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/lit/ - Literature

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10551791 No.10551791 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the most /lit/ comedians?

>> No.10551796

Comedy is the lowest form of comedy.

>> No.10551803

Steven Wright would be /lit/ if he came up with more than twenty minutes of material in his entire life

>> No.10551822

Quality over quantity

>> No.10551938

Norm MacDonald

>> No.10551951

Yes. Also: Carlin, Chappelle, Kaufman, Jim Carey, and bill Hicks.

>> No.10551966

Woody Allen

>> No.10551989

Sebastian Maniscalco

Not a /lit/ comedian, but I wanted to drop his name because he's talented and I think anons would enjoy him.

>> No.10551992

There's a limit with that shit. I'm not exaggerating when I say he only has twenty minutes of content

>> No.10551998

>Carlin, Kaufman, Jim Carey, Bill Hicks

Hola reddit

>> No.10552000
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>> No.10552013

>Reddit unironically understanding material that deeply ironic
Lel surface dweller.

>> No.10552052

hola nufag

>> No.10552060

Bill Hicks is legitimately the least funny pseud of all time. Carlin is also annoying, but that's more for his fanbase and he could actually be amusing.

>> No.10552065

Sam Hyde

>> No.10552138

>Least funny
>T. Watched a 10 minute yt montage
And that's the joke. He made telling people to kill themselves a regular part of his set.

>> No.10552158

You are, because he has two 40 minute albums

>> No.10552188

>He made telling people to kill themselves a regular part of his set.

Woah radical dude

>> No.10552201

carlin is a great don't you ever disrespect that man
you piece of shit

>> No.10552208

In the 80s? Yeah. And anyways op asked for /lit/ authors not funniest. There are comedians I think are funnier that I omitted because their material was more focused on everyday observations rather than trying to get at the meaning of things or fallacies of thought and institutions.

>> No.10552221

Do you even know who Lenny Bruce is?
Carlin was white bread as fuck

>> No.10552234

I'm going to amend my list anyways and add Mitch Hedberg, Richard Pryor, Paul Mooney (who really meets the original criteria), and Don Rickles. Rickles and Hedberg are kinda like what I imagine Diogenes the Cynic and Socrates would've been like off the cuff.

>> No.10552274

If you wanna throw his name out then do it. Fine by me, but why the smug attitude? Lenny Bruce's material doesn't subtract from Carlin's. Why try to turn this into some kind of taste dick measuring contest? To be honest I'm not very familiar with Bruce's material because I tend to watch stand up and he has no material like this, but I will go listen to his stand ups. He seems interesting.

>> No.10552296

where do you newfaggots keep spawning from? jesus christ atleast lurk until you know how to fucking post properly you cancer

>> No.10552308

Do you guys even listen his shows? He is fucking boring holy fuck
Just because someone "read too much xD" doesnt mean he gonna be good

>> No.10552309

Dyogenes and Socrates also never got no respect

>> No.10552314

Found the soyboy

>> No.10552316

turbopleb detected

>> No.10552322

>bill hicks
a comedian who only ever yelled and never told a single joke

>> No.10552330

Mitch Hedberg

>> No.10552333
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He is like the Joyce of comedy desu

>> No.10552335

nick mullen

>> No.10552336

Let me fix that post for you

a comedian who only ever YELLED and never told a SINGLE joke

haha now its funny

>> No.10552341

Fuck off liberal rednecks. >>>/pol/

>> No.10552347

Mort Sahl is the most /lit/ comedian

>> No.10552351

Literal mental issues, but it is funny shit

>> No.10552361

>Mort is still alive

Holy fucking shit

>> No.10552422
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Bet you ultra plebs didn't even know that he's Alex Jones


>> No.10552429

Are you misattributing Rodney Dangerfield's tagline to Don Rickles?

>> No.10552478

>Not realizing that post ironically yelling about your abstract mystic philosophy for your special is the embodiment of this board.

>> No.10552485
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>> No.10552501

Ironically humor is a mark of intelligent species.

>> No.10552505

shame about Paul Mooneys fanbase lol

>> No.10552517

Super Dave Osbourne genuinely has one of the best acts of all time

>> No.10552541

Eric Andre, because discomfort is more /lit/ than humour

>> No.10552549

Nigga you outta pocket wit dat one

>> No.10552803

Stav is the most /lit/ desu

>> No.10552848


>> No.10552959

Good call here mate.

>> No.10553148

Seconded. Once The Mulldog casually brought up Maugham's Of Human Bondage on his podcast and I almost fell out of my chair. /ourguy/

>> No.10553160

Rodney Dangerfield is the most /lit/ comedian desu

>> No.10553320

bobby lee
being /lit/ doesn't mean you read a lot

>> No.10553364 [DELETED] 

>most /lit/ comedian
>is a kike
you have to go back

>> No.10553610
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Stewart Lee

>> No.10553615

dylan moran

>> No.10553620

Scum of the earth. Plus, he's not funny in the slightest

>> No.10553643

Bill Burr

>> No.10553798

I wasn't expecting anyone to notice

>> No.10553799


>> No.10553807
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>> No.10553827

That was the joke. He stole Kinison's bit and somehow made it even less funny. Carlin is my favorite plebtest though.

