer these older models as they generally have hardware buttons and lack reading lights.

My readers:
Kindle 3 Keyboard
Kinda big due to the full keyboard and page turn buttons. Also has text-to-speech built in. Fun to play with, but a bit large for a workhorse reader.

Kindle 4
Same screen as the 3 but has unnecessary features removed, only page turn buttons remain. Also has ads, but has never been connected to wifi, so they are just placeholders asking you to connect wifi. A solid reader that I've read many titles on.

Nook Simple Touch
Same screen as the kindles. Slightly bulkier. Rubberized coating and page turn buttons. IR touch screen. This will probably be my new favorite as it grips a bit better, has a microSD slot, and lacks the odiousness of kindle (ads an such). It also has (had) a community that created numerous applications and mods for it. Caveat, you have to use the touch screen for unlocking and menus (there's probably a fix out there).

Purchased on a whim as it doesn't have an e-ink screen. Weirdly elongated. I have no interest in trying to read on it cause the screen is garbage.

Basically, if the screen is e-ink, you've probably found a worthwhile reader. Use Calibre to organize your ebooks and facilitate conversion the different formats your reader may require. Don't expect to read PDFs. Some readers can attempt it with compromises, but the results are rarely comfortable.

>> No.10573925

>(laughing nervously)

>> No.10573936

heard e-ink readers are quite nice. friend of mine swears the battery lasts weeks on a single charge. are they worth getting?

>> No.10573966

>suggesting Daniel Abraham

>> No.10573969

yes, do it. worth every penny

>> No.10573975

my kindle lasts ages with the light on, same for the kobos I had before

With no backlight they last forever, like realistically you won't need to charge until you want to plug it in anyway to get a new book

>> No.10573984

>west point

Okay yeah that's not much of a surprise. Never served myself but I'm from a military family and West Pointers seem universally reviled because they're arrogant assholes, typically from rich families, and are in the military to play politics. Also they are apparently prone to claiming that their time at school having pillow fights (temporarily banned in 2015 after 30 recruits were hospitalized) means they were in the actual army for four years.

Part of the long battery life is the screen. It uses a physical process, each pixel is, IIRC a small sphere with two layers of pigment (white and black) that adjusts based on electrical charge. So the only time it draws electricity is when it's updating the screen with a page turn or item selection.

>> No.10574031

>after ignoring one of the bad books charts
>he thought it was a meme to ignore these books.
hope you learnt your lesson desu
>4chan doesn't allow me to upload images

>> No.10574062

Well yeah, that was the thrust of my post really. I'm actually a hardcore physical books fan, but the e-ink readers are a nice supplement to my collection.

>> No.10574081

>So the only time it draws electricity is when it's updating the screen with a page turn or item selection.
The OS still does some housekeeping in the background (like polling the buttons, I doubt that's on an interrupt), but yes, the screen would otherwise be the biggest power draw (don't use the wifi). My batteries usually only die if I forget about the reader for a month or so without powering it completely down. Don't generally have to worry about it during periods of heavy reading.

>> No.10574083

Butchered adaption of The Iron Dragon's Daughter when?
At least we will probably get Kate Bush as ost.


>> No.10574090

Considering people on here, I had figured it was the inverse of one of those "good book chart is full of shit" trolls.

>> No.10574095

lmao I'm a West Pointer, your impression is hilarious. Not inaccurate in its own way, I suppose

>> No.10574800

ded thread

>> No.10574811

Red Rising.

4chan's getting rocked right now.

>> No.10574817

>4chan's getting rocked right now.
In what way?

>> No.10574820

How's Jeff Vandermeer?

>> No.10574821

I'm not sure, but try posting an image.

>> No.10574823

can't post images, frequently can't post at all

>> No.10574830

It's a text board now, welcome to 2004.


>> No.10574832

is hiroshimoot up to new slit eye tricks?

>> No.10574835


>> No.10574866

>fascinating fauna
Sandersons Stormlight Archives series
>non-human races
Martha Wells Raksura series
>excellent worldbuilding
Sherwood Smiths Inda series

>> No.10574874

Hi /sffg/.
Reccomend me stuff.
I typically don't read a lot of sci-fi (don't know why, I love sci-fi) but I want to start doing it more. I love Lovecraft (the themes and ideas more than his actual writing) and the original aliens vs predator book series. My favorite movies/shows are Alien, The Thing, Blade Runner, Twin Peaks, Cowboy Bebop and The Void.

>> No.10574950

book of the new sun

>> No.10574958


>> No.10574988

I just finished the Cabal series by Jonathan Howard and really enjoyed it- any recommendations?

>> No.10574989

Seconding this cancer, it's a masterpiece. If it seems like it's rambling on that's kind of the point but there is a direction to the story.

>> No.10574994

The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane

>> No.10575131

Good fella.
Prepare yourself to walk away on a non-ending, though.

>> No.10575145

>The books are not bad, because I believe there will be an unexpected turn of event there, at the very end

>> No.10575147
File: 82 KB, 991x902, 6854035043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10575151

>google Serge Marshennikov
>f...fugg :-DD

>> No.10575169

Wow, thanks! Can you tell me more about this "Shadow of the Torturer" book? First time I've seen it recced here.

>> No.10575265


what a midden-heap of unrepentant stinkers

>> No.10575289


Since you loved blade runner you must read do androids dream of electric sheep

>> No.10575336

Holy kek that is a golden post
Wish I was recc'd botsn in this fashion

>> No.10575342

overrated, like a shitty american roadside picnic with none of the signature russian depression

>> No.10575373

Anyone know of any decent books either about colonisation (of any type fantasy or sci fi or historicalfiction) or detectives/police



There are plenty of Alien novels, never read any so ive no idea if they're any good

>> No.10575451

Fifth Head of Cerberus is about colonization.

>> No.10575462

Some more books like The Dragons Of Babel?

I know about Iron Dragons daughter

>> No.10575483


>> No.10575555

>Arts of Dark and Light
Does anything happen in this? I dropped halfway because it was pretty boring.

>> No.10575812

in reality its been the Americans pushing this open borders and if anything they would be bombing Europe for booting out the muslims

>> No.10575813

You should stick to Harry Potter then, scrub.

>> No.10575818

>author suddenly mentions sweden being overtaken by muslims
This is true though.

>> No.10575828

So... no? Glad I got out early.

>> No.10575830

t. 50% America talking about other countries getting taken over

>> No.10575891


>> No.10575893


>No one had to order an American to save the oppressed. It’s part of their nature to see others live free, even at the sacrifice of their own lives

*posts le merchant man*

>> No.10575954
File: 158 KB, 1000x667, 1447400126493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah

>> No.10576010

I like this aesthetic a lot.

>> No.10576071

>The Stars My Destination
What a fucking adventure that one is.
10/10 wish I could read it for the first time again.

>> No.10576090

might like this related song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv6bw10es2c

>> No.10576105

he's painfully good. I've got this one hanging over my bed, along with phil hale and soey milk

>> No.10576206

>t. yuromohammed

>> No.10576358
File: 110 KB, 953x836, DRz5cTiUEAEl8Yr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>49% yuropoor

>> No.10576558

dont die /sFFg/!

>> No.10576747

New Thread