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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 740 KB, 750x750, ZZpKATE (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10540858 No.10540858 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ newfag trying to get into literature overall. how do i read philosophy without being a pretentious cunt?

and yes, i am reading The Ego And Its Own

>> No.10540867

>goes to safe spaces to hit on women
It's easy OP, just don't be a cunt

>> No.10540868

That image is extremely cancerous but couldn't help but laugh at >>10540867

>> No.10540871

i just noticed that i am wearing the exact same shirt from the guy in the pic right now. whats wrong with the shirt?

>> No.10540881

This image is mostly accurate for LA types (UCLA/USC students, vinyl club niggers, art ho baristas etc) but adding the Smell into this is a huge giveaway that whoever made the image is retarded or NEET. The Smell is a safe space exclusively for straight edge soys/Mac + PBR fans while RA types tend to do as much drugs as possible and are slightly more cultured on music and lit.

>> No.10540893
File: 567 KB, 900x900, 1513536616884-v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should care about dumb college-liberal shit
>but not just to get laid

>> No.10540910

>how do i read philosophy without being a pretentious cunt?
you don't

>> No.10540929

Nothing is really wrong with it. It is just a calling card popular with a certain kind of guy.

>> No.10540932
File: 45 KB, 400x401, the looming shadow of death approaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being pretentious
>being a shamelet
lmao at the absolute state of 4chan untermenschen

>> No.10540951 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 720x1048, FB_IMG_1516035620563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start in this order from top to bottom, secondary sources are your problem:

>> No.10540965

oh shit my mom is a philosophy breaux???

>> No.10540969

>safe spaces

>> No.10541045

What are you even saying?
I'm a musician and have played various venues regardless of politics, including universities.

>> No.10541094

you are a pretentious cunt until you can find ways to realistically apply what you've learned (without being a pretentious cunt about it)

>> No.10541116

You missed the other markers.

>> No.10541166

What do the tumblrinas who made this abomination have against Proust? I’ve noticed Proust is getting a lot of hate from SJWs lately

>> No.10541203

>Why do leftists hate real life Buster Bluth
gee I wonder

>> No.10541211

Don’t say that about my qt Proust husbando ever again or I’ll cut you

>> No.10541255

They have literally nothing in common, Proust was a dandy
If anything, Proust was in real life Pepe le Pew

>> No.10541271


>> No.10541274


>> No.10541277

What is a breaux ?

>> No.10541280

>Buster Bluth

>> No.10541290

I just finished binge watching the entirety of arrested development this past month so its literally the only material that exists in my head with which I can draw an analogy from, I do it like its my...job... and if you dont think im good at it, I guess theres always money in the pynchon stand

>> No.10541293

it's funny that the only connection you can make is the love for his mother, and I guess the fact that that's the very first thing that happens in ISOLT goes to show that only the type of reader who can barely get through the first chapter would make a comparison like that.

>> No.10541311

bro with pretentious faux-french spelling

>> No.10541317


>> No.10541321

God that anime girl is so cute. I want to pet her and hug her.

>> No.10541336

I have a philosophy teacher who has this haircut.

>> No.10541343

that chart seems vaguely anti-semitic

>> No.10541351

How? Yhe breaux literally reminds me of my Jewish friend to a T: oxford shirt, new balance, glasses, studies philosophy loves debating and hits on every girl

>> No.10541352

It's pretty easy. Don't discuss philosophy or anything, for lack of a better word, 'deep' with people who's not interested. And if they are interested, listen and let it be a back and forth. Don't spew your 'knowledge' at them because you want everyone to know how smart you are.

>> No.10541355

I feel like the people in the OP definitely exist, I've just never met them. Also some parts of it somehow don't fit.

>> No.10541357

Then let's remove any doubt: gas the kikes

>> No.10541367

HOw many more boxes does she check retard?

>> No.10541369

>starts with stirner
>not bait
not so fast nigger

>> No.10541370

Exactly that, it seems to be naming every jewish guy I've ever known without calling them jews.

>> No.10541384

Read Being and Nothingness, and then that doorstop dialectical book by Slavoj Zizek. _READ THEM._

>> No.10541395

Catch up on the intellectual history of the world through secondary material. Then dive into the actual writings of the philosophers.

>> No.10541445

The Ego And Its Own is pretty interesting, and, surprisingly, not that difficult for a person who picked up an actual philosophy book for the first time. I'm having fun reading it, albeit with the help of google (i didnt know who feuerbach was, yikes).

>> No.10541482

history of wester phil by kenny as a reference if you come across a name or concept that you haven't encountered in primary or secondary material. I disagree with the anon that recommended that you start with secondary material because you'll get analysis and interpretation spoon fed. Just start with Plato after a week on the pre-socratics.

