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/lit/ - Literature

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10550872 No.10550872 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, moving to China soon with my qt3.14 Asian gf.

>Any recommended lit to better understand Chinese culture, philosophical worldview?

Already read Confucious' Analects, Dao De Ching, Art of War, The Good Earth.

Also desperately need lit to help me understand and negotiate a hyper materialist dystopia, without succumbing to it. Ideally not being a dick about it, but not losing myself. I read American Psycho, have Less Than Zero on my shelf. I feel like Easton Ellis is a great place to start for this, but I need reccs.

>Especially looking for something to help me acclimate to the paradox of hyper materialism in a ostensibly communist country.

>> No.10550887
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Link to prove hyper-materialist mind set. Try to watch without cringing. It's stage IV in South Korea, stage II in China but metastitizing fast.

>> No.10550911

>moving to China
Guarantee she’s not qt at all if that’s where you’re moving to

>> No.10550967
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>> No.10550983

She looks basic af and like every other Chinese girl that has lived in the west

>> No.10550992

what a slut

>> No.10551000

Post her face, you fag

>> No.10551003
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>> No.10551009
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It's too late OP, China has already departed for the future and you'll get there before Neo-China comes back.

>> No.10551022
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I'm sorry that you feel that way solely on the information that she is from China and the thousand or so words from a picture.

She does, in fact, have a depth of personality and an educational pedigree. She graduated from one of the top universities in China with a degree in Chinese literature, scored well enough on her GRE (in English) to gain acceptance to an Ivy League masters program that she recently graduated. He vocabulary in English is above GRE level, she teaches both English and Chinese in her free time. She recently passed the Chinese law exam, without attending law school. This was the last year that you're allowed to do that, for relatively obvious reasons.

We also take care of ourselves, including a consistent workout regimen, which explains her awesome butt. Her hobbies include photography, rock climbing, and watching bad horror movies with me.


Checked, no.


Well, she did fuck on the first date. That said, we've been together for a year. I've had sluttier girlfriends.

THANK YOU. Jesus, this isn't a personal blog, I just want some books.

Ebb and flow of Communist principles? I know what you mean. I actually support social policies and a strong federal government, so I'm not entirely opposed to their actual legal system. I won't take issue unless they start sending foreigners to reeducation camps.

>> No.10551033

>Ebb and flow of Communist principles?
you must be new here to have missed the nick land wankery we had

>> No.10551039

Lmao this delusion that she’s not like every other chink who cheats and pays for someone to do their exams and applications. Don’t worry though she’ll cheat on you and leave you once every one she knows sees she’s with mediocrity incarnate

>> No.10551046

Kill yourself

>> No.10551068

>willingly going to a communist surveillance state

>> No.10551070

>this isn't a personal blog

>> No.10551077

>Also desperately need lit to help me understand and negotiate a hyper materialist dystopia
Are you American? You already live in one.

>> No.10551096
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I saw it , mostly ignored it. I did read a few paragraphs of Land's prose and found it rather......



That's a very specific negative outlook which speaks to either personal experience, or in my guesstimate, a need to shoot down someone else's possibilities of happiness, as they have been withheld from you.

That's fine, but I encourage you to ask yourself why you made that comment. We both know it wasn't actually meant for me. I'm merely your coincidental internet opposite. A wall, a mirror to reflect yourself. What do you see?


I'll get right on that. I assume I'll go out the....


I own a few firearms, including a .22 Lr plinker, a .38 special revolver and a Mossberg 590. I'm thinking the .38. Right after I get that terminal cancer diagnosis, or once the radiation starts to dull me.


You all seem to be intent on making it so. I asked for book recommendations. I would prefer to talk about the book recommendations. You typical pseuds don't have any recommendations, likely because you haven't actually read anything related and just like to feel smart by having /lit/ open in a spare tab.

The only rec I've received had a 1 word comment. Not lot of meat to dig into, but I did look into the title on Amazon.


I find that we're more image obsessed nowadays than we are materialist. You are the smile on your face, the profile photo of happy and successful, physical condition as a status symbol. Certainly self obsessed, but I don't think materialist covers it. We care less about brands then we doing branding, and our own personal brands.


>Implying I'm not already living in a surveillance state.

I'm behind 7 proxies.
Pic slightly related, what it looks like where she's from in China.

>> No.10551110

Kill yourself

>> No.10551118


Working on it. Its a delicate project, might take some time. I'll let you know when I've got a draft ready, you'll rush review, we'll publish.

>> No.10551137

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.10551145


Will do, just have a few things left on my checklist.

>> No.10551218
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>ywn marry a qt chinese girl who is part of the chinese elite

>> No.10551266
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>ywn move out to a foreign country with a spoiled slut that will cuck you in a couple of months

>> No.10551303
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Funnily enough, she's going into securities. Her father works in the kind of Chinese government position where he's not allowed to come to America without advanced notice. She didn't specify further. I might just be able to live the bohemian stay at home Dad life. Can you imagine?



Bro, did you read my post earlier? I understand an amount of cautious misgivings, especially when moving to a foreign country with a girlfriend. A lot of things could go wrong. Your very specific personal fear is neither likely nor realistic based on my understanding of my relationship. Yet, you persist with it.

Ask yourself why this specific scenario to you makes sense. Why could it not be that her parents don't approve of me, or that my visa is denied, or that I can't find work. Of course, these do not even enter your mind. You are solely focused on her as being defective, and my sexual prowess insubstantial. At the risk of invoking Freud, that sounds like projection.

Or, a very specific fear based on what's missing in your own life, but I covered that earlier.