>> No.10553858

sam is a proper conduit for the wrong world

>> No.10555442


>> No.10555502
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pretty much any british/irish comedian is more /lit/ than any american comedian
it's still common for comedians in the uk to start out in the cambridge footlights

>> No.10555528
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>> No.10556572

The House Painter, by Terence Keane, Random House, 28 dollars
Reading Paint Dry Michio Kakutani

Mr. Keane's posthumous offering, "The Housepainter" makes it a delight to speak ill of the dead, even perhaps a duty. You may remember Mr. Keane as the author who became famous in New York for a day last fall when he took his own life. We know Mr. Keane took his own life thanks to a 12 page suicide note. A note so filled with tedium it left the reader saying, "Get on with it already," and now we are given the sophomore novel by the suicide, a cliche so depressingly popular it is threatening to become a genre. Before we read a word from Mr. Keane, we must plough through a 30 page forward by the publisher, Ms. Julie Grau. Ms. Grau tells us what a true and misunderstood genius Mr. Keane was in life. This proves imperative as there is not a single word in the novel that might lead the reader to a remotely similar conclusion.

That comment is a mite unfair. There is one clue in "The Housepainter" that its author is, indeed, a misunderstood genius. You see, the protagonist of the novel is, you guessed it, a misunderstood genius. This would be too much a coincidence. His name is Jack Marjerrison and he is a housepainter by day, master impressionist by night.
>The choice to make the hero an impressionist painter is no mistake,as it is clear Mr. Keane fancies his prose spare and elliptical. But Mr. Keane fails on an epic scale, as the children say, and ends up leaving us a portrait of the artist as a dull man. Mr. Keane limns his characters so thinly they become transparent. If Mr. Keane was capable of one deeply felt emotion in his life, it is invisible in this joke of a novel. I pray this not sound mean, but as award season approaches, I nominate the bullet that entered Mr. Keane's skull for Best Editing.

Of course, the hijinks of a lovable bunch of losers that surround Mr. Marjerrison is no accident at all. Combined with the author's end, it intentionally forces us to to ruminate upon "A Confederacy of Dunces". In fact, the foreword directly suggests a comparison as Ms. Grau's cynicism appears to have no fence. Well, then, allow me to take the bait and compare the two. I knew John Kennedy Toole, I read John Kennedy Toole. You sir, are no John Kennedy Toole.

>> No.10556582

>I started posting on imageboards compulsively. I got addicted to it but now I'm in a program. Anonymous Anonymous.

>> No.10556588
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>pretty much any british/irish comedian is more /lit/ than any american comedian

Maybe 10 years ago. British comedy has nosedived hard

>> No.10556595
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>You ever notice on 4chan, anyone who knows more than you is a loser, and everyone who knows less than you is a newfag?

>And everything... EVERYTHING on 4chan is divided up into little convenient categories... we got the random board, the anime, the gay girls, trap girls, young girls, old girls, fun girls, fat girls, boy girls and gay boys! And if you don't have a board you like you can *POP* make one yourself just like that! Just like that! And we wonder why kids aren't studying as much as they used to anymore? When I was a kid the only board WE had was the blackboard... It was a good board, because anytime you didn't want to see the porn or bad language on it, you just *WOOSH* erased your history!

>And on the internet, everything is made using metaphoric language, you ever noticed that? Think about it? Download? Why down? Why load? Are we comparing hard drives to loading docks now? I know a couple dockworkers who would be PRETTY embarassed by some of the language if they went on 4chan!

>But then when you put something from your hard drive onto the internet, that's an UPload... Why? Why not left-load? Or right-load? "Hey, Tony, have you been left-loading music again?" "No, Mah, I swear, I was just right-loading a torrent!!"

>> No.10556601

Watched his Netflix special. Pretty bad and also shallow

>> No.10556606
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>> No.10556607

Noice copypasta I chuckled

>> No.10556638
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>as award season approaches, I nominate the bullet that entered Mr. Keane's skull for Best Editing

>> No.10556720

i like dylan moran, i've seen his standup show a couple of times and i loved black books. but compared to most comedians he's not academic. even >>10556588 is better qualified. moran left school at 16. but then i guess that's pretty /lit/ too.

>> No.10557134

Bill Bailey has some great jokes.
One of my favorites:

>> No.10557270


>> No.10557274

I dig Woody Allen, I do. But he's not really /lit/. He makes movies about intellectuals, and tosses in references to this philosopher or that writer, but they're not intellectual movies, and I believe he said that he's not into what his characters talk about at all

>> No.10557346


>> No.10557387

Woody Allen is a good gateway to real cinema and literature though.

>> No.10557447


>> No.10557529

He thinks that Hemingway is faggot ass garbage so he's pretty good in my book

>> No.10557782

Carlin had great jokes, great delivery, and was a great storyteller. If he's a "pleb test", it's to weed out people that whine about him on command because of the fedora meme and not because of actual content.

>> No.10558046

Bills a great comedian, but the farthest from being a /lit/ comedian

>> No.10558518

if by that you mean stav doesn't read, then yeah he's the most lit

>> No.10558528
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>> No.10558532

A Schlockwork Orange

>> No.10558553

aye, a good post, brought a tear te me eyes

>> No.10558601

Jerry Seinfeld

>> No.10558605

Go to bed Samuel

>> No.10558626
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Bob Odenkirk
and Conan O' Brien

two legit comedians
with a bunch of wrirting credits on various shows

but the /lit/'s spiritual comedian has to be dennis miller and possibly bill mahr becuase they think they are right, are very pretentious, and use sarcasm and apathy as a coping mechanism.

>> No.10558890

Do you ever listen to his conservative radio talk show?