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10541666 No.10541666 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of philosophy?

>> No.10541678

What was the point of this thread?

>> No.10541679

To ask the questions that need to be asked even if the answer is not knowable in the foreseeable future.

>> No.10541687

And why is that necessary?
To get sick devlilish trips.

>> No.10541728
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Giving yourself a reason to drive fast cars.

>> No.10541730

Well think of all of human consciousness ever recorded like it is one person's brain. If you or I have a question about something we may not be able to answer it in that very moment. Suppose we are unable to access Google because our phone is without service. We are able to hold that question in our consciousness until our phone is working again and then we can find our answer. On a much grander scale philosophy and historical record keeping is similar. The most popular example of this is the pre-socratic philosopher Democritus positing his philosophy of atoms thousands of years before science could test or verify anything about the philosophy that the whole universe is made up of small building blocks unseeable to the naked eye. If he hadn't asked the question and put forth the notion who knows if future humans would've picked up that line of questioning once other scientific advancements made it possible to test?

>> No.10541735
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>What is the point of philosophy?

>> No.10541749

>If he hadn't asked the question and put forth the notion who knows if future humans would've picked up that line of questioning once other scientific advancements made it possible to test?
What the fuck does it even mean? Atoms wouldn't be discovered if Democritus didn't suppose them?

>> No.10541756

To woo women

>> No.10541799

to confuse ourselves for pleasure much like booze makes us sick, and nice trips OP

>> No.10541828

No, not necessarily. Serendipity has lead to more than one scientific discovery. The point is that the contemplating of questions often leads to good things. Today, for example, logicians who have contemplated questions about fuzzy logic and the algorithm of human thought are making contributions to the field of a.i. and computer sciences. At the most cutting edge level many disciplines are interconnected.

>> No.10541849

to satiate the human lust for knowledge and understanding, to look for meaning where there is none(?)

hail satan

>> No.10542094

Preparation for death.

t. Socrates

>> No.10542175

to really make you think

>> No.10543318

To clarify questions so that natural sciences may answer them.

All 'unknowable' answers, as it were, are nothing but mystical gobbledy-gook and questions pertaining to said answers shall be passed over in silence.