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/lit/ - Literature

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10542699 No.10542699 [Reply] [Original]

>he prefers novels over short stories
>doesn't read essays
>doesn't try his hand at writing
>discredits the study of literature

>> No.10542702

>doesn't read poetry
that's the biggest one

>> No.10542776

this, and
>doesn't read plays
>disregards Modernist works

>> No.10542809
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>reading plays

>> No.10542911
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>Shakespeare is meant to be acted, not read

>> No.10542948

Why would anyone (on this website) try their hand at writing when they know it will be worthless by any measure and that no amount of practice will improve it to an acceptable level. One should only seriously pursue a discipline if they can contribute to it. Otherwise they are only merely adding to the creation of stupidity.

>> No.10542958

>doesn't like wolf blitzer
>visits /lit/

>> No.10542993

>he prefers novels over short stories
short stories are unfocused and indicate the author wasn't confident in his premise or was incredibly lazy
I read what's worth reading, especially from the higher tier authors. I'm not going to read most authors, including the ones people exalt on here, works that aren't their actual body of literature they produced
>doesn't write
I do
>discredits literature
its a pathetic waste of time, I engage because its enjoyable to me on the same level as movies or music. I would never congratulate someone for studying movies or music, even music or film theory.

You people are so narcissistic and pathetic, you can't even fathom how ignorant most of your opinions are. Least of all could you understand that while of course literature is important, worthy or engaging with its just really unimportant to humanity relative to even just philosophy or engineering, two autistic pseud fields.
>angry pseud doesn't realize there are published and even genius writers who periodically sperg on this board

>> No.10543080

the only thing you wrote that was true is that i'm a genius writer

>> No.10543267

yeah, but have you ever been to a good Shakespeare adaptation? it´s pretty damn impossible nowadays, all you find it`s fucking postmodern adaptations, last year saw one of Hamlet with a fucking puppet and only one actor, come the fuck one i`d rater read the fucking book that try to separate the fucking postmo garbage.

>> No.10543444

>reads Vonnegut

>> No.10543447

>Instead of reading, makes posts like these

>> No.10543501

>I read what's worth reading, especially from the higher tier authors

i think most would agree that if you're just reading stuff based off of other's recommendations instead of dredging through the shit yourself to find what you consider to be good, then you're a pleb

>> No.10543538

What's the point of dragging the narrative on and on to get when an author can instead be concise and write a short story to get a point across? You saying that short story writers are lazy is an incredibly stupid and ignorant assessment.

>> No.10544761
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you roasties...,muhehe i am out

>> No.10544774


>> No.10544887

>reading crime fiction
>reading genre fiction
>not judging a book by the cover
>reading for plot

>> No.10544891

Poetry is for nerds though.

>> No.10544926

>sings of a brainlet pleb

>First word is a typo
>he prefers complaining about imaginary people online over reading short stories
>Refers to people as "brainlet" and "pleb"
>Has the opportunity to make an intellectually worthwhile thread on any literature related topic and blows his chance by complaining about 'brainlets'.

>> No.10544941

I sing of arms and the pleb, who exiled by admins

>> No.10544953

>caring about typos
go back to plebbit, le quirky grammar nazi

>> No.10544961

18th post best post.

>> No.10544982

>Still calling the evil website where our sinister enemies live, 'plebbit'
Grow up.

>> No.10544988

I fucking hate poetry so much. The one poem I've ever liked is Blake's Tyger. This is how I know I'll never make it.

>> No.10545633


Tell me what prose you like and I bet I can find some good poetry you will like.

>> No.10546560

>judges other people's tastes
>not in the brainlet pleb category.
You what?