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10557209 No.10557209 [Reply] [Original]

Naomi Wolf's back at it with the Bloom accusations. Do he do it /lit/?


>Naomi Wolf ’84, author of “The Beauty Myth,” accused Yale on Monday of refusing to accept a formal sexual misconduct complaint against humanities professor and renowned literary scholar Harold Bloom GRD ’55, who Wolf alleges groped her in 1983, when she was a senior at Yale.

>Responding to an email sent to her husband’s account, Bloom’s wife, Jeanne Bloom, referred questions to OPAC. She had previously told The New York Times that Bloom was not available for comment.
>“This is not the type of thing he needs to hear or think about at this point,” she told the Times. “It would interfere with his writing, with his teaching. I just hope it goes away.”

>In a 2015 Time magazine interview, Bloom denied Wolf’s allegations, saying he had never been in a room alone with her.

>According to Wolf, David Bloom, Harold Bloom’s son accosted her in front of her New York residence in October 2016, taking photographs of her and telling her that his brother was “extremely angry” at her for writing the New York Magazine Story and implied threats to her and her family’s safety. Wolf said she reported the instance to the New York Police Department, New Haven Police Department and Yale Police Department.

>In an interview with the News, Wolf described her attempt to file a complaint in person as “triggering.”

and from Wikipedia:

>In 2004 author Naomi Wolf wrote an article for New York Magazine accusing Harold Bloom of a sexual "encroachment" more than two decades earlier, by touching her thigh. She said that what she alleged Bloom did was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, and she did not think herself a "victim", but that she had harbored this secret for 21 years. Explaining why she had finally gone public with the charges, Wolf wrote, "I began, nearly a year ago, to try—privately—to start a conversation with my alma mater that would reassure me that steps had been taken in the ensuing years to ensure that unwanted sexual advances of this sort weren't still occurring. I expected Yale to be responsive. After nine months and many calls and e-mails, I was shocked to conclude that the atmosphere of collusion that had helped to keep me quiet twenty years ago was still intact—as secretive as a Masonic lodge." When asked about the allegations in 2015, Bloom stated, "I refuse to even use the name of this person. I call her Dracula's daughter, because her father was a Dracula scholar. I have never in my life been indoors with Dracula's daughter. When she came to the door of my house unbidden, my youngest son turned her away. Once, I was walking up to campus, and she fell in with me and said, 'May I walk with you, Professor Bloom?' I said nothing."

>> No.10557216

Ol' Bloomy's still got it

>> No.10557258

Good old Bloom! There's nobody like him after all.

>> No.10557262

Naomi Wolf is fucking insane though I have no reason to believe Bloom a saint.

>> No.10557283

Of course he did.

>> No.10557298

I thought Bloom was gay
I'm not sure why, I guess his obsession with Whitman

>> No.10557314

Melodramatic as fuck, why would anyone listen to this landwhale feminist

>> No.10557319

She’s just trying to stay relevant cause no one talks about her unless she starts controversy

>> No.10557341
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>Wolf alleges groped her in 1983,
>In 2004 author Naomi Wolf wrote an article for New York Magazine accusing Harold Bloom of a sexual "encroachment" more than two decades earlier, by touching her thigh
wow sounds like a big deal

>> No.10557354
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>tfw you realize that if you get famous and influential you can continue groping college-aged girls until you're literally 200 years old

>> No.10557362

>groped her in 1983

>> No.10557372


He's not gay. He's just Harold Bloom.

>> No.10557376

>She said that what she alleged Bloom did was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, and she did not think herself a "victim", but that she had harbored this secret for 21 years. Explaining why she had finally gone public with the charges, Wolf wrote, "I began, nearly a year ago, to try—privately—to start a conversation with my alma mater that would reassure me that steps had been taken in the ensuing years to ensure that unwanted sexual advances of this sort weren't still occurring. I expected Yale to be responsive. After nine months and many calls and e-mails, I was shocked to conclude that the atmosphere of collusion that had helped to keep me quiet twenty years ago was still intact—as secretive as a Masonic lodge.
hoe is literally insane

>> No.10557403

jew v feminist

I cant decide who I want to lose more

it's like the Spanish civil war again
just make some popcorn, pull up a lawn chair and watch out for arterial spray

>> No.10557409

He has a wife and kids lol. He just admires man-love like any aesthetician.

>> No.10557432

>more than two decades earlier, by touching her thigh
what a fucking cunt...

>> No.10557437

>"I refuse to even use the name of this person. I call her Dracula's daughter, because her father was a Dracula scholar. I have never in my life been indoors with Dracula's daughter. When she came to the door of my house unbidden, my youngest son turned her away. Once, I was walking up to campus, and she fell in with me and said, 'May I walk with you, Professor Bloom?' I said nothing."
Bloom is eternally based.

>> No.10557441

Bloomsama is too old for this shit even if he had done it (and he of course didn't)

>> No.10557499

>be Harold Bloom
>in office writing latest masterpiece about Hart Crane's suicide being gnostic in nature
>students comes in to talk
>Have conversation about the chronology of Shakespeare increasing hamlet's penile girth in each revision
>lunch bell rings
>remove triple stack bologna sandwich from wind in the willows lunch box
>top layer slides off
>lands on female students leg
>go to grab it
>female student pulls back
>she wants it
>"oh, you want it don't you?" I say slyly, looking her straight in the eyes with a smile
>student is shaking
>I won't let her have my bologna
>pull off the bologna
>student starts crying and runs away
>lecture other students about how the first 5 books of the Old Testament were written by a woman, but I still would let her have my bologna
>student still complaining about it 35 years later

>> No.10557571
File: 122 KB, 492x843, Harold-Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gropes you*

>> No.10557616
File: 7 KB, 150x200, bloomyoungandstillhopeful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you let him touch your thigh?

>> No.10557652

I mean, if he gets fired who cares? The dude will be dead or totally by the end of the decade. His title is just honorary at this point and you'll never be able to strip him of his 60 years of publication, teaching, and influence.