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10559267 No.10559267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In what chapter does he explain The Claw?

>> No.10559275

the one where you make thinly veiled not-literature threads because you get some sort of kick out of starting the same conversation that's been had everywhere else, all over again.

>> No.10559286

Someone explain The Claw, I can't be bothered to read a Babe article nor do I want to give them clicks.

>> No.10559332

he claw vegin

>> No.10559341

what exactly did this guy do and why is everyone talking about him

>> No.10559356

I might be wrong on this, but I think he got accused of sexual assault for getting a blowjob from a girl who willingly gave it and later regretted it and everyone ended up rushing to his side because of how ridiculous this whole thing is getting.

>> No.10559360

>Being burned by the fire you started
I hope he goes down in flames. Eat your own, philistines.

>> No.10559366

nah, she was just talking about how creepy and sleazy he was, and how it made her have a horrible time. it blew up because of his dedication to making a tv show about thoughtful dating and its difficulties and rewards

>> No.10559369

Umm actually he repeatedly ignored non-verbal cues and blocked the door when she tried to leave. She only agreed to give him oral because he wouldn't leave her alone.

>> No.10559372

>Let's have sex
>Willingly have sex
>Oh no, it was bad
>lol rape meme

American women are literal parasites and the sex dolls can't come fast enough. Disappointing sex is not rape.

>> No.10559374

>Not offering her pussy
How scared could she have really been?

>> No.10559375

He's a scumbag comedian who uses his fame to prey on stupid young women (like every comedian ever). One day, he decided to prey on the wrong stupid young woman who decided that he raped her. Even though clearly he didn't, she was just stupid enough to think that blowing some famous guy would justify her pointless existence in some way and when she looked up at his stupid fucking face and realized what a stupid little whore she was and how pointless any quest for meaning in this world is and how every decision she had ever made from the time she was a bright-eyed little girl was simply leading to the moment she put her thin little lips around the stubby brown cock of a pointless entertainer in a pointless society and she was brought to despair.
Anyway, retards on /pol/ can't decide if they hate minorities or women more.

>> No.10559378
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>non-verbal cues
No one can be this stupid.

>> No.10559380

you underestimate women

>> No.10559384

Scared enough to feel gross about it afterward.

>> No.10559391

'Grace' is a dumb feminist whore who's making a mountain out of a molehill. However, Aziz Ansari is an idiot who loves to push feminist dogma so he fully deserves to be burned at the stake by the zealots he has supported. This is one of those situations where both sides suck.

>> No.10559397

being scared doesn't make you feel gross later. Regret does.

>> No.10559398

You do realize the majority of human communication is non-verbal right? Maybe you would know that if you ever actually talked to a woman.

>> No.10559400

so you literally didn't read what i said
she didn't discuss it as rape, just said he was creepy

>> No.10559408

Go listen to some survivor stories and you'll learn that feelings of fear, regret and shame are not mutually exclusive. Educate yourself.

>> No.10559416

Yeah but a date has a social contract that you're supposed to keep it private unless an actual crime happened. If he was awkward, he was awkward. Maybe she was awkward too and is so self absorbed she didn't know. You don't publicly call someone creepy if no crime was done.

>> No.10559417

You do realize the woman could've at any time left Aziz's apartment and there wouldn't have been any repercussions, right? He acted creepy but he didn't commit a crime. This "OMG A MAN DID SOMETHING I DIDN'T LIKE I BETTER PUBLICLY SHAME HIM" culture we live in is going to lead to another era of sexual repression.

>> No.10559418

>social contract
there's also a social contract to not being a scuzz-bag that seems an uncomfortable person and you just start sticking fingers in their mouth

>> No.10559421

How dare you try to silence a woman's voice you misogynist creep. Calling out toxic behavior is every 21st century woman's duty. Did you even go to college?

>> No.10559423

you're an idiot, men who can't interact with women like a human being should be repressed. more than just sexually tee bee h

>> No.10559428

Right, the non-verbal cues she gives you when she willingly sucks on your knob for an hour?

Fuck yourself, cuck.

>> No.10559429

>Conflating an awkward date with survivors of actual rape
You subtract from the awful experience of true rape victims when you allow these petty girls to tag a long with that pathetic #metoo nonsense. Plenty of actual victims have vocalized this. Perhaps you should educate yourself.