>pic related, thre gorges area in China, less than an hour from her town.

>> No.10551315

OP how foolish of you to brag about your "qt3.14 chinese pedigree educated high class fit rock climbing slutty gf with a depth of personality" on a anime image board with plenty of woman hating virgins . You saw that coming, don't even pretend you didn't mean to amke a blog out of it.

That said, feel my ressentment you sadistic bastard, hope your inferiority complex strikes you good and she understands how mediocre you are and marries the son of rich landlord.
Fuck You

>> No.10551329

Lmao don’t worry, cuck, you’ll be crawling back here asking for books for the feel when you get dumped. You’re over-inflating your gf’s worth and merit and family’s importance. She is most likely lying to you about her family

>> No.10551342
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Ironically this.

I actually like Chinese people. They're much more friendly than the locals at my uni but they're also majorly materialistic and it pains me to exist in the same classroom as them at times.

>> No.10551383
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I was going for context, but now that you've put it in writing I see your point. I aimed to keep it to recs, but it got sidetracked quick. Aces on picking out the inferiority complex, but I generally refer to it as clinical depression and hating everything about myself. This does get me into the gym more often and directly involved me in the underground BDSM scene for a few years.

You wouldn't happen to have any recs, would you? I'm seriously considering deleting this thread. Too much cancer.


I responded to a direct comment. I don't think I'm inflating her importance. Inflating would be more like "She's funny, smart, so supportive and social. She'll make millions, I just know." I'm not doing that. I'm using accurate descriptors without embellishment. I googled her Dad. Her Mom is a teacher. Yes, you're very perceptive, she couldn't possibly be telling the truth about her mother being a teacher and her father on a government salary.

>Fun fact: In my more single days, see response to the previous guy, I cucked quite a few people. The math for it vs. my current relationship doesn't mesh, but I appreciate the 4chan social procedure of insulting just for the reaction.

You neckbeard virgin weeb. What's it like to not be able to see your 3 inch dick over the curve of your pig lard stomach?


Yeah, maybe. She's on it relatively frequently. I've learned a lot of pinyin, but fuck the characters are hard. You have to memorize each one. My gf is less materialistic than the average bear, but I know what you mean. I also understand that not everyone there will be as resilient to the materialist miasma, which is why I'm trying to prepare myself.

>At this point I might just google post-materialism and read whatever shill is the loudest about it.

>> No.10551402

Cao Xueqin- Dream of the red chamber
Lu Xun
Yu Hua- To Live

Have a nice one

>> No.10551424

Chill with your insecurity, you dumb cuck

>> No.10551429
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>Dream of the red chamber- 5 parts, $80 on Amazon

There was a $15 versions as well, can you recommend a translation?

>Lu Xun
>Yu Hua

Added to cart, will buy. Might have to save for the penguin version of Dream of the red chamber. Thank you for the recommendations.

>> No.10551433

I bet she Intuits your inferiority complex and is just manipulating you into coming to China so she can make a depressed little cuck like you miserable and hopefully, one day, kill yourself

>> No.10551438


Also, off chance this guy is still here, volumes 1 and 2?

>> No.10551477 [DELETED] 

r/masculinity in here holy shit

>> No.10551485
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>Not the obviously superior Japan

Oh anon

>> No.10551507


Despite the overwhelming pressure, I choose my girlfriend because I liked her and not because of her ethnicity. To that end, she may as well be Japanese, or Ethiopian. That part doesn't come into it.

>> No.10551523

You’re just an insecure, inferior dweeb who will leech off of her as long as you can until her parents convince to leave the loser

>> No.10551545
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>Minimum of 8 posts over 2 hours, 30 minutes.

Bro, do you need to talk? I mean, you're reeeeaaaally trying, yet my almonds remain unactivated. Idk man, it feels like you need to work on yourself.

What have you been reading? Have you gotten to Dostoyevsky yet?

>> No.10551563

nice blog

>> No.10551788

Maybe /lit/ just doesn't like you
Also >>10551563

>> No.10551941
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Noo, I strongly suspect it's the same person. I was sure all these were. Same with you. So yeah, I'm calling samefag. Screenshot please. The whole "not responding then pretending to be a different person" thing doesn't work for you.

You're now 4 hours deep in the same thread, 9 posts minimum, trying to make someone feel bad.

>What do you have to show for it?

You haven't given a rec, you haven't diagnosed any serious flaws in me or my relationship, besides what you threw against the wall hoping it would stick. I doubt you've learned anything, I certainly haven't from you. In fact, the only reason -I'm- still in this thread is the hope of a book rec.

>Why are you here?
>Why are is your pessimistic future so specific?
>Why engage in the first place?

I think all these questions have a similar answer, one you should sort out for yourself. I mentioned Dostoyevsky earlier, the point was to segue into recommending Notes From the Underground. Take a look.

>> No.10551973

Kill yourself pleb and get better taste

>> No.10552020

But I've never said anything about your gf. You just sound insufferable, but as the other anon pointed out you're probably baiting anyway, I doubt that you are stupid enough to believe that one anon is shitposting and telling you to off yourself from multiple IPs just because.

>> No.10552148
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The other day one anon recommended me
"Ways that are dark: the truth about China", by Ralph Townsend. I didn't finish it yet, but can't put it down either.
The book language is blunt, but he explains his bluntness well in the introduction.
It's from before the Mao Dynasty take over, but he tries to go into the ethos of the Chinese. It gave the impression that Communism might have improved things.
It's like they said were I live "things have to improve much to be considered bad".