>> No.10541487

I’d like to see an info graph of the college guy who actually cares about philosophy and is knowledgeable in it and is a social loser but has been his entire life and can not be phased by it at this point

>long, straight, sometimes greasy hair
>shitty stubble beard
>regular sized thing metal framed glasses he’s had since 8th grade
>neutral colored plaid shirt, cheap fake leather jacket
>boot cut jeans
>snow boots
>yellow teeth
>carries around fantasy/sci-if novels not to show off but because he actually reads them recreationally
>has never smoked, only drank that one time with his one friend back home who works at Walmart now
>is in a long term relationship with his fat gf from high school and he plans on marrying her
>only talks about philosophy while in classroom when he’s having a disagreement with the professors interpretation of the work and gets into a heated argument
>potential school shooter
>had perfect grades in high school and near perfect SAT score but the teachers still didn’t like home because he was that much of a loser
>probably plays MTG with a small group on campus 2-3 times a week

>> No.10541502

I hate how much some of these align with me.

>> No.10541891

Both my favourite and least favourite meme genre is art hoes who think they're virginia wolfe getting mad at male archetypes they made up

>> No.10541976

Phew, none of these apply to me except boot cut jeans, which look good imho familium.

>> No.10541986

Say it with me now


>> No.10542067

Because sjws have always hated the gays. It's part of their slave morality. They'll try to claim that they only hate white male gays but sjw mythology is inherently anti-gay. Male homosexuality is everything they hate (assertion of maleness & masculinity, male independence from women in general, male "arrogance" i.e. any degree of self-confidence). You can see all of this clearly when they criticize the greeks; it appears to be in assertion of some historicist relativism but it's pretty clear that what they don't like is the fact that the greeks were creative, powerful, male and gay. Proust just wanted three of those things, and for that he must be exiled

>> No.10542108


>> No.10542112

Interesting theory

>> No.10542116


>> No.10542124

I think it's the fact that the top button is buttoned

>> No.10542125


>> No.10542127


>> No.10542131
File: 171 KB, 720x960, bugschina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumerians didn't know shit.

Start with the Greeks, who inherited a lot of their advanced knowledge from the Egyptians ACTUALLY.

>> No.10542194


>> No.10542306

>The women must be behind this
This archetype is based in reality.

>> No.10542370


I was curious what books were on that 'ten books that will make you look smart in public' list. Here they are:

>Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
>The Stranger - Albert Camus
>Swann's Way - Marcel Proust
>East of Eden - John Steinbeck
>Ulysses - James Joyce
>The Trial - Franz Kafka
>Paradise Lost - John Milton
>Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
>The Wasteland- T.S. Eliot
>Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera

what does /lit/ think?

>> No.10542378

>Atlas shrugged
The absolute state of the USA

>> No.10542381

Archetypes are never based in reality, they are aesthetic and rhetorical in nature

>> No.10542385

The average normie has no idea what Atlas Shrugged is, but they've probably heard the title and know it's "important."

Good pseud list.

>> No.10542411

What did that chair ever do to anyone?

>> No.10542443
File: 41 KB, 400x416, 1500169501959[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw as a poop (person of optimal privilege) I will NEVER understand a subject as difficult, intricate, high IQ and arcane as racism at the same level of a person of pigment

I read EVERYTHING Ta-Nehisi Coates publishes!

I know who Thomas Sankara is!

I listened to that Black Sheep album and pretended to like it!


I even WALK CLOSER TO THEM so they know I don't think they're going to rob me!

>> No.10542448

t. Wounded philosophy breaux

>> No.10542460

>Crime and Punishment
Everything else thankfully doesn’t apply to me.

>> No.10542468

You need to listen to Dead Prez, anon, Let's Get Free. And any time they tell you to light one up, you've got to fucking do it.

>> No.10542474

i do that all the time, but there's a lot wrong with me

>> No.10542481

It's true lad. Archetypes may bear some occasional resemblance to reality but that is of no interest to anyone except Jungians

>> No.10542578
File: 96 KB, 500x378, 2311144769_f943a8bf07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl and I disagree that white men can never have a valid opinion about racism/sexism/etc.. I can think of a million girls with retarded opinions about sexism that I wouldn't want anyone to take seriously. You may have a hard time reaching the level of understanding of an intelligent/insightful member of a given group but surpassing the understanding of an average person probably isn't that difficult if you have a reasonable amount of empathy.

