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/lit/ - Literature

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10560749 No.10560749 [Reply] [Original]

I'll probably get shit on for this, but does anyone else have a problem with starting books, enjoying them, and burning through them for the first few days, and then getting tired of them, and just leaving them on the desk to glare at you for weeks until you finish it or put it away? I force myself to read them, mildly enjoy what I read, but then as soo as I finish I don't want to pick it up again.
Is it a weak attention span? That doesn't seem to be it. Does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.10560758
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>> No.10560885

Weird problem. Sounds like you enjoy them more for being new and exciting than for their actual content. Maybe try forcing yourself to take it slow and really think about what you are reading, what makes it good or bad etc. Try to get invested in it.

>> No.10560944

finishing reading them, ye showoffing rubbish
i only get bored of them through certain passages/chapters, especially if they're preceded by very interesting parts they have to drag me from
what do i do? i just force myself to pass through them and find that i'm enjoying the bewk once again.

>> No.10561191
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One of the books I was having trouble with was actually the Iliad. When I make myself read it I begin to enjoy it again, but then the next day I dread forcing myself to trude through it. Maybe it's because it feels forced. I don't know but it bothers the hell out of me.
I'm contemplating creating a daily schedule to try to maintain.

>> No.10562251

I have the same problem, OP. I have a whole stack of books I got partway into and never finished. I'd agree with this anon though >>10560885