>> No.10559432

No sweetie, she tried to leave but Aziz blocked the door and he also grabbed her hand. Grabbing a woman to initiate sexual contact is crossing serious boundaries.

>> No.10559440

You're ignoring the fact that creepiness is extremely subjective. What is creepy to one woman might be a turn on to another. Plus we don't have any idea how Grace acted. Her story could be full of exaggerations. You're blindly believing a feminist who has an axe to grind.

>> No.10559442

Women who can't act with kind mannerisms should be silenced like the shrews they are. With a metal mask would be best tee bee h

>> No.10559444

She agreed to give him oral so Aziz thinks he is entitled to P in V? If a woman gives you a hug does that means you can kiss her? She made it clear she didn't want to escalate but he kept badgering her and only after being resisted did he allow her to leave.

>> No.10559453

If she doesn't say no, it's not a refusal. Feminists cannot have it both ways. They cannot be COSMIC MASTERS OF SEXUALITY but need men to tell them what they want.

She didn't say no. She consented to oral. She consented to the rest. "Non-verbal" is just nonsense. Fuck you again.

>> No.10559455

Having a dick inside your mouth is more escalated than having a dick in your vagina, Aziz was trying to descalate things but the whore refused and continue her sexual conquests of the poor man.

>> No.10559458

Huh. My ol lady prefers a strong grab and embrace before I lay her down for a good fucking. In fact, this very progression of events is the staple of romance formula fiction. So someone out there must like to be grabbed firmly by the arm by an assertive man, no? Hardly the redline you've claimed at any rate.

>> No.10559466

>implying a noble Indian man doesn't know how to interact with women
You disgust me, you racist. You believe this woman's lies because you think all brown men are rapists.

>> No.10559467

it may be subjective, but it's pretty easy to pick up on which camp you're in if you can read those emotional face cards they give autistic kids

you're social contractually obligated to murder yourself for being a bloodthristy incel now

>> No.10559472

Lol you ever just been getting head for like FOREVER and it feels ok and all but it's a little outta rhythm and her teeth knock you every once in awhile. So you're like fuck it I'm not gonna cum, she's not gaining any physical pleasure from this let's just have sex. I'll rub her clit a bit, get her off, I'll get off. Bam! Win win for everyone!

>> No.10559473

stop supporting the caste system you retard

>> No.10559480

>but it's pretty easy to pick up on which camp you're in if you can read those emotional face cards they give autistic kids
You're assuming Grace is telling the truth and very clearly showed her displeasure. What if she didn't? What if she's bad at conveying non-verbal cues? This is why the "I DIDN'T SAY NO BUT I HAD A BAD LOOK ON MY FACE SO YOU RAPED ME" shit is dumb.

>> No.10559484

Stop deflecting, you racist. Admit you hate brown people.

>> No.10559486

She told him she didn't want to have sex with him but he wouldn't drop it and she only agreed to give him oral because he kept propositioning her.

It sounds like you and your lady have been in a relationship for some time and she enjoys it but Grace hardly knew Aziz and she clearly did not enjoy it.

>> No.10559493

she never, never said rape

>> No.10559494

Oh no I agree there are definitely times where I just want to tear into pussy. But I never really got why people considered sex more escalated than oral. Like sticking my cock in your pussy is a lot less personal than eating you out. I'll stick my cock in most women but I'm not going to go down on them.

>> No.10559495

>Read those face cards
When you're drunk, when she's drunk. When she can't even make a face that isn't squinty eyed, with a stupid grin stuck to her face like a 3 year old stuck a smiley face sticker where it didn't belong? So no matter what her interior thought it just looks like the Walmart mascot is confused.

>> No.10559500

i can lay everything i believe out on the table, i'm not some neo-lib

islam is violent and life-denying
christianity is life-denying
buddhism is life-denying
healthcare should be free
generational wealth is evil
men are underrepresented as rape and sexual assault victims
aziz ansari was fucking creepy

>> No.10559502

Yeah I agree, I agree. Don't know why women are thirsty for random cum. At least with sex you can wear a condom. If a woman tried to give me head with a condom on I'd tell her to go home so I can masturbate in peace.

>> No.10559503

She. Did. Not. Say. No.

If you accept the act it is consensual. Fuck you a third time.

>> No.10559506
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mods please just delete this abortion of a thread.

>> No.10559507

they drank some wine, not everclear

>> No.10559511

I think they just like the taste of cum, it probably has something to do with hormones and evolution.

