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/lit/ - Literature

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10550154 No.10550154 [Reply] [Original]

are you able to name three women that influenced your life more than others?

pic unrelated. i wonder if this will work without explosions of misogyny & pic related-antisemitism.

>> No.10550261

my mom
my sister
a spanish hooker named emma

>> No.10550273

Babushka Rosa
Gertrude Stein
that one weird lady my mom is friends with and she comes over sometimes and I like to watch her interactions with my family as they try to figure out what to make of her clearly autismo husband

>> No.10550284

This is a tough one.

>Fleming Rutledge (though I think of her as misguided now)
>Valerie Solanas (description of men hit a little too close to home for me, even if it isn't true of all men.... put me in a funk for days)
>Ayn Rand (had some friend that was into her back in high school and we ended up having several discussions about morality that Really Made Me Think)

>> No.10550286

I haven't read much Simone Weil but still, something about her has subtly but profoundly found an echo inside me.

>> No.10550298

My Mom
Grandma Veronika
This girl I was friend with in Kindergarten

>> No.10550320

Emma Goldman
Rachel Carson

>> No.10550326

>i wonder if this will work without explosions of misogyny & pic related-antisemitism.
le poisoning le well

>> No.10550334

lit teacher from high school

>> No.10550344

My mother
My grandmothers

>> No.10550351

my mother
my grandmother
mary, mother of god

>> No.10550427

Probably my aunt

>> No.10550433


>> No.10550445
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>My Mom

>> No.10550478

In my personal life certainly, but I think you mean writers. I haven't got three.
The only woman for which I would use the word influence is Theresa of Avila.

>> No.10550517

Sailor Mercury
Virginia Woolf

>> No.10550937
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>my mom

>> No.10551566

My mother, Simon De Beauvoir, Virginia Woolf. If my mother doesn't count, then Tamora Pierce. She was my favourite author as a kid. Her heroines were role models for me.

>> No.10551577


>Sailor Mercury
You wanna be friends, anon

>> No.10551598

lois tyson who basically wrote beginners guide to critical theory

my grandma, just because

i dont know a third. maybe rand just for being an absolute madwoman.

i really havent read much from women. what women show masculine ideals?

>> No.10551904

Nice. For me Eva Brann over Weil, however.

>> No.10551930

my ex, my mom and my ex’s best friend

please fucking cut off two fingers for me precious

>> No.10551987

My mother
My grandmother
My first girlfriend

These three had a tremendous influence on my life, probably more than any writer ever can, male or female.

>> No.10552297

>my mom, by raising me to hate society and be codependent on her borderline self, then break out on my own and embrace freedom in reaction
>my oneitis, who is so much a reflection of me in her own autism that I've learned more than I ever could through therapy just by studying her
>my milf boss b/c she gives me that paper and motivates me to do good by looking damn fine

>> No.10552313


Oscar Wilde
Somerset Maugham
Evelyn Waugh

>> No.10552499

>my mother
>my wife if i ever have one
>my daughters if i have them??

>woman influencing men intellectually
lmao dude

>> No.10552519

She is the Patron Saint of Outsiders after all

>> No.10552553

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "masculine ideals"? Do you just mean women who do not focus primarily on gender related stuff?

>> No.10552559

Do you want only positive influences, or ones that also caused lingering harm and negative influence?

>My ma
>My highschool art teacher
>My counsellor after I got off the psych ward

>Patient in the psych ward, incidentally lesbian feminist, drove a different patient to suicide, thanks for the PTSD
>Patient in the psych ward, the Name-Sharer and the Cruel, the feminist's little lackey
>Psychiatric Occupational Therapist, I don't even know her deal, probably been working with difficult people too long, convinced me I was crazier than I was

>Ma (+)
>Counsellor (+)
>Feminist lesbian who drove someone to suicide in front of the rest of the psych ward (-)

>> No.10552560
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>> No.10552566

Doesn't sound like a bad approach desu

>> No.10552581

Nice to see some love for Weil. I would choose her, St Teresa of Avila, and O'Connor

>> No.10552591

Speaking strictly of prominent artists
>Toni Morrison
>Joanna Newsom
>Hildegaard of Bingem

Shoutouts to my mom, my sister, Lilli, Emma, Saint Theodora, and the lunch lady i see everyday at university

>> No.10552592

>le poisoning le well
Pay no attention to the Jew behind the curtain.

>> No.10552602

This is essentially Carnegie's approach and /lit/ heavily reproaches him for it.

>> No.10552719

What's wrong with the pursuit of understanding for its own sake instead of being driven by ego? Why would you want your path to be so motivated by the (potentially more limited) worldview of a potential audience?

>> No.10552753
File: 177 KB, 691x363, Anscombe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh baby! Just swap Murdoch for Weil.
>five minutes into Mass and chill, when she slides you her treatise On Intention ...

>> No.10552787

Mom, cousin, Riley Reid

>> No.10552832

For writers:

Anais Nin
Alice Munro
Camille Paglia
Ursula Franklin
Leena Krohn
Elizabeth Hand

In life: yes.

>> No.10552840

And of course Ursula K. Le Guin

>> No.10552852
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>when you five minutes into affliction and chill and she gives you her absolute unmixed attention

>> No.10552856

Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz

I failed

>> No.10552861


>> No.10552879

anscombe, woolf, janice raymond

>> No.10552886

>>Patient in the psych ward, incidentally lesbian feminist, drove a different patient to suicide, thanks for the PTSD
>>Patient in the psych ward, the Name-Sharer and the Cruel, the feminist's little lackey
>>Psychiatric Occupational Therapist, I don't even know her deal, probably been working with difficult people too long, convinced me I was crazier than I was
>>Ma (+)
>>Counsellor (+)
>>Feminist lesbian who drove someone to suicide in front of the rest of the psych ward (-)
Uhhh.. story time?

>> No.10552905

>want to impress the results of the life-long work you have done on your heart and mind onto history so that future like-minded people do not have to go through certain useless intellectual and moral struggles you had to undergo in coming to certain conclusions, and instead just get the best parts of it distilled for them and learn from it more quickly
>you want future people to stand on your shoulders, even to surpass you but still at least be helped by your work and influenced by you
>you want ideas you think are good and worthy and valid and helpful for humanity to help future people and current humanity as well as much as possible
>"lol men just want to be influential, how vain of them, i just want to understand things for myself, fuck any sense of community and love for humanity"
so this... this is the power ... of having a cunt...

>> No.10552917

>i just want to understand things for myself, fuck any sense of community and love for humanity

do you know who the person in that picture is you fucking idiot

>> No.10552922

Of course it's natural to hope to contribute to society, I just think this is better accomplished by the pursuit of understanding rather than seeking influence/fame directly

>> No.10552923
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Here's a brand new brainlet meme I just found

>> No.10552939
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Senior English Teacher's wife, she died the last week of my last year of high school and watching someone so unflappable break the way he did after waking up next to her corpse shook me bad.

High School Ex, we still talk about everything and nothing and I love our discussions about trashy literature even if I'm not gonna bone.

No love for Mary Shelly? I mean I get that a lot of her involvement in her own work is debated but still surprised not to see her up here once.