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/lit/ - Literature

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10545768 No.10545768 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so someone recommended that I read Less Than Zero after having read American Psycho and I really loved it. Any other Ellis recommendations if I enjoyed these two?

>> No.10545778

Why don't you go ask reddit if you want to know about reddit books

>> No.10545788

Why bother replying? Wow you're so much better than everyone because you read "literature", go fuck yourself, virgin.

>> No.10545798

Read the name of the board dingus. If you don't like standards just go ask a cashier at Barnes and Nobles

>> No.10545822

What separates literature from books like this, and why do Sci fi and fantasy generals get like the most reply's on this board? People like to discuss both, if you have a problem with that then either don't reply, or seriously reevaluate why it bothers you so much that not everyone is going to discuss things that you like. God forbid something not what the board is called is discussed on 4chan. Seriously, I don't know what it is with /lit/ but this board is the worst for it. So pretentious.

>> No.10545832

Rules of Attraction was decent. Worse than those two but I'm glad I read it.

>> No.10545834

>The fontsize of title and author

Really screams one hit wonder: the writer

>> No.10545837

I've kinda wanted to avoid Imperial Bedrooms out of fear that it'll spoil Less Than Zero for me, but yeah I was thinking of either that one or Glamourama.

>> No.10545838

Try fight club by Chuck Palahunik

>> No.10545840

Yeah it is pretty obnoxious. The worst is when the cover of a book is just a picture of the author lmfao.

>> No.10545843

>What separates literature from books like this


>> No.10545850
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>Try fight club by Chuck Palahunik

Oh like the mobie

>> No.10545853

Have you read this book? Pretty big sweeping accusation but wow, that still doesn't even answer the question. You're supporting one thing over the other despite not even knowing the difference between the two. Kek, typical /lit/ poster. Go tip your fedora in some other thread you edgy numale

>> No.10545859

Reading "Imperial Bedrooms" right now, the sequence of "Less", and just loving it.

>> No.10545866

Not wrong though

>> No.10545878

Less Than Zero presents peak degeneracy. Good book.

>> No.10545888

The minimalist way its presented is really sweet too. Makes for a light and satisfying read.

>> No.10545963

yeah i got really embarassed when that DFW bio came out a couple years ago and i had to hand that to a cashier

>> No.10546021
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Lunar Park was pretty fun

>> No.10546511

I have heard Lunar Park is good, and Glammorama is like AP in the fashion industry?

>> No.10546703

Lunar Park, Glamorama and, of course, American Psycho are three objectively great novels. Less Than Zero is fine, The Informers is alright. Rules of Attraction and especially Imperial Bedrooms you should skip unless you're a fan of his.

>> No.10546817


BEE is a hack

>> No.10546901

It's not Ellis but if you liked Less Than Zero try Twelve by Nick McDonell.

>> No.10546907

Oh and come to think of it, The Fourth Angel by John Rechy too.

>> No.10547477
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>> No.10547489

U mad nerd?