Pic related is from the movie Coonskin, which was made by a white guy: https://youtu.be/YQicmcbJYB0

>> No.10542626


>> No.10542646


>I listened to that Black Sheep album and pretended to like it!
whaa? the second one was mostly filler but the first one was not only self-evidently likable but also mostly humorous. They explicitly lampoon political correctness. the only track with a "message" is Black with N.V. It would've made more sense if you'd said PE or X-Clan, or later the Dead Prez record.

>> No.10542683

I throw a Molotov cocktail at the precinct, you know how we think,
Organise the hood under I Ching banners,
Red black and green instead of gang bandanas.
FBI spying on us through the radio antennas
And them hidden cameras in the streetlight watching society
With no respect for the people's right to privacy.
I'll take a slug for the cause like Huey P
While all you fake niggas try to copy Master P
I want to be free to live, able to have what I need to live
Bring the power back to the street, where the people live
We sick of working for crumbs and filling up the prisons,
Dying over money and relying on religion for help
We do for self like ants in a colony
Organise the wealth into a socialist economy
A way of life based off the common need
And all my comrades is ready, we just spreading the seed.

The average black male
Live a third of his life in a jail cell.
Cause the world is controlled by the white male.
And the people don't ever get justice.
And the women don't ever get respected.
And the problems don't ever get solved.
And the jobs don't ever pay enough,
So the rent always be late, can you relate?
We living in a police state.

>> No.10542695


>> No.10542700

Begone, THOTH

>> No.10542768

That movie was a wild ride

>> No.10542787

Congrats you’ve outed yourself as a pseud

>> No.10542837

heh, poor sjws don't understand my manlyness *proceeds to drink 10 shots of manjuice*

>> No.10542860
File: 1.67 MB, 1440x1262, loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to break it to you its too late for that

>> No.10542866

Some of those books are cool and all, but overall, there are better books.
Fucking tell people to read Aristotle ffs

>> No.10542876

But Marvel movies ARE all the same.

>> No.10542891

can you please keep this college kid drivel out of here, makes me want to genocide some people

>> No.10543027

I am phil undergrad; I have those exact glasses. Who the fuck brings a book to a party?

>> No.10543038
File: 544 KB, 735x541, lbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> what they don't like is the fact that the greeks were creative, powerful, male and gay.
wew lad

>> No.10543046

How can someone look at these kinds of images and not see that archetypes are purely aesthetic and rhetorical objects, to be understood in the context of the subject who identifies with or against them? Both are essentially a list of features that some person has an averse reaction to, tied together into a knot of a single supposed individual. Part of how said archetypes survive as mythos relates to the fact that any kind of critique will result in responses akin to "you must have been hurt by it" or "you just don't get it"; these are different forms of cultural defense mechanisms, ways to draw a distinction between "inside" and "outside".

>> No.10543071

Leftoids have rejected philosophy for the cult of the victim. Those poor shrieking queers blue haired women and whiny brown bitches deserve unconditional respect you should spend the rest of you life groveling before the victim classes and their sniveling. Cause that's all they do, these freaks legit relish victimhood, even though they are upper middle class who have been coddled all their life and showered with affirmative action.

>> No.10543076

Never bring it up. If you get asked talk as little about it as possible.

>> No.10543148

it's not about 'empathy' these people are hardcore anti intellectuals who want everyone to bow down before the borrowed authenticity of the victim which they use to legitimise their banal tastes and opinions. college white girls have nothiNg going on in their brains except sassy POC gifs.

>> No.10544055

Post feet then.

>> No.10544598

the object of these images is that they REVEAL that some collection of experiences can be seen as an archetype. the joke/statement they bring to the table is the revelation that some collection of experiences is its own archetype.

people will think things like
> "wow i know someone just like that!"
> "wow that is the opposite of me!"
> "wow that's just like me!! im not alone!"

maybe i am missing what you are trying to get at

>> No.10544629 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 1024x683, 1516092275191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10544640

t. fraud

>> No.10544659

sleeves are too loose and it's not tucked in and looks like trash (eye em oh)

>> No.10544677

come on dude. "college libruls" is a spook. it's so easy to hate the young for being young. there is not a person on earth who has fully ejected from the runaway vehicle of their wrong-ass adolescent ideas. i guess what i'm saying is, don't judge people for the brand of thought they are bred into.

>> No.10544683

did someone from coolhole make this

>> No.10544686

wtf is wrong with resident advisor

>> No.10544690

A French spelling of ‘Bruce’, it’s a homage to Finding Nemo.

>> No.10544696
File: 10 KB, 270x194, scared-stock-photograph_csp2540619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.10544700


>> No.10544703

>Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
please don't shit on this

>> No.10544940


Too bad you're reading the old and shit translation

>> No.10544959

What's wrong with wearing spectacles? :/