>> No.10559517

Hindsight is 20/20. Obviously lots of women fantasize about being firmly grabbed so it's not an unreasonable move for a man to make while trying to woo a woman. If there is no bruise there is no harm. You don't get sympathy from me because you can't express your will in the moment.

>> No.10559520

The oral sex was consensual but he did get shut down when he tried to go beyond that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that trying to pressure a woman into more sexual contact than she is comfortable with is at the very least creepy if not outright assault?

>> No.10559531

Aziz obviously failed to woo Grace and if she feels gross about the situation she is entitled to call it out.

>> No.10559532

*Some* wine. Wine is 12-15% abv. And it's not hard to kill a bottle. If you are in a condition you wouldn't drive in then you're not in a condition to be making other decisions you feel are that serious in. You should decide before you start drinking at someone's house alone with them if you're comfortable having sex.

>> No.10559543

So if I'm unhappy with the sexual performance of a woman I can call her out for being an awkward fuck. I can say she teethed on my dick like a retarded toddler and she was like creepy ew.

>> No.10559546

Uh yeah nobody is stopping you from doing that.

>> No.10559547

At no point in any part of this did anyone say no. It isn't creepy, you're making it creepy.

>> No.10559561

Grace sure thought Aziz was creepy and a lot of other people do as well myself included.

>> No.10559564

She said she'd been sexually assaulted. For the love of God, if you let a guy lick your twat and then proceed to give him a blowjob, there's an OBVIOUS expectations of p in the v.

>> No.10559567

Being creepy isn't a crime. Refusing to say no and then retroactively whining about your lack of tact is whorish. Fuck you for a fourth time.

>> No.10559569


>> No.10559571

But she did say "sexual assault"

>> No.10559576

Yeah. I am. because even if I didn't enjoy the date I believe it's absolutely reprehensible to salt the fields of her future romantic life with bad press.

>> No.10559577

>I had a bad sexual experience
>Clearly this means rape
Fuck you.

>> No.10559586

As of now Grace hasn't reported it to the police so Aziz hasn't been charged with any crime but that doesn't mean she can't call out his toxic behavior.

What a chivalrous man you are.

>> No.10559591

Because oral is more intimate that pussy. Just like pussy is more intimate than breasts. If you let us rub pussy with our hand we just figure it's cool to squeeze some breast after if we haven't already.

>> No.10559595

Grace is allowed to determine what she is comfortable doing with her own body.

>> No.10559596

>“It took a really long time for me to validate this as sexual assault,” she told us. “I was debating if this was an awkward sexual experience or sexual assault. And that’s why I confronted so many of my friends and listened to what they had to say, because I wanted validation that it was actually bad.”
>“I believe that I was taken advantage of by Aziz. I was not listened to and ignored. It was by far the worst experience with a man I’ve ever had.”
>“I cried the whole ride home. At that point I felt violated. That last hour was so out of my hand.”
Straight from the babe.net article. She outright said Aziz sexually assaulted her.

>> No.10559599

>social contract
This makes me think this would be a great premise for Seinfeld.

>J: But George she can't be saying all this if NOTHING happened
>G: Jerry, I don't go ahead without a green light.
>J: Did you stay within the bounds?
>G: I stayed within the bounds! I'm a bound-stayer Jerry!
>J: So there was no cause for complaint? Did you satisy?
>G: Well.. I've done better work but I did nothing wrong. I'm not a rapist Jerr! I didn't run a single red light!
>J: But could she have misconstrued?
>G: ..
[Kramer barges in, looks at George in shock]

Somebody fix my shit. Better yet, do a Kramer-claiming-metoo version

>> No.10559600

Not really going for chivalrous just bare minimum fair play.

>> No.10559612

Hahahaha great start love it.

>> No.10559614

>yeah but it wasnt really a CRIME tho
Jeeez if you treat someone like shit then you deserve to be called out for it. Yes, there is some understanding that dating, sex, romance, should be private but not when the guy is a sex pest. He needs to be called out for his behaviour.

>> No.10559619

If you question whether or not you've had bad sex or have been sexually assaulted, you have not been sexually assaulted.

What fucking memery is this.

>> No.10559622

Have fun playing your game.

>> No.10559660

The next day she told him she was uncomfortable and he apologized stating that he misread. What's the problem?

>> No.10559777
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>Anyway, retards on /pol/ can't decide if they hate minorities or women more.