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/lit/ - Literature

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10545468 No.10545468 [Reply] [Original]

>In this will to supreme combination, he resembles Thomas Pynchon (with Joyce the blessed progenitor), or David Foster Wallace.



>> No.10545488

I apologise for making fun of an author with Asperger's

>> No.10545495

my first thought is his lips around my hard dick and im not even gay

>> No.10545498

you're forgiven

>> No.10545558

The rest of the article is fairly critical of the book.

>> No.10545575


>> No.10545603

>a jew writes about jew shit
How original.

>> No.10545677

Man is a legend. I never thought anyone would be able to deal with the contemporary in a profound and meaningful way, turning the seemingly banal into such vivacious elan. I think that we may finally be able to live with this world.

>> No.10545695

I lost all respect for this dude as soon as I learned HE'S FUCKING 37 YEARS OLD
His stupid goofiness and pretension was endearing when I thought he was only like 24, you have no excuse to be such a hack at his age

>> No.10545706

Are you fucking serious lmao. I thought he was like 27

>> No.10546135

>/lit/ memed a literally who into relevancy

Why can't you use your powers for good?

>> No.10546149

stop shilling, kike
"should have been six million and one"

>> No.10546150

This article is six months old, it has nothing to do with us

>> No.10546163

>I can't use words very well so here are some guys whose work superficially and vaguely resemble this other guy

>> No.10546170

i know nothing about this guy and i'm willing to bet 20 bucks that he manipulates women

>> No.10546203

>women love being manipulated
>upset when they get what they want

>> No.10546211

>turning the seemingly banal into such vivacious elan
Wow you truly copied all the dull critics who can’t say anything interesting so they mask their idiocy in apple’s-quick-access-to-thesaurus language

>> No.10546218

i'm also willing to double down that you've spoken to <5 women in your life and two of them are mom and nana

>> No.10546263

Tits, cunt.

>> No.10546273

What, you don't like the destruction of language? Come on, bro, it's like the anti-novel, or the novel outside the novel, and stuff.

>> No.10546274

lmao shut the fuck up roastie

>> No.10546280

rope yourself

>> No.10546282

i'll post my adams apple if it'll make you feel better

>> No.10546286

t. Soyus Boyus

>> No.10546295

>men rape
>doubly so in retrospect
>also, male book reviews are rape
>“There was definitely this pretense of ‘I heard you’re a great writer, I want to talk to you about your work,” she recalled.
>“And then at the end of the night it’s, ‘you’re beautiful, can I walk you home?’ Trying to kiss me. It’s a straight line from your work’s great, let’s sleep together.”
>daily reminder that women in the arts was a mistake

>> No.10546306

>private christian university
>degree mill
everyone involved is trash and i'm not surprised that the proles are proling it up

>> No.10546321

Why the fuck would a great writer talk to a random dumb ass woman about her work if not for her cunt? And lets not pretend like women dont know it either. They want to be worshipped and get perks for having a pussy but get their panties in a bunch when man concretely acts on what they know they're vaguely suggesting. If they want to talk with great artists about their work by their own merit maybe they ahould try to differentiate themselves from the bunch by producing something intellectually stimulating or of artistic worth, you know like men do, before feeling entitled to someones time

>> No.10546324
File: 313 KB, 539x435, disgusted_dave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know an author is trash when they have to compare them to other, better authors.

>> No.10546329

>Jew mag pushes Jew writer

>> No.10546352

lol, you read that shit ass-backward. the man isn't a "great writer." he told her that she was a great writer in order to butter her up. are you illiterate?

>> No.10547467

>Cohenposter writes for The New Yorker now

He's come so far.

>> No.10547484
File: 150 KB, 1920x1440, y9vlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10547501

jj, dfw and pynch have been the /lit/three for many many years newfriend

>> No.10547672

what happened that everything is shitty now?

>> No.10547784

i don't normally go in for this attitude but the article reeks of it

>> No.10547792

Joshua Cohen has been a big deal for a long time, as far as youngish novelist go.

>> No.10547915

i have been going a little bit crazy recently and books haven't been helping. There's a lot of white noise being played inside my head and just today i witnessed myself mumbling to myself kind of silently talking to myself while others were close. There is a certain madness enticed in my being and it's breaking free i believe. It is very strange that i am nearing collapse because it was not to be expected. I am a working man, i am a regular person and i can be relied upon, and to add to that i can dress in an appetizing and appropriate way. as such i am the definition of pleasant normality or atleast i used to be but something has become unhinged recently. I can notice it even in my writing that something has gotten loose. Even when trying to write something formal a certain edge of organic energy flows into it as if the formal restraints were not able to supress the energy which was rummaging behind the curtains. i need to edit texts several times when before it didn't take me a lot of time. That makes me feel a little bit frightened especially because i still haven't found a female mate with whom i can build a constructive and secure and loving future, whom i can stick my penis into as to impegrante her but also as to not impregnate her but just feel a lot of pleasure and feel satisfied but i have not fund such a person so the prospect of something breaking loose inside my head feels somewhat catastrophic. One of the issues which i have identified, it may certainly be closely related to what is happening, is that i can not properly confront these feelings, which is one of the reasons i am writing this text. I can not confront anything that is occuring in my life right now because truth be told, and i know the truth i can merely not confront it, is that i am scared fucking shitless. Yet there is no proper reason for me to be scared so much, is there? So what does any of it mean and can it truly be solved merely by adjusting my habits and repairing my outlook on life? I feel powerless and sick and truth be told once more all of this was there before something went unhinged but now i witness myself talking to myself in the presence of others and becoming more outlandish while at the same time more extroverted and expressive in my thoughts and feelings. Which is matter of factly a problem of grand scale, for my thoughts always used to be on the rather dark and negative side. Now i am presenting them openly and i am sure that thi- no i matter of factly and truthfully now that i have become an exhausting presence for my working partners who because the transitions was so subtle have not truly grasped that something inside me broke but rather just observe the changes with a bit of amusement and estrangement and sometimes with feelings of exhaustion and unexpected comradery when i can witness them pretending to not witness anything when i start talking to myself. One thing which i find important to note is that one really doesn't notice when one talks

>> No.10549806

I refuse to believe this