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File: 270 KB, 750x907, Walter_Benjamin_vers_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10544025 No.10544025 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the aestheticization of politics bad?

>> No.10544034

because the jewish aesthetic can't compete with anything on that merit alone.

>> No.10544037


>> No.10544063

It's not.

>> No.10544066

>muh Hugo boss
>muh roman statues
>muh wheat fields and agitprop


>> No.10544085

You realize agitprop was originally a communist invention and that the word itself is derived from Russian?

>> No.10544101

as if the techniques were any different than what the nazis did you dumb sperg

>> No.10544117

They were, hence why fascism is referred to as the aestheticization of politics while communism is referred to as the politicization of art...

>> No.10544139

k dude

>> No.10544141

It’s funny though Benjamin was/is absolutely useless to commies, that’s why only lit crits take him seriously

>> No.10544157

You should read actual books before you make argumentative posts on a literature board about topics you don't understand.

>Benjamin was/is absolutely useless to commies
Why is that? I was under the impression that his ideas influenced a lot of later thinkers like Debord and Baudrillard, although I guess they're not necessarily that useful to leftists either.

>> No.10544173

ex-marixst here, reading Baudrillard was a major step in my disillusionment, dude is on point and unlike the majority of French commies he was of actually proletarian origin, gave him a pretty unique perspective

>> No.10544187

Anyone who embraces his ego is by necessity a fascist. Walter Benjamin clearly didn't have much of one... The Fascist state is founded purely on aesthetics and thus purely on human interaction with reality, for aesthetics operates purely on an experiential plane, entirely on the level of epistemology - it is through perceiving the reality that we can impact it. It is therefore through the State that man can impose himself upon the world.

>> No.10544214

So if anything, this whole strain of thought served to push you away from Marxism? I've never really been a Marxist but I can definitely understand getting a disillusioning feeling from contemporary Marxist thought and its inability to really come up with structured ideas of how to actualize and achieve their political goals.

>> No.10544241

What, if anything, have you read to come to this conclusion? I'm interested in thinkers who address people like Benjamin within the whole 'post-modern' Frankfurt School from the right.

>> No.10544434

I'm trying to say Baudrillard helped me see the hollowness of the Marxist project, guy is definitely not a Marxist