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10559929 No.10559929 [Reply] [Original]

>Pick up a book.
>Fall asleep before I finish one page
>Repeat ad infinitum


>> No.10559975

I literry read 1.word and I fall asleep fucking killnme God imntoo fucking stupid to live

>> No.10560007

>inb4 baitu
Are these threads ever genuine or are they satire of these kinds of threads? Are any of these threads unironic?

>> No.10560011

>Fall asleep
>Wake up reading book

It's a curse really

>> No.10560026

Read standing up.

>> No.10560028

Understandable if you're reading Chekhov

>> No.10560029

maybe you're not getting enough sleep at night. but also you should stop reading in bed.

>> No.10560034

Im not fucjing baiting and i wish is fucking die.

Im 100% energy but when i now pick a book and read word i fall asleep or microsleep where i see different words in the page

I fucking hate mg stupud faggot low iq brains
This shit happens evry day every hour

>> No.10560038

nah sometimes I genuinely can only read about 5-7 pages an hour despite doing nothing else

>> No.10560043

>microsleep where i see different words in the page
holy shit I thought I was the only one
I'd be reading something and then fall in and out of consciousness, I'll make up a completely different story and wonder where it was that I read it on the page
like I dream of seeing the page

>> No.10560044
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>walk into room
>notice a book sitting on the table
>instantly pass out, getting a concussion from hitting my head on the stone floor
I'm such a brainlet, I want to die.

>> No.10560094

I fuking hate this. Gonna drown this ooa booga worth nothing two bit trash brain into water someday for good.

>> No.10560306

I want to read but these stupid trash brains are literally falling asleep every time I try to read a fucking book and I don't know what to do

>> No.10560328

>be book
>be picked up by some white ghost with a head deformity
>he instantly passes out
>he wakes up and posts about it on some Chinese textbook exchange marketplace website
>repeat daily

>> No.10560458

Pace around the room while you read, feels good man

>> No.10560488
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Just hold your book in one hand as you read, and put the other on a hot stove.

>> No.10560507

read out loud, its what i do

>> No.10560513

I fall asleep each time I touch a book, pretty handy desu

>> No.10560532

maybe you just have adhd

>> No.10560535

happens to me too, but only when im actually sleepy.
This was pretty funny during my read of the Iliad, I imagined different fates for the soldiers and i kind of enjoy it even if i had to read the same line 3 times

>> No.10560575

I was the same and was able to cure it.

I was a big reader when I was younger but stopped reading for a while. All I did was force myself to keep going as much as possible. After a few weeks the sleepiness was nearly gone.

It was so bad just a month ago where I would be 100% awake and the second I opened a book would feel deathly sleepily. Last week I read 100 pages straight of a fairly difficult book while laying in bed so yea just keep forcing it and it should pass.

>> No.10560595
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The second I walk into a book store or a library, I immediately have to take a crap. Anyone else like this?

>> No.10560601

you’re probably fat and gay, and stupid and ugly

>> No.10560627
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Yes my brother. It was especially bad when I was a kid in high school and browsing the school library. Worst ever was shitting three times at a marvelous old used book store full of estate book collections, usually deep on some anthropological topic.

>> No.10560640

this, same experience
Just grab something big that requires paying attention and taking notes; I recommend Herodotus

>> No.10560694

my thread the other day about taking things too literally was unironic

>> No.10560811

Thing is I've read a lot in 2 years and this keeps happening on hourly basis and I keep being dumb as a fucking brick

>> No.10560818

I failed to read.
I just picked up PC and started reading fucking 4chan

>> No.10560850

Reading is mostly just practice.

People these days train their brains on the internet. This gives them lovely little stimuli roughly every five seconds, which they get addicted to.

So read more, and surf less. That will train your brain to deal with a lower level of stimulation.

Don't try to read if you're really tired - go to sleep :)

Don't try to read if you're really preoccupied - go for a walk :)

If you still have trouble, try finding books that need less effort, so you don't get discouraged and just give up. There are many "easier" books which still have value.

Try books of aphorisms which are just bite-sized pieces.

Or try something like Montaigne's or Bacon's essays which are very short, self-contained pieces, just a couple of pages on a particular topic. You can read one of those pretty much "in one breath".

>> No.10560869

Memories of me crapping at a used book store are now flooding back. Thanks anon, good times, that was a cool store.

>> No.10560877

This. I only got through the first line of Swann's Way yesterday

>> No.10561076

I know its hard to say but if I limit internet access to 1 hour a day and read for at least 6-8 hours a day how long will it take me to see long term changes

>> No.10561085

I know its hard to say but if I limit internet access to 1 hour a day and read for at least 6-8 hours a day how long will it take me to see long term changes
how many years will it take me to completely reverse the conditioning?

>> No.10561136


Not long to get a groove going but Reading comprehension takes years of reading to improve and IQ can't really be improved

>> No.10561156

>tfw can unironically only read a bunch when drunk

What do?

>> No.10561181

liver failure

>> No.10561207


I can't say what would be a reasonable timetable to set yourself because I don't know anything about you.

Don't force yourself to read huge amounts at first. Just a couple of hour good productive reading a day is worth a lot. As you get better and enjoy it more you will want to do it more, assuming you actually have the time available.

>> No.10561213

>IQ can't be improved.
>Brain development stops at 23
I should just get it over with and jump off the bridge tomorrow morning

>> No.10561223

Also, it's best to do things early in the morning if you want to really put your best mental energy into them.

Most people try to read an hour or two before bed at night and that's fine.

But if you can set aside 1-2 hours early after you get up each day to read, that is better.

>> No.10561224

There's this guy at my library whos there every day and all he does is sleep and nobody forces him to leave because he's well dressed and has an apple computer. If that is you I just want you to know you have a short time to live before I have dispatched with your miserable existence my good man.

>> No.10561237

I second Zoolander’s advice

>> No.10561251

Few weeks to a couple months, I imagine.

>> No.10561257

You'll dispatch WITH his miserable existence? Murder suicide?

>> No.10561491


>> No.10561655
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I managed to read 15 pages in 6 hours and I retained nothing. Why

>> No.10561707

Soy, aspartame, fluoride, xenoestrogens, BPA etc.